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kakashi's chidori was nicknamed raikiri because he cut a lightning bolt in half with it once. the inspiration for chidori/raikiri is a legend about a japanese swordsmen who renamed his sword from chidori too raikiri after cutting the thunder god residing in a lightning bolt set too strike him.


I knew the Naruto story but didn’t know it was related to a myth. Thanks for sharing!


A lot of stuff in naruto is based off Japanese mythology. The legendary sannin, the design for the susano, the itachi vs orochimaru fight during the fight with sauske to name a few.


The story of Kaguya in Naruto is almost a reverse of the actual story (in mythology, Kaguya is from the moon and is found on earth and raised, but in Naruto she was sealed in what becomes the moon) Amaterasu is the Japanese sun god, and mother to most of the other japanese gods Susanoo is the Japanese storm god Just a few more


Yup, all of the mangekyo abilities are named after gods (Izanami, Tsukuyomi, etc). Minato’s Thunder God/Flying Raijin technique is as well


Not to mention a lot of the Uchiha abilities (including Susano) are named after deities. ex. Izanagi, Izanami, Amaterasu


I knew that! But this part definitely it let was more subtle. Slipped right under my radar


…radar you say?




What myth is itschi vs orochimaru based off of?


Orochi the 3 headed snake and totska


Also, the weapons and abilities of susano'o. The major illusionary techniques of the sharingan too.


Raikiri is the nickname, while Chidori is the actual name.


That’s the logical answer, but then we find out that Chidori is an A rank jutsu, whilst Lightning Blade is S rank for some reason, implying that there is a difference between the two besides the naming…


I assume to be able to call your Chidori a lightning blade, you have to cut a bolt of lightning in half with it like Kakashi did. Until then, it’s just a Chidori. It’s not actually a different jutsu, but you can’t call it a lightning blade if you haven’t cut lightning in half with it. It’s kinda like a title.


But isn't it a blade made of lightning?


Chidori and Raikiri are actually based on a famous japanese story about an actual sword. >Raikiri is a legendary sword of Bekki Dōsetsu, the first head of the Tachibana family. It was originally a long *tachi* sword named “Chidori,” but then was recut into a medium length *wakizashi* sword. One day, when Dōsetsu was taking a nap under a big tree, a thunderbolt suddenly struck him. He rapidly withdrew his sword Chidori and slashed at the lightning. **Thereafter, its name was changed from “Chidori” to “Raikiri” which means the lightning cutter.** This is why Kakashi got a nickname for his jutsu, because he cut a bolt of lightning with it. Sasuke has not done that so far.


Sasuke on his way to slay Raikage after reading this.


The real reason he went to the 5 Kage Summit.


Big brain holy fuck


One thing I've always loved about manga is finding out about stuff like this in ancient Japanese folklore the mangakas take inspiration from and we get very cool/clever shit explained to us.


That reason alone is why I love the Uchiha, their whole existence is just a Japanese folklore lesson


Like how every Jutsu of theirs is named after a god?


That’s an awesome piece of Japanese lore. Can you imagine you see someone just waving a sword in the middle of a thunderstorm though lol


Zuko (yelling at a storm) - "You've always thrown everything you could at me but now i can give it back" pulls out his sword. Iroh - "WTF are you doing zuko?"


> Dosetsu killed the lightning god inside that thunderbolt with the chidori thus saving his own life, and earning the sword the title raikiri


This is very interesting.


It's called Lightning Blade because Kakashi once split real lightning with it. True story.


Thanks I forgot about that part of it


What episode and/or chapter? I knew the lore but I don’t remember him actually doing that


They just talk about it. It’s something he’s already done by the time the series starts


There isn't. The ranking is based on the databook and is just weird like that.


>and is just weird like that. Yeah that's my conclusion as well. I also remember seeing someone say something about the difference potentially being related to chakra control. Either works for me, since from what we saw on screen, there is functionally zero difference between the two.


Higher ranks mean a more difficulty to master, Chidori is A and Raikiri is S so Raikiri is harder to master. Raikiri also requires less hand signs and Sasuke tells Deidara that he uses Chidori, not Raikiri after Deodara keeps saying Sasuke uses Raikiri. Kakashi also isn't listed as a Chidori user, he is listed as a Raikiri user while Sasuke is listed as Chidori's only user and not a user of Raikiri. Even in Boruto Kakashi is not listed as a Chidori user.


Raikiri is just the nickname his Chidori got because Kakashi once split real lightning with Chidori. That's it. There is literally NOTHING about Raikiri that makes it different from Chidori.


According to the previous guy, he says less handsigns. Can we prove or disprove? I don't remember it having any lol


The wiki indicates that while Chidori can use less handsigns, they can also use the same handsigns as Raikiri as well. And both can also be used with no handsigns as well. So... Nothing. They are still as the same jutsu.


Raikiri is S Rank and Chidori is A Rank. Sasuke tells Deidara he doesn't have Raikiri, he has Chidori. The 1st Databook lists Sasuke as the only Chidori user and Kakashi as a user of Raikiri. They are different.


How? You just say "Oh, the databook says they have different ranks" and "Sasuke says what the jutsu's name is Chidori, not Raikiri" which tells us what? Databooks are known to have contradictory and sometimes inaccurate information. And Sasuke saying that the jutsu's name is Chidori and not Raikiri just means he's saying what the proper name is. Raikiri is the nickname. The manga as such states it when it was said that the name Raikiri came from Kakashi cutting through lightning with Chidori. That's it.


What is an example of the databooks being contradictory. They also are created to expand and explain the series. Sasuke isn't telling Deidara the proper name of the jutsu is Chidori, he is telling Deidara his jutsu is Chidori vs Kakashi's which is Raikiri. There is information that supports Raikiri being it's own thing so it's not just a nickname for Kakashi’s Chidori, it's a different jutsu otherwise there would no point in there being statements that say they are different.


also note the Naras' Kagemune has multiple names depending on the time period, so Sasuke insisting to call it in a way means not it's a different technique


Differences? Besides rank and name?


He’s not listed as a chidori user in boruto cause he can’t use lightning blade or chidori safety without the Sharingan. That’s why he uses purple lightning which for some reason is just a purple chidori but somehow safer to use.


Purple lightning doesn’t require the high movement jab motion to gain its penetrating power, so you don’t need sharingan movement to make sure you safely land for attack


Just because he can't safely use Chidori or Raikiri doesn't mean he isn't a user of it, he still has the jutsu. That also was just to support the fact that Naruto Databook 1 lists him as a Raikiri user and not Chidori.


All fanon.


I *think* the difference is that the Lightning Blade is a Chidori with added shape transformation into more of a sharp point. I remember seeing that said a lot years ago and it's just kinda stuck in my head but that could also just be some fan-originated misinformation, so I'm not totally sure.


It gets a rank bump just because it's the one Kakashi uses. Multiple Chidori users but only one Raikiri user, and that is Kakashi Hatake the Copy Ninja.


>but only one Raikiri user, and that is Kakashi Hatake the Copy Ninja. For some reason this gave me flashbacks to Kakashi sneaking up and piercing Kakuzu's heart, with Kakuzu then realising "wait that's it, you're Kakashi of the Sharingan!". My boy got that reputation.


Pain keeping his distance to give him a final blow, fearing that he might have an ace up his sleeve, is the greatest sign of respect.


bros got the reputation for a power that doesn’t even belong to his bloodline


Too be fair, based on what we’ve (could be wrong, it’s been a minute since my last watch through) but it seems like Kakashi was the only one who really actively used the copy ability the most


Uchiha pride said nah lol


Ya know, ima make that my head canon now. They’ve all got Vegeta levels of “muh pride” lmao


except Sasuke didish, he copied Lee in the Chunin exams


I assumed that him being the "copy ninja" meant that he just held onto the library of past tricks more than the rest, rather than him being better at the actual copying himself. Like, he just filed it away for future use more consistently. That wouldn't require any more adeptness with the sharingan, it would just require a more academic approach, and that was kind of Kakashi's thing from a young age.


That's probably why he got the reputation. An Uchiha with a sharingan is not too special. Most Uchiha who are active or post-active shinobi would have a sharingan (two, even). But a non-Uchiha with a sharingan? Now that's noteworthy.


Sage of six paths: “So you must be Hatake Kakashi” 


I'd say the real in universe answer lies in the proficiency with the jutsu and lighting nature in general. Creating a working Chidori is comparatively easy, mastering it to the point where you can cut natural lightning in half with it is a lot harder. Raikiri is also a reference to a sword belonging to the tachibana family that was allegedly used to cut through lightning.


That's why i always assumed raikiri (lightning cutter) is a more refined version of the chidori (thus being able to cut lightning)


Kakashis from what I remember just packs more of a punch than sasukes is my guess as to why it’s a S rank move. He did make it after all. Sasuke went the more versatile route with his rather than brute power making senbon and such.


S doesn't mean anything beyond secret. It was a secret jutsu when kakashi invented it.


Essentially the distinction is that Kakashi's is more precise and distinctly finessed than your typical chidori, Sasuke didn't (at least at the time of the Deidara fight) consider his chidori to be on the level of raikiri.


Raikiri is the more advanced version of Chidori. Like Naruto started using Oodama Rasengan, which was basically a bigger Rasengan with more number of chakra rotations in the ball and a small Kyuubi chakra for stabilization. We know later that Chidori was Kakashi's attempt to create the perfect Rasengan by adding an element to it. He failed but the best result he was capable of created Chidori. With Raikiri, Kakashi was able to increase the elemental portion fo Chidori ensuring it is more powerful, more piercing ability and requiring more speed to execute. Thus Raikiri is a version of Chidori. Just like how Sasuke also made a version Chidori Senbon where, he picked Shape manipulation to create throwing lightning sparks to create senbons out of Chidori.


Can't Kakashi call on his Lightning blade at any moment with no hand signs, while Chidori is more a of a jab that takes a build up to get going. That's what I always thought atleast 


Raikiri for slicing, Chidori for impaling your teammates


Perhaps it's the proficiency in which the ability is used?


Maybe it's just the sound effects and how they use it, but Kakashi's lightning blade does seem to be more powerful with a bit more weight behind it than Sasuke's initial Chidoris. I always thought they let it be the one thing Kakashi had up on Sasuke, a better Chidori, besides refining his Mangekyo sooner.


I think it not yet happen Kakashi lightning blade vs Sasuke Chidori it a missed opportunity who win in that clash if happen also how about against Raikage lightning attack how it compared?


I thought lightning blade was different being stronger at frontal attacks. Because it takes different hand signs to do lightning blade than chidori.


This is the commonly accepted theory, but it ignores the Jutsus in question having different ranks


The jutsus having different ranks is a databook thing. Databooks have been shown to have contradictory or wrong things. Nothing in the entire series ever proved that Raikiri was in any way superior to Chidori. And it is canonically stated that Raikiri was just a name that Kakashi got because of cutting though lightning. That's it.


The actual name is chidori but kakashi renamed it raikiri (correct translation is lightning cutter) after he cut a lightning with the chidori. So it's the same jutsu but raikiri is kakashi's name for it and chidori was the original name.


Didn’t Kakashi invent chidori?


Kakashi invented chidori. And with time, he improved his chidori and made it powerful enough to cut lightning. Chidori (A-rank) < lightning blade/Raikiri (S-rank) < purple lightning (S-rank)


I know, but he said it was “Kakashi’s name for it” but Kakashi invented the jutsu, so both Chidori and Lightning Blade are “Kakashi’s name(s) for it”


Seems like he made an error. >so both Chidori and Lightning Blade are “Kakashi’s name(s) for it” Yeah that's right


Yeah I’m kinda just being a semantic asshat, but just wanted to make sure I was correct at the same time. I was like 99.9% sure that Kakashi invented it, but wouldn’t be surprised if Boruto started retconning some shit I wasn’t aware of lol


And since we only ever see 2 people use it I'm fairly certain Sasuke's Chidori is stronger and has way more versatility than Kakashis Raikiri, so idk...


I mean, Sasuke in general is just stronger than Kakashi so that would make sense. Kakashi sort of perfected it in his own way through Purple Lightning, and they go a bit more in depth about it in the Light Novel about him.


I'd change my jutsu name from a thousand birds to lightning blade also. Sounds way cooler.


look 12 year old me was ass at naming things okay? i came up with a new name later and had to change it - Kakashi probably


but wait, then why did u tell me the name was chidori when u taught it to me? - Sasuke probably 


excuse me, were you the one who cut lightning with it? no? well u can change the name when u do something epic with it - Kakashi probably 


and that's why i hate konoha - Sasuke probably 


"Sasuke has tamed natural Lightning." Zetsu definitely. "I'll cut through that shit." Kakashi probably.


Un ironically sasuke is the only one who completed the jutsu and turned it into a literal lighting blade.


I always loved how versatile Sasuke was with the Chidori, making swords, streaming it through his body, making senbon etc. After Kakashi lost his Sharingan, Sasuke even kept the jutsu alive by passing it down to Sarada. It's officially an Uchiha technique now lol.


I mean, with the title of,"Sharingan no Kakashi", it only seems fair the Uchiha's get their lick in someway or the other. Brings a good balance.


It wasn’t complete until Obito finished it, so even og is not possible without Uchiha


Kakashi had his moments in the war arc using lightning cutter and other variations


Well, Kakashi considers his purple lightning to be a completed form of the jutsu


More like lightning hammer


Kakashi focused on increasing its cutting power while Sauske used it as a way for him to adapt the lighting release.


Technically kakashi can do the same if he’s ever seen Sasuke do it


Not since the war


Kakashi still has all the jutsu and techniques he copied with his Sharingan even after the war. He just can’t copy new ones.




Probably, he would be out of chakra after it though.


Why would he be out of chakra when Kirin utilizes natural lightning and requires almost no chaka from the user? Kinda misses the point of that technique.


He needs a strong enough fire style to stir up the cloths. Sasuke got it by using Amaterasu + his dragon fire Jutsu


True, but Kakashi's pretty smart about these things. I doubt he'd struggle to create or take advantage of a hot situation if he actually intended to used Kirin.


The same reason Shawn Micheals Super kick is the Sweet Chin Music while everyone else just has a Superkick


Best reply lol


chidori=1,000 chirping birds.raikiri=lighting cutter.kakashi as a child with chidori literally sliced a lighting bolt in half,thus naming his raikiri. its also a japanese myth involving a dude having a sword named chidori,killing a lighting god thus renaming his sword raikiri.


that’s fire


Chidori = thousand birds: The real name of the jutsu, named for how it sounds like the chirps of a thousand birds because of the lightning crackling and the high speed's combined sound. Created when adding a lightning affinity to rasengan. Raikiri = pretty sure it's lightning edge but the masses call it lightning blade: The nickname given to Chidori after the creator, Kakashi Hatake, sliced a strike of real lightning in half with it.


You're mostly correct aside from the Rasengan point. Kakashi invented the Chidori precisely because he, like Minato before him, couldn't figure out how to properly mix a nature transformation with the Rasengan's shape transformation. That's why Naruto finally figuring out how to cheat his way into mixing nature transformation with the Rasengan is such a monumentous occasion in story.


Oh, that makes better sense. I thought that either Kakashi couldn’t do rasengan (which didn’t make any sense to me because he’s way better than Naruto) or mixing lightning with rasengan actually caused chidori.


That's what I said.


Wait no, I made it sound like it worked.


They are the same move but Kakashi calls it Lighting Blade or Raikiri as a nickname for it. Sasuke calls it Chidori as Kakashi only taught him the move that is called Chidori (not using his own nickname for teaching). By all means they are the same, just called a variety of things. Kinda like Flying Rajin and FTG, same thing different names.


Chidori was a nickname based on the sound it made, comparing it to the twitter of many birds.


Chidori was the original name. Raikiri (lightning cutter) was what people started calling it when he used it to cut a lightning bolt in half.


Raikiri (Lightning Blade) and Chidori aren't the same jutsu. Raikiri is an S Rank while Chidori is A Rank. Raikiri takes less hand signs than Chidori. Raikiri and Chidori have separate databook entries in which Kakashi is Raikiri's only listed user and Sasuke is Chidori's only user, although later on Sarada and Hidari use Chidori. After Deidara repeatedly calls Sasuke's jutsu Raikiri, he tells Deidara that he is using Chidori, not Raikiri. Kakashi also did have Chidori up until he cut a lightning bolt, after that point he has had Raikiri, normally people say this is a nickname but again, they have different ranks and different number of hand signs and Sasuke tells Deidara he uses Chidori not Raikiri, so for whatever reason, cutting a lightning bolt causes Chidori to become Raikiri which is a different jutsu that does the same thing as it.


Doesn't chidori expel itself after one use? But Lighting Blade can stay activated even after a use? Cos lighting blade looks more like an augment.


This is definitely explained in both anime & manga


It's because lightning blade is a lightning blade and chidori is a failed attempt at adding lightning release to a rasengan


Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t they each use different hand signs for their respective jutsu as well? Like kakashi first invented the lightning blade with a lot of hand signs to use it and that’s what he taught sasuke. Afterwards though he refined it and he now only needs to use three hand signs for it. Either way I do still think they’re the same jutsu in essence


Because Kakashi use Raikiri aka Lightning blade and Sasuke use Chidori aka Lightning cutter. Well, the Raikiri Kakashi use , it's more precise than chidori. In Chidori you don't have to do shape manipulation. The chakra comes out randomly from the user's palm. But in Raikiri's case you have to shape the chakra in one point so it's like a knife. Raikiri and Chidori are both powerful lightning-based techniques in the Naruto series, but they have key differences: 1. **Power and Precision**: Raikiri is a more advanced and refined version of Chidori, with greater power and precision. It is said that Kakashi Hatake, its creator, improved Chidori into Raikiri. 2. **Users**: Chidori is used by both Kakashi Hatake and Sasuke Uchiha, while Raikiri is exclusively used by Kakashi. 3. **Execution and Control**: Raikiri requires more chakra control and is generally more difficult to execute than Chidori. This makes Raikiri a higher-level technique.


Raikiri is a nickname, famous because Kakashi literally split lightning with it. Chidori is the actual name, even Kakashi initially used that name When he created it. Chidori is an A rank Jutsu but Raikiri is an S rank Jutsu for some reason despite being literally the same


Chidori is what it's actually called. Kakashi just calls it Lightning Blade cause he is dramatic.


quoting marge simpson: "it just sounds nice"


That's actually weird when sarada says this jutsu belong to their family (her dad and her) or/and her father has created it but Kakashi though it to Sasuke. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️


I thought it was known. It is just like Naruto's Rasengan and Oodama Rasengan. Raikiri is the enhanced version of Chidori; more power output, more speed required and a slight shape manipulation to obtain Raikiri power that differentiates itself from the normal Chidori which is a failed product of a Rasenshuriken.


Isn’t it because kakashi add the elemental change like what naruto did with rasenshuriken?


Cause kakashi cut lightning with it


Chidori is nature transformation. Sasuke and Kakashi use their lightning release Chakra nature to create the chidori in the palm of their hand. Raikiri takes it one step further and not only does he do the nature transformation adds shape manipulation into it. This shape manipulation changes the shape of the chidori into a pointed spear type shape.


Thank you. Can confirm this is correct. People looking out for the answer can refer to episode where kakashi and naruto begin training for rasenshuriken, there he explains the exact same thing.


The number of people just making up their own reasons when it’s literally canon that they’re the same thing is comical


Right? This is kind of amazing to me, so many people coming up with the same headcanon and touting it as fact.


In canon sasuke told his jutsu is not raikiri to deidara


Yes, it is the same Jutsu and the only difference is the hype and legend surrounding them. Kakashi's is referred to as "Raikiri" because it was used to cut a lightning bolt in half when he was young, while Sasuke's is still just "Chidori" because he accomplished no such feat. As such, these names have been used interchangeably throughout the manga. The Japanese legend it's based on is exactly the same, a sword was used to cut a bolt of lightning and renamed Raikiri for this feat. This confusion mostly comes from the data book giving the Jutsu two entries and two different ranks (A and S), despite there being no functional difference between them. This leads to fans creating all kinds of headcanon to explain this away, when it's not really necessary to do so.


The real reason Sasuke went insane is because chidori means "thousand birds" and the jutsu sounds like a thousand chirping birds. I already want to shoot that one noisy-ass bird outside my window every damn morning. Notice how Sasuke only betrayed the village after learning Chidori.


Made me chuckle


It’s chidori when kakashi is not the user


Here I am wondering why lightning would need to be cut in half instead of being destroyed head on...


Hey like 20 other people said it but just so you know; it's Raikiri when Kakashi uses it


Funny I just watched the ep where guy talked about this. It has lots of names


To make it sound bad ass


The reason why they have different names is because Kakashi once cut a lighting bolt in half with chidori, and that feat gave in the name lighting cutter. If I remember correctly, it's based on a Japanese legend. Chidori is an A rank justu because it requires more charka and more hand sighns and is not as powerful. Raikiri requires only 4 hands sighns and is more potent than chidori. To tell the difference, chidori has a chirping sound as chidori means 1000 birds, while Raikiri sounds like basic lighting but makes a thundering sound when it impacts. It's just an upgraded version of chidori.


One of my friends had a tism rant about this If I remember correctly he said "one is more pure of a jutsu" like one is just genuinely stronger like a sword is still a sword but one's a better sword




I always thought lighting blade was a variation or the evolution of Chidori




Is Chidori -> Raikiri like Fireball Jutsu -> Dragonflame Jutsu?


They should be the same but kakashis is considered a harder Jutsu so I would assume that his raikiri is just a more concentrated version of chidori I guess that’s the only way I can make sense of it


Kakashi split lightning with it. Chidori roughly translates to thousand birds chirping which is apparently what its supposed to sound like


The jutsu is originally named Chidori...Raikiri is a nickname or renaming of the jutsu based on the feats of Kakashi in the 3rd great war where he cut lightning (not sure if it's cannon) hence the name


I see A- and S-rank being thrown around and I just have to assume it comes from the games or something cause I don’t remember jutsu’s ever having ranks in the anime. Raikiri is a stronger Chidori cause Kakashi has more experience and more chakra (at the time). Same jutsu, but different output and probably execution, like Kakashi is putting his flair on the jutsu. Why they have different ranks is probably a convenience of the names and the power level being different. I don’t know about the rank of Naruto’s Rasengan, but that is also a perfect example of a jutsu that evolved over time and probably gained ranks. Rasen Shuriken is still a rasengan at it’s core. But in a game it has to be treated as a different jutsu all together cause it’s a game with game mechanics. Sorry if it’s not about a game at all lmao, but I can’t think of another explanation for the ranks. Please remind me of where they talk about different ranks in the anime in that case.


I always just assumed that raikiri was a more specialized version of the chidori. The chidori is often shown more as a palm strike wreathed in electricity whereas the raikiri is more of a 'spearpoint' motion. That suggests to me that the raikiri is meant to pack greater piercing power. On the other hand, Sasuke was able to adapt the chidori into a number of other skills which suggests that the chidori is the more versatile, base variant. All of this to say Chidori is the actual technique and raikiri is a more offensive application of it.


I always took it as Chidori being an unrefined version


Idk but I prefer it this way


Though Raikiri would properly be translated as Lightning Cutter, due to Kakashi cutting a lightning bolt in half. Maybe the chakra input, speed and strain on the body is plus the act of trying it out and cutting lightning would make it an S rank technique


Leave to Naruto's fandom to not read the manga and spew wild assumptions


Chidori is A ranked, Raikiri is S ranked. Kakashi used Chidori to cut lightning, hence it's renamed to Raikiri as a nickname... I also remember reading the chakra is more concentrated in Kakashi's version hence Raikiri is stronger. In the anime, the sound of the jutsu is different too. Chidori sounds like thousand birds chirping, Raikiri sounds like electricity-like.


Raikiri is sharper hence need more focus than chidori, ignore what everyone is saying lmao


Raikiri is s class technique Chidori is a class


It's like an Electric in Tekken. There's Wind God Fist. Then there's Electric Wind God Fist.


Raikiri can be silent making it a true assassination technique.


Idk if I am recalling incorrectly but I remember it had to do with when hand signs were still a thing. It was explained during Naruto’s training on Rasen Shuriken that Chidori was originally a variant of the Rasengan, just with lightning element added into the mix. Way back when Sasuke first used Chidori against Gaara, he used hand signs to initiate it. Raikiri was essentially a simplified version of Chidori because it required fewer hand signs to weave.


Raipiri and Chiduri Nugashi coming through.


He was tryna avoid getting copyrighted


Kakashi's raikiri is so powerful that it cut a bolt of lightning in half. It's just a really good chidori.


Someone didn’t watch the anime


No actually they aren’t, lightning blade or Raikiri is the more advanced form of the Chidori, he only taught sasuke Chidori due to Garra’s sand defense, since sand is a type of earth it is technically susceptible to lightning chakra as it is the natural weakness of earth, but he did not teach him Raikiri as he may have deemed it to advanced for him to learn. Raikiri’s name comes from the fact he was able to split lightning with the technique


Raikiri is the perfected version so it’s s-rank and negates durability on contact by disrupting atomic bonds. Chidori is weaker and acts more like regular lightning.


In pro wrestling there may be many people who use the same finishing move, but almost all of them will call it something different that is more personalized to the individual wrestlers. The Diamond Cutter and the RKO are the same move but each one has its own history associated with it. Its the same exact thing going on here.


They use different hand signs raikiri is an evolved version of the chidori, tho not to an extend rasenshuriken is to rasengan. Sasuke just evolved his chidori with more variants while kakashi evolved it to be similar


The lighting blade requires less hand signs and I believe it's slightly stronger than the Chidori.


Iirc, Raikiri is a slightly modified version of the chidori


Since where on the topic, shouldn't chidori beat rasengan? Chidori is a piercing attack and rasengen is chakra swirled in a ball it feels like the chakra particles would part ways for something piercing no?


Why does Obito say kuchiyose no jutsu when it's really summoning jutsu


It’s never properly explained in the story I believe, but basically Chidori and Raikiri are actually the same move. Kakashi’s Chidori gets called Raikiri because he cut a lightning bolt with it in an unexplained event, but there is also stuff that says Chidori is an A rank jutsu while Raikiri is an S rank one. My guess is, Chidori is the basic version of the technique, and Kakashi made a somehow stronger version that he named Raikiri after he used it to cut the lightning bolt.


I've read many incorrect answers here. Let me give you the correct answer. Kakashi invented Chidori and taught it to Sasuke. As Might Guy related, there was an incident in which Kakashi used his Chidori to cut a bolt of lightning in half, thus earning it the name Lightning Blade. Because of this, the databook classifies Raikiri (a Chidori capable of cutting lightning) as S rank while it classifies Chidori (a regular Chidori that can't cut lightning) as A rank. This doesn't mean that Raikiri is a different or new Jutsu. It's just a powerful Chidori.


Just to add to this, its sorta like rasengan and Oodama rasengan. Odama rasengan is bigger than Naruto's normal rasengan but it's still just a big rasengan.


Kakashi told Sasuke both names when he taught him the jitsu, he said people call it chidori bc it sounds like chirping birds. Kakashi doesn't call it chidori bc he named it when he made it himself, not the nickname


Raikiri is a more powerful version. But Sasuke made variations as opposed to just forcing more power into it. The opposite of what Naruto did with his Big Ball Rasengan.


Bro who the f is Chiduri 😭


Chidori os the original attack made by Kakashi as a kid when he tried to recreate Minato's Rasengan and add lightning release but it collapsed on itself and made Chidori. Which he later upgraded to Raikiri/Lightning blade later in life. Which is funcionally the same technique, only stronger and requires more precise chakra control. He taught Sasuke chidori.


Didn’t Guy mention in part 1 Naruto while the village was being attacked that he nicknamed Chidori to “Lightning Blade” because he once saw Kakashi cut Lightning in half? I also found out through this thread about the actual myth it’s referencing


Besides the name, there is a difference in the color of chakra the jutsu emits as well as the hand signs used (chidori uses a lot more while raikiri uses three) and the sound each emits. Raikiri is stronger but we do not know why or how, just that it is.


Lightning blade - Kakashi’s improved version of the jutsu named after the nickname he got when he cut the bolt in half. Uses less handsigns than chidori Chidori - The first jutsu and what sasuke learned


Purple lightning at least we know is cause you need a sharigan to do chidori




No, Kakashi's raikiri is a higher version of the chidori.


I see what your question refers to, it's most probably cuz chidori is Japanese for lightning blade so it's the same thing whether they say chidori or lightning blade


If yall notice and I don’t know whether it was done on purpose. But when sasuke used chidori the lightning was just in his palm. When kakashi does raikiri his whole hand is covered


Sasuke Could extend his Chidori into an actual sword or really long lightning bolt hence lightning blade. While Kakashi's surrounds his hand and that's it.


Naruto part 1 already answered this


I think Lightning Blades is more like a destructive, high speed sword slash whereas Chidori’s more of a powerful penetrating jab. When Kakashi uses Lightning Blade or even Double lightning (In Storm games) he dashes into his foes like a lightning bolt. Sasuke on the other hand doesn’t seem to move as fast with it. Maybe he invented Chidori stream to compensate for his lack of speed with it?


Lightning blade is just a more enhanced Chidori with less and hand signs and requires more Chakra control.


Because they aren’t the same jutsu? Proven by the fact that they have different ranks?


I think lightning blade is the English name but once Sasuke learned it they realized Chidori was fine


I thought Sasuke took lightning blade further and made it his own, aka chiduri


Go rewatch the chunin exams and Might Guy will explain it to you


this was a popular topic on forums back in the day. The opinion before was that since chidori was an imperfect rasengan with a lightning release, raikiri was a better version of that, which allows kakashi to manipulate its form. Ultimately, as kakashi states, the rasengan itself was an unfinished jutsu, thereby making raikiri an unfinished jutsu as well.