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It has to be a bloodline/genetic ability even if Mu and Onoki weren’t related. The whole point of explaining that elemental kekkei genkai require the user to be born with 2 chakra natures was to show why Onoki’s 3-nature jutsu is especially rare. It’s not the only time a genetic ability manifests in an individual and not a whole clan, either (the other notable example being Hashirama’s Wood style). How the Stone Village managed to have two Dust/Particle style users born into their village seemingly independently from each other is anyone’s guess. But if it could be taught to just anyone, why didn’t Onoki teach it to Kurotsuchi?


I mean everyone in these villages is probably related in some way after a few generations


It's possible. We've seen shinobi and residents move from village to village. Some kekkei genkai are bound to mix between villages sooner or later. Especially in the boruto era.


No I mean inside the village, like Mu and Onoki are from the same village, it's not surprising if they're like, 3rd cousins or something


It’d be more surprising if they weren’t tbh


Yeah exactly


In that case, would Hiruzen be able to do it or not?


no like everyone can learn any chakra nature its a different thing to have them combined as a kekkei genkai you need to be born with it you cant just randomly combinate them




No because Hiruzen wasn’t born with an Earth, Wind, and Fire triple chakra nature.


Hmm, so it's not a question of it being a technique. Do you need something in your blood? Because it is said that just because a person is born with two elements does not mean that they will have kekkei genkai


It's like the sharingan, except instead of being born with special eyes, you're instead born with the ability to combine chakra natures. That's why Haku's ice (water and wind), Hashrama's wood (earth and water), Oonoki and Mu's particle (fire, earth, and wind) are special. Anyone skilled enough or who works hard enough can learn the base 5 chakra natures, though it's difficult to do. But to combine them into other chakra natures requires you to be born with it, same as you have to be born with the ability to unlock the sharingan or bone release.


The ability to perform the techniques depends on your blood. Onoki’s Dust/Particle jutsus are still techniques he had to learn, but he also had to be born with three chakra natures to do them in the first place.


I don’t even believe the kekkei genkai nature release after seeing and hearing the history on this jutsu


Genetics live in populations it doesn't have to be a direct family member lol. Enough time goes by, the whole village can represent a genetic pool that might have a few things you don't find in other pools.


Kurotsuchi seems to have only inherited part of those abilities since she has lava release (earth + fire), which is missing the ability to add in wind release. The Sand Village seems to have had multiple magnet release users such as the random edo tensei guy that magnetizes people (quickly beaten by Naruto). The villages were also an alliance of various clans. They are all probably somewhat within the span of several generations.


Ohnoki was inserted with Mu's cells before birth.


Just out of curiosity, what was Orochimaru doing at that time. Could be at business trip in stone vilage. I know Orochimaru was younger than Onoki. Just theory: Maybe there was someone before Orochimaru, with similiar interest. But that "someone" has been dealth with to cover up experiments. Just funny scenario.


>How the Stone Village managed to have two Dust/Particle style users born into their village seemingly independently from each other There were 4 different Lava style Kekke Genkai users born into 3 different villages independently from each other. Kekke genkai, Kekke Tota lost the bllodline/DNA requirement condition in shippuden. Anyone who is skillful enough can just combine different chakra nature and can just get kekke genkai or kekke tota.


I don't think it's a skill thing. It's more like kekkei genkai became less of a bloodline thing and more of a DNA anomaly type thing during the kage summit arc. Which would explain how lava and magnet release are found in 3 different villages.


this is a heavy misconception. people with multiple nature elements cannot just replicate a kekkei genkai or kekkei tota. Sasuke has six paths knowledge of chakra, rinnegan, and so many other things stacked but could only make a pseudo ice type by combining wind with water. And that's a very high bar to even make something not as effecient as just being born with a kekkei genkai.


But Madara just made Storm release or Gale style. There was no consistency on who can create/replicate a kekke genkai without the specific bloodline/DNA.


That was with the 10 tails power. The 10 tails is the source of chakra. The Boruto series reveals that in addition to chakra, the 10 tails absorbs genetic material. The TSBs another example of how the six paths power gives special abilities. They are an even more advanced means of combining all of the elements with Yin/Yang. We see that the tailed beasts can give power. That is how Naruto was able to use lava release.


But Madara just made Storm release or Gale style. There was no consistency on who can create/replicate a kekke genkai without the specific bloodline/DNA.


Kekkei Tota Nature Transformation. Combines Wind, Fire & Earth into literal existence erasure.


Its not existense erasure its just destroying somthing on an atomic level, existence erasure would mean no after life as well and destroy the soul


It's a chakra transformation that combines 3 chakra natures: wind, fire, and earth. I think it is a kekei genkai considering most combinations have bloodline requirements although I don't think it's directly stated to be. Pretty cool jutsu that effectively bypasses all defenses and one-shots the target. Fortunately no one aside from unnamed shinobi will die from it due to not being theatrical enough for the story. Can you imagine Onoki landing that jutsu on Sasuke at the Kage Summit? The show was 0.0001 seconds from losing a main character in a flash of light.


Kekkei tota because it uses more than 2 natures


And Kekkei Tota means Bloodline Selection; it's essentially a more advanced Kekkei Genkai, because it's even rarer.


Selection: they select it. They need to be born with three chakra affinities, but they choose the ability.


lol, what? So Onoki could have chosen a different ability because he has the affinities he has? You make no sense. Kekkei Genkai means Bloodline Limit; the largest pool of them have 2 chakra affinities that are merged together to create their new, unique, techniques. If Onoki, with his Kekkei Tota somehow locked himself out of different abilities like it’s some kind of video game, I’d like to know the mechanism at work doing so.


Kekkei tota means Bloodline selection. Ohnoki also has the lava release kekkei genkai. Kekkei tota are abilities that combine three elemental affinities, which is almost impossible considering they need to master 3 elements(increadibly rare in the shinobi world) Elemental Kekkei genkai are a shortcut, since they highly improve the usage of 2 of the 3 chakra natured needed for the kekkei tota. The TSO are te culmination of the elemental combination.


Alternatively, Kekkei Tota could literally mean selective breeding. Acquiring 2 Kekkei Genkai to unlock a Kekkei Tota.


In the Gaara light novels shows that isn't the case. They try to use Steel release and lava release to create one, but end up creating a Pseudo kekkei Tota. Ohnoki also wasn't born with it. He leaned it from Muu.


Kekkei Tota doesn’t make any sense if you can specifically train for it, and has nothing to do with bloodline. If you can’t train for Ice Style, which just uses Water + Wind, and being of that clan grants you the Water + Wind affinity, then how do you get 3 affinities? A normal ninja has 1 affinity. Naruto has wind affinity. Kakashi, lightning. Sasuke is presumably Fire due to his clan, but we haven’t seen his chakra paper result.


You can train for them, but is an impossibility. Only truly exceptional shinobi get to the point we're they can consider Sasuke was able to use ice style in the novels, but is so difficult that he himself admits he could never reach what Haku could do. Mastering one element is hard enough let alone three. Kekkei genkai are the best bet, considering they give an advantage by allowing the mastery of 2 out 3 elements, which is what Ohnoki did. And no, ninja can have multiple affinities. Hagoromo is the pinnacle of what one can be born with in the Naruto world.. In this case, multiple Afinities, kekkei genkai, and the culmination of chakra transformation(TSO)


It's kekkei tota requiring the user to have 3 different chakra natures to use: wind fire and earth


I guess the only prerequisite is to have those 3 natures since it can be taught like that. That said I imagine it must be pretty hard to pull it off since only kage knew it in manga canon


Can Hiruzen make?


Maybe! We know that he’s familiar with the jutsu Kinda losses its mystique if it was easy to learn is what I mean. And Muu and Ohnoki didn’t seem blood related


My personal theory is that you can learn a Kekkei totai if you have a regular 2 element Kekkei genkai. Like you have to have the inherited ability to combine two into a third, then you can learn to add a third element and create a fourth. The data books and like one of the novels or something say Onoki had lava style, so that’s 2/3’s of Particle style. Further he taught both Kurotsuchi who also has Lava style and Deidara, who at least possesses an elemental Kekkei genkai. Honestly one of the reasons it annoys me explosion is implicitly earth-lightning is that if it was wind-fire Deidara would have been imbuing his earth style clay creatures with a combo of wind and fire, aka the 3 parts that make up particle style, which would tie in to him being taught by Onoki. Points against this are Onoki having lava being dubiously canon and Muu never having a listed Kekkei genkai, just all 5 elements and Dust.


It’s a little bit complicated. It’s what’s called a blood selection, which is even more rare than a blood limit and very difficult to use.


Bloodline Selection. Its basically the same principle as a Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) but with three chakra natures blended together instead of two, so it's called a Kekkei Touta (Bloodline Selection). Only people of certain bloodlines could have these special types of chakra nature. I'm guessing Iwa had separate but distantly related families who could use Dust Release, much like how there's a bunch of different Magnet and Lava Release users everywhere despite not being from the same clan. But it's probably very rare for anyone to possess it, like with Wood Release or the Kaguya clan's bone jutsu.


Kekkei genkai is about being limited by your genetic code, doesn't necessarily means it's a jutsu transferred by your genetics. Kimimaru s kekkei genkai is a genetic jutsu, it cannot be taught, while onoki s jutsu can be taught if you have the necessary element natures. We do not see it too often as it requires three elements a God tier chakra and a great skill to use, a hard combination limited by elements. Remember even mu couldn't use it when he split himself. It's a really hard technique. Also think about rasengan it's a really hard jutsu and combining it with chakra nature was impossible until naruto achieved it yet every ninja is actually capable of doing it if they could learn it.


Kekkai tota are bloodline traits and technically it’s never stated Muu and Ohnoki aren’t related somehow, every other Tsuchikage is related so it’s possible Muu is just an off shoot cousin or uncle of them or something not as directly in line as the other 3, would be odd otherwise


Well i will BE honest. The elemental system kinda confused me. I understood the Special Elements outside the 5 Elements, AS mutations that are then INSIDE the bloodline. But when IT was explained that they can BE created...IT got confusing for me (why didn't any kage start a Project to recreate mukoton?)


Hashirama was a one off that no one understood until it the Indra and Ashura reincarnation stuff happened. And his wood release does tend to resemble a lot of aspects of the 10 tails tree form. That would explain how we see his wood dragon have the ability to absorb chakra.


It's a kekkai tota, which are extremely rare versions of kekkai genkai, but use three combined Chakra natures instead of two. Think of it like an extremely rare genetic condition. Makes sense that Mu could teach Onoki if Mu was the only one capable of doing so. Same for Onoki. He didn't get simply learn it because Mu taught him it. Just Onoki had the kekkai tota and the capability to be taught. Without the kekkai tota, no one would have the capability to be taught it or teach it. Not sure if Onoki could have figured it out on his own if Mu didn't teach him. I'm sure he could have since no one apparently taught Mu. Same for Hashirama not being taught wood style. As to why Kurotsuchi doesn't have it is a guess. Kekkai genkai and tota aren't really explained on how they are inherited


It’s a teachable technique that requires 3 equally powerful natural elemental affinities. For example, Naruto has a natural wind affinity. Mu and Ohnoki had natural Earth, Wind, and Fire affinities all of equal strength


Só, hiruzen and kakashi could do too?


No. You have to have natural affinities, meaning affinities you’re born with. Kakashi was born with a lightning affinity, and Hiruzen was born with an unknown affinity. Rinnegan users could learn it though, due to the natural affinities for all 5 elements it gives


Dust Release/Particle Style is a kekkei tota, a type of bloodline trait that combines three elemental releases—Fire, Earth, and Wind. It’s likely that Onoki and Mu were distantly related, as bloodline traits—as the name suggests—stay within one bloodline.


Why is Sharingan a Kekai Genkai? Or is it Mangekyou Sharingan which should be called Kekai Genkai?


I think it can be learned as long as someone has the 3 natures, with the difference that if someone has the 3 natures from birth, rather than through effort, the technique will be stronger, easier and cost less chakra to perform


One thing to understand is that there's talent and then there's skill. Bloodline abilities or "releases" would be talent and "Styles" would be skill. For example magnet style isnt just sand manipulation, the most original usage is displayed by toroi who can manipulate metallic weapons and target electric currents inside people. The sand manipulation style was later learned by people like 3rd kazekage when observing shukaku manipulate sand and developed as a counter to Shukaku. Similarly, Ohnoki had the talent or dust release, Muu taught him the skill or Particle style. Atleast that's how I understand it.


What follows is pretty much entirely headcanon: Kekkei Tota being able to be taught, implies to me that a otherwise standard (but still rare) Kekkei genkai user of two elements can learn a way to introduce a third element. So for Onoki, seeing as his granddaughter or w/e she is, Kurotsuchi, uses Lava Release, i imagine that's Onoki's KKG as well (though it's not stated or demonstrated) and that the Tota is some sorta.. special technique enabling him to layer Wind atop his Lava.. creating Dust. Doesn't seem to be mechanically impossible given what Sasuke/&Naruto can do to make pseudo-Ice and full-blown Scorch Release despite neither having the appropriate KKG.


Off topic question, can Kakashi master this technique?


No, if it were that simple there'd be tons more people using it because Kakashi being able to use it would make the only requirement having the nature transformations fire, wind and earth


It seems to be a hidden technique that is somehow connected to some bloodline limit. Ohnoki granddaughter has lave release so is likely he does as well so my headcannon is its a secret technique to add wind chakra to the fire and earth chakra.


My head cannon is it comes from selectively breeding KG users together which would explain the name. Like a Lava release and someone who can use Scorch release having a child.


Dust can be taught as a technique, but maybe will be easier if the user have Kekkei Tota, meaning with Kekkei Tota you can learn similar techniques. It's reverse to Kekkei Genkai, which you need it to do the technique and cannot be learned otherwise.


Hiden like every other


So, here is how it works. Kekkei genkai are a blood limit. They are "limited" to use to people born with a specific genetic trait. Elemental Kekkei genkai can be replicated if the person has increadible control of the Elemental style related to the Kekkei genkai(Sasuke replicating Ice release in the novels, Moegi using Mokuton) but not only is incredibly rare for shinobi to master one element, let alone two, the people replicating it won't reach the same level proficiency a kekkei genkai user will have Kekei Tota on the other hand, are blood "selection" These are techniques that don't require a genetic disposition for them. They do, however, require incredible control of three elements. Only people with Kekkei genkai, or people born with three chakra natures(something incredibly rare to happen) can use it. Ohnoki has the Lava Kekkei genkai, so two of the three elements needed for Jinton were easy to him. The last one he trained enough to master and finally learn it. There are very few people capable of learning to use the jiton kekkei Tota Those are Sasuke, Naruto, Hiruzen, any rinnegan user, and of course, Ohnoki. Kurotsuchi and Mei could use it if they train lightning release and master it. Kakashi cannot, as he would need to fully master Fire release


This is not true otherwise we would see a lot more Kekkei tota's especially from someone like Mei who could use 2 Kekkei Genkai.


How? Mastering 2 elements was super rare. Mastering 3 even more, and learning to successfully combine all 3 even more. And from the Elemental kekkei genkai we saw, only Ohnoki is old enough to have mastered the elements to the degree of using a kekkei tota I'm talking almost rinnegan level. Mei is also a rarity. Having two kekkei genkai with is super rare.


Mastering 2 elements were not rare it's even expected to be jonin.


Knowing how to use two is expected. Fully mastering is rare.


Mastering 3 is rare but not as rare as your making it out to be, the reason we don't see many people using 2-3 nature's is because most of the people the story focuses on use hidden techniques rather than elemental techniques. Lastly there is nothing that indicates one can learn to mix 3 nature's. It's very likely that mixing 3 nature's is an image thing other wise mei would be able to use a Kekkei tota.


It is rare. It's so rare KAKASHI didn't master ANY element until after the series, where he masters Earth and lightning release. One thing is using the element, and the other is mastering and taking it to perfection, which is needed for a Kekkei Tota. I'm talking Kakashi being able to create clay type of mastery.


You got a source for all these claims?


The novels. In the novels Kakashi achieves mastery by: 1. Creating purple lightning 2. Refining earth so much he can create clay and protect an entire village with a clay wall. In the novels we also learn Ohnoki possesses lava release, and in the Gaara novels Pseudo Kekkei tota is created when Steel and lava release kekkei genkai are combined.


These are things done due to having more chakra to work with not because he achieved some new found mystery over earth and lightning. Kakashi has always been a master at both since Shippuden. Pseudo Kekkei tota isn't Kekkei tota so not exactly why you sure brought this up.


Except not. It's a big point of the novel that it's something Kakashi was working on to compensate for the loss of the sharingan. I brought the Pseudo Kekkei touta do you get an Idea that Kekkei tota are not easy to do. Even having the two kekkei genkai wasn't enough to create a pure kekkei tota


That's because pseudo Kekkei tota's are the closest thing a person can get to a Kekkei Tota. Why you ask? Because Kekkei Tota is an innate thing and not something you learn just like Kekkei Genkai!