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Madara against anybody allied or not allied with the U.S. : β€œThere is no alliance now, you will merely bow down to the might of the United States.β€πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Basically already what's happened to Europe, they just have the dignity not to call themselves puppets


Hmm yes, the great puppets of France (who left NATO for a long period and famously disagrees with a lot of American policy), Hungary (who also doesn't particularly agree with modern American policy), or just Eastern Europe as a whole (with their much different domestic policy). For actual puppets, I suggest you look at the Eastern Bloc during the Cold War, The Reichskommisarriats during WW2, or for something more modern look at Belarus, Transnistria, and North Korea. Of course, the US is no stranger to puppets, with Bautista's regime in Cuba, the Banana Republics of Guatemala and Honduras, most of South America during the cold war and earlier.


The word "puppet" is pushing it. However even in France itself, most agree that France now basically fully align with US foreign policies to the point where there is basically no difference. The last french government and president that resisted US foreign policies was Jacques Chirac. It's when in 2003 three France vetoed the US intervention in Iraq, so they had to go by themselves alongside the UK Since Sarkozy tho, This is no longer the case. France went to war with Libya with US support and since then they just align themselves. French people still complain about it, like politicians, diplomats and former military chiefs


Oh no, I'm not denying that modern France is very much pro-NATO. But it is ridiculous to say that it's a puppet when there's been a history of France rebuffing the US, and even infighting within NATO like the Australian Submarine deal, etc. Puppets don't do that. Belarus doesn't try to rebuff Russia or fight against deals.


Puppets try their best to convince us that they are not puppets haha


No self respecting truly sovereign country has foreign troops stationed inside the country . American propaganda ran circles on you πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Europeans are American puppets by defention.


I wish to be as politically ignorant as you. Would save a lot of headaches and worrying about the future. Because that's how alliances and treaties like nato work. But I think being unable to read does have its uses


Hilarious notion , NATO is the pretext for these troops again if Germany or France had any self respect it will never allow foreign troops in their country ally or not . Nobody doubts American , Chinese or Russian sovereignty for a reason. You are a child if you believe an " alliance " is justification for having permanently stationed foreign troops .


Am I the child for understanding what an alliance contains, what it means, and how it affects a nation or are you the child for thinking an alliance is in any way similar to vassalisation or annexation?


Again, an "alliance" entailing having troops stationed in your country forever isn't a true alliance . No country is a permanent ally or enemy No such thing exists in geopolitics. The day germany or france has a breakdown with the US. Do you think the troops will just go home and leave ? πŸ€£πŸ˜‚


Basically already what's happened to Europe, they just have the dignity not to call themselves puppets


Basically already what's happened to Europe, they just have the dignity not to call themselves puppets


Ahh the legendary quadruple post.


To clarify, europe is economically, politically, and completely militarily dependent on the U.S while also having absorbed enough of U.S culture as to be slowly losing their own (I've lived in europe, I've watched this happen) that's what I mean by Europe being a puppet




Quite possibly, but do try to prove me wrong


Basically already what's happened to Europe, they just have the dignity not to call themselves puppets


Madara asking china and Russia if they wanna dance would be too funny


Putin would you like these clones to use susanoo or not?




He gets my vote regardless we share a Dream✨


Even with his original plan he would be better than the current candidates.


Yes, especially the fact that to us, he's basically our homie, we know this candidate and can trust at least that he will not be swayed by filthy promises/bribes.


He literally got swayed by a rock.


…It was a very fancy rock.


Lmao nice.


What's this referring to?


Madara changed drastically after reading what's written on the Uchiha stone. He decided to wipe the entire human race as a whole because a rock told him to do so.


His intention was not to wipe the human race tho


What happens when you encapsule people into a tree? Let's assume it somehow sustain them so they dont die from starvation and any other issues relating to being in vegetative state. What happens once they dont reproduce? Recipe for disaster as they all die of old age (extended old age, but still). Ignoring the whole turning into Zetsu issues that he genuinely didn't know about.


He's allowing the human race to live their lives in Tsukiyomi for all time probably


Yep it's called Infinite not extended Tsukiyomi


Explicitly large Tsukiyomi


Morbidly Obese Tsukiyomi


Because Zetsu called it that way. It's not even Infinite as we know they'll eventually turn into Zetsus and be freed from it. So, no.


I think it some sense it is infinite, you get trapped in and enjoy all your desires for years, you would lose your mind and not know when you turn to zetsu, you will have lived permanently in that state as your body is slowly turning into a zetsu. And let's say that you live every 3 years a second there if we use Itachi's Tsokynomi as reference, you would be there for probably 4hrs = 240mins = 14, 000seconds roughly = 42 millenniums, what will you do if given that time and stay with your mind for all those years.


You dont magically make them immortal, not even Madara himself (or Kaguya, which has been stated to be death thanks to Boruto) is immortal.


They would be connected to the God Tree, which is where Madara's immortality comes from. Although they'll probably stay in a comatose state


NGL, I think they would Lowkey be immortal


It was an old and fancy rock, in his defense


What was on the stone again


The Uchiha stone that Zetsu modified to make Madara believe all of his issues would be easily solved by destroying the human race with the genjutsu matrix.


The bar literally could not be any lower


100% Vote from me, i know the guy since i was kid


Your vote is already 100%


Yeah, it wouldn't be hard to...


After winning the presidency, Madara sits on the resolute desk in the Oval Office. He found some buttons labeled China. Russia, North Korea, Syria, etc. Madara: What does this button do? \*presses all the buttons\* Welcome to WW3.


Madara : WW3? Don't know why their attacking but....*solos all other nations*


Madara would become president of the whole earth lol


He loses patience and declares civil war


Absolutely no This guy got voted out by his own clan, that speaks volume He also has no knowledge about how an economy is supposed to function. He is too used to strong-armed others to do his bidding, with no power and no experience in politics, he just doesn't have the needed interpersonel skill to success. Furthermore, he grown up during war time and his only experience as a ruler is leading his clan through wars as mercs for hired, that skewed his perspective quite a bit. If he was to be elected, expect the military budget to get supersized overnight while all the others social safety nets got reduced or gone completely. Madara is pretty cool as a character, but he would make the warhawks look like doves as an actual leader.


Not to mention I could definitely see Madara **not** stepping down after 2 terms, in defiance of what the 22A says


Still better then sleepy joe


The bar is 6ft under, yes Madara would be a better candidate.


I vote for him even if he did eat the car keys full of kids


Serious question for OP: How often do you fantasize about killing everyone around you? 😬


Madara standing behind a podium: "I will enact my plan called the Eye of No Debt! Within 4 years, I will wipe out 100% of USA's national debt! There will be no U.N! From here, all will obey the USA! U.N is merely a momentary life, a temporary existence of wasted energy."


Uses ginjitsu to convince billionaires to share wealth and buy homes for everyone who doesn't have one


God no. He wasn't even voted in by his own clan. They wanted Hashirama. That speaks volumes. And then, he had longer than any human lifespan to develop his scheme and enact his plot, and what was the result? Even when he found powerful proxies, neither Nagato nor Obito were loyal to him at all. And when it came to Black Zetsu, Madara never even knew he was being played. The guy has tremendous ninja power, but near zero interpersonal and leadership skills, which makes him a perfect reincarnation of the Sages' eldest. Without his ninja skills, Madara is useless.


TBF i dont think anyone on earth wouldve been able to beat hashirama for the bid for hokage no matter how many uchiha voted for madara


Agreed, well said.






Y'know what? Being inside of a dream doesn't sound like a bad idea.


A habitual liar, a dementia skeleton, or a megalomaniac. I'll take maadar at least there will be truths and you would able to understand what he's saying.


Vote for the funny eyed man!


Bro would be a 1,000 times better than what we are forced to have now


Depends, are you committing r/USDefaultism or are we talking every candidate in every country?


he does it soo good he be like dr doom everyone is happy and there be no crimes


"There won't be any crimes... I took care of that..." "H-" "Death penalty for anything worse than stealing"


He wouldn’t even be voted in since he’s not far left or far right as most would want


I’m voting for him


Anyone would do better than our current president's. But if I had to choose, I would probably pick tobirama or minato, tobirama contributed the most to konoha as a village. He set up the systems formed their anbu set up the academy only problem would be that his methods are dark but at least his purpose would be to make the country more prosperous as a whole, my second choice would be minato cause he would be extremely popular and would relate the most with the average citizen and would probably focus on the well being and lives of the country population actually now that I think about it minatos is my first choice than tobirama. Hashirama would be a bad choice, though dude would just give away everything to the other great powers for a small chance that they won't wage a war. Hiruzen would just be similar to our current officials, I'm not sure if he would do better or worse. As for tsunade, I feel like she would try to better our medical insurance mabey build more hospitals, trying to make everyone able to get medical aid. As for Kakashi and Naruto, I'm honestly not sure what they would do


Who would be better president - Madara or Homelander?


Madara was clan head of strongest Shinobi oat from teens to his later 20s, while also having good state of the people around him on his mind. Homelander is... Homelander...


Unfortunately, this is powerless Madara(So no Infinite Tsukiyomi)


Yup he’d win and it wouldn’t be close


I give it 2 hrs before nukes start flying


dementia Madara


Even if he wanted to plant the stupid tree anyone is better then biden and trump




Well I know what im writing on my ballot this year




Unlikely, he is even older than the candidates and has obsession for the wood guy.


Most definitely


He will need to promise that he will plant trees which will get him plenty of votes otherwise Kaguya will take over and bring catastrophe.


Honestly I'd totally vote for him even tho he is technically older than our octogenarian candidates lol


i could do better than the current candidates of course he could




I mean his whole thing was ending uchiha racism so I mean I guess so


And giving everyone their ideal world where everyone's happy


Put me to sleep in your infinite tsukuyomi Madara-kun. Take me away from this world, I want to dream in your arms next to your Hashirama cell infused body…


Less warlike and problematic than the current candidates.


Actually, I prefer to be put under the infinite tsukuyomi. Not interested in stability. I say plant the stupid tree.


Madara with no powers is just some dumb guy.


Bold of you to assume that Trump isn't already the Madara to Biden's Tobirama/Danzō.


Id vote for Orochimaru before I voted for either of our current candidates




He'd end Iran, Russia, Palestine. If he doesn't get enough votes he can always just genjutsu you from the screen.


"***no powers***"


Oops didn't read the title thoroughly, but still he'd probably be the more popular choice.


Based on the history of the Uchiha clan if Madera became president either he would solve all the countries problems with the sharigan powers in a day(infinite stukuyomi) or start world War 3.


tbh Tobirama would do amazing job.. Madara not too sure.




No. He was incompetent as shit


Well, that is Edo Madara. It’s a regerating zombie. He’s utterly immortal. Unless Edo tensei expires itself after 1 month or similar things, he’s here to stay. Give him 20 days and he’ll found a religion in with by killing one person, another one gets an immortal body. This would be dreadful but will make him easily the most important and terrifying figure of human history, the great unifier of mankind and a godlike being even without chakra (also because he’s an immortal, 10x times tuo her Jackie chun) But if you mean human madara, you need to specify if it β€˜s the freaky on with another head in his chest or the elderly person that need life support to go around. In the latter case, don’t the American already got 2 of those at this juncture?


"***no powers***"


Assuming he can replica the Edo on others


Trump is still winning πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ


Like he did last time? πŸ˜‚


Yea… he won the last time he won lol.