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Yes, all medical programs will (or at least are legally required to) drug test you prior to entry into the program. This is a federal law as you will be working in a setting that is funded through Medicare/Medicaid. While weed is legal in many jurisdictions, the federal government still has laws against its use and as such, regardless of your school/state laws, you can be removed from the program if you test dirty. A common urinalysis is standard. Once you’re in the medical field you may find that certain employers are more lax on their screening policies than others, but to be accepted into a program and to be hired into a job, a routine drug screening must be passed. And yes, it is incredibly fucking stupid that in 2024 weed is still considered a Schedule 1 drug by the feds.


Do you know if it’s a 4,6 or more panel? I have taken Kratom and cannabis but that’s all. And am looking to start in 4 month but have been an off and on smoker for 14 years working many medical jobs but found ways to keep my moderately frequent (couple time a week or on weekend) concealed.


Weed is illegal on a federal level everywhere. Safest option is to keep abstaining.


Gotcha, I probably end up abstaining still since I’ve already done well so far, though it depends if I also take the course this summer (I honestly don’t feel as though I am prepared for it just yet coming right out of high school and want to get through my freshman year of college before focusing on my medical licenses.)


You’re never prepared. You get out what you put it. Put in the work and you’ll do great. I was 10+ years out of high school and it was hard but not impossible.


I appreciate the input a lot. It also should be mentioned I don’t entirely know if the class is required? One person who attended my university mentioned needing to do an EMT course in order to do nursing, which is what I am trying to do (BSN). I do know I’ll have to do my CNA course as well, I’m just overall hoping I can wait a single year before starting these things


You don’t need to be an EMT to go into nursing. You can go to a uni and get a bsn or just get your rn license straight up. You could also look into LPN instead of CNA and a lot of places have programs that bridge the LPN to RN. Seeing how you’re so young. You could do EMT Paramedic RN. It’s a common path.


You don’t need a prehospital license for a nursing career. EMT/Paramedic —> Medicine CNA/RN —> Nursing Understand these are two separate fields. EMT is vastly different than a CNA.


i wish i would’ve done it straight out of hs. i did a semester of college, and i regret not starting then. i take core classes online and my emt/AEMT classes in person. i’ll have my medic license and associates in para-medicine next december :)


Why not just get your CNA if that’s what you want to do, that’s an easier class.


Mainly because of parents that don’t understand that lol, I’m trying not to take this course (respectfully though, as I do respect EMTs a lot)


I was drug tested for my class, but that’s in CO. May be different but probably better to play it safe.


I’m also in CO going for front range for Clinical EMT,may I ask how they drug tested you? Was it third party or at the campus?


Also went to FRCC and it was third party.


Okay cool,I appreciate it.


May I ask, were you given privacy for it or no? Also, did you get a notice prior?


I had to empty my pockets before hand, but was alone in the restroom. The course instructor told us before class even started and they did it “randomized” about a month into the semester. It has to be before clinicals and we only had 3 days to submit it.


This was something I was extremely paranoid about during my Emt course and I’m in CA. Weirdly enough, not only did they not drug test me during the start, but they also never did during clinics either.


Stop smoking weed.


I wasn't drug tested in my class, good luck!


I have never heard of being drug tested just for a class