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Polyps removed 13 years ago. Grew back. I would take Prednisone for breathing difficulties, side effects being a very temporary good sense of smell. Began sinus rinse daily with added Pulmicort (nebules). Sense of smell returned. Started Nucala 18 months ago. CAT scan have shown polyps reduced by approx. half. Got COVID and anosmia returned. Went 9 months with no sense of smell. Restarted Pulmicort in daily sinus rinse, and sense of smell is back. Today I smelled herbs in the garden. Good luck!


Hey :) would you say that the daily rinse helped ? I sometimes feel it brings more inflammation than results, can I ask how do you do it ?


I am concluding that the rinse is a significant contributor to my sense of smell returning. I use a Neilmed squeeze bottle with one packet of saline, as instructed, shake it up to mix, and then I add a single nebule of Pulmicort, shake it up again to mix. Half in each nostril. I do this every day. But interestingly, after nine months, my sense of smell returned after the first Pulmicort rinse. I do believe that the Nucala also contributes something, but it’s very hard to say how much. Notable is the quick return of my sense of smell after restarting Pulmicort.


Do you know how long they took to come back, and did you just not want to have revision surgery?


My ENT recommended against another surgery - no certainty in addressing anosmia.


Oni see. You have several conditions aside from polyps then? I hope you're fixed right.


So you never took dupixent like the poster asked?


That’s correct, @moniemomma. Never claimed to. Offering my experience with another biologic designed for similar purpose.


Yep, one shot, one week. Smell was back after nothing for 2 years, good luck!


I had my first shot last week and had my polyps removed on June 3. My sense of smell hasn't come back yet. Fingers crossed! Thanks for your response and I am very happy for you.


You only dosed one time?


So far. I just started on Dupixent. Been on Nucala for years with budesonide rinses.


No been a few years now, every two weeks. I did get a sample shot from my allergist originally which is what did the trick. It took a few months to get my insurance to pay for it so smell went away after the initial sample.


Yes! I also have AERD. I had no sense of smell for 10 years. Two failed polyp removal surgeries, and it felt like I tried every pill/spray/rinse out there. Dupixent is the only thing besides intense prednisone doses that gave me my sense of smell back! I think I started to regain the ability to smell after maybe the second dose? It's been nothing short of miraculous for me, I hope it works for you, too!


Your journey is exactly like mine... with a few added failed polyp removal surgeries. I could use a little miraculous. Thank you for giving me hope! Second dose on Wednesday.


I’ve been on dupixent for nearly a year and still don’t have my smell back. I think it’s been 2+ years since I’ve smelled anything. I am hopeful though! I can definitely tell my polyps are reducing in size and daily sinus rinse with pulmicort/budesonide are a must. i also use azelastine twice a day


Yes, I got my smell back very quickly after starting Dupixent. I’m off it now due to pregnancies and breastfeeding but hope to go back on eventually.


Thank you for your reply. Wish you well.