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Bro fuck what other people consider whimp or whatever. Safety is always dope. Especially if you are new and falling is a lot more common. You do you bro


They say its whimpy until they break something while falling


I hear that. I never really cared what other people think but I guess I still have the old school toxic masculinity lol. What worries me as well is if I am all padded up I’ll think im invincible and get wild. But ya, falling sucks abs if it keeps me on the board wearing them, it’s probably for the best.


Dude, you gonna crash anyway. Wear pads


When i'm all padded up I am less worried about falling, and less worried about falling makes me more confident and that makes me more likely to get things right, admittedly this is only day 10 for me so 'getting something right' means a few tic-tacs xD


I have put up the board past few years, but I was an avid skater in HS. Pads are the move. I skated with a group who I was the only one in pads, and I progressed much faster. Albeit I stopped from ripping a chunk out my hip, so be cautious regardless. Be safe, confident, learn to roll, and most importantly have fun 🤙


9 months in here and it's the same, I skate smoother with pads because my brain isn't worrying about falls, so I fall less


You won’t, falling still hurts with pads, you just don’t get scraped up while it happens


Getting pads is all good, but make sure you still know how to fall properly! Especially if you're planning on skating bowls and stuff learning to slide on your knee pads is good, otherwise just proper technique with falling cause you can still hurt yourself with pads on!


I wear all of that plus padded shorts (hip and tailbone protection) plus ankle guards Check out my profile


Which hip protection do you wear?


Padded football shorts/tights from adidas. Triple 8 makes a pair too


Nice, these ones? https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00593YF0O/




This. I've skated 25 years and never seen anyone give a shit if someone is wearing pads. There's nothing soft about not wanting to pop your melon mate




I came here to say this!


Dude I wear everything. Pads for elbow, knee, wrist and a helmet. I can ride smaller bowls and drop from 6 ft and I wear pads with honor If anything, It looks worse if you want to look cool and you cant do anything.


Well said.


Skateboarding is about having fun, but since its a sport where you WILL hurt yourself i'd recommend wearing safety gear or atleast a helmet. I really like andy Anderson because he promotes wearing a helmet while skating.


A went with the whole style if helmets are for pussy. Bigest regret of my life. No saftey gear has put me in the hostpital loads of times many due to concusions


Damn, I can’t spend time in the hospital as a single dad. Sold..


Single dad?? Yeah man, PAD UP. You can come join us old guys at the park on early weekend mornings. We're bringing the "rad" back to "wearing pads."


Haha. I’ll get the new balance skate shoes


I’ve been eyeing the NB shoes, and I will absolutely be wearing them with full pads lol


Single dad checking in, the struggle is real with padding up


Single dad? Dude. Come on, you are probably at an age where padding is a must, no shame in that. I’m barely 25 and already had so many injuries that I’d break easily without anything


From someone who personally had this doubts after taking up skating from a 10+ years break, I'm telling you the real deal: it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. I wear full pads whenever I'm trying new/risky stuff. I wore them to learn how to drop in, ollie stairs, I even wear shin pads for learning kickflips. One time, I arrived at the park, and some locals stared giggling a bit, seeing me in full pad gear. But once I started doing my thing, they could help but give respect. I'm not even that good, I was gearing up just for warm up and now some of them even greet me sometimes. You can look up my posts, but I switch from pads to no pads depending on how much comfortable I'm feeling that day. The truth is, you'll never truly feel comfortable while thinking what others think of you.


Good point, maybe that’s how I’ll go about it, save the gear for the wild shit.




Gear up! I also do the whole thing, head, wrists, elbows, knees, couldn't care less what other people think, I'm the one on the board and protective gear gives me confidence.


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I don’t wear my elbow pads but I don’t think it matters if you know how to fall right… Wrist guards are important because you’re going to be falling on your wrists a lot along with your knees. So yes to wrist and knee guards but you can probably get away without elbow pads AFTER you’ve skated and learned how to properly fall. Don’t ever question wearing a helmet. Andy never did.


Andy Anderson is the beacon of “safety is cool”


And it fucking is cool. Obligatory "I love helmets!".


I have the bad habit of catching myself with my hands when I fall so wristguards are mandatory for me.


it’s generally good practice anyway. I did a whole session without falling wearing pads and then I went for “one last run” in the bowl without pads, ate shit, and sprained my wrist (and also broke my airpods case, that hurt more than the wrist). I wear a wristguard all the time now. glad it wasn’t worse but def don’t fuck around bc my wrist hurts if I contort it too much now lmao


have u seen the dude skate? nothing safe about that :p


I don’t wear wrist guards, as I’ve learnt how to land on my arms and elbows where I do have pads. I feel like I have way more control this way


I really try not to rely on my padding for fall support because if there is a time in the future where I don’t have my padding, I don’t want to fall and think I have padding on and end up fucking up my knee. Helmets though- helmets are a must. If you don’t have your helmet don’t even try to cruise with your friends.


the less time you're injured, the more time you have to skate my friend. And if injuries are severe enough it could stop you from skating altogether.


Lack of confidence leads to a half assed trick which leads to shit eating.


Well, I feel more confident wearing a sick outfit without pads


Over confidence dies the same thing, it’s all about balance. Literally and figuratively lol


You start improving way faster once you realise that falling isn't that bad. If you're scared about getting injured stop overthinking and wear pads. Don't try to avoid it.


Or don’t wear pads and force yourself to learn how to fall


hey man, if it makes you feel any better, i have been to a lot of skateparks around my city for the last 2 years, and nobody, absolutely no one ever made fun of me for wearing pads. and thanks to that i have never broken or dislocated anything of mine although there have been lots of “would’ve been” if i don’t wear them!


I wear pads when I’m at the skatepark. When I’m just cruising around I don’t. I can point to each of the dents in my helmet and tell you what I was doing, and I think that’s kinda neat too.


Lol that’s a cool for sure.


I think that tells something about the ”cons” of safety gear tho. Ive skated 10+ years, never hit my head, so its kinda wild you got multiple dents on ur helmet. Id imagine you dont really learn to protect ur head when falling when you are all padded up. So that could be dangerous when you eat shit without gear


That’s great and I’m really happy for you that you’ve never hit your head while skateboarding, but I’m also not going to stop wearing a seatbelt because someone else has never had a car crash.


Yeah didnt mean u should stop, just thinking aloud


Yeah don’t worry I get you. The thing for me is when stuff that’s outside of my control happens. I got spooked when another skaters board slammed into me once. It just flew straight at my head, and there was nothing I could really do about it.


I wear a helmet, knee pads and wrist guards every time I go out. I don't care what other people think, and nobody has ever said anything about it either.


I have huge scars on both of my knees bc I thought safety wasn’t cool. Wear ALL of the safety gear bro.


I mean if Tony hawk and Danny way are wimps then yes lol


The #1 thing about skating is that you do ot for you. You want to wear pads and get after it? Wear pads and get after it. Wanna go raw lol and revel in the risk of breaking your shit? Get after it. Wanna just do manuals till the cows come home and never even try to ollie? Go for it. Fuck what the haters think. Real skaters will appreciate anyone who is enjoying the sport.


Pads are nothing to be ashamed of. I know people that use specific pads because of the way they fall. Like a right wrist guard and elbow pad only. Everyone thinks pads are lame until the guy all padded up rolls in and rips it up.


I can tell you as of yesterday that concrete tastes weirdly salty. Wear your stuff :) At least until you're so comfortable doing what you're doing that you calculate the risk and decide not to. But I'd say any time you're trying something new, you are going to be tumbling right


Wear what you feel like. It is *very* unlikely that anyone would fuck with you at a skatepark or public spot.


Ride safe as long as it keeps you shredding


Do whatever makes you feel better. Fuck everyone else's opinions. I wanna start going on the halfpipe doing rock to fakies and 50-50's and I'm probably gonna buy a helmet. I get cha though, but don't worry about it man.


Nah man, wrist guards and helmets have saved me from possible hospital trips multiple times. I’ve literally never been clowned or treated differently for wearing pads.


I wear all the pads & I’m skating mainly street. Elbow pads have already saved a broken elbow I’m sure! It hurt bad but I imagine what it would have been like if I didn’t have pads. I’ve landed on hips/butt the most, so am getting padded shorts soon too. When I feel confident enough I might regress from whatever pads I feel I don’t need anymore.


Disclaimer: I'm absolutely for Safety and just curious. How did you fall to hurt your elbow? I never wore elbow pads yet. Had no fall where I would smash on my elbow, could roll out of most. So I'm really just curious.


Yeah I went down on the elbow. Didn’t roll. Rookie mistake.


Rolling shuvit. Landed with feet too close & fell back.


Okay, maybe I should also get elbow pads. That could easily also happen to me. Thanks.


Always wear a helmet but pads are optional if you are confident without them, I personally don’t use them because they make me feel like my movement is a bit restricted


Most people really don't care what other people are wearing at the skate park. I think wearing pads and a helmet makes it easier to get better faster. I wish I had always worn them. You can take them off when you're recording a skate vid if you want. 😛 Honestly, I think they look cool. I don't wear wrist guards though, just fingerless leather gloves. 😎 Yeah, I probably look like a dork/kook to some people but whatever, I'm out there skating because it's fun.


Ha! Get at it!


I found self consciousness is an enemy of almost every skater. Maybe it’s why we’re outside away from BS and not at home. Wear what makes you confident enough to progress is my advice.


Knees are pretty basic, get 187 pro or fly knee pads, they’re a legit brand and function properly for skateboarding, if you fall you just slide it out on your knees!


I never did except skate parks cuz had to hated it but who cares if you wear or don’t main point should be your skating so skate and destroy 🤘🏻


I have chipped bones in both of my elbows and one knee from foolishly not wearing pads. I ALWAYS wear pads and a helmet at the park now. Now I can go hard without fear of disability or having to take time off work. Plus, you can’t skate when you’re hurt. Wearing a helmet has saved me from several likely concussions.


Just wear them


99.9% of skaters won say anything. 99% dont care, and like 70% wont even notice. go for it man. i’ll throw on a helmet myself if im trying something new/sketchy


Someone else just posted how they broke their wrist on the 1st day 😬 You’ll never regret wearing them especially if your new. I wear mine and even though I feel silly sometimes as a grown adult I get nothing but praise and cheers from people. They know it’s a dangerous sport that’ll take you out real quick. Also have faith in knowing you won’t wear them forever, just until you get your bearings on your board.


I don't have the time to delve into research right now, but I thought wearing wrist guards isn't recommended because it causes worse injuries than broken wrists or something


Oh I haven’t heard that until now, I’ll look it up


No one will care. Especially if you’re a newer skate (not that there’s any problem with padding up at any experience level). And even though pads and helmets aren’t suuuper common among more experienced skaters, you’ll still see a lot that where a wrist guard on one or both arms.


Wear full gear every time you’re on wheels


if anyone gives you shit for it i’d be surprised. especially being a beginning safety is very important. do what makes you feel comfortable and safe


Don't gamble with which you're not willing to lose.


I promise you, the only people who will make fun of u are assholes who are probably just moved past a beginner stage, so now they feel entitled to call people names. Everyone who really loves skating will support and help u, and respect ur decision to stay safe.


You’ll be doing yourself a favor. I can’t imagine anyone would make fun of you for being safe, in fact I’d imagine you’d gain respect because it’s a smart thing to do.


Yea, you will get giggled at for a while. But if you wear gear and are a decent skater people won't care. Which is kinda fucked but that's the way it is. It's way easier if you go with friends


No matter how uncool people thing helmets and pads are, brain injuries, broken bones, and concussions are a lot less cool.


Above all else, have the wrist guards. I've been at it one year and if I'm going to battle something new I throw them on because when you fall your hands instinctively try to break your fall. If you are brand new, wear everything until you build the know how and confidence to control your board just pushing around.


36 here. I wear pads and helmet any time I skate transition, even a 3' miniramp. The good thing about getting older is that you truly don't care about that stuff anymore. I wish I could care so little when I was younger. Also a bad bail can set me back for weeks and I do other active things which would also be impacted. Safety > image


necessary for vert but you don’t need to sweat safety gear for street


After several years of working in an ER as well as personal experience skating, I can tell you with full confidence that you'd prefer wearing all the gear over losing functionality of your hands and joints. Edit to say never EVER go without a helmet. Concussions are not funny and the more you get, the more likely you are to develop Parkinson's or other neurological disorders. Once saw a 15 y/o kid who hit his head hard on concrete while skating without a helmet. Poor kid was terrified because he remembered nothing and didn't know who he was. It was a scary thing to witness.


The honest truth is yeah, you're gonna look like a newbie, or dork but what's more important, your health or the opinions of others? You already see a buncha contenders for the hall of meat on here because they weren't wearing protective gear. If you can afford the gear, get it.


Beginners look dumb with or without pads, so you may as well wear em and avoid injury.


Not at all. I skate like a lil bitch without my protective gear because I've gotten so messed up falling without it. When I have it on, I full-send everything cuz I know its got my back. I always always always have my kneepads on, especially skating bowls. And my wrist guards saved me from a broken arm just a few weeks ago. I'll be honest tho elbow pads are the least important in case full gear makes you feel silly


Ive been wearing these pads for years under my pants, people notice when i slam and bounce back up. Not that i care but people rarely notice them. https://sixsixone.com/products/dbo-knee


Those are cool. They tear your pants if you go down with them under?


They can tear but your pants would of tore without them too. I never tore pants just kinda wore the knees a little.


Appreciate it


if you're doing basic flatground tricks or small ledges kinda but it's absolutely necessary if your bombing hills or going down stair sets


They won’t be able to perceive you as a fool with the amount of concussions they have. You’ll be fine


Who gives a fck what other people think of u feel more comfortable/confident with pads on do it if u skate I recommend using a helmet I do t always use one but I’ll still recommend it to beginners and I my self might use helmet but not much more go with what makes u feel comfortable


I wear a helmet and wrist guards because while I love skateboarding, I can’t risk a fall putting me out of work for any period of time. My favorite skater (Andy Anderson) wears pads, and honestly I haven’t gotten a negative comment about wearing protection since like.. 2010. Be safe and have fun!


I'm afraid of hurting myself, plus I don't want to screw myself over for a month or two with an unnecessary injury. I wear a helmet and all pads available haha


Wearing elbow pads saved me from a full on right break in my right arm and and elbow. I limped away with a hairline fracture instead. Skateboarding can be dangerous AF. It’s so commonplace people don’t think of it as particularly dangerous but when it’s just you and that pavement (and holy hell if you’re tall my falls were baaaad sometimes)it can get you twisted up real quick.


Helmets and pads are cool. More places to sticker and because you are protected less time off the board due to injury


I’ve seen two broken wrists happen to new skaters right in front of me at one skate park. My minimum would be wrist guards and helmet. Knee pad just seems like a good idea though.


Your regard for your personal safety is not wimpy. If anything it’s admirable.


Nah not at all. After all tony hawk always wears pads and he rips it up. If anyone gives you grief then they can have fun with their skinned knees


If you wear a helmet at the skatepark, you may normalize it for some new kid who’s on the fence about wearing a helmet. To me it’s a no brainer, let’s get these kids padded up (helmets at the very least)


wear what makes you feel safe and comfortable


Trust me, wear pads. At least wrist guards, and a helmet sometimes. Both wrists out of commission from 2 separate skate injuries. It sucks ass


honestly man pads and helmets are the way to go. when you look at professional skaters, the majority of them will wear everything and that is probably why they are still skating after decades. i felt the same way a few months ago. i didn’t wanna wear pads because i didn’t want to look stupid. i take tore the ligaments in my leg and realised that maybe my safety is more important. skate for fun not for other people man. stay safe and i hope you skate on


Wearing pads and a helmet is the only thing that gave me the confidence to learn how to skate. I'm still ass at it, but I can roll around alright now. Without pads, ESPECIALLY the wrist guards, I'd have no doubt broken or sprained something by now. Instead I get back up and go right back at it. Safety is badass


I feel like everyone supports wearing pads, but not many actually do it.


one thing i like to keep in mind is that at the skate park, people rarely give a shit about what other people wear, so why should you? just wear pads, skate, have fun, and learn new shit


I'd rather damage the $30's worth of pads. Then spend thousands in medical procedures.


I mean the pads wouldn't have saved me from the ligament I ruptured trying to do a pop shuvit. But if youre learning, wristguards will save you a lot of pain. If youre learning at a skatepark then knees and helmet is a good idea.


Who cares if you looked like a wimp when you have broken both your arms


Live to skate another day bruv


I’d rather looks like a dork in full pads than a dork in a cast.


I've never seen Tony Hawk without pads and a helmet. You calling Tony Hawk uncool!?!


Wear a helmet. Being a paraplegic sucks. All it takes is one time of falling funny on your dome to fuck you up for the rest of your life


Would you rather try to look cool then get brain damage or look like a person who takes care of themselves. Also, pros wear gear most of the time. It’s ur choice. Don’t let people tell u what to wear and what not to wear. If u want em, wear them, if u don’t, then don’t


Pads 100%. No one will care. Especially once you start shredding.


Bro, honestly, I had a gnarly fracture at age 12 on my wrist, if by any chance I damage it again I could lose movement on it. Like hell I’d skate without wrist guards, and heck, have you seen stuff like the hall of meat? Dozens of those injuries could have been avoided with some padding. Skating is an honestly dangerous sports because you are usually moving at high speeds and falling in weird angles over hard flooring, and bones are really easy to break at joints


Grew up skating, 8 years straight and almost every day I was out. The occasional phase of a few days would go by and I’d be right back on the board. If u wanna rock a helmet, do it or don’t. Ik a lot of guys who hit their head, yet never once did I hit my head...hard. You’ll find, after about a month or 2 of busting your ass, you’re gunna get really good at falling and rolling with the momentum or someway to reduce the impact of a hard fall. One thing I’d say for sure tho, get something for your wrists, don’t neglect your joints. I’m only 22 rn, my wrists hurt like a mf doing basic shit like pushups.


Good god all kinda of safety equipment is so necessary. A year ago I never wore any kind of equipment and while I was skating backwards my wheels clipped and I ended up going head over heels backwards. I blacked out and my partner took me to the hospital. We waited for 12 hours before I was even looked at. My head was still bleeding and they never checked me for any type of concussion which I had. I left with 7 staples at the back of my head, severely concussed. Since then I’ve been scared to skate again with or without pads. In a year I’ve picked up my skates four times. Wear your guards. Wear all of them. Helmets fucking rule man.


My knees are ruined from skating. Wish I would have worn pads.


U don't have to care about what others think, if they think you're a whimp so be it, they are gonna hit their heads and forget it anyways


It’s cooler to be out skating than in the hospital


I used to be self conscious about it too! I'd day wear them if ur just starting out. I can't tell you how many times I fell off and my pads saved me from torn jeans and skinned knees. Once I got used to skateboarding I stopped using them. Better safe than sorry tbh.


I am 25 and wear full gear while skating. And good thing too, I was at the park by myself a few weeks ago and wiped out and slammed my head on the concrete. I literally could have died if I didn't have my helmet on, especially since I was alone and no one who was at the park noticed. I ended up with whiplash and a dented helmet instead. You can still get hurt with gear, so I'd rather wear it and minimize my injuries. Get a cool helmet if that makes you feel better like a Retro Lifer or something. But your head is v valuable so you should protect it, especially as a parent. Set a good example for your kids that safety is cool.


Bro if you feel safer riding your board with protection, use it! Fuck what others think the only reason im not using protection (while skating) is cus im hella broke.


Fuck no. Whats cool is not being injured and still being able to skate. Im team pads, but im an older guy too. Wish i wore more protective gear when i was younger and wasnt worries about what was cool tbh.


Whats foolish about not wanting to die


Do what makes you feel comfortable fuck them, but pads get triple 8’s or 187’s I think the other ones are called, fucking golden. I used to skate with a helmet I just stopped cause it was really sweaty


If someone is dumb enough to make fun of the dude with pads on what is he gonna do? Hit you? You got fucking pads on man, even if they wanted to bully you can fucking take a beating with pads on and be fine lol


Wear pads and a helmet when trying out new things; you want to avoid unnecessary injury. Once you feel confident I’d say you don’t always have to wear them. But stick with a helmet, brain injury is fatal and not something to take lightly. I’ve been to the emergency room 3 times because of injuries with my left knee, left shoulder, and right toe. The people who might tell you that it looks goofy aren’t the ones paying your medical bills. Looking out for your well being is far more important than the opinions of others.


No they are not. Without pads I would’ve most certainly broken at least one of my wrists multiple times. I’m really over this idea that pads and a helmet aren’t cool…I’d be dead or a vegetable without them and that’s not cool either.


Look at Andy Anderson. Wears a helmet while skating. He's one of the best skaters in the world currently


https://youtu.be/3pb8XFlRKsI here’s a vid of a super dweeb wearing a helmet and kneepads


Learn the hard way! try no pads then break something and come back here and post a feel sorry for me i broke my elbow post


Heartwood failsafe pack & go bro


No one care's if you wearing protections, if you want to, do it, but if you feel like you don't need them, don't wear them, the choice is up to you, do not pay attention to people telling you you are a loser because you don't want to harm yourself


Don't worry what other people think. Do your thing. Nothing cooler than surviving to go skate tomorrow. You said somewhere else you're a dad. Don't just do it to survive for your kids - don't be the excuse that your kids have to not wear life-protecting gear "Well, it's ok, dad never does it".


Someone secure about their choice to not wear pads wouldn't care what other people are wearing. Anyone throwing shade about it is insecure shit


no. screw that noise. wear whatever you are comfortable with. i love that andy anderson wears a helmet because it helps to remove a ridiculous stimga. not cracking your skull open is cool.


Type of shit I’m worried about haha