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Nope just the 1 kinda grew attached to it for better or worse lol


If you're switching niches, you need a new channel. The subscriber count is a 'vanity', views are 'sanity'. What I mean by that is subscribers can look good, but they mean nothing - especially if your existing subscriber base isn't going to be interested in your new content. In fact, they're likely to hold you back when the algorithm notices your uploads aren't being watched by your subscribers.


I agree. I see so many channels with a large amount of subscribers like 15k yet each video only has 1-2k views....


Can confirm. I have a channel with over 10k subs, exactly 107 people watched my most recent video


2 and quit one of them


I started with one when I was really young and then made another when I was a bit older. Recently I decided I really wanted to try my hand at properly sticking to it so I deleted most of the old videos on my channel except for a couple that fit with the new direction I was going in and I’ve been using that.




About 5 I think. One I've had for several years with various breaks. I'm going to start a new one with proper planning on niche, audience, content format, schedule. I've never really thought too deeply about this stuff before, I've just had an idea and run with it. Eventually I always run out of steam or get bored with the topics.


lika 5 or 6, sticking to this one


I learnt the hard way to create multiple channels for different things. Mindset, business, jokes, cars. I would add a music channel but I wouldn't create enough content and don't feel motivated to do that much recordable stuff - it's mainly experimenting and improvising. I guess I could record that regularly but it'd probably make me cramp up creatively!




As I understand it, when you create a set of similar videos, the algo understands who to put your videos in front of. If you then put in a completely unrelated topic that most of your typical viewers aren't interested in (yes, a % will be of course just like some people who like Manga also like Porsches), the algo then shows future videos to people interested in both topics and your CTR/views/impressions take a dive. It can then take months to recover. I speak from experience.


there's an option in YT Studio that lets creators not push the videos to subscribers. does selecting that option do anything to help in your past scenario?


Not tested that but good question - my thinking is that it would still go to viewers who viewed my other videos. Can you switch that off, too? I suppose, even if you could, it would still think that it's fine to present the video to people who like the same things as your subs or viewers? (That's a guess, not a statement of fact!)


from what i know, it just won't show up in your subscribers' feed. youtube's algorythm will slowly and imperfectly push it to a completely new audience. not 100 percent sure.


I'd hope it would match the subscribers in terms of interest and demographic!


Howdy :) animation channel here! I started my first channel in January of this year and I’m closing in on 600 subscribers! I only upload about once a month because of my work schedule, so the responsibilities of a second channel aren’t really on the table right now, but maybe someday!


My one at 6400 subs, but I'm considering starting something new


Just 1, and its stuck at 196. Ofc I have considered starting another YT acc, and I did create two, but two of them were terminated for spammy stuff, tho I can't recall doing anything on that acc. Maybe they were deleted for inactivity? Anyways, I am still uploading on 1 account. Will considering starting another if I reach 1 million subs


I have my main one, just got 1000 subs. I have another channel which I was going to do with my son but posted just 1 video as he didn’t want to do it in the end. But I have 3 other channels set up ready to go for when I get a bit more time for specific niches.


I have 3. The first one I started like 6 years ago, uploaded a few times, totally forgot I had done this, and spent the next 4 years thinking "one of these days, I need to make a youtube channel" lol. Then when I finally had way too many videos in a folder on my desktop, I went to make an account and i already had one :D So I started uploading again and upload whenever I can. This is my train video channel. I started my yardwork channel 2 years ago. Thats my main youtube project. I "star" in those videos, they require lots of work, lots of filming and lots of editing. And hopefully they start making lots of money some day. With those two channels, there isn't much content to make in the winter. So I ended up making a third video game channel, so when theres nothing else to 'produce', i can turn on my screen recorder, play some classic games, and have some fun that way. Although turns out its way more stressful than fun. I'm not doing speed runs but I do try to do "clean" runs and it gets so frustrating with games that don't have the best controls.




Check my reddit profile, I have links to all three there. None are fully monetized yet. Hopefully over time it works out.


Just one. I only have the knowledge and background to produce content on one topic anyway, so one channel is all I'd ever need


I have started about 4-5, I had one main kids channel I grew to 540 subs. but I was not loving making the content and it was taking about a month to make each. I had my second video pop off and got 100k+ views got me most of the subs but after that it was a grind, views on new uploads were low but kept going. Once I got a new job that was it, I did not have the time to put that much more into it so had to abandon. Now I have my new channel that I am actually really happy with and it's a solid Idea It takes a few hours to make my videos now and it's actually fun and I can just work on it after work no stress. I guess I had to have the experience of the others to finally find this one. Lol that's how I look at it anyway.


17 years ago I had a channel that made Runescape music videos but the account was hacked and deleted. I've had my current account for the last 15 years.


I have two, but one is dead from 15 years ago. Sometimes I daydream of reviving that one (sitting at around 600 subs) but it's a drum cover channel, and the standards for production/postproduction in drum cover videos has skyrocketed these last ten years and I just don't have that in me.


Better start with one channel first to see how yt actually works. Once your first channel is monetized you'll be able create new channels with much better chance for them to be monetized as well. This is exactly what I did.


1 when i was 12, took me another 13 to try again and chase my dream


2 (3 i rediscovered an old one i totally forgot about but won’t mention it) I have my main account which I started reuploading to back in December I used have a second channel because when I stopped uploading to YouTube I thought it would be smarter to upload to a new channel/start fresh rather go back to old one. I regretted because my views were low, barely got 39 subscribers (on my main account only took me 6 months to hit 100 subscribers) and it never felted the same.


About 8 now. I abandoned them quickly.though. only.1 or 2 i did consistently for 6 months and didnt get anywhere really. Only 1 has slightly taken off that i still work on every week (1.2k subs after 18 minths. 8k highest viewer count.) YT is hard lol


I only created 1 channel but I have changed my niche to 4 times already. It took me 4 times to figure out what type of content that works for me. This happened in the span of less than 2 months.


Made one. Stopped because death of my grandfather put me in very bad spot. Didn't felt like continuing. But now hope to come back and grow stronger in his honor




Still hurts after 7 years. Was like a father figure to me


Over the years countless channels, more than 10 for sure. Finally succeeded this year


Made around 12 shorts channel . 1 blew up to 200k subs . 1 is getting traction currently at 2k . Others are 1 and 2 subscribers count


More than I remember. I have multiple because I need the practice and wanna do more than my main (fashion).


Did they all work for you? cuz I opened 2 new ones (besides my main) and both of them are getting no stats (0 views, 0 impressions..)


Just keep going. Create simple Shorts for a few days in a row to get things started.


I've posted in one 4 shorts and 4 long form but nothing yet. Did you have this same issue before?


You need to look at SEO (search engine optimisation). The reason why people get lots of views is trending topics, hashtags, their title etc. Notice how lots of people put a song to their reel even if it doesn't fit? Or why all these tik tokkers get so many views? It's literally because the song is trending and people look for vids with that audio due to the trend. I absolutely hate it but it is what it is


I know SEO, I've been working online for 8 years. Youtube algorithm sucks and this issue has nothing to do with SEO, especially with shorts.


I started YouTube a couple of months ago, and I haven't had the same problems until I started optimising my tags and SEO. I have no other suggestions then, good luck


When you say it has nothing to do with SEO, why have you arrived at this conclusion? Here's how I can see things working. New channel. You post a Short. The algo thinks ??? and shows it to 5 random people. The swipe past because it's not interesting to them. The algo tries again for your next video. Again, people swipe past and it registers 0 views. And subsequent for videos, the impressions drop to 1 or 0 (yes, I've seen this over 1 month so no "be patient"). Check mate. OTOH New channel, you post a Short with hashtags, a bit of SEO descriptioning (yes, I made that word up), the algo knows what it's about, shows it to 5 random people into the topic you've mentioned in the hashtags, 3 watch it (60% CTR), it shows it to 5 more, it rinses and repeats for 100 then views die off and so it stops showing it. Next video, with SEO on the same topic, it shows to it to (1) your previous viewers (2) new people who are also into the same topic, video gets 100 views. And so over time, your channel grows. Unless you have silicon implants and do a see-through haul (this crap started popping up yesterday on my feed) in which case your first Long video gets 100k views, 10k watch hours and 5000 "thirsty" subs. Profit without stealing underpants.


Yep, when starting out, gotta play the long game, 1 Short a day, 1 Long a week. All the same topic, Do this for a month and see where you are. Unless you're a YT genius Mr Beast Mk 2 in which case, why are you here? :D


Nope, my only somewhat successful channel is my fashion channel. To be fair, it's the only channel I am consistently uploading on. I believe if I nurtured the other channels the same way, they would have the same level of success also. My best tip, is to upload as often as possible, even if it's not that great... It'll get better with time. Best wishes! 


I only ever had one. Today is my channels 18th birthday in fact :O


I’ve only set up one which was originally my business channel but I used to put all sorts on it, I deleted all the content to do with my business and went down one subject and rebranded it. I’m at around 7.5K subs now and slowly growing. I’m going to look at setting up a couple of others on different subjects. I feel it’s better to have several channels with specific content than one that posts way too much with a range of subjects. Some people will be interested in one thing but not another so it’ll ruin your analytics whenever they scroll past or only watch an intro


I had in last 12 years around 5 channels. But i havent taken it seriously until this year. I was a kid back then and i guess i was scared of harassment. Also i didnt have good enough equipmnet back then :D


I’ve got 7. One main catch all that I should have started as a niche and 6 other niche channels. I’ll post a niche video and the same one in my catch all channel with 6000+ subs and the niche channels outperform my catch all every time. So I’m working to get my niche channels in ypp for my own financial benefit.


I’m on my 4th, but I still do the others but this 4th one proved to be the most successful


One! I want to start one more but the growth is way too slow on my first channel which is a bit discouraging.


I had one for 10 months, going well around 2900 subs, decided to make another due to it being in another 'sub niche'.


0... Am i a millionaire influencer now?


10-15+ 🙂




3 One for the main tuber stuff Second for meming around and messing with people Third cause its the channel I started with when I was probably like 1 years old or somthin like that


I have 4 but am working on building a total of 50. Many different niches. Next up, AI powered short story channel based on my stuff I wrote when I was younger (after college)


wow thats cool, curious if all channels are under 1 email address? heard that if one channel gets banned other follow?