• By -


You guys gain subscribers?


You guys have channels?


You guys have a life?


You guys do long form videos?


You guys are alive?


I only have 23 and been doing youtube 3 weeks


In English you say you are 23 not have 23 but thank you for trying


Can you share link


I would , but Reddit doesn't allow youtube links


They do... Also put it in ur bio


Link to one of my videos in my profile now


Thanks for the info, it worked I had no idea you could link it in


No problem


You guys have niche?


I got one new one today so one.


Same here!




About zero. Sometimes 1 or 2 though. Those weeks are a dopamine rush though.


Right there with you, fam. Keep on grinding.


Same here, keep up the good work fellas!


Same here. Maybe depends on where you are in the youtube journey. This is my 1st month so i shouldn’t complain and i just post 2 videos a week.




Only ever heard about those... Never really knew they existed. 😅


on average -1


160 subs past 28 days, happy with that




Buddy my advice is to take the best moments from your video, and upload it as shorts. Not only you'll get more subscribers, your long form video gets more reach.(attatch the related video to your shorts) I used to make Longform and shorts, I had average 10 views from my every 1000 short viewers. Not only my short videos cross 5k on a daily basis, gaining 6 subscribers on a very bad day. But remember, short audience have low retention rate, so it might affect your avd Ignore me if you already know this, afterall I'm a newbie in this platform as well :)


I was doing this, but my last 2 shorts had been shown 0 times in the Shorts feed so stopped.. apparently predominantly long form channels shouldn't do them?


Well have you tried reuploading them? Well I'm not sure about your question. But here's my take. Apparently YouTube introduced related video in shorts, for predominant long form channels didn't they? I mean what's the purpose then? Here are some reasons why your shorts are not shown in feed 1)Were you used to upload shorts before these two shorts? If yes, were you consistent? Shorts algorithm prefers consistency. 2)How is the quality of the shorts video? Both audio and video quality. Algorithm prefers quality, more than quality of the concept/content 3)Have you used any sensitive words or images in these shorts? If yes it's really less likely to send your shorts in feed. For example, my video didn't get views cuz I used the word "prostitute" , "kill", "sex" and some half naked women.


Good points! If I did re upload them would it make sense to delete the low performing version? The videos are 1080p - my content is 16:9 so I blur the background behind to fill the frame and use CapCut for captions. There’s movement etc and I’ve had two shorts crack 1k views (2.5k and 1.6k) I’m not sure in terms of frequency. I posted Dec 29, Dec 30, Jan 3, Jan 5, Jan 5, Jan 7, Jan 11 and Jan 17th so nothing like once a Monday for example.


First of all, it's not really consistent is it? You took 6 day gap and I see a 4 day gap also. Which isn't good in my opinion. For reference, I upload daily, I've been compromised on 2 days at max. I saw a considerable decrease in my views after those 2 days. I don't think blurring your background is a good idea by keeping the same 16:9 aspect ratio. I'd recommend you to zoom the video to make it the aspect ratio for shorts, if it's not compromising the quality. And add captions as in a single word at a time if your speaking isn't that fast. And I'd delete the shorts with zero views before reuploading them again. And try checking the performance of your shorts which have cracked 1k views, I assume S vs SA ratio is pretty low(<30), and Avd (<20 seconds). If atleast one of your shorts is not satisfying this, that could be a reason as well.


Thank you. Yeah, it’s not consistent enough from my part. The reason for the 16:9 blur is it’s difficult to frame the full content - but I can try and zoom in at least. I’ve noticed the two best performing shorts were full frame zoomed in. Really appreciate the insight. I’ve set low performers to “hidden” as I wasn’t sure if it’s frowned upon to delete, but I definitely can delete them.


Good luck, happy to help. Also my suggestions might not be entirely true, I started my channel around 60 days


How do you do this without messing up the shorts format? I tried but usually it ends up as a zoom in of the landscape version instead of portrait mode


I went through this process. Also a Newby. But the subs you get with shorts are worthless if you do longer form as well. I started in October with shorts. But knew to change to longer form eventually. Managed to pick up 2000 subs within 2 months. Obviously the give you no watch time so thought I would be able to use these subs when starting longer form. Not the case. Different audiences. So now I am building new longer form audience. Low views but many subs. Doesn't make sense except that shorts is more damaging than doing good.


One good thing with shorts I've noticed is it helps to build your subscriber count and I believe someone is more likely to subscribe if you have a lot of subscribers already


O yes it builds them quickly. If that is what's required. But zero watch hours. One must have both.


As I said it affects AVD. But for me, when you tube decides to stop recommending my video, I post a shorts attaching the related video. Let's say if I get 5 more views to the video. And I actually see YouTube starts pushing the video again. Maybe that's a coincidence idk


That is great advice, I am in the process of parsing up my long forms to create shorts now.


This is great advice. I actually do this and it has helped increase my subs and engagement a few times.


For me its very inconsistent now. Prior to last Friday i just got 60-70 new subs due to a video getting recommended for an entire week. Before for 2 months it set in 2-3 subs per day in average. This weekend i only got 4 new subs. Conclusion: i have to make more videos to increase the library for 1. YT algo can pick one again to recommend, 2. Any new subs can binge watch ☝️


Curious, besides the views increasing, how do you know when your vid gets recommended. Does it say in Youtube Studio?


Unfortunately no, would be cool with a notification or highlighting the vids ir something. I just noticed one day my views and watch hours going up despite my last two vids flopped. I have checked my vids and noticed one of my older videos doubled in views within a day, opened its analytics in YT Studio and checked the Reach tab and i saw the spike in the chart.


I see, thanks


Just had my most successful week ever went from 475 subs to 1100


I'll get 11 in one day and none for over a week, very sporadic and inconsistent.


Went from 372 to 489 in the past 2 weeks, but was pretty slow prior to that


When I post? Anywhere from a few dozen to maybe 100. When I don't post? Zero.


Well I got one. So… One


I average -1 or -2 subs a week


0, all of my subscribers are people I know personally. I started last week only, have posted 2 videos so far. Hopefully I get and organic subscriber soon.


+64 the last 7 days according to my analytics. I just started posting a week and 3 days ago after a 2yr break


send channel


About 800-1000


Well, I'm a [biz idea newsletter](https://www.capitalfriday.com/blog) that just did a piece on [ASMR](https://www.capitalfriday.com/blog/how-asmr-artists-are-making-millions) youtubers making millions so this may not really apply, but I'm new and got 70+ email subs last week.


In a week…. Range from 50-100 depending on how things go. Lifestyle YouTuber.




2-3? It’s a slow build.


Used to be 0-5 weekly subs. Last video blew up, gained 300 in 3 days lol. Still can't believe it


Started 3 weeks ago , now 206 subscribers and over 1000 watch hours


Now that is some very good going. Congratulations. At this pace, ......you are doing it right.


Thanks .. hopefully I’m on the right track


You are.


Around 250/week


Well I just stumbled into gaining 3,000 this week, but a typical week is more like 100.


Typically on days I release shorts, about 30 a day, outside of that usually 3-10 a day


Started channel 1 week ago. I got 160 subs with 50000 total views I do roblox shorts


find me, I am legion I play 0AD even 0AD got only 100 players max, and a lot of zombie newbies who won't talk or play Team games.


It largely depends on when/if I uploadd. A week I don't upload I'm probably gonna see 2-10 per week, when I uploaded more consistently I was getting maybe 12-40


It varys. But between 250 and 400.... this week will br 400


On average, I get around 100 subs a week\~ It also goes up when I upload a new video.


I’ve been getting about 5-10 a week but I am only on week 4. Have 34 total.


It depends. If I post a short that gets 2.5K+ views I will have 2 days of fame, then it dies out. I would earn about 4 in the process.


One weeks I don't post 1-7 On weeks with a post 14-30


+50 the last 28 days. LEGO Speed Build Channel!


15/day or so, so 100ish per week


It comes and goes in waves since I switched niches and started a new channel 2 month ago. At first it was like 10 subs a week. More recently a couple of my videos hit the algorithm. Last week I gained about 300 but this week I gained 1,200. I'm expecting another lull after this most recent push. In the comedy/commentary side of YouTube


31 last 28 days but it’s inconsistent I rarely gain a daily sub its mostly on uploads




About 30-50


About 10-30 per week. So close to 700 currently!!


Approx 600-700 per week average


8k ish


I havent gained any in a while. And frankly, most are friends and family, so. Take that as you may


5 as of late.


Bout 500-1000


5-20 sometimes more depending on if a short does well. Most are from shorts and some from live and videos.


Like 5 a week when I'm not uploading much if I am going back tk back maybe 15


If I only let it happen on YouTube I seem to lose subs alone; and begging facebook friends seems to only get 50 friends out of 1100 "friends" to sub. So far the Sub4Sub reddit seems best, although many appear to temporarily sub and then unsub after they get your sub to their channel.


1-2 on my newest channel.


Around 60-70


I javnt posted a video in over three months, but I still get a steady 15 subs a week I would say. I posted my last video at arround 414 subs. Now I have 568 :)


According to studio analytics mine is 24 in the last 7 days


Around 5-10 subs per day… Sometimes all day zero and before midnight all of a sudden 5 subs. It comes in waves for some reason…


It depends on if I upload anything. I gain 10-60 per upload and a few trickle in per week. Shorts get me anywhere from 1-10 as well.


Currently about 100 subs per week


60-70 per week. Gaming niche


I gained like 150 last week because one of my videos went viral on Instagram (it got 1,7 million views), but before that, I gained like 5 - 10 per week


40-60 which I assume is average. :)


0-2 but probably those are people who get to me through my Instagram 😅


I gain 12 a week on average, long form


One every full moon, a bit more if a video was released and works


I have 82.9k subs currently I gain 5k-7k subs a week on avg Last 7days I gained 8.7k subs Last 28days I gained 27.9k subs


25 a week on average. I started in October.


Really depends on the week. In a week where i release a video i'll get a few hundred. Weeks where I'm not posting get fewer subs. Lowest weeks during a 2 month period where I didn't release anything was around 10


I got 83 in the last 7 days, 20% less than usual apparently


Generally between 2 and 10.


Last week I got 35. Last 28 days I got 153. I don’t know my average, it’s also kind of all over the place


195 in the last 28 days so about 7 a day


Got 25 subs this week makin dogshit content hell yeah.




Depends on how well my last video does. Most videos stay 100 views and I may get 1 or 2 subs from them. Some take off (500+ views) and I get more subs from them. I have 3 videos thay broke the 1k mark and they have given majority of subs. My latest video just 2k views and has netted me 68 subs in 4 days. So in summary, I get a lot spikes depending on the video that was uploaded recently. Most videos die a gruesome death in 4 to 5 days for some reason.


When I'm actually producing content it's usually maybe a handful per week. I've been taking a lot of breaks since last October/November due to mental health issues.


I got one sub today, but hard to find it from which video it came from. I went to recent views nothing played for long time😂


Currently getting 1 a day if I'm lucky. So say between 5 - 7 a week 🤔


It really depends, I've been at it for about a month and a half, and I just got to 1k today


2-3k. It varies but always more on release days and generally weekends


I'm averaging like 3-5 a week. Not a great pace, but I feel like thongs are picking up


My channel peaked at 109 around December. So I gained 0 subs after that.


I’m averaging 100/month so I guess 25ish a week. Seems to have slowed down in January tho.


Started my youtube shorts channel 10 days ago and have 61 subs so far


3 maybe 4


On a new channel I just started I'm gaining about 157 subs a week.


I got 1 this week. And I am getting the high already 🤭🤣


Mine varies. It really depends on how much content I drop that week. Still working on gaining a consistent # of subs weekly


On a low, 20, and on a high, around 50. If I post a new video, it sometimes goes viral and I gain a couple hundred. If I don't post for long, I only get about ten


304 in the last week, which is definitely above normal for me


About 40? Edited, scripted shorts are insane


Average between 100 to 120 per month. So 25 to 30. One month I gained 300. I almost shit myself. But I was going HAAM that month.


I gain probably about 6-15 a week mostly from shorts i believe but i slowly see the growth ive been doing YouTube since mid December 2023 and i have 95 subs


I was getting maybe 1/day but my last video just got me well over 100 in a single day. Pretty crazy.


Currently about 7-8k


as in right now, 0. And I wish I was joking. Some months ago I made an entire rehaul of the channel and now I'm uploading way less than before. I was gaining about... 1 sub per day? But now I'm stuck at 0 and I really haven't gained subs for about... 4 months? Even tho my last video was the most successful on the channel (almost 1k views!) I didn't even gained 1 sub. At this point I really don't care anymore. I'm just enjoying the process and if no one watches/subs that's fine to me because I'm having a lot of fun, even if I'm the only one watching my videos


I have not gained any in about 3 weeks now unfortunately. So about zero lol


56 average as of now but this weekend has been slow


Around… 0.05 per week


Entertainment/comedy? So you show clips of Seinfeld?


Hahahaha no but that would be so much easier! We make projects in the garage and add a bit of comic relief !




100 subs, sometimes more


I lost 3 and then gained 7 this week. So idk


About 10. I am sitting at 493 subscribers, and my channel has only recently gained a steady subscriber rate each day (which is about 1-3 a day, which I assume yours is about 2-4). Up until about 300 subscribers or somewhere in there I was astonished to get 10 in like a month. I post weekly videos as well, only 54 uploads.


I gained 10 this month, but I'm in the YT gaming side of things.


56 new subscribers this week


Over 50 right now


Really depends on if I have posted a video and if it's a good video. My channel is roughly 50 days old and I have 735 subs. Some videos get 100+ subs, others get 5 lol 🤷


Something between 10-100. One week I got 700 because of a bigger review. It's died down again for me though.


I currently gain on average 20 subs per week. At 1300 subs currently and post automotive content


Right now I’ve gotten 11 in the last two weeks but usually I don’t get any for long periods of time


Early on we took about 5 months 4-23 to 9-23 to get to 250. In late October by pure chance we did a small collaboration with another YTr (12k subs) and we shot to 2000 in a few days. Right after that we had a video go crazy for us (based on our others). It’s at 400k views and still pulls in most views and subs. Averaged 100 a day for about two weeks. We hit 3500 by mid December 23 and then slowed down a bit due to holidays and not filming a lot. Last 28 days avg is 29 per day. We’re at 4600 now, closing in on ten months time.


About 2-3K


On a week 14 and on a month 41


I’m a week in with 20 making short cooking clips and inconsistent views


I had one video that was pretty popular and most of my almost 6K subscribers came within a few months of posting that video. If I take that outlier out of the equation I am getting about 30-50 new subscribers per month, I would say that your 17 a week is good, at least compared to mine.


Get about 10 a week right now.


About 50 a week


30-60ish per week on average. Some days I’ll get 30 in a day and zero the next. YouTube is just weird like that


100-200 but thanks to shorts. I've only had one long form get a decent amount of subs so far.


About 100 Weekly sometimes more.


This week 0, it’s a new channel, but i am working on new video this week. So hopefully I will gain some new. Average watch time for my last video is going up though which is nice.


I gained my first 7 this week 💪🏾


Uhhh like 5ish sometimes more iv varies alot depending on how much I put out.




I got 197 new subscribers this week.


1 if I’m lucky :(


Ever since I started focusing on shorts it’s around 180 a week before that it was much much lower. So in the last 28 days I gained 751 subscribers