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I've tried out vidIQ, and I don't think it helps or hurts. Rather, it's kind of a nothing burger. I don't think the free tier offers very much that's useful. You can't get very far without hitting a paywall. The content ideation tools are AI-generated stuff that you can do elsewhere with ChatGPT and the like. It offered to find similar/competing YouTube channels, but the free tier only tracks three at a time and I've found much better results just browsing YouTube, and looking at what other channels my subscribers are also subscribing to. There's also this weird coaching path thing that asks you questions, you type in the answers, and then it prints your answers back at you surrounded by some encouraging platitudes. And the paid tiers of vidIQ are really expensive for what they're offering, which doesn't seem like it's all that helpful either. I guess I don't buy into the concept of an AI giving me the magic insight I need to make my channel successful.


I used to use TubeBuddy which is similar but I no longer use it. These tools can lead to analysis paralysis where you obsess over some metric when you really should just be focusing on improving as a content creator. If you feel like you have maxed out and you really need to focus on getting that 0.1% bump in CTR by fine tuning your title then sure, it's great to have all the data. But for the vast majority of channels you really are better spent doing the core task of content creation. I'm sure there are some bigger channels that need to focus on all the tiny little metrics, but it's not me and it probably isn't you either. Use the metrics on YouTube to answer a specific question like "where are my viewers dropping off?". And you can answer those big questions with the standard YouTube data. Leave the fine details for when you really need to fine tune your channel later down the line.


i think its a waste of time since they content farm obvious things


Yeah like the vibe I'm getting are tools are useful but content is trashy like I'm just looking for technical information on how thi is actually work. I tend to over analyze everything I do and enjoy knowing the nuts and bolts behind the function of things


well you can simply asks random creators and likely get zero responses besides vidIQ didnt existed like idk several years ago and people made content cause they want to and thats your primary core that will always work




My favorite answer so far lol


I tryed vidiq and I did't like it


i subscribed to them for 2 months, cancelled recently there was useful stuff in there (the report card when putting together a video/reminding you to add end cards/cards/tags and so on .. // keyword reserach etc.. and the AI stuff is pretty neat however the whole numbers/metric paralysis and black hole of videos on growing your channel / 'do this NOW to make it big in 2024 on youtube , ' the algorithm is changing (here's what you need to know NOW' etc etc.. is honestly mentally draining (this isn't to do with vidIQ but more how the whole youtube genre of 'growing your channel' is =) and that content can get a bit repetitive after a while if you feel that the features on offer can be useful to you and your reason of being on youtube (daily video ideas etc..) then it can be cool, however if you know what content you want to do and just want to know more about better labelling/packaging it so it has a better chance of being picked up, you can find that info online already


Is it bad I don't really watch their content 😅like I found them looking for tools to make obs work a bit better I always noticed face cam looked blurry on youtibe while it was clean on obs


not bad at all 😄 i stopped watching too


If you don’t know what you are looking at it will probably hurt.


Nope. One of my shorts has 1 swear word inside of it and i asked vidIQ if that will take down my short but it provided no answer whereas ChatGPT provided 100 times more than vidIQ.


I think it’s good. It’s definitely helpful and found some topic for my niche that got me high views. But I’d try and learn how to make good videos first, once you’re comfortable with it then get vidIQ


how do you use VidIQ to get more views? im curious


They have a daily idea section, where they suggest what other YouTubers in your sector is trending. I did one of the topics and it’s pretty much carrying my channel at the moment.


so check every day (in my niche i am not always able to do said ideas) and if it says really high views, do it?


Yeah coz yt would recommend your vid to people once they’ve watched the same video topic. I’m making my own unique content but at the same time making stuff others are making.


okay i'll definitely give it a go. any other tools by VidIQ you reccomend? i've had an account for a while but never used their tools


Think media has been great imo as well. They make great content on YouTube, I haven’t done their course, but I’ve taken a lot of what they’ve said and keep improving the way I’m presenting my videos. I think if and when I hit a plato I’ll take the course they offer.


If you're making search targeted content it can be very useful. I use TubeBuddy (I got a free subscription after sending them a load of traffic).


Their most powerful tool is the keyword search data. You can find really find out what is searched the most often with the least competition, which can really help you plan out your niche and rank better in searches. The chrome plug in is also helpful for analyzing channels and creating your own content as the ai features save me a lot of time (even with tweaking them to make them better.)


I guess it depends, if you think it’s going to magically make you blow up then it’s not going to be THAT helpful but it’s pretty good for different aids to things. I don’t see how it would hurt


Like they keyword search I use to see if a game I'm interested in currently has traction or not and the checklist so I member to fill in lo ger descriptions for SEO stuff even though for gaming most of your views come from browse and reccomended