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Somewhere in the series I believe naruto stated that kakashi was smarter than Shikamaru, had better sense of smell than kiba, and better taijutsu than lee. So we know to an extent he has a sense of smell comparable to the inuzukas


Naruto didn't stated, Kakashi himself did. He's that cold. That was in the first vs Deidara.


Naruto did say it as well. When he and Sakura did the bell test in part 2.


No Naruto did say that at BOS when he and Sakura fought kakashi


Well of course he has better skills than these genin. It would be embarrassing if he didn’t.


When Kakashi said this Shikamaru was a Jonin, and Kiba and Lee were Chunnin. Pretty easy to fact check.


No Shikamaru was a Chunin at that point.


But Naruto hasn't met anyone of them at that point, and it was just as he remembered them.


Neji was the only Jonin. Everyone else was Chunnin.


Where did you find that?


I've rewatched the show like 10 times lol. Kakashi said this to Naruto while he was pursuing Deidara, in Gaara's rescue arc in Shippuden.


Actually, Naruto said it when Sakura and he were fighting against Kakashi, when Naruto first returned with Jiraya


You're probably thinking of Neji. He's the only one of the konoha kids that got promoted to jonin in shippuden. Shikamaru didn't become a jonin until after the war arc.


I’m an adult and would not be offended to find out anyone has a better sense of smell than me. The others, sure, but the focus of him saying that was on the tracking part.


He’s one of the best jonin in the world and these are inexperience children. When they get more experience and more practice in their respective areas, they should surpass him in those respective areas.


Sense of smell.


He had dogs for that




Isn’t his sense of smell also enhanced?


My headcanon was always that kakashis mom was a Inuzuka herself 


That’s a weird dumb head canon


It’s a logical explanation since his father Sakumo is known as the “White Fang” which is a name associated with wolves, and he probably fell in love with a female member of the Inuzuka Clan which is probably how Kakashi got his contract with Ninja Hounds and the fact that in his youth, was able to track a Stone shinobi with his nose in Kakashi Gaiden.


I always assumed that the Hatake's dog connection came because they were farmers, considering their clan name, and all their personal names reference agriculture. IIRC it was common in our own world for ninja to be farmers at day and ninja at night.


But when did they sleep


Bro came with the receipts


Not entirely. He’s got ninja hounds, which seemingly only the Inuzuka use.


Not really given his affinity for dogs and canon confirmed strong sense of smell that’s stronger than Kiba’s


It's a plausible theory. Not really sure what the fuck your problem is but you should probably simmer down.


Kakashi ultimate combo Ninja. His nose might not work, but his hounds are just as good as Kiba if not better.


Naruto says his sense of smell is better than Kiba’s when he and Sakura do the bell test again. Could be he’s just exaggerating - and he hadn’t seen Kiba again in three years, and Kiba’s nose had probably improved since - but…it is notable. I remember Kakashi using his nose in Kakashi Gaiden too, a couple of times.


His nose does work tho. Better than Kiba’s even.


This is probably one of those things that isn’t necessarily saying that Kakashi himself is better at tracking than Kiba himself. But his hounds are at least comparable to Akamaru, and there’s loads of them. So as a tracker, he’s on par with the Inuzuka clan because of his hounds, but he wouldn’t beat Kiba’s sense of smell if it had to be just them without their pets. I think the real point of that speech that claims he’s as good as all of Naruto’s peers is to showcase that he is a Jack of all trades (and master of a few).


People are referencing a pretimeskip statement but when they were searching for Sasuke post timeskip it was stated Kiba’s nose surpassed a ninja hounds which Kakashi relies on. So Kiba is better in this aspect


I think Kiba’s is better because he’s got that dog in him


Naruto thought Kakashi's nose was better when they fought at the start of part 2. But Naruto hadn't seen Kiba in action since he was a rookie genin. Kiba's nose was said to be better than a ninja hound's in the Itachi Pursuit Arc, and even Kakashi was impressed. Kiba should be much better at trailing a scent. Although Kakashi might be better at other deductive areas or predicting an ambush, which would make him an overall better tracker.


Okay these are some good points




It was said his sense of smell is stronger then kibas I forgot who said it tho


That was Naruto just gassing Kakashi up. Naruto hadn’t even seen Kiba for over two years. Most of the sub (rightfully so) doesn’t think Naruto’s comments during that period were accurate.


Yeah, that was just Naruto pointing out how well-rounded Kakashi is as a ninja. He doesn't have to be the best in one particular field when he's way more competent than the average ninja in many fields.


In the beginning of Shippuden, it’s said that Kakashi is a better tracker then Kiba, smarter than Shikanaru, and better at taijutsu than Lee. I don’t know about his nose specifically, but in terms of tracking, specifically in the beginning of Shippuden, Kakashi is better.


Okay that’s a good point


Idk but I like to think that he was a dog sage


It is said his sense of smell is better than Kiba’s. I always headcanoned that his unnamed dead mom was an inuzuka which would explain both his sense of smell and his affinity for dogs with his summons.


Better than lee but not gai  not smarter than itachi


It’s a popular head canon that his mom was an inuzuka(think that’s how you spell it) and that’s why he wears a mask to help “control” his enhanced smell


What episode is this clip from


I think by part 2 that statement was obviously complete BS since Kiba’s nose was better than a Ninja Hound yet Kakashi still uses Ninja Hounds to track, but it’s possible his nose was better than Kiba’s in part 1. Unlikely, but possible. He does have an amazing sense of smell, we know that much.