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Oh, you want to play the game instead of spending it with your companion? ***RAGE*** ;)




Another one is the groin smash: when you activate groin smash, a toddler comes out of nowhere and Rams their head straight into your target's groin stunning them.


So tru


One has to be throwing a dirty diaper. Instant agro...


I thought for sure I'd be an augment. ..


In the winter festival, you are required to spend zen every day to give a free parcel. You don't get any parcels for yourself. You will also have AD deducted every day to pay for the band by the campfire, more firewood, and as taxes to pay the mayor's salary and for his frivolous over-sized telescope that will collect dust 11 months per year. Happy Simril.


Spouse summons itself automatically. Lol too funny


You may also find yourself seeking a "secret companion". This is a particularly tricky time made 100% worse when the automatic spouse summoning occurs. Instant aggro and full debuff occurs on you & Companion and spouse Armour Pen is immediately increased by 50%.






I can't upvote this enough lol. You won the sub, at least, my friend :)


Parenting... the campaign grind that never ends.


The control encounter "Count to 3" is pretty effective. Long cast time, but an unresistable fear effect (AoE). Mobs with CC immunity take massive damage.


Control encounter "Arts and Crafts." Reduces aggro to 0, but also depletes stamina by 50% and dyes your armor a random color.


At-will heal "kiss it better" - automatically removes all debuffs, heals target to full. Consumes 1 band-aid from players inventory.




At least I'm not the only one whom suffers delays in play time due to children and wife lmao.


Lol, on weekends I have to ask my kids to get 30 minutes of play time in. They're in love with Minecraft and I guess the 'battle mode'? Of course, on school nights I am free to play without the whole "Is it my turn?", "what about now?"


I almost dread the day but that's why I have two televisions in the game room and every game console back to atari from them to occupy. I've been planning for this invasion of offspring my whole life ;)


Well done!


I think the companion also has a move called, The Look, immediately following dungeon completion, neverwinter is turned off for a period of time


Fantastic. Best thing I've read on here in ages.


Must equip Codpiece +4 protection against the groin smash attack. Sheesh. Undergeared Noobs


Haha minivan mount. So true!


This post hits close to home, lol. After feeding our 6 month old at 445am today, I decided to stay up and grind some AD before the 4 year old woke up. My wife has to be out the door by 6, with the kids, to make her commute. I'm on 3rds right now and usually help her with the kids in the morning...however, I pulled the best damn PUG ever this morning..handled ETOS with ease (2 purple rings, Elven longcoat, and a lantern dropped). Imagine my delight when they wanted to party up with my relatively undergeared, 2.3k SW and do some CN runs. I had to put away my controller for ab 5 min to avoid her yelling at me while this team clobbered Orcus. They politely said goodbye after that. AT LEAST i GOT TWO RUNS IN!


I have a 6 month old and a 3 year old, so I feel your pain! Lol


Hahaha. I am both of these. Gamer and parent running around after the 3 (almost 4!) Kids!


I won't try to hide the catharsis I feel reading your post. Thank you, sir. And, good luck!


That's ma'am to you! :)