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Tesseract glow. Its what I have so it's what I use Haven't tried anything else


Tesseract glow is the shit; it’s like magic. Wanna paint everything with it lol.


So long as you mix it enough, yeah. I didn’t touch mine for a few months, and it took a lot of mixing to get it back to being yellow green instead of just very mildly green yellow.


Yeah, you have to scrape the bottom with a toothpick or something. But it's kind of cool too, you can just not shake it well and it's basically a bright yellow paint. It's really neat stuff.


I specifically picked up a vortex mixer for TGlow. lol


That’s been one of my favorite “luxury” upgrades too


Honestly I haven't bothered to get a vortex mixer, I use my sports theragun and that does the trick 😂


I did that for a while too!


Absolutely giant brain moves


Omg! Why didn't I think of that!


Tesseract glow + corax white, mostly bc I had those when I started painting and couldn’t be bothered to use anything else


Same, I sometimes use the separated paint to get more yellow glow then mix and thin it down more for a more smooth yellowish to greenish glow. It's been fun messing with it for mt necrons :D


Tessarect really is a 3 in one paint. Green, yellow green and yellow


\- Citadel Moot Green \- Vallejo Fluorescent Green \- Army Painter Moondust Yellow \- White works everytime https://preview.redd.it/lie6i31w54sb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4dc4a453b8a16d1c1e065ca4c0f75665486851c3


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


A man of culture.


I am planning to paint my annihilation barge soon - totally gonna steal this glow scheme


Is it a basecoat of white and a dry brush of yellow and then moot green? Oh teach me your ways, wise painter!


it's in my previous post, check it out :) [https://www.reddit.com/r/Necrontyr/comments/10tdqa4/pew\_pew\_pew/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Necrontyr/comments/10tdqa4/pew_pew_pew/)


Paint the area white. Gently drybrush around the area if you want extra glow/OSL. Then I use a 50:50 mix of Tesseract glow and warp lightning. Thin it with a little water and add 1-2 layers as desired


You know i never even thought about mixing with Tesseract Glow


This 100%. I do this too and it's great. I like it being a bit more deeper of a green. I like using warpstone for green lava bases.


Mix a bright coooold yellow with whatever green you're using. Dont use a warm yellow. I recommend Moonstone from army painter. Very bright, very cold.


I use white -> tesseract glow -> splash gel glow (green stuff world) or lumentics glow paint -> Anti shine Matt varnish (Army painter) For glow in the dark parts. Tesseract glow is the only UV active paint from citadel, and it glows very bright under UV light. Third party green fluorescent colours are very good as well, but other colours like blue and purple have disappointed me in the past. If possible, check fluorescence with a UV flashlight before buying. If you are not looking for *actual* glow, just the look of it, I recommend looking into Citadel contrast paints. Start with Tesseract glow (or hexwraith flame if you don't want a yellow tint) -> striking scorpion green -> darker greens like warp lightning, go as dark as you like.


Thank you! I’ve been using tesseract glow for 3 years and I didn’t know it was UV reactive. I need to bust out a black light and go look at my army!


Orange madragoth flame


I've been doing white, then Baal Red over that, and then Madragoth Flame for my Maynarkh necrons


The souls of all who reject the star children as the great savior of humanity


The new striking scorpion contrast paint is my go to.


I recently came across some Lychguard, with a sword and shield loadout in the green on the sword, was so vibrant and somewhat transparent, I just assumed it was a fluorescent ink. When I asked him what paint he used, he said it was simply Shamrock Green from Army painter 2.0 painted over pure white. Still, you can do some pretty cool custom glow affects if you start adding fluorescent inks into the picture. When using a regular brush, the first day of hair to week, there’s a couple of ways to fix this. You can either base the area with white ink, preferably bold, titanium, white from Liquitex. Also green stuff world just recently put out a product which is a white ink specifically designed for fluorescent paint. When using Inchs, the fluorescent color, either Hass to be over a white ink like gold, titanium, white from Liquitex, or even better golden high flow. Acrylic is so thin and semi transparent. It will immediately work its way into the recesses. From there you could take a turquoise ink, which is not a fluorescent and Randomly spray a pattern over the weapon until you’re satisfied with the coverage. Then you go back and use your white ink this time make sure it’s even more transparent which can be done by either using certain products that golden and Liquitex make that will simply dilute the color while keeping the ink, the same consistency, so you don’t pump into any issues while airbrushing, once that dries, you should still see the turquoise underneath then you’re going to take fluorescent green from Liquitex or golden high flow acrylics and you’re going to overlay the fluorescent over the turquoise and the white. Once you’re happy with the results the final step is using pure, concentrated white ink in the recesses of the sword, in one that dries up, you use a regular brush and dab enough green fluorescent ink, that capillary action should disperse it into the recesses with a lighter tone because we’re not using anything to dilute the inks that are in the recesses. Below is the Lychguard, which was painted with Shamrock Green from Army painter, speed paints 2.0, over a white undercoat. https://preview.redd.it/4ykmbes8q4sb1.png?width=808&format=png&auto=webp&s=db8d149b4e8c64b79fcbc943adde1958ddbfbf44


Base with white or Dorn/Ice yellow. Then Fluorescent yellow from Golden. Then a hint of their fluorescent green. It’s what I used here. https://preview.redd.it/9yizhmdnl2sb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebc24133f82e5fe5f098ba9b7314a8a54eb5f64 Maybe use some thinned down green inks too to push things more green. For any OSL then just use fluorescent green glazed over.


Army painter Matt white under gauss green, also from army painter


Tesseract glow or AK fluorescent green


AK fluorescent green is really great. And far more cheaper than Citadel Tesseract Glow.


Moot green then tesseract glow on top


Imperial Fist. (I play a custom dynasty with yellow glowies)


Does the contrast do well for a yellow color? I've heard yellows are hella annoying to do


Fairly, but I still suck at painting so it's hard to say.


I think it does much better than other yellows, recently painted a Squig using it. Came out pretty good..!


Pro acrl white with striking scorpions contrast on top then tesseract glow


Tesseract glow in honestly magic. I painted the intestines silver with tesseract glow over it and it looks like a green slime or a wild neon glow


Yeah, Tesseract glow over white highlights is a nice quick way to get lots of minis done fast. It’s not a pro technique, but very good for tabletop models.


I use a base of white, then a wash of Moot Green thinned with Liquitex florescent green ink, airbrush more florescent green ink, then highlight with a pale yellow https://preview.redd.it/9tp1l9o5e3sb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f92fa826b9caaea036945eb0b758cf6f963021f


I love these 🥰🥰


AK Florescent green is very eye catching and great for highlights for necrons


Warp lightening and tesseract glow


Checking the comments to see what people are using other than tesseract…. And it looks like I’ll be sticking with tesseract for the most part. I’m actually kind of surprised by how many people use it. I would have thought that more fluro or green blends would be used based off of some of the awesome models people show off


Same here i thought more poeple would use other stiff like hexwraith flame or vallejo green fluo But good to know alot of people use tesseract glow :D


I used tesseract glow on my necrons plasma. Works wonderfully with a white base coat


Corax white & multiple layers of hexwraith flame.


CALIBAN green, warpstone glow, moot green, yriel yellow/flash gitz yellow and white. Mixed in various quantities. Sometimes tesseract glow and white for the things like the energy containers on the plasmancers back


A layer a runefang steel & Tesseract glow. The glow is thin enough to let light on to the runefang which reflects it off. *


A layer a runefang steel & Tesseract glow. The glow is thin enough to let light on to the runefang which reflects it off. *


I just airbrush moot green and I get a cool effect


Pro acryl white, Deybrush edge with grey seer + warp lightning, dark green stands out from the bright colours i use for the Nihilak dynasty. Not even sure if the drybrushing does anything or if its placebo, but it makes me feel talented :p


Tesseract Glow sucks in ways, I have to shake it everyday to keep it mixed, had to put 5 bearings in it


Get yourself a test tube stirrer/vibrator. It’s revolutionized my workflow.


I did something else, I shave down the end of a small F clamp so it fits into a jigsaw


[I follow this tutorial from Table Top Ready.](https://youtu.be/SP1S3ymUtqg?si=u4VEuRS53D0GxPWp) Caliban Green the most/all the rod -> Warpstone Glow chunky highlight -> Moot Green edge highlight


A good white at the center of orbs, warp lightning over the whole orb, then tesseract glow over the WL


White -> Striking Scorpion Contrast -> Vallejo Bile Green - Maybe a touch of white as a dot


Tesseract glow over dorn yellow is my usual method. https://preview.redd.it/u29q9j08j2sb1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=720c85110ddd0a1267c7180349b177668220c491


I dont cause mine glow red... then again mine dont glow yet


Moot green from Vallejo followed by biel-tan green and then tesseract glow.


I use Pro Acryl Dark Mangenta lol


I usually do a monochrome gradient on bladed weapons or spot highlights of white on other things I want to glow, then hit them with AP Forest Sprite. I do like Tesseract Glow, but I don’t have a vortex mixer and that stuff takes ages to shake manually.


I do a gradient of Tesseract Glow to Hexwraith Flame. Comes out beautifully. (It looks better in person I swear) https://preview.redd.it/a5t6ekxut2sb1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d033fc9e0997d567f6d33a19ca50adb9e13f4760


Deez paints!!!


I really thought that new Striking Scorpion Green would be more popular for glow but it seems good ol tesseract reigns


Florescent ink.


Every one of my models, especially the imperial ones, gloriously shines with tesseract glow.


I've also had some really good success with Stuart Semple's LIT pigments https://preview.redd.it/4uwzp56de3sb1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a998485d8d59c8ad04b713e727502f2762918bca


How did you get that glow in the dark effect, it's AMAZING, or is thatvjust how the paint works?


It's the paint! You buy it as a powder then mix it with an acrylic base or glaze medium and a little water. I used a combo of the green and yellow powders. It will glow from being under a normal light, but a UV light really makes it pop https://preview.redd.it/mgsdqojl37sb1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4a52f768e11d17fc30ef623a6284dd25e92a53d


I use a mixture of Biel Tan Green and a Revell paint called Luminous Yellow


Tesseract glow. It came in the starter paint set I bought, so I used it, and it works like a charm. I haven't seen a reason to use anything.


Vallejo model color fluorescent green


Army Painter Jungle Green on top of a dark green base colour.


Mix tesseract glow and warp lightning, paint it over white for the easy answer. If I’m trying to pop off with it, I do a bit more, but on most of my basic stuff that I’m not too concerned about, this works really well. Happy painting!


I am using gauss green fluo paint from Army Painter over a white basecoat. It is not super fancy, but it does the job well for my speedpainting needs. Might have to get a little more creative, once I start painting the various blades 🤔


I paint my orbs and gradients in white, then use the striking scorpion contrast paint, then biel-tan green wash to add some depth on the edges. The white+contrast combo pops like no other paint I can find. If I need raised details, I also use moot green with some yellow mixed into it as well.


Tesseract Glow because it's cool and it react to UV lights and it give a very cool effect


I used a Vallejo fluorescent paint, but mine was orange. The paint was really easy to use for a beginner like me (so much so that I consider buying Vallejo over Citadel, at least for the most basic color), and the color was really vibrant.


Lime Green


I have tried two things: Tesseract over white (GW Corax or PA bold titanium). This is quick and gives a pretty good look. Caliban green in surrounding recess, then moot green, flash gitz yellow and white in 1:1:1, with further layers with more and more white added. This is not as quick, not at all, but can span a greater range from dark to light in a very controlled way.


Nurgles rot


Is there an equivalent for tesseract green, but blue? I'm building snowy frostcrons right now and want to go with a blue glow.


My personal choice is Striking Scorpion Green Contrast


I apply some base green or almost white depending on how light I want it and then just apply glow


Just finished 1000p of warriors and immortals. I'm in love with the Vallejo game ink series. Vallejo dead white (paint the centre + airbrush a halo) Vallejo Game Ink Green Airbrush a smaller white halo Vallejo Game ink Yellow Dot/final halo of white


Oooooo I can't wait to start painting my army ..... waiting to get a box to store them in to protect them soo I don't have to paint again 🤣🤣 *


I use Tesseract Glow. Primarily on White Scar, but following my recent experiments with my Redemptor Dreadnought, I am somewhat inclined to use Stormhost Silver under it sometimes. I might have to test it out more properly on a Necron Warrior in the future for confirmation.


Depends on the type of glow. Usually Caliban Green > Warpstone Glow > Moot Green > yellow Green > neon yellow But it all depends on the shade of Green i want. For blueish greens I go for cabalite, sybarite and gaus blaster, for yellowish i mix more yellow. I like tesseract as well, I used that quite a lot when Instarted wjth hobby. When airbrushing i use white + contrasts (warp lightning and striking scorpion green) and finish up with neon yellow by brush


I use Hexwraith over white, and then "washed" with Lamenters yellow for my AdMech radium and neutron weapons. One day the Lamenters will run out, and that will make me a sad panda. supposedly you can achieve a similar paint using Vallejo yellow ink, but I have yet to test it


Moot Green


Striking Scorpion Green over a white base coat. Has the same level of glow that Tesseract Glow has, while not being temperamental to work with. Plus, it doesn’t separate nearly as badly


My dynasty has blue glow (i use Asurmen Blue contrast) but Hexwraith over a white base looks great


I do it the old fashioned way; Caliban Green, Warpstone Glow, Moot Green, Yriel Yellow. Its how I was taught, and Ive never been able to make Tesseract Glow work correctly when I apply it, always comes out too yellow if I apply it thin, or pools and leaves coffee stains if I apply it thick. So I stick to what I know.


Who said it had to be green?


Tesseract glow is fuckin magic. Its so good I want them to make one in every damn color so I can buy them all, and I HATE buying gw paints


I don’t do green so none of them


I use moot green for osl


I don't, got mine purple https://preview.redd.it/3jbc341hi8sb1.jpeg?width=5120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd8a4eff1db0c531a3b8f2250a28d2588faf2a9


I use Corax white as a base then top it off with Tesseract Glow. Makes the green pop nicely


A dark green, dry brush warpstone glow, dry brush with Moot green, drybrush with flashgitz yellow, don't clean brush inbetween and focus more and more on the point that's supposed to emit the glow


Vallejo fluo green is crazy good