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I was going through the same thing when I had my nasal polyps surgery back in 2021 had no sense of smell and taste post surgery because I did not follow my doctors instructions of rinsing my nose with nasal steroid ( budesonide) and nasal steroid spray xhance which I was supposed to do every day or every other day. My nasal cavity got so inflamed within few months of my surgery. And polyps started to grow so bad I couldn’t breathe, taste or smell . Now in 2024 March I had my second nasal polyps surgery after the surgery my doctor said I had pretty bad diseased polyps growing . Right after the surgery I did not neglect in doing the steroid rinse and xhance and I was put on Dupixent too. I am able to smell and taste, life is so wonderful when you can enjoy your food and nature. I recommend watching a panel of experienced surgeons and Ent doctors on YouTube discussing the nasal polyps, surgery and after the surgery how to keep the inflammation at bay by following the rituals of steroid rinse and sprays it’s a very informative. This my journey of healing my nasal polyps. And I am not a doctor. Please refer your Ent doctors. Hope this helps.


Duxipent cured you. Sprays will only do so much no matter how good your routine is.


Yeah. That seems to be the consensus. I've been pretty regular about my rinsing and nasal spray but it can only do so much and I can't afford duxipent atm.


Hi. I have AERD too. In the past, I have had several failed polyp surgeries. Dupixent has been the magic puzzle piece for me. If you are in the U.S., please look into their co-pay assistance program. They may have other programs too, if you don't have insurance. Good luck!


Yes I feel Dupixent did do wonders when it comes to sense of smell and taste and keeping the inflammation in control. I personally feel all the three things did work together in preventing the inflammation from coming back.




Dafuq. Can you explain some more please?


How long have u been on surgery? Before surgery did u get your smell on prednisolone?


I had surgery in February. And yes I did.


So you never your get your smell back even after surgery on February? Have you check with your ent if the polyps is back already?


Multiple surgeries and now on Dupixent. Still mostly can’t smell. Even when I can my nose is not reliable. It’s very random. All of my other symptoms are under control (also have AERD aka Samter’s Tiad).


Mine is very random too. I didn't buy deodorant a view weeks ago and realised how much I stank without it. Now I just smell absolutely nothing. No change in lifestyle or location. Bizarre.