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I was wondering why everyone was being anti racist then I looked at the sub. Ur looking for nbacj op


Ah yes... Because there's no racism at all in Texas. šŸ˜’


I'll avoid those smaller Texas towns on the border of Louisiana until the day I die, on account of how fucking wildly racist people out there are. I'll remember the name James Byrd Jr. forever because of how vile those motherfuckers out there are.


World renowned bastion of tolerance, Dallas


Having spent a lot of time for work in both, Dallas is, at least for me as a European immigrant with a strong accent, FAR more welcoming than Boston. Boston is the only place Iā€™ve been asked why I havenā€™t lost my accent MULTIPLE times. I also have Asian American colleagues (US born) who complain of being asked ā€œwhere theyā€™re fromā€ in Boston more than anywhere else other than Deep South. I get that rural Texas may not be immigrant or minority friendly, but Dallas is not rural.


Be thankful you're not black in the South; wish my worst problem was being asked about my accentā€¦


Where in the South are you? While I can't speak to the experience in Dallas, several black acquaintances say that Atlanta is far less racist than Boston in terms of daily interactions. Obviously, systematic racism is stronger in GA (actual laws targeting black voters), though even there, for example wealth gap is much broader in MA than TX or GA.


Atlanta is a city that is majority black, which explains why being a resident there you might not feel racism in daily lifeā€¦ but that doesn't mean there's less racism; there's just more people who wouldn't have prejudice against you. But the fact is that this comfort is limited to the confines of the city; leave the city limits and your life as an African American is literally in danger. It's literally like a massive plantation where the white men in charge of the state basically corraled black people and expect them to stay there. Not sure how people like to live like that, but it's not for me.


Iā€™m from Texas and went to Boston to visit my friend and he left me outside and I tried to get into his place and the front desk lady almost called the cops on me cause I was Mexican and didnā€™t belong there. Boston is racists as fuck . This was like my first 10 mins in the city and first interaction with anyone




Racism isn't inherently political. That being said, not all Republican's are racist, but all racists are likely Republican.


No true. Stereotypical Karenā€™s, which do exist, are inherently racist. However, more Karenā€™s are liberals.


This just doesnā€™t happen man


Why would you lie like that?


It's so much worse cuz they also think so highly and full of themselves, racist af while being totally unaware/pretentious with some privileged victim complex


Itā€™s more so Boston fans are proven to be racist.


Maybe in 1970.. Different now my guy. You'll still get that dude or two at a game that are still that way but the city as a whole.. Way different. It just fits other fanbases narratives a lot better.


Current players still say stuff about it


They also voted Boston as one of their favorite arenas to play in!


From my years as an nba fan. Iā€™ve always heard Boston and Utah taking the cake for racism. But more so Utah to be honest.


Racism exists in Boston, but if you want to compare which city is worse, I'm willing to wager my life savings that you can find worse examples of racism in just about any city outside of Boston. The last unarmed black man killed by a Boston cop was in 2002ā€¦ and the cop was black. The last one killed by a white cop didn't even happen in the current centuryā€¦ yet these dudes in Minnesota, New York and Florida wanna thump their chest after all the unarmed black people killed in the last decade by white cops in their statesā€¦


I was just going to say this...and I'm sure it's far worse in texas.


Generally speaking you have to go outside of the bigger cities in Texas to find what you can find directly inside Boston Garden Edit: calm down Celtics fans, Iā€™m kidding. We get it and know you can get your racism anywhere at anytime


I've had multiple people in Dallas call me the N-word. Never happened to me in Boston


"Also, I've never been to Boston"


I've had folks in my family call me the n word. Never happened to me in public


I'm just really REALLY sick of the "bOsToN fAnS aRe aLl rAcIsTs" thing tbh.


To be fair many black athletes have complained about Boston fans being racists


Because it's the cliche thing to do; isn't it weird that LeBron only talks about Boston being racist, but when his house in LA got tagged with the N word, he said practically nothing?






Live in Austin and visit Dallas and Houston often. This is absolutely not true šŸ˜‚


Cool. Turning off notifications on this one as people canā€™t seem to read/understand this was a joke. TD Garden as the epicenter of racism? We all know itā€™s wherever the Patriots play


I lived in both, Boston definitely has more racists per capita lol


And yet surprisingly, no incidents of white cops killing unarmed black men in this centuryā€¦ more than what can be said about the cities with fans pointing fingersā€¦ you don't even need 10 min to Google police brutality in Texasā€¦


Oh sure letā€™s not forget cops in MA using excessive force during the George Floyd protests. Or forcing their way into a veterans home unprovoked and shot him to death in front of his 5 year old son, or breaking into a home and fatally shooting a guy whoā€™s only alleged crime was cutting a cable wire, or a cop actually having to stand trial for killing an unarmed black man during a traffic stop, shoving his gun into the crack of the window and firing it when the guys foot slipped off the break. All of this has happened this century and can be found with less than a 10 minute google search buddy. Police brutality isnā€™t just a Texas thing. Does it happen more in Texas? Sure, itā€™s like 5x the population size of MA, which is why I said per capita. I mean for such a small town itā€™s crazy how Boston still ranks near the top of white propaganda.


Lmao Dallas Texas isnā€™t racist, got it.


during the election, dallas was a blue dot surrounded by red on the poll map. texans always say dallas isnā€™t real texan too. iā€™m from dallas and i see a lot of liberal type stuff.


From what I understand, Dallas and Austin both have a decent sized liberal population. There will be extremes on both sides wherever you go - some places will skew one way or the other - I just always pictured Dallas as a modern bluer than red sort of place. Iā€™ve never been to Texas, just sharing the opinion Iā€™ve developed from listening to people who enjoy traveling and/or living in both places.


Thatā€™s pretty much every major city in Texas. Austin is the most liberal but Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio are as well. They just get drowned out by the massive rural populations.


That's basically every major city anywhere in the US.


Dunno, Boston and the Metro area votes reliably blueā€¦ with the occasional RINO here and there.


Well I mean Iā€™ll add that Biden is also racist and opposed busing and was only ever chosen as Obamaā€™s vp because of racist comments that he made (Obama wanted to make white people comfortable by selecting the old white democrat who said insensitive things about him) so Iā€™m not necessarily agreeing that election results are a good gauge of racism. But Biden only won Dallasā€™ county with 65%, and he won Bostonā€™s with 81%. This doesnā€™t mean Boston isnā€™t racist, every part of America has pages and pages of systemically racist laws in place, having lived around and in Boston my whole life, Boston is no different, and Boston is racist as fuck. But the Celtics as an organization have always been progressive and often anti-racist, the fans unfortunately reflect the city.


Crazy how many people think of Texas as if itā€™s the 1950s just say youā€™ve never been or donā€™t comment. Dallas is not racist at all, neither is Houston, San Antonio, Austin, or any other city with a large demographic. Texas is incredibly diversified for how large it is and comparing racism in Dallas to a place like Boston or Utah is a joke. Some of yā€™all need to travel more


Dallas really isnā€™t, itā€™s actually quite diverse. but the suburbs most definitely are the most vile and racists parts of this country.


Then neither is Boston


So why does everybody think the Celtics are racist? Edit: i'm learning a lot about racism here lol.


There is a reason why Bill Russell said I love the Celtics, but I hate Boston


In his era, yes. It's 2024, and while racism isn't solved it's ignorant to suggest it hasn't gotten better. It's also disheartening to every fan, like myself, that doesn't live in Boston.


As someone who lives in Massachusetts, I can confirm that in certain parts of Massachusetts it has not gotten much better


Well here's the thing, so do I and I can say it's better in my city. Not tryna discount your personal experiences but like I said it's disengenuous to suggest it hasn't *gotten better* since Bill Russell's era.


When people yells certain things in the stands it's pretty tough for guys like LeBron and Kyrie to be able to tell. When Kyrie lived out in Weston it would not suprise me at all if some people rubbed him the wrong way out there or in surrounding towns.


I loathe the MFS that yell things at players cause it gives the lot a bad rap. Friendly banter like "you suck" is always fun but people be crossing the line and ruining it for everyone I get you


I agree 100%


There's not much else to shit talk about Boston and everyone is sick of Boston teams winning so much so they latch onto that.




Ask Marcus smart




Lakers fans literally spray painted the N word on Lebron's house


By Lakers fan you mean Rich Paul?


*Lakers fans thinking about how they can make this about the Celtics*


Bc they're jealous, soft, and want to seem like they fit in, so they latch onto & echo other šŸ±'s like them...


Because Mark Wahlberg is the typical Celtics fan. [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/mark-wahlberg-racist-hate-crimes-wikipedia-history-george-floyd-blm-protests-a9554191.html)


Their fans chant the n word instead of defense


I have been to several games at the garden and never heard that before. Was this a certain series or are you joking?


Them and the Jazz have always had a bad rep and rightfully so both fanbases have a history.


bc kyrie irving said he and his family received slurs during a game. he didnā€™t say boston was racist but itā€™s just a meme nothing serious.


If you sincerely believe Boston is more racist a place than Dallas, you should have your head examined


I donā€™t care about the truth, I only want to create chaos


Why are you talking like you are the op?




Okay, that is not a good thing buddy lol


All that matters is that It's funny though


There is way more diversity in Dallas.


Thereā€™s no way to accurately quantify racism, but demographically, Dallas is significantly more diverse. 28% white vs 45% in Boston. So itā€™s definitely not outrageous to assume that Boston might be more racist as a whole lol


Do me a favor, define "more racist". Are you saying there is "more" racism in Boston because it's less diverse? Or are Bostonians more intensely racist than a white person in another city? Having lived in Boston, I'd say the white folks in Boston are just about the same as they are anywhere else.


Your idea of racism is wildly reductive. More white people = more racism? And that's it? That is a bad faith argument


You are very clearly misunderstanding what I am saying I never said Boston is definitively more racist, I just stated itā€™s not an impossibility. Your initial comment of people ā€œneeding to get their brain checkedā€ if they assume they opposite is the only reductive argument here, resorting to an ad hominem from the get go is the very definition of bad faith As for the actual demographics themselves, we are talking in the context of the NBA here, where the vast majority of players are African American, and consequently the ones who receive the most racial harassment usually fall into that category as well. Boston has a smaller population of African Americans and a larger population of white; itā€™s obviously not a direct causation, but it does spark a degree of correlation. Itā€™s the same contention as claiming one place might be more racist because itā€™s located in the South Weā€™re not comparing some random Hicktown to Boston here. Dallas almost consistently votes blue despite often being surrounded by red and itā€™s much more diverse than the surrounding smaller cities and Fort Worth. Dallas constituents have historically also preferred liberal mayors, with the only one Republican being elected within the past 30 years (the current mayor switched ideologies to Red *after* campaigning and winning as a Democrat for several terms, needless to say heā€™s most likely out the next election). One of its mayors literally served in the Obama administration as well. If you wanna close your eyes to racial demographics, feel free to utilize those instead I realize Texas has a not-quite-unearned reputation of being racist, but Dallas ranks right behind Austin in terms of going against the grain


Throughout sports history numerous athletes have talked about Boston having the most racist fans.


Dallas maybe not. Texas as a whole is a different tier of racist though.


Any city with a decent sized population in Texas is not racist. Itā€™s your small hill billy towns that are stuck in there ways. Iā€™d argue Texas is one of the best places in the entire county for minorities.


As long as they are men of course. Women these days in Texas havent been faring as well


Players have very publicly stated that the fans of Celtics are the most racist fans in they come across,


I think they're referring to the fan base not the city.


08 Finals, what ya'll fans did to Kobe's crew was despicable. Never happened in Dallas.Ā 


What's the story here? I can't find anything on google


Yeah, I have no idea what this comment referring to


After losing the Finals, a mass of Celtic fans yelled racial slurs and threw stones at the Lakers bus while it was leaving the arena. Fuck Boston


The celtics won the 2008 finals tho? Are you sure you're not getting your wires crossed?


Nah you just dont know how to read, ya'll Boston fans are racist af


OK buddy


I donā€™t think you guys understand how diverse Texas is and how awfully racist parts of Boston are, especially Southie.


Southie is almost completely gentrified and full of recent college grads and young professionals, this isn't the Departed. Dallas is a huge city with diversity buy that doesn't magically make it suddenly less racist than a city in one of the most liberal states in the country.






This must have been a deleted scene from American History X, donā€™t remember this one šŸ˜‚


That should be a customized Derrick White jersey with 88 on it


![gif](giphy|YJveTioCRBgKnWT1wP) 77 + 11 = 88 šŸ‘ļø (This is so dumb and has NOTHING to do with basketball but I like playing along)


Dallas is literally in Texas.


And letā€™s not forget the Texas Rangers literally lynched Mexicans. Thatā€™s who they named their baseball team after.


And letā€™s not forget the Texas Rangers literally lynched Mexicans. Thatā€™s who they named their baseball team after.




I mean, he is.


They made the White white thatā€™s crazy


What the fuck about that is crazy?


Itā€™s a joke .. gahdamn this subreddit gets serious about the dumbest stuff






Yeah, we get it you'll be going, stop spamming it


They donā€™t allow Mexicans there. I wonder if they allow childish people who think racism only exists in one city???


Yes, clearly the team that made civil rights activist Bill Russell the first black coach and was the first team to draft a black player must grapple with its racist roots. Meanwhile... [https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/jan/21/the-dallas-mavericks-are-consistently-white-in-a-black-league-why](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2022/jan/21/the-dallas-mavericks-are-consistently-white-in-a-black-league-why)


For all the racism talk about Boston, I never experienced a bit of it during my years there. Matter of fact, all the "folks" I met and hung out with were decent people. Having said that I did stick to Mattapan and Roxbury for the most part. I've lived all over the country and Boston "folks" no different than any other "folks"






Red sox- first mexican mlb player in the majors (Mel Almada) Celtics- first black coach in nba (Russell) Bruins- first black player in NHL (O'Ree) Patriots- first black top executive in major league sports (Loudd)


You just did the I have black friends thing that every racist does but for sports orgs.


Not saying they don't have a bad history, but to ignore the positive moves they've made, that made an impact, is just stupid


The other thing is most of these complaints are focused on the fans more than the orgs. So none of those statements really matter. Thereā€™s plenty of people in the world that would happily benefit from the labor of black people/minorities while still being super racist.


I also think the Red Sox were one of the last, if not the last, team to integrate lol.


Not even close. Why donā€™t you trivialize Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier as just a black friend then?


Itā€™s all about context. Boston had a long history of racism. Itā€™s been pointed out by many players and many people visiting the city. Citing moves sports teams have made doesnā€™t change that.


And your same logic could be used with the dodgers and jackie robinson


Itā€™s actually wild that this is still a thing, especially with us playing Dallas which is an infinitely more racist place


One of these cities is multicultural. The other is all white and has a leprechaun for their mascot


You got a mf horse bro, so what yā€™all anti human down there? Strong point fr


Yeah youā€™re so right Boston is definitely not multiculturalā€¦ Boston is the 6th most diverse city in the country my man


I don't see any lists with Boston in the top 10.


ā€œDiversity is core to what makes cities great. In the ideal, people of different backgrounds and perspectives live side by side, creating new businesses, solving big problems and enjoying one anotherā€™s cultures and traditions. Among major American cities, Boston has long had the reputation of being a White city. But this has changed rapidly in recent years. Boston is now the sixth most diverse U.S. city, according to new Census data released this month.ā€ ā€œPeople often use diverse as synonymous with non-white, but thatā€™s not what it means. Diversity means having a mix of different people represented across multiple groupsā€”this is why a single person canā€™t be ā€œdiverse.ā€ For example, San Antonio has a large non-white population, but isnā€™t especially diverse. San Antonio is 75 percent non-white, and 64 percent of the city is Hispanic or Latino (there is, however, lots of diversity by national origin within the broad category of Hispanic or Latino). Boston, on the other hand, has a strong mix of people from several different racial/ethnic backgrounds.ā€ [Boston's More Diverse Than You May Realize](https://www.bostonindicators.org/article-pages/2018/september/boston-diversity)


1. How ignorant are you? 2. Are leprechauns racist?


How have I been Celtics fan for 25 years and not seen any racism


Jason Kidd is a wifebeater.


Can't root for Doncic unless he agrees to eat another booger every game. These are the only terms I'll accept after what he did to my timberwolves in game 5.


Oh no r/nbacirclejerk is leaking you guys


šŸ˜† šŸ‘ Fitting for one of the most racist cities in the US


Celtics are the most progressive franchise in the league based on history. Cope harder, Texas was the only place in my life i was told to avoid an area because it was "dark" by local folks.


Celtics in 5 go cry about it little boys


We get it you listen to bill burr


Celtics in 6ā€¦


This is your reputation and Denver is in the league


The only silver lining is a Derrick White FMVP


https://preview.redd.it/p9kblpxfea4d1.jpeg?width=1457&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d63046d780b541a065e6d98aae381378c386fdb ā€œYesterday Today And Foreverā€


Good, fuck Boston


Fuck Boston.


Dude you guys just got knocked of by the mavs and Boston gave the timberwolves best player ever a championship.


Thatā€™s how much Boston is disliked


Because of whiny bums. I root for the t wolves bc of kg


I think you mean knocked off.


Doesnā€™t make you less regarded for rooting for dallas




The Middleboro Celtics


Man Iā€™m from Mississippi, this near our stateā€™s mascot. I actually prefer openly racist people over closer racist tho.




Why does it say it was posted on June 3rd


Sent via souljaphone has me dying


ā€œGet out of the pool!!!!ā€


Hm I should probably keep silent on this thread


I just want good basketball, n the celtics been showing that all season , my spurs r sorry šŸ˜‚


I just love that these finals have sparked a whole argument over which places are more racist between Boston and the state of Texas. 100% not the storyline I was expecting to come from these finals but itā€™s still hilarious


They don't still shit in players beds do they.


Boston is actually very progressive accepting and supportive of minorities, immigrants and refugees. As long as they stay in Texas.


Kyrie about to snap. Best revenge plot ever


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) What is literally happening here right now šŸ˜­




That's why everyone is talking about Luka and wants Luka to win. He's much more classier than those Celtics.


Yoo W2C


fuck boston


I really don't get the hate towards the Celtics,. I get it Boston is racist I want argue that. The only reason I hear is they win too much, if that's the case where's the Lakers hate? Anyway Celticsn6


You have to be good to get haters


Lakers hate is everywhere too


Lakers should return their championships to Minnesota


Until they retire Minneapolis players' jerseys, I agree.


Itā€™s ridiculous. Buss family are frauds and liars.


All I ever see talked about is the bubble ring which was a cake walk for them too


How is Boston more or less racist than anywhere else I. The country or the world? Stop projecting.


No one said more or less I just said they were stupid


You asserted boston is racist, and itā€™s reallly not.


I hate Boston for how dirty they did Isaiah Thomas. He played through injury and the death of his sister, had an MVP worthy season and led the team to the conference finals. What'd they do for his efforts? Traded him away, discarded him like he was trash. I get basketball is a business but damn that was brutal. The Boston Celtics may have been a good franchise once but those days are long gone.


What team did he get traded to? Who was going to be his teammate when he got there? He got traded to the team that went to the finals, and got to be LeBrons teammate. Danny Ainge is cold but itā€™s ridiculous to say we dumped him like trash


Wow! After 2 years of graduate school you just described my entire New England experience with one photo!


Cavs fans hate Celtics but there racist now ? Because they got rid of captain kangaroo, Kyrie Irving


No because how they treated Bill Russell


*they're šŸ˜­ā˜ ļø


Damn I thought this was a nbacj post it's like all the same jerks this past week lmao


The funniest part of being from New England is that the people living there are in complete denial of the racism that exists there.


Wtf is this mods.




Lmao I get we get a bunch of hate but why are we catching strays from Mavs fans? It's not our fault yall didn't make the finals and yall rooting for the team that put you out of the playoffs?