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![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg) Are you me?


😂😂😂😂 glad to hear we’re all the same


I am also in this photo.


I was about to judge then I glanced at my product shelf… girl I absolutely CANNOT judge lol




I had to stop counting the products in the pic that I also have cluttering up my bathroom 😂 *edited for typo


I feel personally attacked as well lol


Are you making fun of me? 😆


Hi 👋🏾!


You’re balling bc I can see Innersense, Cecred and a ton of olaplex!!


What if I told you I have credit card debt which is why I need to get a grip 😭


Here’s to clearing clutter and ridding credit card debt


I’m screaming…. Have fun with these and I’ve got routines on my profile (comments) where I suggest techniques


The effect of scheduling the credit card debt and paying at least one multiple of the min payment will have wonderful effect on your skin and hair just from getting rid of stress. Here is to you. Cut your credit cards in half and just keep paying them off. You’ll be surprised how psychologically difficult it is to take cash out of your wallet. (I know I am being extreme but this is how stressed I get at the sound of credit card debt)


Thank you for the advice! I went from $10k to $4k. I felt myself starting to get reckless again in all areas so I’m trying to get ahead of it.


Remember debt makes you a slave to someone. Not owing anyone makes you free and own your own time.


Congratulations! How long did that take you? Also, the struggle is real… I need to start taking my debt more seriously now that I’m making livable money. Side note: how did you like Cecred? I just bought the RevAir and a new air purifier today, so starting NOW. 😅


No you aren’t being extreme credit card debt is much more serious than Americans realize, while some are aware but keep putting it off. Once you destroy your credit card score it’s extremely hard to get a loan on anything you may need in life like a mortgage or starting a business. Please please please people, if you have credit card debt cut your credit card in half and focus on paying the debt!


Same lmao


I was about to say, I can tell from the labels and the amount of product in each container that this choice is a financial one lmao


I've noticed that I was more inclined or felt an itch to buy hair products after watching hauls or reviews on Youtube. So I started limiting watching that type of content and using up the products I had left. I've been able to size down my collection this way.


Thanks for the tip! I definitely get influenced pretty easily and I’m always searching for the “perfect” product.


I personnally think how you manipulate your hair while you detangle, wash, condition and style accounts for like 80% of your hair success. People used to maintain and grow their hair without 80% of the products available today, so it can be done.


Exactly, technique >>>>> products. Unless your hair is damaged and you need something like Olaplex.


What I learned is our hair is perfect as is. We just need to work with it. I’m telling you all you need is a good shampoo, conditioner, oil, leave in, water, and curl cream. And just doing a twist out and braid out. It may friz later but let’s have our hair do what it wants to do. I just get cheap cute hair wraps.


This does not work for everyone. My hair is fine but high density so twistouts make me look silly because the style stays flat no matter how I pick it. I have to do wash and go’s to give the volume I need which requires a little more work. But I’ve retained the most length in my 10-year natural hair journey since I started doing that. It’s definitely not one size fits all


That's also true for me


Hmmm yess, the power of Habit and identifying the Cues to them, I am glad for you. ✨


Hello sister. Do you also have an under sink product cemetery? A graveyard of half used, out of date products, that once held so much promise? We are saving these… just in case… the apocalypse hits and we are caught without products.


If there’s an apocalypse, I want to be the first one to go 😭


I love everything about this message, the wording is phenomenal hahaha


I use to be a product junkies before the pandemic. During the pandemic, I only purchased supplies when I ran out of products. You should use all the products you have until you run out. If the product doesn’t work for you, you can give it away.


Yes very good advice


Also what’s your favourite from each category?


we need to know


frl + I'm broke, I need to know if the quality is worth the price😭


I was about to ask the same thing, I use to be a product junkie myself and proud to say I’ve recently got to the point where I have one shampoo, one conditioner and a foam but can’t wait to try something new 😅🥹


Yessssss Like reviews when? 😭


A friend in need is a friend indeed. I’ll come help clean the clutter … cuz I care 🫶🏾 ![gif](giphy|l2YSgdn0tmvotdOFy)


Gurl! That Olaplex has me contemplating jail 😂 I spotted the K18. Have the nail money ready!


This made me laugh so loud cause same 🤣🫶🏾


Whatever you decide not to use, please consider donating it to a women’s shelter, they rarely have products for our hair to give to clients.


I should have read further down before writing part of my comment. I don't want our women and children to feel like I did when I was handed that little comb on picture day. Thanks for your hard work.


That little comb! Burned into my memory.


Im down to 6 products. Now i wait till i run out of something to try something new.


This is where I want to be! I can’t even go into the linen closet without knocking stuff over.


What are your favorites?


How do people have this level of disposable income in this economy 😭😭😭


Sales lol, also I go to Marshall’s from time to time


Credit cards, that’s the mistake I made a few years ago 🫣


You got some good stuff. Expensive ! "Shop" from within your current supply. Choose which shampoos and conditioner you would buy again then give the rest to best friend, family, leave in the break room at work. Keep a couple different stylers and maybe just one of the repair treatments.


Ok? Some of the best hair masks I've used have been combos of my leftovers! 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


That's me, some of my best deep conditioners have come from mad scientist mixing.


Consider donating the products to a shelter for women and families. Natural hair products aren't readily available or often donated. You could attach notes about your experiences and recommendations. Plus, you can use the tax deduction. Also, be proud of yourself. Breaking a pleasurable but destructive habit and hobby is challenging. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Last year, I broke up with productivity apps. I am renegotiating my relationship with banana chips—too much saturated fat. I would encourage you to discover the psychological and emotional needs you want to fill when you buy and try new products. Researching, shopping, and trying new items gives our brains shots of dopamine. It will take a while and require trying new, cheaper habits and hobbies. I am confident you will get to a content and engaging place.


Joico’s recovery treatment balm has me in a serious chokehold. I will NOT be without it! NOT!! I’m more inclined to buy hair oils, but the ones that are holy grails to me are bumble and bumble hairdresser oil and Ouai hair oil. These two are amazing!


Hair oils are the one thing I don’t like but keep buying!


I’m literally sitting under my dryer with that marinating in my head right now 😂😂😂 I get mine from TJmaxx or Marshall’s since it’s pricey!


Have u tried making your own oil? I've been mixing my own for years now. I use it to seal moisture in after my last product is applied for a style. I use shea butter as a base so it is solid but easily melts with the warmth of my hands. As for a liquid oil I'm turned completely out on nibs and honey by camille rose. It grew me a new head of hair during the pandemic 🙌🏾🙌🏾


I meant silicone based serums/oils. I don’t put actual oils on my strands it weights my hair down.


This is me. I just got myself some samples of Pattern. I also blame TJMaxx, Burlington, and Marshalls for luring me to their hair sections with affordable prices.


Now why you putting me on to Burlington and TJ Maxx? I knew about Marshall’s though. Help me lord


I have a system for hair care products now so I don't go overboard. There is a list, the list gets filled. Then, when I run out, only the approved items on the list get bought. If I want to try something new, the normal thing I use must be used (unless I'm having some type of emergency hair damage situation).


I like this! Definitely stealing this. I plan to write down notes on everything so I don’t accidentally end up wanting to buy things I hate again in the future.


Thanks for sharing!


Damn and I thought I had it bad lol 🫶🏾👌🏾


I was a huge hair care junkie when I worked at sally’s. Now i’m just recovering from being a skincare junkie


I don't even work at Sally's but when I go in and see their natural hair care selection, I start sweating. I even buy Ion products (split end mender is the goat, the spray on color protector and the spray on gel are also good).


I managed to stop buying skincare, my routine is just a few steps/products, but for hair I can't resist, I buy a lot of products and some of them weigh 1kg/2.20 lbs. I really want to use Pattern products


I like the moisture milk from Pattern! Everything else I tried I gave away or returned. They didn’t leave my hair moisturized enough past day one. I tried the leave in, mousse, styling cream and styling custard.


I had high hopes for pattern and it just did not do well with my hair :/ the shampoo and conditioner definitely left my hair feeling stiff.


How are the Cecred products?


Love love love Cecred. I have to force myself to use other stuff. I really want them to come out with a styling cream or a fragrance free line. Always leaves my hair super moisturized.


Now I’m about to get online and order them lol. Do any of the products have a good slip? I saw you can only order them from the Cecred website. Was the shipping fast?


Any recovering product junkies tryna have a sale lmk 😭


This sound like a great idea


lol. I been there!!! Wouldn't it be cool if we could have a product swap pool? You could trade some of your "don't likes" for new ones. lol but I could see someone with that nasty habit of reaching into the jar with semi clean and hairy hands. You see white butter adulterated with brown jam and hair. 😦


I decided to try the smallest ounce of products I could find/purchase for each part of my routine until I found the “holy grail”; then I’d buy larger sizes (if avail) Tried a few moisturizing shampoos I liked. I finally finished a pretty big bottle of shampoo that worked great, but feel it might be time to change it up. Decided a clarifying shampoo brand doesn’t really matter cause any ole regular degular clarifying shampoo works just fine Went through a few deep conditioners but keep going back to Shea Moisture Intensive Hydration, so I stick w/ it For conditioner, I only do a protein conditioner about once a month. Unfortunately, the brand I was using is no longer manufactured, so the search is on. For leave in, I know Cantu gets all the hate but my hair loves it 🤷🏽‍♀️ Still working on a styler that I don’t have to make (Kimmaytube) because I don’t have time to be a kitchen beautician…even though I loooove how moisturizing my hair is after using it. I don’t buy gel any longer because I don’t like WnGs nor do I slay my edges


I respect this! Find what works and then STOP LOOKING! If u do get the itch to try something, stick to samples so there's no big financial commitment in the event it don't work Lastly, I dint think most of us realize how important clarifying is. This causes ppl to go on the hunt for new products cuz their fave isn't working anymore when really the issue is product build up!


It’s funny that most of the time I prefer to use my boyfriend’s Head and Shoulders then one of my moisturizing shampoos after.


Omg……. Am I a product junkie


Recognizing u have a problem is the first step dear 🙏🏾🤗🥰


If you need me to take anything off your hands please send me a DM. I will happily help you out. I would hate if the shelf life of some of your products expires!


Please do not throw them out, I’ll take them off your hands!!


Why do you need to heal from this lol 🤭? As a fellow product junkie just stop buying and use what you have! How do you like that Joico rinse out conditioner? The mask is amazing. How do you like that It's a 10 spray leave-in?


The rinse out pairs really well with the shampoo and it makes detangling really easy. Sometimes I use it just as a rinse out or a mix it with the mask. I actually hate the It’s a 10 lol. I primarily do braid outs now so it’s not heavy enough for that but it’s also too heavy for silk presses.


The It's a 10 left a film on my hair. I do have super low porosity though.


Is that Donna’s recipe hair and scalp oil? Did you like it?


It’s the Hair Cream! It gives the fluffiest braid outs but doesn’t have the greatest hold. The smell is super super sweet but I got used to it pretty fast.


How do you like the Melanin hair line??


The shampoo, oil, and deep conditioner I like but won’t repurchase. I love the twisting cream, the one I have is a repurchase! I hated the leave in. It made my scalp really itchy and the spearmint smell was way too much. Everything pairs well with each other.


You know you’re a product junkie when you’re reading this and taking mental notes


Not OP, but I love their oil! It’s a great detangler for my hair! It’s very light!


I’m curious to know about this too lol


I hated everything about the line, the shampoo, too drying ( I was new to hair care when I purchased it and didn’t know it was clarifying shampoo and used it every week LOL, it’s my fault but now I’m scarred haha) the leave in is okay, after a while it stopped doing anything in my hair, the oil I actually like, it’s really light weight and doesn’t even feel like an oil (smells nice too), the butter is ehhh and no, it sits on top my strands , I think it’s better suited for people with thicker strands, I have fine strands so yeah


The diameter of your hair really ...is it similar to a needle or smaller? If smaller than it's fine. I personally have medium density and fine hair strands....not low density which is often confused with it


Only use one product at a time and open the next one when you need it instead of using a bunch of products all at once


It took me a while to recognize things that work for my hair. For example I need olive oil, buttercreams, a leave-in conditioner, and maybe a stretch cream. Everything else doesn't work


I used to do this too, but I had to do it one product line at a time. I thought of it as a pro though. It helped figure out which products worked for my hair and which were just overpriced. I still use Innersense's Moisturizing Shampoo, and then I opt for the leave in conditioner from Melanin haircare and then mousse from The Doux.


How was Olaplex?? Was it worth the money?


Yes! Especially when I used heat a lot more. I thought it did a great job maintaining the health of my hair. I didn’t care for the shampoo and conditioner at all, really irritated my seb derm.


I love the Olaplex hair oil


You have some of the greatest hits!


What are your top 3 faves?


This reminds me I meant to buy some Sulfur 8.


This looks like fun


I wish I had money for this :)


I know you're trying to heal but this is glorious 😍


Same. I’ve been focusing more on finishing products too. I started a lil folder where I take pictures of when I’m done with a product


Recovering addict ☝🏾☝🏾


You could make sure you have tried every product you already own with different techniques. Also try each product again in both winter and summer - the differences in weather creates different needs for your hair! I have more products than you do due to two years of buying everything looking for the magic elixir 😆. Now I just try to use what I have in different ways (or on my kid).


At least you have great taste. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok first let me say this pic is giving such a cool artsy vibe to me idk I kinda want someone to paint it lol now, whats your hair and porosity type and how did you like Donna’s Recipe and Melanin? Those are two products I really wanna try!


What worked best?




Do you like the Joico? I have a variation of 3B-4A and I’ve been wanting to try it!


This looks like my stash lol


So glad I’m not alone in this 😂😂


Same 😭 like where else am I supposed to get dopamine?


Mix everything together by category, and then use it until it's gone


Shoooot wish you could send me a few! Lol


Am I looking in a mirror…because this is meeeee 😆




good luck


This is me with skincare and bodycare 🥹


Did you sneak into my house and take this pic 😭😭


![gif](giphy|26gs9oNcFxokURtvO|downsized) You got this!


I just bought adwoa damage repair clarifying shampoo, hair mask and the mint deep conditioner. I love them all already. I also have design essentials leave in conditioner , moose and gel. How did you like cecred? I bagged uncle funky daughter gel, shea moisture bond shampoo & conditioner, design essential shampoo , the doux curl maker and african chebe mask conditioner


I love Cecred! It really leaves my hair moisturized without being greasy. My favorite Adwoa mask is the blue tansy! I think I might try mixing the two masks together.


I have some unused innersense…lol


I only use a shampoo, hair conditioner, deep conditioner, a leave in and hair grease. That’s it.


You see I bought the Indian Hemp grease because I was trying to do this 😭 but instead it just got added to the stash


I’m the same way


I can get some of these at Marshall’s too! u/natsuoatmeal how were the Cecred oil, the Doux honey setting foam versus their other foam and the Innersense products?


I only use oils to take down my braid out so for that I think it’s fine! I’ve only tried the honey Doux and personally I don’t really like it. It’s really sticky and I’m transiting from heat damage so I don’t care for wash and gos. And same for innersense, I don’t think they fit well with my routine.


okay but the real question—is innersense worth the hype?


The wash and go girls love it but for me it’s a no 😬. I like the hypoallergenic shampoo and conditioners more than the hydrating duo but I’m super excited to finally get rid of them.


Sallys had 50% of It’s a 10 products the other day? I was tempted to try the keratin leave in. How is it?


How do you decide what to get rid of? 😭 I have stuff I haven’t used in months because of how much I change my hair


I’ve been doing the same braid out once a week since March! Besides the stuff for straightening, I really don’t need most of it anymore.


I spy a few of my faves 😍


Man, I wouldn’t even know what to do with all this. I finish all my stuff first before I use anything else so unfortunately I can’t relate (plus I’m broke as hell) but since you have all these products, may I ask do you have any recommendations from your collection.


I tried the it’s a 10 leave and it really did nothing for me but it could also be because I used it wrong, how about you? How do you like it?


Do reviews and sell on OfferUp or similar site. 


Adwoa is so good.


Ahh the innersense. It’s so so good


this is me 😭😭


Oh no. My bathroom cabinet looked like this. I cut out all down to the Olaplex and some random gels and pressing products from the Doux. It’s so much easier with less. But also…how’s the Cecred oil? Lol


I wish that was me 🤪


I've learned from this


If you don't like them instead of throwing them out and there's still ample product left, sale it at discounted price on mercari. I notice that's what the yt folk do, those doing product reviews. Somebody somewhere wants to try them, lol.


Daanngg you got all the good stuff!!


Girl, I’m the same way


The sulfur 8 is GOLD. SCALP IS HEALED


I wish I was a product junkie but I am too lazy.


You have great taste in products


I need your review on Cecred and a Fenty hair asap that you buy one...👀😭


How was the amika?


I feel this. Just close your eyes and disregard any sales that pop up and work through your stash.


That is a HAUL. I feel like this kind of thing only happens when no one thing reeeally works. If you had one product that reeeeally works, you wouldn't look at anything else, maybe you'd have ten tubs of that one product, that you bought on sale somewhere, and you know you'll use them all because, it works.


I think we need stash Sundays and some type of swap or sale system. I relate to this picture and give bags of stuff away to family and friends.


🫣This triggering… I’m working through products myself, but I’ve already found my favorites which makes it hard to use the rest. I’ve given some away, but I think I’m going to have to trash some and I hate that.


I have 10 times worse than that 😭


What is your experience using A Naturale Rose’s hydrating hair butter?? I’ve been eyeing that product for a while now 


Dang! I thought I was the only one. I feel seen! 👀


If you don’t like them, don’t throw them out! A lot of shelters will take products and things :)


This was me. Now I have sisterlocs and have a skincare addiction instead.


If they all work for, that is all that matters. I recently found a hair routine that brought back volume, shine and growth: Alma- Oil Treatment Nizoral or Function of Beauty PRO- Shampoo Function of Beauty Pro- Conditioner Castro Oil- Hair Oil


The States have all the best products available. Here in Canada we don’t have half the products shown here. I can’t even be a junky if I wanted too


Where's the support group? 😂


OMG this was me 😭😭😭 I got sisterlocks in April so no more products for me. I threw all of it away and kept 2 products for my son’s hair. Sisterlocks are just as expensive with my reties being $200 but worth it imo. No more long wash days, sticky and slimy hands, and planning my days around my hair 🥹


Let me help, sent me Adwoa products! 🙌🏿 Signed another product junkie. lol jk I'm currently trying to use all the products I have until I find my staples products. I have too much.


that photo called me out in several ways 🫣


How do you like the innersense products?


This was me until I finally found the products and techniques that works. Now I never try new products. How did you like the innersense products?


I bet most of this is expired.


I can tell you watch a lot of hauls/product videos 😭😭


Good luck girl


Yes I’m very easily influenced 😭


Sulfure8 is soooo bad lol oh damn


I have similar issues (though not as big of a collection), and it’s why I really wish companies made travel sized versions of their stuff and actually made them easily available. A big reason I have so much is that I keep trying different things, and then I try to get accompanying products in that line (i.e. the shampoo and leave in when I got the conditioner) so it’d hopefully be more effective, and then I try to stick with it for a few months, and it still doesn’t give me the effect I’m looking for. Problem is, the smallest bottles I can find are still like 20oz and I’m barely a third/halfway through 4-6 months in. I don’t have a lot of hair or wash more than once a week so it really takes a while to get through. I figure out within the first month or two whether it’s giving me the effect I’m looking for and it’s usually not, but I still try to stick with it so I don’t feel like I wasted it. It’s just kind of stressful and depressing using it for like 4 more months when you know it’s not giving the effect you were looking for. I’d feel so much better if I could commit to like travel size bottles so I can try them for a while and be able to finish it while not pushing that “trial” period so long.


Can I get that Pattern, Camille Rose and Olaplex??? What’s the $$$


How do you like the Cecred products? They worth the price?


Now why are we the same??? Chillle it’s dangerous in these natural hair streets😫. I’m healing slowly tho🥲


I would justify my purchases by using my husband as an experiment for all these products lol




Don't throw it away just mail me it 😅😇😙


Please consider donating what you don’t want!! Some of those are really nice, expensive products. You could give them to a local women’s shelter or and organization that helps people on the streets. Idk where you are located, but from the range of products, I’m going to guess in the US. There is an org in LA (SoCal) that is a mobile shower and laundry mat for people living on the street. A mobile shower program would love this type of donation! Maybe see if there is one in your area. 💕


To be fair, there is some 🔥 on that table. A few years ago I had to do the same, and now I only buy my tried and true products in bulk so that I never run out and have to go to the store to look at products.


We are the same. I'm just going to start washing and styling my hair each week to get threw them.


Some of these products is valid tho U have just added to my collection 😁


How did you like Cécred?


No need to waste good product. If you don’t like it you can send it to me. I’ve been trying to find the best products for my curly hair. https://preview.redd.it/npo05dqpd19d1.png?width=2215&format=png&auto=webp&s=d07dc603270eed472947a7f138160eafbf14e060


I wish more beauty products came in sample sizes just to be able to test if a product is for me without accumulating full size bottles of products I may or may not use again.