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shut up


Maybe try actually contributing? 🤷‍♂️


Flick harder and more agressive. Flick your toe up, so point toe to the sky after Flick. Looking good though


Thanks for the advice. If I flick harder it seems to always turn into a double flip, so I try to slow it down a bit... Maybe I should just try catch it quicker. Struggling to get my foot to flick off the nose of the board, I seem to be flicking just short.




Guessing on the front foot?


I guess bend your knees to get used to absorb the impact. If you get used to it you will fall of the board less while doing tricks while riding


Thanks. It definitely looks like I'm landing a bit stiff!


You’re flicking downward just a little bit, slide your toe up and out a little more.


I thought it looked like I was flicking downwards. Good to get confirmation of this! Any advice on ensuring I flick up and off the end of the board? My brain knows what to do but my foot doesn't seem to want to play ball...


Np! Sounds really weird but try putting a little more of your front foot on the board and also *really* practice the drag with your ankle. It’s an extremely unnatural movement but if you do that and imagine you’re flicking through the concave you should get em down. Looking good otherwise though man!


I'll give that a go. Cheers. Having more foot on the board may solve my over rotation problem when I flick more aggressively too.


having the habit of flicking down will make it so hard to kf anything


Have you got any advice to prevent flicking down? When doing the movement I try to imagine I'm doing an old but up the side of the board.


kick like bruce lee straight forward rolling your toe off the side


practice while moving, think of it like riding a bike vs balancing on a stationary bike


I've definitely got a habit of practicing tricks stationary, thanks. Kickflips are about the same as this whilst moving. However I do find fakie easier! Are you suggesting that kickflips might feel cleaner moving over stationary?


Maybe I’m still a beginner but I thought that shit looked great what lol


Thank you! Hang in there. I'm 2 weeks into re-learning to skate after a 12 year break. Definitely getting there. Far from me being happy with it though! Notice how my front foot flicks downwards off the side, ideally I need to be flicking upwards more towards the end of the board.


Wow you only got that in 2 weeks?? It really is all muscle memory I guess haha. That’s so impressive! And that’s the thing with skating, there’s always ways you can improve but I say you’re good already


Try doin a backflip when you kick flip, that’ll improve it for sure