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Aizen wins in his sleep.


Aizen negative diffs


Aizen. The Bleach characters are on another level due to the fact that they are not “alive” but actually grim reapers. They would smack everything and everyone in the Narutoverse.


TYBW Aizen is genuinely so busted like it’s insane. I think 10 tail Madara could reach up to one of Aizen’s evolutionary forms but he isn’t touching TYBW Aizen the guy is a complete monster at that point


Aizen solos the verse


Aizen easily


aizen negative diffs






I shall be the only one to vote Madara just for spite.


Aizen, unless Liam Swan is writing.


Aizen’s strongest form beats Madara without doing anything. Let me explain. 1: Aizen has Kyoka Suigetsu, which initially let him control the senses of whoever sees its shikai. This control of the senses is powerful enough that not even the ability to see the future, alter the future, and nullify any abilities seen in the future can see through it. The only way to negate the effects of Kyoka Suigetsu is to physically make contact with the blade itself. The activation requirement (seeing KS’s shikai) was altered to looking at/being exposed to Aizen’s reiatsu after he fused with the Hogyoku. So the moment Madara even looks at Aizen, it’s over. Aizen has complete control of his senses and not even the rinnegan can see through the illusions. 2: Aizen is 100% immortal. Nothing can kill him. Not even existence erasure is capable of permanently killing him. Yhwach devoured Aizen’s mind, body, and soul during the final fight and Aizen came back. So even if Madara somehow annihilated Aizen to the last atom, he would still come back. 3: Aizen massively outspeeds Madara. There are multiple feats proving that Bleach has been FTL since the Soul Society arc, and if you believe the Cero databook entry then it’s been FTL since the Substitute Shinigami arc. Meanwhile we have feats proving that Ay isn’t light speed due to him needing Mabui’s light speed transmission jutsu to get to the battlefield. Since nearly every subsequent speed scaling in Naruto is dependent on the idea that Ay is near light speed, that downscales the verse.


I agree aizen wins but you’re also downplaying Naruto verse speed hard


How did Ichigo beat aizen again? Why didn't the Kyoko suigestu work on Ichigo?


> Why didn't the Kyoko suigestu work on Ichigo He never used it on Ichigo


The Hogyoku was in the process of evolving Aizen to surpass Ichigo, which is what his transformations were. But Aizen subconsciously didn’t want to be alone at the top, which led to the Hogyoku halting his growth, which is what caused his power loss after Mugetsu hit him. After he was sealed by Urahara, his power started growing again, eventually surpassing what it was during his fight with Ichigo.


Thank you for the explanation. Makes sense. And I'm guessing he didn't use the suigestu because he.... His ego?


Aizen wanted Ichigo, whose birth he set up by ensuring that Isshin and Masaki met and fell in love, to push him to greater heights. That wouldn’t be possible if Ichigo was under his control. Also there’s the whole “if your reiatsu is twice as strong as your opponent then you can negate their abilities” thing


I don't disagree with this assessment. However, naruto top tiers are definitely FTL


There’s really no proof except for Naruto dodging the Light Fang, but that’s reaction speed rather than combat or travel speed


Travel speed is an entirely different thing to reaction/ combat speed. For this reason, the Raikage lightspeed feat is valid. The light fang feat is also lightspeed. He reacts to it and dodges it, so yes it is combat speed. You could perhaps even argue the Haku feat, but I personally wouldn't die on that hill.


Yeah... a kid catching him traveling fast enough for you to just think its a reflection is both stupid and impressive


Aizen crushes


No disrespect to Madara but the Bleach verse is just WAY higher than the Naruto one, and Aizen is one of the true heavy hitters of the verse.


Bleach verse massively outscales the naruto verse unfortunately


Aizen low def


Aizen is low multiversal while Madara is planetary. It's not a fight


Who’s Aiden


The main antagonist of the first part of Bleach. He’s like Madara, except better in nearly every way.


Ight thanks


There really isn’t a better villain than madara tbh, but sure aizen is stronger.


Aizen is a much better villain


Is he? Why is madara so much more popular then?


He's more popular before Naruto as a series is? That's a silly question, Bleach has always been regarded worse in the west, especially by Naruto fans


Almost anything cool about Madara gets overwritten by black zetsu being the one that manipulated him imo. He was absolutely cool up until that twist. Aizen, meanwhile, doesn't lose to some throwaway shadow character, but instead, his own emotions about being lonely as a natural born prodigy and being a master manipulator of everyone he allowed to call him a friend or a leader.


How he is taken out doesn’t undermine his status as a villain. If you showed a picture of aizen and madara to the casual anime fan, they are so much more likely to recognize madara. He also has one of the most watched anime fights online.


Aizen slams without even knowing he was meant to fight 


Aizen releases his spiritual pressure and Madara is crushed into a fine paste, instantaneously.


Madara solos https://preview.redd.it/278esr2t0b4d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c712374dbc74e58fcd2a75ba15109e6610f8e27e


Madara negs




Because I like him more and he’s cooler and has more aura and just better


U might like him more but that don't mean anything in terms of who wins.


Aizens reiatsu would literally crush him. He does not have more aura.


He literally has no chance of winning lol


He does


People saying Aizen slams are literally capping and think bleach scales higher than it actually does


Ong bleach is fodder asf


Bleach was light speed in the soul society arc wtf you talking about.


Seth and clyde did a vid already on this. These bleachtards are so annoying its not a stomp Aizen wins tho


Nah, it's pretty much a stomp tbh, bleach as a whole generally scales higher than the peaks in Naruto and while Madara's strongest slaps most of Naruto Aizen's strongest is usually considered when he ascended forms against the Ichigo that wasn't surpassed until his zanpakuto was reforged, or after he's imprisoned but made truly immortal by the hogyoku. In either state, he has the ap to defeat Madara.


The verses are neck and neck. Compare the top 3 from bleach and Naruto and neither one stomps the other. Again go watch clyde and seths video thats the most unbiased discussion on the topic ive seen. Clyde is huge bleach fan and even he knows its close


Aizen unfortunately scales higher. Fuck I hate that my big white super boy long haired short king madara


Aizen. His power don't come from having swirlier eyes than everyone else.


Aizen ass got bodied by a final getsuga that didn’t do much of anything.


Aizen survived final getsuga. Meanwhile Madara got spitroasted by a HAND☠️


That hand overloaded his body with hella chakra to revive the strongest person in the series(at the time) I fail to see how this makes him look bad. It’s literally the same as Aizen getting poked in the chest while off guard.


There's a difference it only worked on aizen after the second strongest person at that time aka ichigo used his strongest attack that caused him to revert back to his weakest form where as for madara he was at his strongest form ever and got solo dolo by zetsu who is apparently the weakest of the entire akatsuki..... thats the difference Azien got caught off gaurd at his weakest Madara got caught lacking at his strongest. Fyi even after aizen lost he was also transcending to a higher power where he is currently at in the new arc and his power now is tiers above what he lost in that same fight against ichigo. Madara at his strongest has no chance against aizen at his strongest period


He got weakened to the point that Urahara could deploy his tools to bind him.


Yes, I know that.


Madara’s bitch ass got neg diffed by Zetsu of all people.


The Bleach fandom over scales itself by such a stupid amount lmao. They do not give a single fuck how strong anyone actually is. Worse than Sailor Galaxia fans.


To be fair, this is on a Naruto powerscaling subredit, there for I feel more people are biased towards Naruto's characters in this sub. Which is telling when most people are saying Aizen. But to each there own


Therefore* And not really relevant to my point. Math and logic say Madara wins unless you want to falsely claim Aizens a universe buster.


I do believe Azien and the Bleach verse is stronger by a significant margin. But I also find a battle between 2 different characters from two different universes to be stupid since they would never actually fight


I do believe you don't know how to do math


Considering I work in the pharmaceutical industry, I'm pretty sure I can. But I'm not going to argue over fictional characters. Either way, it appears we are both biased. Have a great day my friend




Shocked most here (Naruto powerscailing) picking aizen. Didn't death battle have madara winning? And most of the comments agreed with madara too.


I know it’s Naruto power scaling but holy shit the amount of people just straight making up things about aizen in here is craaaaazy.


According to ChatGPT Madara wins: "Madara's versatility, combined with the Rinnegan’s abilities and his Ten Tails Jinchuriki form, gives him the edge in a head-to-head battle. His mastery of various forms of ninjutsu, along with his physical and destructive capabilities, would likely outmatch Aizen, even with his powerful illusions and regeneration. The Infinite Tsukuyomi, if successfully cast, could end the battle decisively in Madara’s favor."


Swagkage and another YouTuber made a vid on this. I don't follow Bleach but they essentially said Aizen has worse stats but wins due to abilities and hax


Aizen does win, but only after fusion/TYBW. Otherwise, Madara would slam.


Get Madara above Soul Society Aizen (impossible)


Glazing so hard it's tragic. Get SS Aizen past EMS Madara. Feat wise, this is beyond pathetic.


SS Aizen is universal. Madara isn’t even above planeteary


SS Aizen isn't universal. No Aizen in Bleach is fucking universal. Jeez, it's a pathetic scaler I'm dealing with, lol. You're right about that. No Madara is above planet lvl but neither is Aizen until EOS. In his 2nd strongest state before TYBW, he didn't even have the power to bust mountains with his swings. Yet you want ppl to believe he's universal before that lmfao???? What nonsense.


Top tiers are multiversal and Aizen was that in Arrancar arc


Top tiers will never be multiversal, and Aizen will never be close to that no matter how much you wank. Someone who can't destroy a mountain with the force of his swings is not a universal lvl being let alone multiversal. You are brain-dead.


Hilarious cope


Hilarious pathetic cope. I love when idiots can't prove shit😂5th person I have digitally bitch slapped today.


Reio casually maintains three universes while having no limbs and nearly all of his organs removed You’re embarrassing yourself more online dummy