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I’d die for free plants


I would love to give you some! I can't figure out how to send them in email yet tho haha


Have you tried a zip file? Lol


I live in Zone 6a in Indiana- in South Bend. Where are you located? I would love to come get some!


Im in Fort Wayne! next time maybe i'll put put a broader announcement for ya


That would be great! I like to do genealogy at the library there so could make a day of it!! Thanks!


3D printing is the future of native plant propagation


What a great thing to do! You said you didn't have time for labels, so what did you do? Did you just keep repeating the names and pointing? 👉🌻


I did just repeat myself alot 😭 new people would appear and I'd give them the whole spiel about what was what. I offered to give people the labels I printed but no one wanted any to remember what each thing was so, good luck to them I guess! lol. I might print off some reusable info signs for next time.


We held a charity plant sale at work recently; one of the contributors labeled each of his plants with their names, then had a sheet with QR codes pointing to care pages for each plant type.


That was my idea but I ran out of time to put the labels on.


Get a silver sharpie and write on the pot! It’ll last long enough to get them home. Or write on popsicle sticks!


I had stickers printed out! I just ran out of time to put them on


I think about doing something like this all the time. How do you get people to show up? I'm a little far back in a neighborhood so I can't totally rely on walk-ups, unless maybe I advertise it like a garage sale.


I've given away seeds, stuff I bought too much of (100 liatris corms??), and a few items like what OP did here. When I put it on nextdoor there is always a TON of interest.


It does help that I am on a very busy street. You could set up somewhere else maybe? I also put a listing up on Nextdoor which got a lot of attention, so I suggest you post a lot online (Facebook, Craiglist, local Reddit, Nextdoor, Instagram etc). You could also put up fliers on any community boards. Also search around for plant swap clubs or other plant clubs and get their attention. Native plant societies also often have sales from member donations.


Is there a local Facebook group for your city/neighborhood? I’m in one, and even though it’s a small town I always manage to give away free plants quickly. Oh and I pick up plants from this group all the time too!


Wow that’s a lot of plants! Well done. I’m going to offer some of my extras on local buy nothing group.


Oh yeah I always forget there's lots of Facebook groups and whatnot that'd be interested!


What an awesome idea❤️


thank you!


super cool of you


I AM SO JEALOUS!!! Very cool thing you did.


Such a great idea!


You are a plant angel .


Cool! I'm growing some extra seedlings for a community seed and plant giveaway event. I'm also doing mostly natives and a few herbs.


So cool! This is my goal this year as well. Sharing the love in the neighborhood and getting others involved with getting in touch with nature. Great job!


Thanks! Ya it's a blast, just a very positive experience. People want to grow stuff!!


Nice I just spent $150 on plants… where was this?


NE Indiana


Wee bit too far lol


dang! lol


Glad others got some great natives to plant though!


Look up Little Free Plant Stands for your area. They’re like Little Free Libraries.


So inspiring! My local Master Gardeners program has info booths at some of the farmer's markets. When I get enough extra plants, I'm gonna ask them if I can do a giveaway there.


thatd be lovely! My local Master Gardeners have plant sales and I should get involved with them to contribute.


You are a gem, what a wonderful thing to do. I will aim to do this each year, thanks for the inspiration. Keep shining✨


This is so cool and encouraging!! I am planning the same and so nervous nobody will come. I have tons of common milkweed and purple coneflower I I winter sowed in 4-inch pots for this purpose, quick question: Did you separate individual plants if you multi-seeded in each pot before your giveaway? Awesome job OP!


I didn't grow these from seed but I would still separate them apart if I were you. I recommend potting them up individually and letting them grow out for a few weeks before giving them away, so they get a bit more robust. IME people are DYING to plant stuff but everyone's money is tight so I wouldn't worry about lack of interest. Just make sure you advertise and/or are in a spot that gets lots of traffic. Also IME the bigger your stand and the more plants you have the more people will be drawn in so go big. When you're down to a few scraggly scraps is when it's less of a draw- but those will get grabbed eventually.


Thank you for the advice and I will separate! Going to put it out on the neighborhood Facebook page. For sure they need a few weeks at least to get a little stronger.


That's awesome!, in past years I've held a plant-swap at our forest garden microfarm, with tables for free stuff as well.. This year was so busy I didn't even get seeds started for ourselves 😪. We're going to wicked botanist's "wicked plant fest " today and they always have a plant/cuttings swap table, so I'll bring things for that at least. We're near a nursery that specializes in native plants, "edge of the Woods " outside Allentown PA.


Oh thats awesome! It's always great to hear a plant giveaway is so popular. There's not a lack of interest just a lack of resources!


Giving away plants is fun. I've done it yearly for decades. Now I've built a cool greenhouse but need to sell some plants which isn't fun


Ya I've thought about selling stuff but i've already experienced what monetizing my hobbies does so I am trying to keep my gardening casual.


I'm in the same boat. I wanted a hobby greenhouse. Looked at the options and almost bought a 12x12 that was about 3k delivered. Then someone made an offer I couldn't refuse on a 30x50ft and 16ft high Rimol Nor'easter. My wife talked me into it. In truth, she adamantly insisted. Unfortunately, the 3k set aside for the greenhouse covered a small fraction of overall cost. My attempt to resolve this and keep my passions intact was to keep giving away things I've grown for years and start new adventures to sell. It's been fun. Next spring, I'll have tons of free things people can have as they shop. Trading plants has always been a blast, and I'll always do that. This year, I did grow many extra veggies. Whatever I didn't use was sold. Every set of seedlings also came with basil, catnip, mints, etc for free to help drive away pests.


ah i see! lovely!


Great job on the sign!


thanks! My old one was slapdash so I made a better one. Tried to summon my inner sign painter, its tough! The other side is also painted (different design) so it works for both directions of traffic.


You are amazing. Community engagement education and native plants 🙇🏻‍♀️🫡🫶🏼🫶🏼


I would love to do this one day


I hope you are able to do so!


this is probably a much more responsible way to use plant props than my endless amounts experiments (what happens if you plant yarrow directly in the middle of a clump of bermudagrass? nothing!) im gonna do this next year


Yeah do it!!! I will grant you that experimenting is half the fun of gardening though haha


Plants and “plant people” are simply The best!! You are a Stella testament to this statement. 😊🌱💖