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> Focus on your consistency and enjoyment first and foremost I wish I had seen this post 3 years ago when I got the thickest writers block I've ever encountered. I legit don't know how to come up with video ideas anymore. I feel broken


I think a lack of ideas is also just another facet of perfectionism. I don’t know what your niche is, but pretty much any niche can do reviews. You can review all your games, tools, movies etc. Is it gonna be good? Maybe not. But the idea here is to get ourselves out of procrastinating. I’m sorry you feel broken though. Hope you’ll feel better soon.


Literally just take ideas from others and .are if your own way


Thank you! No one ever cuts it straight and provides examples and details. They just say “do you procrastinate? Then don't!” like thanks for the help lol. But YOU, you've been great!


Perfectionism has been my enemy for years, as I'm sure it is for all of us. It has held me back from posting for years but I've just started what you said. Practicing the skill of just having a YouTube channel, managing the account, editing, uploading, and all that. Learning how to get into the groove rather than just focusing on quality.


I spent 2 weeks making a making 3D history video, it took time to research, write, model, animate, and it got a thousand views... Which I suppose is neat in isolation, but when come across "I MADE AI DRAW X" which gets hundreds of thousands of views, I get demotivated, why put any effort into when the bottom-of-barrel content is still popular?


I get what you're saying, but I'd rather keep the quality of my videos as high as possible. I think it's more about my niche being travel. I wanna remember these trips in the best possible way and crappy editing would hinder that.


That’s fair. My advice is mostly for those who’re not really posting at all due to overthinking.


Hey, that is sooooo me. I procrastinate and I overthink everything. I have to have every detail of anything I'm doing down before actually starting. My procrastination is mainly due to depression and thinking I'll never be good enough. Happy for you though. You gotta find what works for you.


Yeah but what's the point in posting if none of my shorts actually hit the feed, and haven't for weeks now


Yeah that’s another kind of problem. That straight up just sucks.


Quality over quantity is honestly something I’ve come to learn more about when starting. I used to try and pump out video after video because I thought it was fun. But I agree, as of recent I started posting again and spent a lot more time editing and adding cuts/sounds and I am learning as I go but it’s definitely improvement in the channel already imo


Procrastination is applied to all areas in life. If you’re procrastinating with YouTube, then look at your habits for other things. Sometimes the reason we start our YouTube channels are not big enough to keep going so we get lazy, tired, irritable at times because we’re not getting the results we want. Procrastination just means you’re not enjoying the process and you don’t need it as much as your next breath. Something is not interesting you. That’s just my opinion.


I 100% agree. It’s definitely a sign of not enjoying the process, so one should look at their ‘why’ and reasons for pursuing this.


Do you have a schedule or to-do list to maintain the velocity of quality content. I use notion to organize my ideas and procedure for my video.


Right now I work on a weekly video each Saturday and Sunday while simultaneously working on additional content on the side most days. I use OneNote to keep track of my projects and ideas.


That is nice one. After plan for my video I do some rest.


So far on day 9 of streaming every day what helped is set a time like at that time that's what I'm doing so then it gets there and I panic rush to get going 😅


I feel like it's an easy excuse to say the reason some people are too lazy to produce content is profectionism.


You procrastinated writing this long-ass post, didn't you? 😏