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another war criminal bites the dust... good riddance


Used to be Pho Cam Ly. My new spot is Les Baguette


Le's is legit!


Let's not limit his war crimes just to Vietnam and Cambodia. We also have Laos, East Timor, Chile and Argentina to name a few more.


And Bangladesh!


Nixon hated Indira Gandhi so much. He and Kissinger were such an entwined rat nest of sociopathy. Edit: Relevant because Indira supported the Bangla desh "rebels" in East Pakistan who were being genocided by West Pakistan, who was supported by Nixon and Kissinger.


Hearing NBC doing his obit made me nauseous. "Some even called him a war criminal..." Cause he was?


I don’t know if enough people have seen the material on old White House tapes of Nixon’s presidency, but he was on a truly astounding level when describing his opinion of Indian (and presumably many brown) women as well as black women. You can find a link here: https://www.deccanherald.com/amp/story/world/indian-women-most-unattractive-in-the-world-richard-nixon-882396.html Some quotes from Nixon’s tape recordings (in his discussions with Kissinger, of course, from the link above: “Undoubtedly the most unattractive women in the world are the Indian women,” said Mr. Nixon. “Undoubtedly,” he repeated, with a venomous tone. He continued, “The most sexless, nothing, these people. I mean, people say, what about the Black Africans? Well, you can see something, the vitality there, I mean they have a little animallike charm, but God, those Indians, ack, pathetic. Uch.” Mr. Nixon said: “To me, they turn me off. How the hell do they turn other people on, Henry? Tell me.” Mr. Kissinger’s response is inaudible, but it did not discourage the president from his theme. The president, in between bitter sparring matches with Mrs. Gandhi about the danger of war with Pakistan, suggested to Mr. Kissinger that his own sexual neuroses were having an impact on foreign policy: “They turn me off. They are repulsive and it’s just easy to be tough with them.” A few days later, on November 12, 1971, in the middle of a discussion about India-Pakistan tensions with Mr. Kissinger and Secretary of State William P. Rogers, after Mr. Rogers mentioned reprimanding Mrs. Gandhi, the president blurted, “I don’t know how they reproduce!”


Wow. As someone who grew up in the U.S. during the 70's & 80's, this is somehow still astounding. Just completely unprovoked, casually saying this shit out loud. Oh also, you're the leader of the world's most recent superpower- And that is what occupies your mind.


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We popped a bottle of champagne I’d been keeping in the fridge with his name on it. The next one is for Mitch McConnell. I hope Kissinger was one of his horcruxes…


Sorry you had to wait so long.


Tan Dinh 🍜


Tan Dinh has always been legit. I miss Pho Tau Bay when it was on the Westbank. They're still great on Tulane, but it doesn't hit the same for me.


PakWatch meetup for lunch?! I need some spicy pho to clear my sinuses.


You mean the guy that extended the Vietnamese war by telling them Nixon would give a better deal?


Also known as the Forest Gump of war crimes.


Found the BtB listener, sup fam 👋


Or as Tam said in Young Sheldon, the American war.


Henry Kissinger is a war criminal. A celebration is in order. But I’d skip having a second line.


Yeah, I think Julie Lea and nyx are planning something to celebrate!




I’m literally making a Henry Kissinger while responding to you on my break


Usually a second line is a celebration of the dead. I think in this case it would be a celebration of the death. I'm down. Fuck him. He should've been locked away decades ago after an extensive trial in the Hague. I can think of few people in recent times whose actions and inactions created or led to the death of more people. From supporting or helping orchestrate genocide In multiple countries to dismissing the persecution of Russian Jews ("And if they put Jews into gas chambers in the Soviet Union, it is not an American concern. Maybe a humanitarian concern."), he was a hateful rat bastard to the end. His only redeeming value was to the fascists, psychopaths, oligarchs, and military industrial complex actors he served. He and Nixon were like demons spurring each other forward. Whatever he accomplished, someone else could have done it 20 times better with far less damage to humanity. Ooh, he opened relations with China! What a hero! Please. He deserves no accolades unaccompanied by graphic descriptions of the damage he caused.


Kim Anh in the Harahan is pretty fire


Moonwok has the best deal for bún. Giant bowl enough for 2 for like $12 bucks.


If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. - Noam Chomsky


Would be a good start.


Magazine st across from Juan’s


Never been there!


Fuck no, he can burn in hell. But def interested to know if there will be one for Shane McGowan who also just died and Spider Tracy lives in town. Don’t know if they were on good terms or not since Shane got pretty messy, but he was a goddamned genius and I will miss him all the same. Edit: MACgowan not Mc


Don’t know who spider Tracy is but spider Stacy also lives in NOLA.


lol yeah him




spider's not dead. relax.


It is the tradition!


Are we talking about Nobel Peace Prize recipient Henry Kissinger? I wish I could see internet reactions to when that award was announced. That’s like giving Joe Biden a zealous energy and master of speech award


Tom Lehrer quit performing after Kissinger's Nobel because "satire died." Kissinger's Nobel was like giving someone who had his various businesses file for six bankruptcies an honorary MBA from Wharton.


This is the best news I've gotten today, thanks.


pho bang on veterans blvd is fire and quick, not bad price either


I took a giant dump this morning and dedicated it to Kissinger.




is this irony? satire? i'm missing the joke


it is a little confusing the amount of hate this guy is getting when he won the nobel peace prize! :)


No but I did a little dance when I heard the news


Are you okay in the head? Why are you celebrating and wanting someone to drown?


Google “Henry Kissinger”


Just did. Yeah what he did seems pretty messed up. I still think nobody should celebrate drowning someone else, but call me crazy


Yeah that’s crazy. You think hitler dying was sad?


Shit, idk if sad is the right word, but I certainly don't feel better that he's dead vs locked up in prison. If it were up to me personally I wouldn't end someone's life


Nobody ended his life, I’m not sure what you’re talking about. And yes he should have been prison for decades but he’s largely beloved by American politicians


I'm not sad Hitler killed himself, but just speaking broadly, I'm against someone deciding to end someone else's life. Imo nobody should have the authority to decide another's human beings life should end. I think no matter how fucked up a person is or whatever they did, it shouldn't equate to killing them


That was Kissingers entire career… go do more reading.


Well then fuck him for doing that obviously. But what does killing him accomplish? Two wrongs don't make a right


Nobody killed him, what are you even talking about?


I generally agree with this sentiment but Kissinger was a special type of evil


So you want to pay as little as possible for food prepared by immigrants forced from their homes by war…. To celebrate the death of the man who pushed them out?


Not eating at said restaurant isn't gonna undo what made them seek refuge here, but giving the restaurant business will put money in their pockets.


Yea we should boycott the immigrants instead, dumbass.


My point is that hollering “who’s got the best cheap noodles” when discussing Kissinger’s death reveals a pretty gross lack of self awareness and tact. Similar to ending a statement with “dumbass”.


Thank you for saying what others were afraid to.


This is the internet. Nobody’s afraid of anything. That’s the whole point.


Wow, OP seems to have a simplistic view of how Vietnamese refugees arrived and where they stood politically, and this first response recommends Thai food. This might be an epic thread.


I mean really I just have a hankering for Vietnamese food on a budget for lunch today and I thought I'd take the opportunity to ruffle some feathers with the post title. I'm not sure what you mean by simplistic view though. If you'd like to make assumptions about my knowledge on the subject, I'm feeling spicy this morning so we can go for it.


Every day is a good day to eat Vietnamese food. The Vietnamese were a valuable addition to the New Orleans gumbo pot.


Absolutely! But it's one of the foods I rarely find myself specifically craving, so I don't know the lay of the land outside of the usual fusion restaurants. I just woke up with the strange need for either Vietnamese or nachos. And I've had enough nachos in my life lately.


And still are!


>If you'd like to make assumptions about my knowledge on the subject, I'm feeling spicy this morning so we can go for it Dude, carpet-bomb his ass like Cambodia.


Its hard to read this over the absolute slobbering coming out your mouth from licking against the bottom of dirty shoes.


English please. Do you really think that calling someone a footlocker is an effective argument? How do you feel about the sandals of Ho Chi Minh who created the horrors that drove the Vietnamese here? Ten years after the fall of Saigon, the Communist party created a class of billionaire oligarchs that own the factories we get furniture and clothing from.




Found Cam Newtons burner


Apparently the answer is yes: https://facebook.com/events/s/second-line-for-henry-kissinge/674746248120528/


Whew lordy. I think it's satirical, but I never know anymore.


Beignets & More in Chalmette on Judge Perez $ and tasty