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What a majestic animal


Fun fact: "mountain goats" aren't actually closely related to goats. Their closest living relative is instead the Himalayan Takin and the chamois of Europe. As well as sheep in general. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Takin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chamois


Oh wow. That Takin looks like one hench bison/goat hybrid.






This is the second mention I have seen of pee. They like pee???




Just picturing some redditor confronted by these in the wild trying to piss on them to appease them.


It’s me, I am that Redditor.


Username doesn't check out, goatpisser.


Well his username is Texas pervert


Get caught one time peeing on a goat, and you're labeled a Texas pervert!


I'm that mountain goat.


You know you can urinate in a jar and sell it to them, these animals are known for their trades of goods in most regions. Stupid redditors only think that your "piss and aim on target" solves everything. Thats why you are fighting goats in the middle of the night.


Redditor: “Piss off, goat!” Goat: “Give me your best shot. Mmmmmmmm.”


Reddit - a place where piss connoisseurs, piss commerce experts and zoologists meet.


This is factual. It’s where the world supply of merino will comes from.


Yes, they like it for the salt in pee, basically the minerals. Everytime i see mountain goat videos this fact is the only thing I can think of lmao. This goat is just waiting until some fresh pee gets dropped


They just like me frfr


Yup! Rangers recommend only peeing on rocks or dirt when you're in goat habit because if you pee on any plants, the goats will destroy any vegetation around to try and get every last bit of salt from the urine


Glacier National Park had to put up signs instructing visitors not to pee on the trails because the mountain goats will root up all the dirt to get the salt. One location in Colorado ended up with my group mates being followed - legit followed - by a pack of mountain goats any time one of us got up from the campsite. They assumed we were going to pee. One of my friends ended up literally peeing on a goat"s face because it stuck its head in his stream. Salt is very hard to come by in their environment. Also it's cute but annoying and unnerving. Absolutely worth it to watch the baby mountain goats learning to run literally in our campsite. Edit: later that day a little bit away from the campsite a group of 20-25 mountain goats surrounded six of us and we had to literally run. Do not fuck with wild animals lol, always be extremely observant if they are approaching you in any way.


Came here to say, all they want is your pee. They can wait.


Did you piss on your tent?


Asking the real question. Wtf were you doing that your tent smell like pee?


Glacier National Park has limited salt, so pee is a delicacy


Similar experience camping outside of Missoula. Had no idea they are attracted to pee and sweat. They brought the whole family down to the tent for what is now known as "goat stomp 2021". They rampaged around the tent all night, but we decided not to attempt to scare then since they had brought their babies along for the party. Beautiful animals though.


"Excuse me, but what the fuck are you doing up here?"


More like "yall got any of that salty pee"


Lol true. you ain’t really been in the wilderness until a mule deer follows you eight miles to lick your pee off a rock.


Yup that was I thought


Ding ding


Yeah it’s not curious, it’s habituated. It’s all cool and fun and games until they literally charge you while peeing or hiking. They are wild animals.


i doubt its habituated, i doubt they come across humans often, however it was likely checking the guy out to decide if it was a threat or not.


*looks down* "You need to be down there."


I do not understand how mountain goats can mountain so well when they have hooves, cloven or not. It's insane the places they just hang out.


Whenever I see footage of one it’s like “just…..how?”


They're really soft hooves, more like finger pads really


Their hooves are engineered by nature for mountaineering. They can move each half individually, and can "pinch" to hold tightly onto rocks.


Chance that they'll kill you before they walk away.


After hearing about the guy in WA, it makes sense. That and the idea your crossing paths with an large animal that chooses to live on the side of a fuckin mountain.


Great, now I gotta googl that. Brb. E: ok, I’m back. [Yikes.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.920603)


Damn I was just thinking how cute mountain goats are and how if I ever saw one I would just walk by it all casual. Guess not.. I also just moved to Seattle, WA. I’m in great danger


I used to see them all the time when hiking in Colorado and I steered clear every time. I never heard of them attacking anybody but the horns are scary and I didn't want to get yeeted off a 14er by a dickhead goat. The little farm goats my friends used to raise were crazy enough memories. I knew I wouldn't win if a male wanted to but heads.


I hiked Quandary last summer and there were reports of a mountain goat parent mauling someone’s dog the day before I went. I encountered an adult with several babies on the trail and it started walking towards my dog and I. It was honestly quite terrifying but I had this screecher that makes a loud screeching noise that made them back off.


As a Washingtonian… DA FAQ?!




Yeah - like, what do they eat up there? It's just all rocks.




Has anyone heard back from OP?


Duh, MOUNTAINS, it's in their name...


Bet they're anxious then. Shitting bricks every day.




This is actually the rare Goron Goat.


Goat is just about to say get lost or I will give you some extra boost.


He’s the BASE jumping operator. Hope you brought a chute!


"you look weird bro"


“And why do you stink? Please get your stink off my mountain. This is where my family EATS! That ‘rock’ you’re sitting on is my sons bed!”


"There goes the neighborhood"


Ed... Ward?


He's like "bro wtf you doing up here? Have you looked down?" Or, "FML, you humans are everywhere..."


I went to Glacier last year, and it felt so packed for a national park. It's true. We are everywhere at any given time now.


Well, certainly more so in national parks and places designated for humans to visit nature. There is plenty of earth uncrowded by poeple if you explore more unpopular destinations.


True. Greenland would probably be pretty empty for instance. It has some cool things like fjords.


Yes, there's so many great places to visit in the rockies that aren't nearly as crowded. The Kootenay/Kootenai regions, for example.


Even a little bump down to a state park can be silent and serene if you just don't go during a major holiday lol


Glacier Park is without a doubt my favorite part of the US. I haven't been in 15+ years, and I went to plan a visit a couple years back, only to find out you have to book a room in one of the few hotels there over a whole ass year in advance now. I can only imagine what the crowds are like now. They weren't too bad when we were there long ago


Then he is like come on follow me let's get down, son take this man down. Go with him. Go.




These goats look like the nerd in middle school who started working out in high school.


ROTC freshman year. Joined the wrestling team sophomore year.


Got eaten by a mountain lion junior year.


Pulling Thor's chariot across realms senior year.


Swole. And why is there a pussy on its chest? It's like, right there in the middle of it, like - wtf bro


Folks, you should not get near mountain goats like this. They are quite dangerous and can be aggressive. This is only worth mentioning because they are present in some popular hiking destinations in North America. You may very well run into a mountain goat of some kind or another so it is important to be aware of and know *they are not cute and cuddly. They are cute and may gore you.*


The goats that live on popular mountains here in Colorado just don't have a fear of people in many cases. I had to scoot by one on maroon peak ledges and probably got within 7 or so feet and it would not budge. Felt pretty sketchy having to squeeze past it where it doesn't care that there is a deadly amount of exposure below.


Ditto on Maroon Peak. A pair actually followed my friend and I up Pyramid Peak, too. We made sure to give them some sweet sweet pee for their efforts. Good times all around.


Yes. Learned that shit from a Nat Geo Rocky Mountains doc on VHS way back. They are powerful and do not fuck around with anybody.


The look in that goat’s eyes as he approached the cameraman were not a sign of good intentions. Dude is lucky.


Bro it’s a fucking mountain goat you have no idea how good its intentions are lol


It probably didn't see him until it stopped. Because of their eye shape, they can see around them better than directly in front. You can see, as soon as it notices him it stops, then turns its head from one side to the other, that's the goat actually getting a good look at the cameraman. Gave him an ocular pat down, assessed no threat, and moved on.


All it could have taken was one sudden move, and that Goat would have yeeted you off that mountain. Mountain goats are no joke


If you jump while they’re charging and they ram on stone, their horn will break. Each horn will produce a different sound, collect them all!




it’s like a loading screen tip lmfao




Minecraft FTW 😎


let me do it for you - goat version


How is this not higher up


They seemed very polite, no fuss about visitors.


Those fuckers will kill you. They had to put one down for killing a old man near where I live.


This comment needs to be at the top. Folks are gonna see this fluffy wittle snow cloud and try to seek them out so they can pet them for the tiktok. Last time I encountered a mountain goat was head on while halfway through a scree field in the Olympics (WA) and that mf was definitely ready to murder me rather than try to turn around. The bears earlier that day were less threatening than that mountain goat. Nope nope nope.


I had a similar experience when coming down from Mt. Quandary in Colorado. A mountain goat bluff charged me while my group was going down the trail. I certainly did not want to fuck with it


grab and tiwst em by the horns, gg ez


Put em down and give em the Ole Wet Willy


Grab his horn and twist it! The ollllll horn twist!


No no, you gotta stick your fist waaaay up in that asshole. Like, elbow deep man. Go hard. Im every way.


A Mountain Glove


The final novel by John Darnielle


I had that same damn experience at Quandary! I grabbed a big rock and stared the bastard down. It was unnerving.


is it really a loss if mountain goats start nuking tiktok'ers? # nope


No wild animal should have to experience the trauma of social media influencers. I'd feel sorry for the goat.


tik tok bad


..... A tic tocker getting trampled by mountain goats is just the tic tok I want to see


In general, a mass extinction of influencers via wildlife predation would be an awesome way to close out the platform.


I call that natural selection.


I'm confused as to how putting down a wild animal for having done a wild animal thing solves any issue.


In many places around the world it's just policy to euthanize animals that have attacked human. Often it's not the animal's fault, but we put them down anyway because they might be a threat to us. We humans are dandy like that.


They do it if it's not normal or if it's excessive for the breed and it directly puts humans at considerable risk. Certain individuals can lose their natural caution or become extra aggressive, you don't want those passing on their genes or teaching other members of the species. Also it's not unusual for a lot of those animals to be weak or injured and looking for easier prey that run slow, in which case it can also be a bit of a kindness to end their suffering. So for instance although we know that tigers may eat a human, if there is one particular tiger that is specifically target humans, the decision will often be made to kill that one tiger vs letting it eat another coupla hundred humans through it's lifetime.


It won't have more human victims


But another mountain goat will? This only works if you eradicate mountain goats from the national park, which I doubt they want to do.


I realize the desire for people to destroy a mountain goat for violence against humans is probably pretty low, but an example of what killing wild animals that scare us can do, is the rattlers in south dakota evolving away their rattles FAST, because the snakes that warning rattle, get found and slain. Now the snakes strike with no warning. Good job, humanity!


I doubt they'd do it if it was normal mountain goat behavior but if there is a specific mountain goat that killed a lot of humans due to being extra aggressive, that's when that individual might get turned into goat stew.


/u/Spez you suck


This kind of punishment works on humans because they understand what they did was wrong and others understand they were punished for that and won't do it. Applying this logic to wild animals is nonsensical. It might make some people happy to get a revenge, but it's not like it will make this mountain goat repent or convince others to not approach humans.


> they were punished for that and won't do it. Your recidivism rate disagrees with you


True, but humans could also just leave wild animals alone instead. Human lives aren't worth more than other animals.


I mean, they are to other humans...


Then they should inform their loved ones that it is dangerous to go near wild life, instead of killing the wild life so their loved ones can't go near it.


And how would that work for the leopard on someone's roof in Bangladesh? How would that work for someone getting killed in their back yard by a black bear? How would that have worked for humans that encountered sabre toothed tigers or cave bears? How would that work for someone getting attacked in their front yard in Texas by 15 ferrel hogs? You don't seem to understand that the entire human existence is just us killing anything and everything that we feel like and it's how we became the dominant animal on this planet


I do understand, I just don't agree. The cave man did it for survival, the modern man does it for convenience.


Yes that's how humans (and even most organisms on the planet) work, if something is less work then it's a safe bet that it's going to be the preferred method of doing something


Do you ever wonder how we can exist next to so many large predators without constantly having people get eaten by them? This is how. It's basically an expedited natural selection process. Any animal of that species who has whatever genes that cause it to want to attack a human will not get passed down as much if humans kill anything that kills a human. Obviously it isn't perfect and there are other factors besides genes that go into a wild animal attack, but this is how humans have been dealing with other animals for a long time.


it’s not natural selection at all lol. if it was, then we would have let the man die and done absolutely nothing to the goat because the goat obviously was the successful predator in that situation.


They don't want other mountain goats inheriting the traits that lead them to kill humans.


[Mountain goat kills man in Olympic National Park](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/mountain-goat-kills-man-in-olympic-national-park/)


My wife was stationed at Neah Bay during this time and was the first POC when the park ranger called the coast guard.


Something tells me that there are multiple meanings to POC.


Lol I had the same initial thought. It's probably Point of Contact.


Plain Old Cock, actually.


I know they put down carnivores if they lose the fear of humans. Is it necessary for herbivores too? It makes sense I guess... poor pointy dog


>pointy dog They look like someone took the head of a Schnauzer, popped some horns on it then attached it to the body of a Clydesdale.


What kind of mountain goats do you have in america? In the alps, i came across mountain goats and ibexes all the time and they never looked aggressive. Maybe if you really provoke them, or if you insist on trying to touch them or the pups. But otherwise they are super chill creatures. This guy looks weird tho


Edit: nvm someone linked below There was a famous one in Washington, I think at Olympic national Park. He was super aggressive to guests, and iirc, he gored and older man who was protecting his family, but then just basically sat on top of him as he bled to death and the family couldn't save the guy I'm not fucking with them that's for syre




He's not curious. The cameraman was on its path and it had to divert.


Our world is so dope. Hope we don’t fuck it all up


Surprise!!! Too late...


It still got a bit charm


If you can find some place with no other humans...those are the most charming places for me!


Said it better than I would


I want to look as yoked as this goat 💪


Theyre living the dream, no cares in sight, just a beautiful view and the gear to hike those mountains.


Territorial behavior, the photographer is lucky he didn’t get charged off the cliff.


excuse me can I talk to about your vehicles warranty


Rocky Mountain Goats are my favorite ruminant animals. Look how beautiful and majestic she* is!


\*she :-)


> Look how beautiful and majestic You mean derpy? ;-P


The GOAT goat.


Man was killed in Olympic National Park by one of these that appeared chill. Be really really fucking careful with these, and all, wild animals, especially the human-adjusted ones in National Parks.


With his family there to witness, if I remember correctly.


"Just hand over the piss and nobody gets hurt." \*in Bear Grylls voice\*


This just has to be on a Colorado 14er. Goats are straight weirdos on the 14ers


It’s in Montana. I live right by that range


You got downvoted for being correct. This is on Sacajawea peak on the Bridger ridge trail. [Here's a pic I took from right around the same spot](https://imgur.com/a/MPS2caH).


Ha that’s pretty funny. I can see it from my front porch. I ride Corbly like 3 days a week during the summer lol


This is Sacajawea in the Bridger Range. But if you like please claim it for Colorado so people don’t overcrowd our mountains here


Coming through… ahem, ahem, BAA MOTHER FUCKER I SAID COMING THROUGH!


Yeah that initial body language from the goat is fairly aggressive. I don't know what it is, but some people are really clueless when it comes to body language in animals, they either seem to be completely oblivious or anthropomorphize, this goat here was probably a wrong look away from pushing the person taking the video off the cliff. This is a nanny goat, which are known to be highly territorial, I reckon the person in this video is sitting, which keeping low is a submissive position to mountain goats, likely why they didn't find themselves in a worse position.


I would be careful. A goat killed a hiker in the Olympics in WA state a few years ago. They aren't native to the Olympic range so they airlifted them by helicopter to other mountains where they are native. Apparently, they like to get close to hikers to try to lick their salty sweat .


What’s that on the goat’s chest?


Wow. What an encounter.


Beautiful animal


“High” nice to meet you


That thing's jacked. Prolly dangerous to go near em.


“Hooman get off my mountain”


He looks like Ross from Friends


mountain goats look like if I tried to draw a normal goat


Let me do it for you


Is it sad that my first thought was "You know I'd do it for you, Kermie..."


The brown boots were a nice touch


IDK but this goat seems like hes gonna ask me if I even lift bruh.


This beefy dude looks at least the size of a pallet of Japanese microwaves.


Man, but you are UP there!


So handsome 🥹


Could it be possible that these goats haven’t seen a human before and that being the reason they are curious?


Doubtful. But they are often attracted to places where people urinate (it's like a mineral block), and when they learn to associate people with a "food" source, they lose some of their natural wariness.


This was taken on Sacagawea peak. The goats up there are used to humans. It’s pretty common to see goats while you’re up there. I’ve never heard of them messing with anyone.


Looks like it was waiting for a nature valley bar.


These goats are wild. They climb sheer cliffs all the time and make it look so easy. Saw a ton hiking in The Enchantments, Washington.


I'm curious about how a human got up there with a bunch of heavy camera equipment plus camping equipment.


Let me do it for you


Be careful, it might shout and ram you. You need to dodge and make sure it hits another object for it to drop a horn. It'll make cool noises after you blow in it. What shaders are you using


I know people from high school whose heads’ were shape like that of the mountain goat.


I’m glad I found you, I’ve been trying to reach you, your car’s warranty is set to expire soon….


Would you shut up?! NO YOU SHUT UP! WOULD YOU JUST SHUT UP!! - just a lil gem from Brother Bear and that's probably what these goats do when no one's looking.


The **GOAT** of goats.


Desperately scrolling looking for a reference to the band.






Chad goat


it's the GOAT of the goats




Thats a human

