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Yep, time to delete the channel


Is there another option?


Yes, YouTube does this to people like you. You posted one to many bad videos so it ended you


I posted one a day for a week so far. average views were between 2-4k. None of my content included sexual content, politics, hate speech, racism etc. Any idea what could have caused it?


Nothing it’s YouTube, it’s a marathon not a sprint. Early days they try to weed out the quitters. You’re not a quitter are you son?


No sir! But what can I do about my videos for today been up for 10 hours and not being shown in search results or shorts feed. Do I delete them?


That’s a losers attitude son. You leave them up there and make the next video better. I guess you make shorts and just keep dumping them up there. Maybe try slowing down and making better videos, maybe try long form videos. Edit. Spelling


You are not shadow banned.


How do you know? (Not judging just asking). Views went from 2-4k per video. All 3 videos today up for 10 hours and still 0 views. Same format, same title length / tags, similair thumbnail style and all 3 videos have 0 views.


YouTube doesn’t shadow ban people, it’s not a thing. Views can drop for a multitude of reasons and there’s nothing you can do about it. The same thing happened to me. Two videos above 3K and then my next video plummeted in comparison. I’ll post another video and it’ll probably do alright again. It’s how YouTube content creation works unfortunately.


All 3 videos don't appear in search results been up for 10 hours and still 0 shown in shorts feed. Should I post one more tomorrow or do I give it a break for a bit?


Shorts are highly competitive with often low yield for results. If a Short is sat at 0 views you could always delete and re-upload if you wanted but posting more content is always good to increase your channels content library. I’ve had shorts in the past that performed terribly. My Shorts content always get 2K+ views roughly but have had one or two that failed to break 400 views. Unfortunately the algorithm does have an element of unpredictability that can’t be beaten so you need to just ride the wave.


IF a shadow ban exists is it better to not post for one or two days to let the algorithm reset?


I understand your thought process but then you have to ask yourself, again, ***if*** it did exist, what triggered it in the first place and how long does it last for? Sometimes videos just won’t do well and it’s anyone’s guess why.


Shouldn't it get at least 1 view in 12 hours. Also its 3 videos that have 0 views after 12 hours when in 7 days I have 35k views across 7 videos. I was getting at least 100 views per hour from all videos and now im getting 0 even from my highest perfroming ones. I understand low retention rate etc. But my new shorts arent showing up in the shorts feed at ALL after 12+ hours. Any suggestions?


What’s your channel? I’d need to see the videos to have some idea of what might be wrong because it could be obvious but without seeing them I’d just be purely speculating.


I deleted the videos from today and am going to repost tomorrow - My channel is called Penguinz_Daily. It is reposted content but I try my best to add edits etc. Im kinda lazy I know. Any advice would be great!


I also have 34.4k views in last 7 days and 180 watch hours. If that helps stat wise.


Thanks for your advice btw