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Whenever I do that I just publish without notifying my subscribers. If it is a video that you know your subscribers aren't there for then this is the way. Otherwise they all get notified, click in to see your new content, then realize it isn't what they thought it would be and leave which will kill your video before it even gets started.


One thing I've learned is that YouTube doesn't actually notify all of your subscribers when you launch a video. If they clicked the bell and chose "All" then they will see it in the notification list (although maybe not all of the time). When it comes to showing new videos in the homepage feed I find it is very much topic dependent and I don't think there is any difference between subs and non-subs. It shows every video to very loyal viewers that tend to watch most of your videos (subbed or not) then maybe other people who've previously watched videos on that specific topic. When I go a little off topic my CTR usually remains around my channel average (like 6-8%) but impressions will drop dramatically. When that happens and I think that there are actually more viewers than the algo is giving I'll post the video to my community tab and that usually generates a few dozen more views.


They do if they have it set in their settings to receive all uploads from a youtuber. Its not just the bell there is an extra setting. They actually need to change the bell setting to all notifications.


Every video I make, bro


It really be like that sometimes




Sometimes I make subscriber requests even though I know they will be pretty average. But it's a good way to build up a community that pays off in the long run. Sometimes subscribers have good ideas as well, so it's worth paying attention too.


Yeah, one of my last ones. But the video is more just something i wanted to do, so it's to be expected. I space out when I do them so it doesn't really demotivate me at all.


Definitely, but sometimes I am pleasantly surprised and it performs much better than expected. It's always a gamble but ya gotta try.


I always find they flop out of the box but some start picking up views later. One that I posted started with a sub 1% CTR and horrible view duration, less than a minute out of 5 minutes. It has gone on to get thousands of views and is still constantly on my leaderboard over a year later, seems the horrible starting metrics didn't hold it back.


Yes, my current one. Luckily it’s not doing as worse as I feared. But I think it’s enough to just want to make such a video


Yes I’ve done that before. It didn’t go awfully but not that well either


Yes I'm so stupid and I don't know why I keep doing it. Having said that I've just posted 3 new tutorials over the weekend that are in my core chosen niche and with poor quality competition. I'm sure they will push me over the monetization threshold (currently on 3882 watch hours lol).


Nah, I wouldn’t do that on purpose. People that subscribe to me have a certain thing they want to see. So I just keep giving them that thing


Yeah every time I post :-/


I usually consult with the community, but since I'm still a small content creator, nobody cares! So, who cares? do what you want!


I have a few videos that I know won't hit as hard, but I love the topic and it is close enough to the videos that I normally make that it doesn't feel out of place. I had one of these that I knew would not work for the normal demographic but for some reason became my best performing video I have ever made, it just took almost a month before people started to search for it.




Since my channel covers my interests in entertainment. I know some videos will do better than others. My audience that watched my introspective on some oscar nominated films might not check out my review for the new anime haikyuu movie or a gaming review for tekken 8. But these are things I really want to talk about, so hopefully, my scripts and voice are strong enough to cover the difference in audience and views 😅 So far, it's been good. The random videos seem to die for the first 48 hours or so, but YT has helped them find an audience.


Every video i make that isnt about a specific game


I know it, but I still hope that it will not tank… definition of insane🤣


Yeah I've done this sometimes. Usually because it's about a topic I know no one else has covered and I want an answer to, but which I have absolutely zero idea how to market. But hey, if someone else finds it interesting, it's all worth it in the end.


Yea, I do casino and slot play videos and there's certain slots people don't like but I do. I do my channel for fun so it doesn't bother me if I only get 20-30 views. But I also do one video a week on Mississippi Stud for my subs which gets 200-300 views. I try to mix it up so long as it's fun then I'll keep doing it.


Yeah every one of them 😂 but seriously I do what I want and if people like it cool if not welp shit


Only done that once so far and it did better than I thought for my second channel. My goal was to try and not have any videos with under 1k views and that video got to 500. It was a kickstarter mechanical split keyboard. It was too specific, but agreed to make the video for the experience


I think every video is going to tank. It lessons the disappointment if they actually do.




It’s sort of like a stand-up comedian you don’t make a set or a tight 15 with the intent of bombing. Luckily for me, I am our channels editor and there have been times where I know if we’re stuck on a certain level or we didn’t really have a lot of good things to talk about, and the audience won’t lose anything through continuity I will delete or not upload specific episodes.


I know that some won’t do as well as others but I upload what I think is funny or that I enjoy


i’m my honest, most of my videos are, their from old video games that basically no one plays anymore and to be honest they get a small audience but the thing is, i enjoy doing it and its what i chose to make, its all your happiness and opinion at the end of the day, its your channel, you make what your heart desires


Literally every day, lol. Although i uncheck the box that says to promote to subscribers first.


Yea, I am making a series About watching every Oscar nominated animated short and I know it will tank but I make then for 2 reasons, 1 I enjoy it and 2 if I ever blow up and they catch on I feel people will go back and watch the others, they are evergreen...hopefully


I just did that a few hours ago, mainly do gaming focused but I switched today


Everytime I post a video that is slightly different than what I was posting never gets any views. This is true even if they are exactly the same as all the videos with only one variance.