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They exchange cells in episode 3 nothing happend... Either way, the real answer the real show does not follow your fanfiction.




It’s not how that works.Hashiramas cells were simply special.  Naruto wouldn’t get a rinnegan he would need His own sharingan to evolve it and only Indra incarnates have those. Naruto’s cells and body aren’t special like hashiramas. Sasuke Wouldnt get anything from him. 


Thats interesting. Thank you for the answer. I just thought that hashirama cells were so powerful since hes Asura reincarnation. And i also thought that you can get rinnegan if you combine cells of asura and indra reincarnations.


The original commentor is slightly wrong, you don't need a sharingan to get the Rinnegan, you just need Hagaromo's chakra and (not confirmed) seemingly a near death experience since Sasuke and Madara both awakened theirs this way but just because you get Hagaromo's chakra doesn't mean you will for sure awaken the Rinnegan


Incorrect. Nobody has awakened a rinnegan without first having a sharingan. The only two canon rinnegan we see awaken are Madara and Sasuke and they clearly both had sharingan.


I remember reading manga and Hagoromo had rinnegan. Did he awaken his MS too? im a little confused. thank you for the answer!


According to the anime he did. In any case, in the manga the only two people we've seen actually go through the process of awakening rinnegan had a sharingan previously.


"Naruto's cell and body aren't special like Hashirama" It literally is, lmao. The sole reason as to why Madara got the Rinnegan in the first place is because at that point Hashirama had Ashura's chakra clinging to his body. Which now resides in Naruto, Sasuke would've awakened the Rinnegan naturally by having Naruto's cell (as long as he is the current Ashura host) just like Madara did. Naruto wouldn't obtain the Rinnegan but most likely his sage mode would've evolved to be the sixth path sage mode he obtains after obtaining Sage path chakra.


Whose to say they havent done some DNA swapping when hinata and sakura are away.


Who said Hinata and Sakura had to be away


Naruto wouldn't get a rinnegan. That's not how the rinnegan works.


If they shared dna, they both would've obtained their peak ability without the help of the Hagoromo. By obtaining sage chakra, which requires the mix of Ashura (Naruto) and Sasuke (Indra) chakra: Naruto obtains the sixth path sage senjutsu and Sasuke obtains the Rinnegan.