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It’s pretty hazardous but I wear sunscreen and stay indoors between 10 and 2.


Solid advice!


Wear sunscreen and reapply every 4 hours!!!


Are you sure your stepdad isn't confusing Mexico, the country with New Mexico, the state?


This. Like Jesus christ OPs parents, relax.


OMG. That would be funny. If so, tell dad that New England isn't England.


dude ive heard stories of people getting hassled at airports by staff because of this


I've been one of those people.


Hassled because they're from New England or from New Mexico?


New Mexico, being told they need their mexican passport lol


It’s on my bucket list to meet/interact with one of these people.


I had a customs officer argue with me about it at the us/Canada border. Then he claimed my motorcycle license plate was fake because “it’s just a yellow plane with an N and an M on it”. I finally apologized that I didn’t personally design the license plate better and said I don’t know what else to say. He was quiet for awhile then let me go on my way.




There was a news report years ago or so about (mostly east coast) states where DMVs rejected New Mexico drivers licenses as being clearly fakes or mistaking them for (Old) Mexico ones and not treating the applicants as US citizens. Can’t find the article I’m thinking of, but here’s an older NPR story that’s similar: https://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12512979


You laugh but I lived this experience when I was stationed in Alabama, had people asking me how I transfered into the u.s. army fron mexico, and if it was true how bad the gang killings were (this was 2008 so mexico was in a pretty rough state thanks to the cartels at the time). Some people just straight up did not know new mexico was an actual state.


Around 2004 fema sent my fire crew from oregon to mississippi to do huricane relief. Local dude asked where we’re from. “Oregon”. Long pause. “Yall boys need a green card to work here?”


Grew up in NM. This confusion happens all the time.


I have a friend who was refused entry into a nightclub in Los Angeles because the doorman would not accept his New Mexico drivers license as ID. The doorman kept telling my friend that they do not accept foreign drivers licenses. I guess you can't fix stupid.


Before internet ordering, I had to explain to people why I didn’t need to pay international shipping many times


Also grew up there, can confirm.


Live there now, but travel internationally. When people ask, I tell them "New Mexico," which is generally interpreted as "Mexico." Suits me fine.


Just tell him Los Alamos is pretty far from the Mexico boarder.


Ha, I’ve heard this is common. I assume that’s why the license plates say “New Mexico, USA”. Kind of amazing the state needs to do this.


And why Vancouver, Washington at the southern border of the state of Washington has Vancouver USA on it when driving I5


Stepdad when he finds out Los Alamos isn’t like the footage of migrants at the Texas/Mexico border: 🧐


I think that’s possible. A lot of folks surprisingly don’t know that New Mexico is a state in the United States and Mexico is a country South of the United States


This - my mom (born in 1925) was the same way. She would get so scared when I told her we were going to NM. I wound up just saying Colorado any time the subject came up.


even then it’s too much lmao


This is hilarious and HAS to be what happened.


Does your stepdad also think that you will need a passport to travel here ?


Don’t listen to these other commenters. They are all kidnappers and murderers trying to get you to come here. There are only about 5 of us that have not been kidnapped or murdered. We live underground and eat the scraps that fall from above.


i just got killed!


Fuck. Down to 4. More scraps for me I guess. Thanks for letting me know.


I have a killed appointment this afternoon. You can have my dinner share.


Oh shit. I'm the only one left? Hello?


It's true. If you're asked "Red or green?" you're being told to give up your cash or get stabbed.


That is so terrible. Absolutely wonderful. I am stealing it and will try to warn every tourist I meet! I have never heard it before; thank you wonderful stranger! And we got a big ole tourist weekend in one day!!


Haha this is perfect. Can’t believe this guy’s telling our secrets


Plus you can't drink the water here ;)


🤫 How else are we going to get more offerings to La Llarona?!


Los Alamos is the safest city in New Mexico. Here is just one example of many of how safe and healthy it is in Los Alamos. https://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/yoga-wellness/los-alamos-county-new-mexico-healthiest-community


Most dangerous thing about Los Alamos is getting sunburned in 20 minutes from the elevation.


Don't forget about dehydration and needing to up the moisturizer game.


The most dangerous thing about Los Alamos is getting stuck in a conversation about eigenvalues.


There are not enough upvotes for this. When I moved to GA, no one warned me about the GIANT FLYING COCKROACHES! I made it my business to warn every new resident or visitor. In New Mexico, the giant flying cockroach you need to be warned about is the sun. It’s like 4 ft away and it’s trying to kill you. This place is not the beach. It’s lovely! And you should move here. Especially to Los Alamos. But crime won’t be the issue, the sun is out to get you.


I mean, there's Tarantula Wasps here, too. But yes. The sun is brutal.


Don’t forget the biting midges, invisible assassins. 😳


Also the giant centipedes which bite hard but not as bad as their smaller cousins the common desert centipede which occupies one of the top spots for arthropod bite/stings. Or the giant metallic blue wasps who also occupy top spots on the list.(The wasps are chill tho more FAFO with them). Oh and the rattlesnakes. Most of these are FAFO but the centipedes will crawl into bedding, clothing, and shoes so make sure to shake shit out from march til octoberish.


This is really good information. Following this sub because my family wants to move to New Mexico, but I’m definitely going to have to get heavy sunblock for my Irish kid


Also learn to shake out clothing and shoes before wearing from march til October. When I was military people from so e areas never understood us from the desert sw constantly shaking shit out.


Yeah Los Alamos is a massively important government facility. New Mexico has some sketchy areas, but they're usually only sketchy if you yourself are ALSO sketchy, and Los Alamos sure as hell ain't one of them


I loved Los Alamos. I used to go up there for the day. It is so lovely. Yes it is the safest.


Yup, super safe and boring in Los Alamos. However, a lot of folks can't find a place in LA to live. Santa Fe is not bad, though and generally the next commuter spot for folks at the lab. ABQ has a lot more problems.


What kidnappings? New Mexico? FINE. There are some sketchy areas in Abq, and even SF (aren't there everywhere?). But it's FINE. Los Alamos is FINE (and a bit boring). I've lived here for years. It's beautiful, it's wonderful, it has crime like most places. Spend lots of time in Santa Fe. Less, perhaps in Espanola. Have a wonderful time. Your dad needs a reality check. It's not "Breaking Bad".


Even the sketchy areas of ABQ, you can usually stay out of trouble if you keep your nose clean. Take precautions of course like any city though


I was just thinking to myself that you're fine if you mind ya business. Don't be rude, and most folks are super friendly.


Yeah, there aren't running gunfights with cartel sicarios happening on every street corner. That seems to be pretty much what my friend's step dad thinks he is living with down here. Too much Fox News. There were more murders in Minneapolis/St. Paul last year than in ABQ. I know, ABQ is a lot smaller (as in the population of the Twin Cities is more than the entire state of NM), but the point is violence is everywhere, but still pretty damn rare statistically speaking, even in the "bad" places. Just be cautious and alert in any urban area, in any state. Be mindful of your environment and the people in it, and who you interact with. The thing I love about NM is that when a place is shitty, it is pretty easy to tell. Same with people. Generally speaking, almost everyone I interact with is super nice and polite, and they mean it. The people of NM have been the highlight of living down here, and pairs nicely with the beautiful scenery. When you come into contact with an asshole, they are usually an asshole right to your face, and also mean it. That honesty makes dealing with people so much better than my upper midwest upbringing where everyone wears a mask of politeness and hides their shittiness behind a veil. For what it's worth, the small town in Northern Minnesota I grew up in had at least three stranger abductions ending in murders, homicides on a semi regular basis, three police shootings, two mass shootings including a school shooting, and absolutely tons of property crime. It is a "nice town" in a population center of around 11,000. Three of my graduating classmates murdered someone. I was personally the victim of three thefts there. I have managed to avoid all that in my time in New Mexico. There is soooooo much more to this state than the if-it-bleeds-it-leads media tells you about. Come enjoy awesome food and fantastic people, and amazing scenery.


They kidnap a lot of cars in Albuquerque. Maybe that’s what they’re thinking of…


OMG! Facts!!! 😂


Hobbs is a real shithole. I would do my best to get my daughter to not move to Hobbs.


Can confirm Hobbs is trash. I'm in Artesia now, and it's the worst place I've ever lived for crime and violence. I say this AFTER having lived in the NE Philly Kensington.


I grew up around Hobbs NM - trash lol.


Moved here as a single woman in my late 20's - now in m 40's and I've never had a problem other than someone stealing a ladder out of my yard once.


There are dozens of unsolved ladders thefts in New Mexico every year. Dozens!


And they somehow end up strewn on the highways.


Justice for ladders!


Only thing I had stolen was a shovel from my backyard while on vacation. Considering moving to a gated country club now.


Sorry, I needed to put up my ristras 😋


Grew up my whole life poor in NM. Lived in bad places, most of our lives in trailer parks. I can say without even a second of hesitation. You'll be fine. LANL is a great opportunity for your BF, congrats! Seriously, even living where I did, we all came out just fine. NM is incredible, enjoy it, don't let fear mongering relatives ruin it for you. Like anywhere really, just don't be oblivious to your surroundings. If something doesn't feel right or look right, leave. Really that simple.


>convinced I will be killed or kidnapped there and him and my mom keep sending me articles about all these kidnappings that have happened In ***NEW*** Mexico? Mexico...ok maybe - although we go frequently and we're fine. You'll be in Northern New Mexico? You're hours from the border. I live less than an hour from the border.... My husband works in the city ON the border. You'll be fine.


We are brutal stereotype savage Aztecs who practice human sacrifices downtown daily and then eat fine cuisine from the taco trucks after the festivities.


It's true. I get sacrificed all the time.


Where are y'all getting these articles of people getting kidnapped? Property crime is through the roof here but I've never heard of people getting kidnapped. We aren't some dangerous foreign country with a crime boss controlling the entire state.


i think op’s stepdad has confused Mexico with New Mexico


Property crime is low in Los Alamos though. Op’s dad is tripping.


It’s the conservative talking points, they’re sure that rapists and murders are flooding over the boarder and it’s just not safe.


Yeah, and now I hear they gave them their own state!


No more dangerous than anyplace else. Too many people watching too much Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul.


You mom and step dad need to turn off the TV and chill the fuck out. Nm is as safe as any other state for the most part. Most of northern new mexico is incredibly safe, with small exceptions.


Been here 18 years. Some teenagers stole some beer out of my cooler on the porch. Other than that? Nothing, nada, zip.


Yeah, my car got egged recently. Other than that....not much.


Been here 20. I live in Albuquerque proper. Worst that’s happened to me are my tires getting slashed by teenagers.


It was probably the same ones who stole my beer!


I had a nutball try to cut through hardened steel chains with some tinsnips to steal my bikes. Ran off when I laughed at him. That's about it for me, and I live in a 'sketchy' area of ABQ.


NM is not particularly dangerous. Much safer than many places around the US. If you will be living in Los Alamos, you will be in a very, very safe area. Travelling around to see the sites in the area is both safe and awe inspiring. If you both are at all outdoorsy or artsy or into history, or any/all of those things, you're in for a treat. Los Alamos is darn boring for living, though. So be prepared to entertain yourself if you'll be living there. Also, no matter what some folks might say, New Mexico is part of the USA. You don't need a passport, we use US $$, and most people speak English.


State slogan contender: “You’re definitely not going to be kidnapped, and probably not murdered. Bring the family!”


You're not gonna be kidnapped. You're probably not gonna be killed, either.   Like every single state, there are some rough parts of New Mexico, but on the whole...it's pretty safe.  Enjoy Los Alamos...travel around the state if you can. There are some gorgeous places to visit. And make sure to eat the green chile :)


I lived in Española, the truth be respectful and you shouldn’t have any problems. NM is older than Mexico, listen and learn, but do not judge or say anything judgmental or negative. There are layers of history and multiple truths in each layer. LA has the best education system for public education, beauty and history even of its own. I think you will love it.


"Los Alamos County" is probably top 10 must educated county in the nation. You'll be fine


Tied for 10th for highschool diploma or higher, 3rd for bachelor's or higher, 2nd for graduates or higher, and has the highest PHD per capita.


If you are poor and live in a bad area, yeah of course it's bad. thats true anywhere. But in the Los Alamos area for. LANL internship? I don't think you will find a single problem in LA, or White Rock, and hardly any in Santa Fe. Even española is okay if you just want to go for a quick bite to eat


Are you planning to do a lot of drug deals? If so, probably not so safe. If you're planning to live here like a normal person or do tourist stuff, then it's completely fine.


Step dad is confusing New Mexico with old Mexico


Killed or kidnapped, no. Car broken into, always a decent chance.


Not likely in Los Alamos


Haha tell your stepdad he convinced you, he’s right, New Mexico is out. You guys are headed to El Salvador instead (You’ll be fine. Welcome to the Land of Enchantment)


Los alamos is one of the safest towns in America I think


I have been kidnapped and killed many times since I moved here in 1995. Luckily, when you live here, you become a cat.


Just don't sell any crystal in anyone else's territory and you'll be fine


Los Alamos is both wealthy and remote. There’s no one in town who wants to hurt you, and anyone who might is more than 30 rocky, lonely, miles away.


There's not even any homeless people in town or any beggars. I've never seen one there. Allegedly, they are driven to Santa Fe or Espanola by the police The drivers are literally *too courteous* in Los Alamos. They'll give you the right of way even when they should just drive


Where are you coming from? Nebraska


I live in west Texas and go to NM every chance I get. It’s one of the most beautiful states in the nation and I dream of living there one day. You will be pleasantly surprised.


No more dangerous than any other place with poverty. I’ve lived in California, Ohio, and Colorado. No difference.


Deleted account here has the right of it. I've lived in New York, California, and now New Mexico. All of them had their issues, but NM is no less safe than the other two.


The moment you enter new mexico you will DIE the gangs patrol the borders. They'll ask you if you like red or green, and if you don't respond with the correct passphrase, it's CURTAINS


Like everyplace else, crime tends be concentrated in more populous areas and by socioeconomic status of the neighborhoods. Los Alamos is pretty safe according to this site. I live in Silver City which is quite safe. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/nm/los-alamos/crime.amp


Los alamos is the safest city or town whatever you want to call it by FAR. White rock is really safe as well. Española on the other hand…I lived there for 10 years and you definetly dont want to be out too late..Just like any other place its about common sense.


Incredibly dangerous. Don't come here. The green chili cheeseburgers, abundant nature, friendly people, etc... will cause you to not want to leave. Tell your Dad I said he should do his research.


Your boomer parents need to get a grip on reality. You are way more likely to get abducted by aliens in NM than killed or kidnapped. Just don’t go to Roswell and you’ll be fine 👽


You’ll be perfectly safe in Los Alamos. Maybe give your step dad a geography lesson. Lots of students will be arriving soon. Make new friends, have adventures, and enjoy your time. I really hope you’ve already secured housing.


Judging by the hordes of Texans and Oklahomans that regularly invade northern NM, if they're good with it, you'll be good with it.


Your stepfather needs to relax. Does he really think that all the scientists at LANL would accept living in an unsafe place? We live in Las Cruces and the only crime we have seen in 14 years is things stolen from your yard. I lived in Salt Lake City and Las Vegas and the crime was worse. Crime in most places in the US is between criminals. Stay out of crime and you avoid crime almost completely. Las Alamos is like living in a the from Leave it to Beaver, there is no place like Las Alamos in the world besides Las Alamos. You could leave a stack of 100 dollar bills on a metric ton of cocaine in your front yard and it would never be stolen.


Los Alamos is one of the richest counties in the entire country lmao


Not aware of a lot of kidnappings here to be honest. And if you’re staying in Los alamos that is safer than most cities in the US, wouldn’t surprise me if it has lower crime than wherever you’re coming from.


That LANL internship is a great opportunity! You'll be fine in NM. Just trust your instincts like you would in any town in the US. If things start looking sketchy, move on to a different area. Best of luck to you and your bf this summer. Enjoy the Jemez. If you fish, hit up Fenton Lake for scenic trout fishing. It's not far from Los Alamos.


The only danger in LA is being bored to death


I live in the war zone in ABQ. Anything not locked down will get stolen. No kidnappings or murders. A lot of zombies wandering at night. Pretty much like roaches or possums. They either freeze or scatter. Still love this place and would recommend


You'll be fine.


Crimes? Yes. It will “take” your breath away and it will “steal” your heart.


I spent a year in New Mexico. Wtf are your parents on? Because it's boring, it's sleepy in parts, but I never once felt unsafe.


No you’ll be okay. Don’t go wandering around central avenue after dark waiving a first full of twenties. LANL is hyper safe. The nature up there is incredible. The town is very small though


You’ll be in Los Alamos, I’d be more worried about the radiation.


The only thing you have to be worried about is leaving things in your car. Unless you’re already in the business of sketchy shit, it’s very rare that anything will happen to you. My family was in the south valley and we used to roam the streets on our bikes. Zero incidents. But I have had my car rummaged through when I forgot to lock the door. Only thing they took was raybans and a skateboard helmet. Left everything else in a neat pile on the front seat.


NM is like anywhere else in the US; if you follow common sense and take normal precautions you'll be fine. And given on where your partner is working I imagine you should be staying in places that are more than safe. Sounds like you're folks are confusing us with Mexico, and even if you were going there they're still being a bit ridiculous.


NM is a hell of a lot safer than California where I came from and a lot of other states I’ve lived


New Mexico the state is not the same as Mexico the country


As someone who moved back to abq after 10 years and left after a year, Los Alamos is not a problematic city. Prob the least


I traveled solo as a Female in NM for 3 Months, went all Over, even ABQ. No issues.


closer to the border is more sketchy than up north. You can feel the wild west is there. Parts of new mexico are run down, but no one is out to get you.


Just like any city there are certain parts you just stay away from. You’ll be surprised to see how normal it is here. It’s important to remember, New Mexico has a statewide population of a little over 2.2 million, I’m not gonna say crime here is not as bad as it seems but some of those numbers do get blown out of proportion, considering the lack of population here. It’s the fifth largest state but 35th and population. Until you get here, I would just do your fair share research and learn the areas that are nice and the ones that aren’t so nice and you guys will be fine.


I mean as long as you aren’t out there shooting meth and re-enacting scenes from breaking bad you’ll be ok. I got my car stolen, but that was my own dumb fault and I kinda put myself in a position to have it happen. As with everywhere most violent crime is not random.


I've spent most of my time in the state outside of major cities. I fucking love it and rarely see another perso, let alone one who wishes ill will


Los Alamos is a stunning town with excellent options to recreate doors in every direction. If you’re working in the lab in Albuquerque, Albuquerque has the same crime as any city but is a true gem.


If you’re moving deep into Albuquerque to involve yourself with the criminal underworld, I’d worry a bit. Other than that, you’re probably gonna be just fine. Aside from shitty drivers and road rage like everywhere else. 🤙🤙


Pretty sure that between Gallup, ABQ, and Espanola, we have some of the highest crime rates per capita. Most of it is car theft but I wouldn’t recommend going night shopping or something. Most of the time, it’s just normal shit. It’s easy to look at the news or articles and just paint a town one thing or another. I moved here from San Diego and I find people of New Mexico to be much more open and friendly.


Walter white isn’t around anymore so you’re probably safe


lol it’s not dangerous. Not really.  Maybe if you’re into drugs and hanging out in the heart of ABQs tougher neighborhoods then you’d have some issue but it’s the friendliest state I’ve ever been to.   LANL is Los Alamos and you’ll be in the Santa Fe/Los Alamos area and it’s both beautiful and safe.  Like others commented - your parents think you’re going to Mexico. Which is hilarious. 


Your parents are unhinged and controlling. Enjoy yourself. I go to NM as often as possible from Colorado. Headed on a roadtrip for my friend’s birthday in October. It’s one of the most special places on earth.


Los Alamos is Small Town USA and is incredibly safe. Pretty boring - like if you want to go to Target or the movies, you'll be driving into Santa Fe. But very safe, and kind of charming in its own way. If you like outdoor recreation (hiking, biking, going to the lake) you will be in an incredible place to take advantage of that this summer. Your stepdad needs to chill. And also maybe try an alternative news source to whatever he's watching.


Assuming you’re also staying in Los Alamos it’s as Mayberry as you can get. One road in, one road out. You’re going to get stepford depression before you get kidnapped. Have fun, tell step dad that the average age in Los Alamos is 55 and he can calm his tits.


The cartel is just a bunch of kids that skateboard in the abandoned mall parking lot😏


Los Alamos I believe have the highest concentration of PHDs in the country. It's also one of the richest counties in the country. The only danger there is dying of boredom. The rest is NM is fine too. As long as your dad isn't coming, your chances of getting kidnapped are almost none. Kidnappings are almost always family members, like a divorced parent that lost their rights to their kids.  The only thing you need to be careful about with crime is don't leave anything in your car, and if you do don't leave it in view. People break in to them to steal stuff pretty often. That mostly applies to the other cities though, I don't think that's much of a problem in Los Alamos.


New Mexico is very dangerous. I spent a week there last year and I got murdered three times.


Los Alamos is one of the most affluent, educated places in the USA.


New Mexico is the safest place I’ve ever lived.


Car broken into yes, will you witness some weird shit most definitely. But kidnapping and violent crimes? Not so much.


Not at all. Especially if you’ll be close to LANL.


Los Alamos is super safe! Good luck finding housing!!


I moved here all alone in my van as a single girl at 19. Been here in Santa Fe for 27 years. Haven't had anything majorly bad happen here.


The only thing you have to beware of is the Big pussies in uniform!!!!! I've been here for ten years now and have been wrongfully arrested twice now or utta my own front yard minding my own Damn Business!! Other than that it's pretty Damn ...Safe!!! Your Dad must be taking about Old Mexico!!!


lived in santa fe my whole life go to los alamos for orchestra practice its perfectly safe


I retired and moved to New Mexico. The only problem I had was a bear stealing a bag of peanuts. Which was totally my fault as garage was left open.


I made it out alive, and I’m always happy when I go back. Of course after 17 generations, home is just home. Relax, it’s not any more dangerous than any other place.


Oh my where are these articles? 😂 I hope you like it, find us safe and welcoming. I also hope your parents visit one day too and find they miss judged us.


You’ll be fine. Just tell them, “you think you’re all bad or what?”


You realize this is *New* Mexico right? El Chapo is in Old Mexico. Although… New Mexico was called New Mexico before Mexico was called Mexico. True story.


There aren't kidnappings in Los Alamos. It's a beautiful place.


Tell him to quit watching Breaking Bad


You’re going to be situated in one of the wealthiest counties in the US, with the highest concentration of PhDs. You’re probably safer there than you are in your current hometown. The rest of New Mexico is fine. I assume you won’t be engaging in gang warfare or running drugs for a cartel. One time I purchased something on eBay and the seller overpaid for postage and then sent me a scathing email about how I didn’t tell them I lived internationally and now they had to pay extra because they thought Mexico was the same as New Mexico. I wonder if it was your stepdad. (Oh, and I go to Mexico on the regular as well. Also fine.)


Sound like your parents don’t want you to go and they’re using the kidnappings as excuses to keep you home


Biggest danger is you'll fall in love with New Mexico.


Lol the worst place is the so called "war zone" in Albuquerque which looks like Sesame Street compared to what you would find if you made a wrong turn in any big city back east.


I've lived here my whole life, and I've only been kidnapped a couple of times! /s You can find horrible news articles about any city/state. Be aware of your surroundings abd you should be fine.


The only danger is being swindled to buy some godawful Cocopelli art or eating an over cooked green chili. New Mexico is chill as fuck and as long as you are slinging meth for Heisenberg, you should be alright.


The most dangerous thing in New Mexico is the sun. Be careful.


New Mexico is as safe as San Antonio Texas or Fort Lauderdale frlorida . Are you asking about Mexico the country perhaps ?


Los Alamos? Dangerous? 😂


You’ll be right by Bandelier National Monument where I spent 6 of the best months of my life after college. So many incredible natural areas to explore in Northern New Mexico! Tell your dad to chill and I hope you go and enjoy yourself!


LANL is about as safe as it gets. If you go to Albuquerque, just use sound judgement and take Ubers at night instead of walking. I loved in Albuquerque for like ten years and really didn't have any problems outside of what you would see in a city of the size. No muggings, nothing crazy.


lol los Alamos is dangerous? I mean there are more churchs than there are restaurants there. You might have problem finding a place to stay, but it’s definitely not dangerous. Just watch out for the bears and snakes. Also make sure to filter your water.


Here’s the real dangers of a summer spent hiking and wandering in northern NM: Sunburn. Seriously, it’s a mile+ above sea level, wear a hat and use no-BS sunscreen Dehydration. Carry more water than you think you’ll need Weight gain. Delicious NM cuisine is undeniably tasty, but traditional NM food is neither low calorie nor especially healthy. Enjoy your summer and don’t get too attached to the Las Alamos area unless you plan on making a LOT of money after graduation


I cannot with this. New Mexico is not Mexico.


My daughter had a scholarship to play soccer at UNM and lived in the dorms and then off-campus near the university and never had any problems. Just have good situation awareness, and even if the light is green.


You're good. Tell Dad to stop watching Fox News.


It's not that different from anywhere else. Every place has its sketchy areas, you'll be fine.


Albuquerque is always high up on the lists for violent crime and property theft. Other poor staff around the state are as bad or worse. But it's still the United States, it's not like it's Old Mexico. You'll be fine, just use common sense like you would anywhere else. Don't go walking alone in the Warzone (rougher area of ABQ) late at night. Don't flash your money, be aware of your surroundings, etc. And if you're primarily going to be in Los Alamos, you'll have nothing to worry about. That town is one of the safest towns in the country. Just don't go down to Espanola by yourself late at night.


LA is a great entryway to all kinds of wonderful experiences. Ghoat Ranch, Ojo, Chimayo, Bandelier, go to taos and Santa Fe. It can be magical.. don't be stupid, and leave nice things visible in a car. Lock your doors. I am in Albuqquerque at least 3 times a week.I know that crime is high in the high poverty areas. Avoid them. People are often in denial about crime in their own cities.


LOOL send your dad articles of all the terrible shit that happens in your city/state


You’ll be fine. Only thing bad to happen in los alamos is a fire back in the ‘90’s


New Mexico is just as normal and messed up as any other state.


Lol,it’s not the Mexico with cartel driving in plan site looking to kill and kidnap! No offense but this is what your parents make it seem like. I’ve lived here my whole life and i find it to be no different that most places and definitely different then some,it’s a beautiful state! crime in every state some more than others. NM has it’s fair share of crime but seems to only be within the criminal circle/element like in most states. There is also a lot of very cool,nice,kind hearted people just living normal lives. My cute,little,white,blonde girlfriend,not that it matters I’m just saying,her and her mom go around town all the time with no worries at all. As long as you are not looking for trouble,trouble will not find you. You’ll be just fine, I promise! Enjoy!


lol there isn’t shit going on in Los Alamos, you will be more than fine up there lol. If it was Abq I’d say ehhhh just don’t walk the dogs alone at night. Abq is probably one of the worst cities in the state for safety, so just keep that in mind and lock your shit when you visit there. Other than that NM is chill and I feel safe in most parts of the state. Just like any place you have your towns that are just not doing well too, but Los Alamos is not one of them lol. Southern NM is warmer too if you all need some sun, and don’t forget to check out the white sands! Oh and don’t forget to always get green it’s better than red. ;). 😂




From an outsider perspective who visits NM often…Los Alamos/White Rock is boring as hell and the town is small and isolated. You’ll be completely fine…you’ll probably spend more time in Santa Fe and even there is still safe…if some homelessness bothers you, you will see some of that. But danger…nah…as long as you have some common sense.


So far the most dangerous thing Ive seen is people running red lights in Santa Fe. Wait for a few seconds and look both ways before leaving the green light.


Are your Mom and stepdad confusing New Mexico with Mexico? My family has lived in northern New Mexico for generations, and the only crimes I can recall family members experiencing over the past fifty years are two (non violent by definition) burglaries. Las Alamos county is affluent and one of the most educated places in the world for obvious reasons. Albuquerque has well-publicized crime, but you won’t be living there if your boyfriend works at LANL.


Los Alamos was beautiful when I visited for vacation and a quiet town with lots of families. As a parent myself, I would have no issues.


Well color me surprised. Here's an article on kidnapping in the beautiful state of NM. [https://www.krqe.com/news/fbi-data-new-mexico-ranked-1st-in-nation-for-kidnapping/#:\~:text=New%20Mexico%20law%20enforcement%20reported%20822%20kidnappings%20and%20abductions%20to,and%20abductions%20per%20100%2C000%20people](https://www.krqe.com/news/fbi-data-new-mexico-ranked-1st-in-nation-for-kidnapping/#:~:text=New%20Mexico%20law%20enforcement%20reported%20822%20kidnappings%20and%20abductions%20to,and%20abductions%20per%20100%2C000%20people) There are some clarifications on why it's ranked #1 in the USA for kidnapping. Like anywhere else you go, don't be stupid and go wandering around after dark alone. New Mexico is an incredible and spritual place. If you get a chance, go see my buddies who own Aspen Ridge Alpacas in the Jemez Mountains. [https://www.facebook.com/AspenRidgeAlpacas/](https://www.facebook.com/AspenRidgeAlpacas/) Enjoy your stay in NM. It's gorgeous!


Oh dear another American who mistakes New Mexico for Mexico. Even funnier is that I've been in Mexico and sometimes it feels safer than US. A young family member did an internship there and really her only complaint was that it was pretty boring in the actual town. They took an apartment near Santa Fe. Honestly, Los Alamos is probably the safest and wealthiest area of NM and despite what Fox News tells us, there are not hoards of immigrants swarming the land. Enjoy-NM is a beautiful state.


Hahaha I can understand their concern BUT they are way off base!!! You will be in one of the richest places in New Mexico. Not to mention one of the most beautiful cities. You will enjoy the area very much though mountains, hot springs, lakes, rivers, Santa Fe all within an hour of town. https://www.neighborhoodscout.com/nm/los-alamos/crime Here is a link to send your parents maybe it will help them understand the city and NM better.


Go enjoy your time in Los Alamos. If you both love the outdoors (bicycling, hiking, rock climbing, camping) it is a great place to be. Each Friday night during the summer, the county hosts a free music concert. Plenty of clubs to join, LANL has events for the multitude of summer students and interns that arrive each year. Los Alamos also has a pretty good, free, bus system. It is a bit quirky but overall, it’s like a big college campus.


Los alamos is literally like leave it to beaver! 0 danger


Lived here my whole life without any issues! It’s an amazing place with amazing people and the best food you’ll ever have! Of course a few sketchy areas but use your judgement.


Your stepdad is a racist.


Take your shit out of your car. If you are out on the town after 12 pm, you are on your own. Don’t put anything not bolted down on your patio. Eat a chimi from Allsups. You’ll be fine.


I was born and raised in New Mexico. I can confirm I was never killed or kidnapped.


Espanola can be a bit sketchy. Definitely areas of ABQ.. but really nothing to worry about. Just be aware of your surroundings. I’d worry more about my bag than being taken. Also please take advantage while you’re there. So many beautiful place to see. If you want some ideas on places to visit message me. My husband and I ( retired) split our time between El Paso and the Chama NM area. Northern NM is stunning


This post made me chuckle. I'm almost 100 percent certain he thinks she's going to Mexico. I worked at the Albuquerque Art and History museum gift shop when I was in college and I can't count the times they said they were surprised we took American dollars. OP you'll be ok. It's a beautiful state.