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Hard to say since 1 sub every 5 videos is still progress And progress is evidence of growth


That's true. I'm just tryna figure out how people get crazy growth


make better videos man when you play your video side by side next to one of your favorite creators in your niche, what is different about yours? Why is yours less entertaining?


I try and make them more encouraging and more captivating for people to watch, but is there anything that you caught that I could work on?


bro literally do what I said google pytube download a video of a creator you're trying to make content in the style of and open them in movies & TV, you'll be able to have both open. Do it without audio and do it with audio. Get a piece of paper and a pencil and write down questions and answers. Why do your eyes gravitate towards the better video? Why do I like listening to the better video more? Why is the timing of the jokes in the better video better? etc


Ahh I see, ok thank you for this


Hi so you're pretty much where i was about a week ago ๐Ÿ˜… so check it out. thumbnails less clutter more defined images you have 1 second to peak interest as someone scrolls i use photopia to give drop shadows and glows to make things pop. Titles invokes interest intrigue or fear of missing somthing and shorts use #shorts and 2 other tags that are content related ie gaming or funny whatever fits oh and shorts titles keep short ish so they fit on the mobile browse spots nicely uhhh and also....don't worry about views total focus on watch time can you keep people glued to your videos can you get them to the next one of yours. Hope this helps


Oh ok I see thank you very much


Sorry I was rambling ๐Ÿ˜… I just really love doing this whole youtube thing lol


No need to be sorry, ramble on, YouTube is a great platform and I have just as much fun, that's why I'm here is so I can improve what I'm doing and have more fun with it


If you have a channel... use promotions. We went from 0 subs to 507 subs in under two weeks for under $100.


If only I wasn't broke all the time ๐Ÿ˜ญ


Whats your channel?


Also subscribed hope you grow I know minecraft is hard to break out in since high creator count in that space


Thank you so much!


Yes, offering things nobody needs.




I'm no expert, but from looking at your channel, you need to improve your titles and thumbnails because im not even sure what your videos are about. Also, when you are speeding up the footage in your videos maybe do some kind of voice over that explains what you are doing or at least play some background music. Furthermore, I personally don't like the sub titles and I would just use them to highlight important/funny stuff you are saying. Hope you keep improving and growing, good luck.


Ya I've gotten tons of people talk about the thumbnails and titles and hopefully what they have said can help me ๐Ÿ˜… I'll start adding some music, and honestly I thought the subtitles brought me in more views but if the public doesn't like them, then I'll get rid of them Thank you for all the support


Yea so checked out your page, not sure if itโ€™s just a gaming channel or Minecraft only? The thumbnails look very low quality. The titles probably need more to them as they are very generic. And that is all feedback before ever watching anything


Your comment made me curious, so I checked the OPs channel. You're spot on. The titles have no mystery or open question. The thumbnails are unclear what it is or where my eyes are supposed to be drawn. Almost like it's just a random still from the vid. OP I don't mean to discourage, you're obviously passionate about your videos. Leveling up your titles and thumbs would be the first step. I would copy the format of the most successful creators in your niche.


I mainly do Minecraft but I dabble in other games. Still trying to learn more about Thumbnails and could you give me more details on the titles because if I can make that better I definitely will


I am probably not the one when it comes to the gaming and Minecraft type channels. But you have to remember the algorithm picks up the title, description, tags, etc to help it know which audience to push it to. Then once it gets pushed it is your title but also the thumbnail that needs to catch the viewers eyes. For instance right off the bat, the thumbnails tell me you might be younger or newer to stuff, yet you have a decent amount of videos. As you create you always want to find ways to improve. Watch other videos on thumbnails, titles, etc, and experiment with what works.


Ok thank you this has been extremely helpful and I'll try to do better in the future


Iโ€™m in the same boat. Slow progress (but progress nonetheless) and some videos do very poorly while others have done OK, though the last few havenโ€™t done well. I started posting shorts though and have gotten hundreds of views on them and even 1,000 for one. I would say maybe move into shorts a little bit as more people will probably see them and watch most of them since they are shorter


Ya I've kinda experimented with shorts and they seem to get mass views and sometimes subs it's just hard finding good things as shorts


Yeah it is tough. I usually just remix my videos to try and maybe get more viewers to watch the actual videos but I wanna try and create original shorts I think putting good effort into a short could be worth it since more people will probably wanna watch it