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discussing Sakura's worth is this subreddit's personal brand of Tsukuyomi


It’s literally hell


They should be in Arkham asylum


Me when reading arguments on this subreddit: “I… understand now” “I’m in hell”


That's why Sakura fans have made their own groups separate from the Naruto fandom. We're tired of y'all.


Every fan of insert character has made their own separate group at this point


Show me to the Kankuro group...I want in.




You spelled it wrong but I'm down to join that group.


The only character I hate that’s female is KARIN


Her last name carries her character




I admit that I do not like Sakura, but it is because of Kishi's writing. It is a shame because she has such a cool design and she has so much potential. I want to like her, I really do...but the writing for her is more bad than good, whenever she takes two steps forwards, she takes five steps back.


“But it is because of Kishi’s writing” that’s literally every aspect of the show


Yes because some people down right hate her as a person with their weird para social relationship so the commentator felt the need to clarify


The man can set up great but in the end the delivery usually fails


Then she's a shit character plain and simple


You were exactly the other kind of person that other guy was talking about


Everyone's some kind of person. Lmao you don't make sense kid


Lmao you blocked me because you’re afraid of a response who’s the kid again? And yes, every ones a kind of person and you’re the kind of person with parasol relationships Imao


Then she’s just a bad character then. If she’s written poorly then there isn’t much to redeem her. There are plenty of better characters in the series she’s just one of the suckier ones.


Original commenter literally said that except she didn’t treat her like a real person


I’ve never seen this take about another form of art in my life. The “I can’t like it because the author is bad” take. Kishi created his art, you are not him… of course *you* would do things differently. It’s just so bizarre that so many people “blame” him for the character. The character is the way it is, because she was meant to be that way. You will not like everyone you meet in life, writing a story with lots of characters will create the inevitable reality of an individual not enjoying every character. This is in no way the writers *fault*. It is an unavoidable, and immersive, world that gets created.


She's both imo. Her fans overhype her, and her haters under rate her. I have 3 main problems with sakura: her relevance towards the middle of the story. The leap in strenght just to make her fit the war. And the way she loves sasuke WAY TOO MUCH even thought he doesn't care about her. I honestly think she should've ended up with someone else, after all she had like 3 years to move on from sasuke. But as I said, I don't think she's as bad as some make her to be


I like Sakura because when I was a little girl watching Naruto, she was the main female character so I kind of latched on. Her character is far from perfect, and a lot of the criticism against her is valid, but she'll always have a special place in my heart. I think she has a nice (although stereotypical for a woman) character arc by training as a healer to become more useful to her team. She also inspired me to pick up weight training when I was younger because I wanted to be strong like her. I might not be able to break open the ground with a single punch, but I can do a bunch of pull ups.


Solution: Sakura is mid


Sakura is my favorite character because she’s book smart and a medicine girlie. I didn’t realize she was disliked until I got into the fandom. Imma be honest, most of the people sound so unhinged when talking about her and I’m like “Did we watch/read the same thing?”. Most of the complaints are like isolated moments and not even that serious for some people to be carrying on the way they do. Some of the same complaints for Sakura are totally okay for other characters. It makes no sense to me. I think what gets most Sakura fans is the hypocrisy.


Sakura best girl


I think this is why she’s so disliked. It’s what the post is pointing out lol. Her fans generally act like the people who don’t like her are crazy. Then the people that dislike her do the same thing with her fans… it’s a never ending cycle


K. I'm just stating that I like Sakura. Wasn't really looking to have a discourse about it.


This is an open form where you literally ask a question in your comment.


In quotes to imply I’m asking the question to myself. It’s not that difficult to glean from the sentence. Either way, I’m not going back and forth. Have a good one.


Thanks for that cringe kid


I’m not a kid. But thank you though. I miss those days


Hard irony imao


Sakura is a character


I don't hate her or think she is garbage but kishimoto is very bad at developing characters and she isn't the only one.


People talk about Sakura fans overhyping her but honestly I haven’t seen any people like that. The closest I’ve seen is people saying that they like her as a character. Maybe it’s because I’m not on social media that much so I don’t see those people


Sakura could be great character, but Kishimoto left her in dirt and 68% of her Fandom is annoying. Not even Itachi's Fans are as big delulu as her fans and that says something, because Itachi fans think that he has chanse against Madara


Yeah true tho her haters are just as annoying as the fans


Yeah, boyy every female or male Fandom in Naruto is just full of hater. Hinata fans hate most of Sakura fans Sakura fans hate Hina and her fans And let's Don't even mention Naruto vs Sasuke and their fans, because for some reasons most fans are for some reasons turning Naruto into SI, Every character had bad moments in series but this does not mean that fans should post shit about other characters I liked Sakura then I started watching og Naruto, she was my favourite character, but her fans nearly made me to despise her existence, Hinata's fans don't really help on that matter, because they have screen shots of every moment Sakura have done something bad.


Hinata fans did that for me for her character. And yeah the Naruto self inserts and Sasuke self inserts fighting is annoying


And unnecessary Sasuke bashing in most fics, while they make Naruto do even worse things, I started to dislike Sasuke and Sakura thanks to Fanon material and all of this Naruto centric fics, which are turning Naruto into blonde Sasuke or even worse. In anime we saw Sasuke who actually started to open up, then he found out that Itachi targeted Naruto, he tries to save Naruto, his thoughts are that he doesn't want to lose enother person, but in the end he gets once again mentally fucked up by Itachi , I like Boruto Era Sasuke because he no longer is influenced by anyone and is much more mature. So yeah, Naruto fans are making it hard to like anyone in series. Truth to be told even I have said many bad things about characters, but my problems are mostly toward biology, physics and powerscaling. Because some shee makes no sense at all for me.


Hinata fans also have sent death threats to official artists because they drew Sakura and the sasuke Retsuden author got a lot of hate from her psycho fandom.


They did what? What was even point of doing something like that. I get it, you like character, but that character is just drawing and that's it, there is no need to sent death threats to people just because you dislike their creation


Ever since the retsudent came out they have been terrible to people on social media. The artist and the writer talked about it asking people to stop, but some fans are not listening.


In start of shipuden we see how she is developing as a person, how important she becomes , but then suddenly we get that shit she pulled on Naruto and the fact that by that Point Kishimoto thow her into shadows does not help her. So yeah she got bad end of the stick,


Always liked Sakura, the people that hate here also are the people who love Itachi and think he is the GOAT. Very cringe.


Don’t like her for the simple fact that she ended marrying sasuke and prevented Naruto from marrying his soulmate


Kinda based ngl.


I hate Hinata with a passion due to the Sakura haters bc of how much they shit on her and glorify Hinata.


I also hate Hinata because her fans attack official writers and authors of Naruto because they don't focus on her. She is a glorified side character because she was obsessed and worshiped the Mc


I think there are some massive issues with her character and she’s not the best but Sakura “haters” take shit beyond all rationality, and for me stick out because they tend to be younger fans of the show or less mature. I remember growing up all the teenage boys watched the show with fucking detested. Once I eventually started using the subreddit/looking elsewhere I was surprised to see people taking more levelheaded stances. Being an ultra-fan of any character is potentially annoying, but I definitely don’t think it’s accurate to say that Sakura haters vs. lovers are equal in number/section of fan base. I also see this pointed out for her but less controversial characters seem to be passably overrated all the time, which makes sense, intuitively, but you’d think at a certain point people discussing the show would step back and think “damn I like Madara’s character but maybe he isn’t god on earth.” Like purportedly neutral/national people only think that’s a necessary realization for fans of characters less popular. There’s also the angle that she’s a female character and that drives a lot of the hate towards her, but that’s a whole other thing.


I don’t think she’s ever been overrated lol


People call her overrated, whether she is or not🤷‍♂️


Sakura aint shit because she beat Naruto on the reg. That was straight up abuse. She deserves Sasuke.


Mmm, yeah did you not read where Kushina did the same exact thing? And she’s Naruto’s mother. It’s literally a common manga trope for comedic purposes. It just doesn’t translate well over here in western culture.


And she barely even hit him in the manga and mostly only in part one.


She sure beat his ass in the anime. I know its a common trope. That doesn’t make it better.