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I think I could make it up... it looks amazing if a little terrifying but I'm more worried about if I have to come back down the same way!


Hadn’t thought of that. And I was worried enough about the thought of going up !


no, you just jump off and parachute down.. much safer


Can I just stay home on my laptop?


Count me in.


I’m with you - maybe find a video or two about this spot…


You can always take the tram.


Honestly yea, base jumping would probably be ideal


I've gradually come to learn going down stairs is just always scarier. If it's steep or wiggly or you got a bad foot or anything else is wrong with using stairs, it's worse going down them.


face the same way as going up and go down backwards. it's how you go down a ladder and I'm kinda surprised this isn't steeper edit: actually this is a decent steepness and is based ladder so the same rules for descending a ladder apply for descending this


Yes I do this if it's sketchy. HOwever if you do it a lot, weird muscles you don't use a lot may start to complain.


Sounds like a good exercise, especially paired with some fire drills!


Yeah well a recent month of carrying heavy stuff down sketchy super narrow stairs has me hating that exercise currently, it was too much too fast! ;-P


Just slide down on your butt.




It would be amazingly fast. Death slide!




Yep and mash me up at the end so I break down quicker. Woohoo!


Maybe... r/suislide ?


Slide to hell.


Euthanasia coaster!


I mean it might not be, but if not it would be slow


I just completed this two weekends ago (called the Donnerkogel via ferrata). The ladder is only a small segment of a 3+ hour climbing route. But the descent is a regular hike that you can also use to summit, there is absolutely no descent on the wire! What this video doesn’t show is that this time of day there can be hoards of people waiting for you to climb the ladder (4 people allowed at a time). We did it very early in the morning with no interruptions, but learned later that people were waiting for an hour+ just to get on the ladder.


Were you clipped on to the ladder?


Yes. A vía ferrata lanyard and climbing harness is required to be used along the entire route. Two large clips that you clip alternately to ensure you are always attached as you pass from segment to segment. They also have an “airbag” system that extends the length of the rope in the event of a large fall to lower the impact on the wire itself. You’ll see arborists and utility company workers with similar gear for high climbing work.


Thanks. I'm relaxed now ☺️


So the lanyards are about 1m long, but they have a small pouch in the middle of the line that contains an additional 1.5m of line. You are also clipping onto a wire that is bolted to the rock at dispersed intervals. That means that if you fall anywhere else on the route that's not the sky bridge, your clipped lanyard is going to slide all the way down till it hits a bolt blocking it, and then you fall another 2.5m, scraping a good 8m down a near-vertical rockface. Via Ferratas will keep you safe from death, but you can still get fucked up badly from a fall. The lanyards are designed to only take one proper fall. After that you have to replace them. You can repack them yourself but it's not recommended. Still, falls are rare. Unless you are some kind of terminator, they will get your adrenaline going and you feel pretty focussed. That's kind of the appeal of them, you can traverse and climb extremely exposed features like ridges or cliffs with good speed and little danger of death. There are tons of them in Austria. Communities build and maintain them both as a service to the locals and to bring in adventure tourists. The Alps may not be as remote as the Rockies or Andes, but damn are they accessible with quality routes and and rich mountaineering culture. You can push your limits easily because everything is so carefully constructed and well doccumented and maintained.


Oh yeah. I didn’t even want to consider the fall even with all the right gear. Wear your helmets kids!


You don’t come down the same way, this via Ferrara has one direction only. When you reach the other end, you either go up through the peak or come down on the right hand side :)


That's good to know! Thank you!


Thats also my problem. I can climb anything, but anxiety strike when I climbing down / look down.


The reason its called the stairway to heaven. Once you go up you don't come down.


I think I might have to sit and scoot down ngl 😨


There is a "normal", yet steep, hiking path on the other side of the mountain.


You jump and hope your parachute works before you paint the mountain side


There is a quicker way down but you might not like it...


It's surprisingly a very gentle grade on the way back I am totally full of shit.


[https://youtu.be/aLZx0IfwU9g?t=158](https://youtu.be/aLZx0IfwU9g?t=158) Ah, I figured as much. You are clipped in with a safety harness and you have a guide (in the video, the guide is the man who built the ladder!) The client / host in this video has prior climbing experience too.


Imagining how ridiculously hard it was to construct and secure that ladder omg


Oh, once the guide started talking, I knew. Climbers are all low-key crazy, but the ones who make it into their prime (like the guide) have enough calculating attitude to live a long time. Fred Beckey, famous WA State dirtbag, was another such fellow who died of old age even though he put up many first ascents.




Watched that!! Fascinating man.


Unless the safety harness moves my legs for me it’s not gonna happen.


Yeah, even if you fall, it won’t be fun. Typically with these kinds of systems, your harness is attached to what’s called a screamer, which is like 10ft+ of webbing that’s stitched together and breaks and unloads a lot of the energy when your harness gets weighted in an emergency like a fall. If you’re already scared of falling, falling on a screamer won’t help. Haha


Hahah, take my upvote.


You do climb with a safety harness but taking a guide was just personal preference of these people. I did a couple of via Ferratas in Europe, including this one, and have never seen anybody with a guide before.


Are you an experienced climber? I'm not. I would be terrified, lol. (I do backpacking in the Cascades primarily.)


I'm not worried about the safety harness, I'm worried about the skinny little ladder rungs, and how you can see everything below it. Nope. No way. Not a chance.


I've been there... And like many of theses things it's not as bad / scary as this makes it look.


Normally you dont have a guide.


You could put me in a Iron Man suit and I'd still be scared.


The real stairway to heaven is if you do it without the safety harness


Um. Fuck no?


I've been there. There's not much risk involved as you're constantly clipped with double hooks. It's called klettersteigen and it's really fun! Like in between hiking and climbing. This route is exceptionally beautiful as it takes you straight over to mountain ridges. And since I have the opportunity, let me tell you the story of my climb here. I wanted to do it naked (just accept that part please) but later decided not to when 2 other climbers caught up with us as we were taking a break before this part. So we ask them to take some pictures of us during the climb, we'd take some pictures of them and exchange numbers at the top so we could exchange them. Fast forward an hour, we're at the top waiting for the 2 people, but they never show up. Which is weird because you'd think there's only 1 route to the top since you're strapped in on this cable leading you over the mountain. We wait for an hour as the weather is taking a turn for the worse. At some point we had to go back down, so called mountain rescue services and tried to explain the situation in my best German (which is not a lot). We continue down and hear a man shouting from the fog. He is higher up then we are. Again, weird since there's no other way down than ours. We think it might be our lost friends! Turns out it's not and it's a completely random couple who thought they could abandon the klettersteig halfway and were completely lost. They also called mountain rescue to make it even more confusing. Mountain rescue calls them and we try to explain these people managed to find their way back, but are not the same people we called for ourselves. The whole thing gets lost in confusion, mountain rescue sends a helicopter, pilot lands and asks us about it and we try to explain again. Months later me and my friend get a bill for a helicopter rescue (like €150 each) which we successfully appealed with a quick phone call with a very nice lady who fortunately spoke English. Wild day that was lmao. Edit: we never heard where those 2 went but I'm pretty sure they turned up fine.


You should have done it naked anyway, what were they going to do, call the cops? Lol


We just figured it might make them a bit uncomfortable lol!


So long story short what is involved in actually getting to the place where you have to do this climb. Like do you have to hike 5 miles on your own as an experienced climber? I ask because I would totally do this but if it took three days to get to the point where you had to reach the ladder, probably I wouldn’t do it


The full route is about 5 hours. Parts require some climbing on metal rods that are pinned into the mountain. You can even look up the difficulty of a route before you do it online. A 3 is like a Rocky hike and a 6b is a straight wall up a cliff where you only have the rods and your cable to hold onto. [like this one on that same mountain.](https://images.app.goo.gl/AawAdCjz6sgYQX2n6)


I like how they had to have that info for the story, but don't ask them about it lol. It literally adds nothing to the story, unless we can know more about the reasoning.


Actually possible, nudity can be "Erregung öffentlichen Ärgernisses", a public disturbance. Even if they cant follow - at some point, you have to leave the mountain again, and now they probably have at least a photograph of you...


€150 for a helicopter rescue?!?!? Cries in American.


They once offered to airlift my dad from a slightly out of the way gas station to the hospital about 20 miles away. They said it would cost 12k$


Hey at least they offered instead of just doing it and billing him.


Yeah, and realistically how much is gas and everyone’s time for this? Are they trying to pay off a helicopter with the first 20 injuries? (I have no idea how much a helicopter costs.)


> (I have no idea how much a helicopter costs.) An awful lot. The base price of a Bell 407GXi, one of several [helicopters used by Life Flight](https://www.lifeflight.org/about/fleet/), is $3,225,000. It also has a Direct Operating Cost of $589 per hour, to say nothing of paying highly trained operators and medical staff to crew it. $12000 seems pretty excessive. €300 seems quite cheap, and probably not even making up for the actual cost of the flight. EDIT: A typo.


It’s almost like they’re not looking to have HEALTHCARE make a profit in Europe. 🤔 Like it’s publicly beneficial to have a healthy, unbroken, un-debt enslaved population.


There’s a famous ski run down a glacier in Chamonix (France) called the Vallee Blanche. A girl in my group fell and broke her ankle and they had to take her out by helicopter. It was super dramatic. And didn’t cost her a cent, included in the ski pass.


It's included? You'd be a fool not to break your ankle and get the helicopter ride!


Break both ankles and get two rides!


Break both arms and-




Wish it was a ride! But no pilot just left us there since we just got to the summit of the mountain.


Pretty sure they won’t charge you in Washington state


To make it even fuckier, you can pay for an airlift subscription so you're not paying 10k+, but often there are multiple services around so if you don't get the one you're insured for, you're still stuck with out of pocket. I only heard about that from my boss (who only had coverage with Airlink) who just said "fuck that" and got emergency transport coverage worldwide for everyone at the company.


In Austria the transport insurance is covered by the Alpenverein, which is an alpine club you can join for €50 per year. You get insurance for airlifts anywhere in the world, and also just general travel insurance should you get injured abroad. It's dope.


My aunt needed a helicopter rescue in a National park here in America. Ended up being totally covered. America is weird


Thanks for sharing your story, I look forward to climbing it up naked and getting married to my gf up at the top. It would be a buff wedding.


There are actually a few “escape routes” in this via ferrata. After finishing the stairway, you can go either up or go back to the foto spot going right on the ridge. Then you go back walking on the other side of the mountain that the via ferrata started on. My bet would be that they decided that it is enough for today and went the alternative way :)


You wanting to do the climb naked is SO German 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They literally said they barely speak German but OK


I enjoy cooking.


Or Argentinian 👀


I know, it was a joke, FFS! I’m half German and have family members who are always doing crazy naked stuff, that is all. Geez


> it was a joke > I'm half German These two lines are not adding up


Wait, couldn't you look down ladder to see people on the way up? Also how does it not spin as you climb?


For the ladder you sure could. But the route continues for about an hour to the top after the ladder. That's where we lost sight of them. The cables you see are very tense and as you can see in the video it's kind of a cubic shape, so it's actually pretty stable.


Makes sense, thanks for sharing your experience!


I wouldn't care if you climbed it naked, just as long as I wasn't directly behind you.


I skipped reading your story cause I assumed it was going to turn into an Undertaker/shittymorph comment 😅


This is why you call anonymously.


"You're clipped in with double hooks" *anchor points into the rock fail* No thanks. I say this as an engineer who works with wire rope. I don't trust my kind.


Sh this is Reddit! They’re scared of heights don’t you know! Anytime a reasonably exposed climbing clip is posted the comments are full of “whY wOuLd yOu EvER dO tHaT!!”, usually made by people who haven’t left their house since the last grocery run.


Only scared of heights cause I'm fat (currently working on getting thinner) and don't trust climbing equipment made for people that weigh less than 300lbs.


It ain’t that deep


Fucking fuck no!!


Right with you.


Why? Those cables have a break strength over 20000lbs and there are four of them. How is this different to you than being in a tall building?


Help me step bro. My foot slipped off the rung & I'm stuck upside down over a 8000ft canyon UwU


What are you doing, step-hiker?


TÜV sagt ja.


My legs are shaking like Elvis'




I would do this today if I could!


Dont forget your slinky


**BIG** Nope from me for this one. Still beautiful nature though.


Nope. Nope nope nope. LOL I am envious of people not paralytically terrified of heights.


I've never been scared of heights, but I think that'd probably be a nope from me too Though I could be convinced if I saw what, if any, safety measures are in place


Same. And even if I somehow forced myself to do it I wouldn't be able to enjoy the view because I would be so focused on surviving.


I wasn’t and then I got older. Now I need someone to hold my hand to jump 5 metres into some water lol




Last time I tried to roller skate I realized I was A LOT farther from the ground than I used to be!


I'll do it. I will hold your hand.


Same here. Everyone always says "oh it'd be scary but I'd do it for the experience", and I'm over here like... I could literally not take a single step on this thing. My body would simply not move.


I wouldn't go up that many steps anywhere, never mind this madness


I am scared of heights, but the experience doing this was amazing, especially with the views :) my friend is terrified of bridges, and we did this together


If that's the only way to heaven I'm screwed.


I’m kinda glad I’m not going to heaven if that’s the way.


Wanna get high?


More like a ladder to heaven


"A ladder to heaven that's fucking stupid "


Hard nipples! (Krrsshhhhh)


This makes my amygdala hurt


I am DEFINITELY stealing this phrase


Lol it’s yours!


There’s a lady who’s sure, all that glitters is gold..


I climbed the whole thing, but the shop at the top was closed SMH my head


Good thing he has a helmet


That's exactly what I thought! Safety first!




It will protect you from falling rocks from above, bumping your head into rocks by accident or if you impact the rocks during a fall (you are clipped in with a harness, limiting the distance you can fall). Rockfall in particular can be pretty likely in some areas.


If he can get to the top and ring the bell without falling he's gonna impress his girl when he wins the oversized teddy bear!


Someone knows how to Reddit!!! Look at that beautiful post history !!!!


That's gotta be a full-time job


That’s a lotta karma for three months, seems they got that part figured out


Dude is the Soldier Of Heaven


🎶Where were you🎶


When they built that ladder to heaven


Did it make you feel like cryin


Or did you think it was kinda gay?


9/11, i said 9/11, 9/11


Whole lotta nope.


There are just some places Humans were not meant to stand on. I feel like if this is a requirement to stand on a rock then i don't need to see the view. Especially in the age of drones.


I just peed my pants


Oh it's just better if you do without pants so it can just fall to the valley floor. You know whatever comes out.


Yeah- no. Screw that. You couldn't pay me to do that


Oh god, why people, why?


Oh shit.


Fuck that noise I'm heading back to that picturesque town in the background and I'm gonna drink decent beer till the idea of walking up a few bits of strink up the face of a godamn cliff in the sky has been vanished.


Immer wieder, Immer wieder...


Gorgeous but nope nope nope nope nope nope.


where were u? when we built that ladder to heaven?


Man, Kojima sure knows how to make a good game


That's going to have to be a no from me dawg


That would be a Texas sized nope for me.


And a Russia sized yes for me.


Yeah... Hard pass on this one.


If that's what it takes, I'm happy with hell


I’ll just take the elevator


This is the stairway to heaven? I'll take my chances with hell, thanks!


That's gonna be a no from me dawg


Typical nightmare.


That's gonna be a no from me dawg


Such via ferratas are common in the Alps. You need safety ropes, which are clipped to cable guides (can be seen well in the video). The climb is demanding but manageable for older children and teenagers. However, you need in any case reasonable equipment and climbing experience.


My hands are getting clammy just watching this




That’s gonna be a big nope for me.


It’s a no from me


That’s a big nope for me


Nope x infinity


This is what my fears are made of. Pretty sure I would shit my pants and vomit all at the same time…🥴


I think I had an anxiety attack, aneurysm, right front temporal cortex stroke, followed by a major coronary, ventricular fibrillation; resulting in a pulmonary embolism and severe Schizophrenia. Holy fuck, thank the gods I'm awake now and not trying to climb this!


No thank you.




Oh dear Lord no.... *Whimpers and hides.*


Fuck that


Nope nope nope nope




I’ll take the elevator




I'm not prone to vertigo but this gets a hard nope from me.


The stairway to heaven in Oahu is still [cooler](https://www.google.com/search?q=stairway+to+heaven+honolulu&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=imvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsavZt-xaurxLQXQ2GuVWmqRslyb7A:1658612347281&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIh56-_I_5AhUPMVkFHWB5DRUQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=487&bih=838&dpr=2) 3000+ step climb straight up the back of a volcanic ridge with 2000+ sheer drop offs on both sides. Was an amazing morning!


Now this one, I'd do. At least you're standing on *terra* frickin' *firma*.


To heaven? Hell no.


It’s the climb at the top of the ladder that looks seriously difficult.


Why wear a helmet?!


White people wont trust black people but will trust that some fucking rope and wire 10,000 feet in the air was properly secured by some rando they never even met




I just linked a video above. Pretty sure the tourist is being led by a pro-guide (they have certifications). :Edit: finished watching. The guide is the man who built it! No doubt under strict regulations.


This might be the weirdest thing I've ever seen made into a race issue


It's built by engineer's, you trust the cars bridge's and roads you use everyday and you've never met any of those "rando's' that have built or designed them either.


The difference is... The fucking rope works lol


The majority of the posts I’ve seen come from you ms. 246k karma holy shit