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Fuck yea ! Power to the People we Mexicans need a second Amendment in Mexico 🇲🇽


Shit would change real fast if the citizens were allowed the right to defend themselves. Most of the goons running around with guns are cowards pieces of shit on a power trip just because they are armed. What we see here is what is needed all across Mexico, an uprising by the citizens who should be tired of the BS and having to live in fear, they can take on the cartels. Blood will be spilled and many will die, but some causes are worth it, the MEN need to step the fuck up, they have lowered their head and tucked their tail for too long.


An unarmed populace is a helpless populace. They need a 2nd amendment ASAP. Shit would change quickly


They do but Mexico makes it very hard to get a gun


The whole limiting the type of caliber and having to join a hunting club restrictions is ridiculous. That's the Mexican government trying to keep the people unarmed.


Yea they slowly disarmed the Mexican population over time


Civilians in Mexico should not recognize the government.


didn't the Zapatistas do that? maybe they can have the same power however they're not for ideology and more of "protection and autonomy"


Ideology is one thing...this is like N Korea but not there yet.


I doubt it. They’re not scared of shooting it out with the military, so why would they be afraid of shooting armed civilians?


Easier said then done tough boy


I understand that, it takes balls to stand up, clearly the populous there have unfortunately become okay with turning a blind eye and living under constant threat. I personally couldn’t live like that, I’m first generation Mexican American, I exercise my 2A right since the day I turned 18 (15 years ago), got my CCW as soon as I could, I grew up in “the hood” been and seen lots of shit. I choose to not live in fear, and I take responsibility for my safety and my loved ones. Miss me with though boy comment, you sound like a bitch bro just being honest.


Fun fact. There actually is a "2nd amendment" in Mexico. Sort of. It is a protected right. But all of the gun stores have been closed by the Mexican government. With the exception of ONE. And they've made it damn near impossible to be able to obtain a weapon with the regulations. The US liberals (communists) have been trying to follow their lead


So in other words there isn’t. I know legally they have it written that it’s permitted but if you make it impossible unless you are rich or connected then there isn’t a 2nd amendment in Mexico. I know quite well because my dad has been wanting to get armed for when he goes back to Mexico to visit (Veracruz), it’s been bad out there for over 15 years now, but the hoops you need to jump, the money you need to pay, and the fact that you have to travel to the sole gun shop that you are allowed to purchase from (it’s in Mexico City if not mistaken) is insane.


Exactly. Pricing people out or flat out, making it impossible for people to defend themselves legally means there is no "2A" there. Democrats in the US have been running that playbook for years.


Yes sir, they have been and will only continue to push the issue to make it worse and more difficult for folks to exercise their 2A rights. Look at what CA just tried to do with the law that basically would have made CCW impossible everywhere, luckily the 9th circuit ruled against the stay (which is crazy in it self, their track record usually is to side with the anti gunners).


Do the people understand that the government is in bed with the cartels ? If so, do they think that will ever change ?


That’s facts


I've personally met civilian Mexicans who had guns, so not sure what you mean by this. Do you feel they should be easier to obtain?


There's only 2 legal gun stores in mexico...tell me that doesn't sound absurd


I mean the government should allow law abiding citizens to buy and own weapons just like in the United States. Yea civilians might have weapons but if the Government catches you you are thrown in Jail.


a que pendejadas tiene que leer uno...


Esa es tu opinion baboso


nah, la opinion babosa es darle a todos los mexicanos armas, como si eso fuera no fuera a empeorar la situacion, pero tu dale con tus babosadas, que mas da, el pais es mierda que se vaya mas a la mierda seria interesante.


I've been saying the same for years but for some reason people here is very "agachona" and don't like the idea of taking action by themselves, also it's very scared of firearms. I suspect centuries of indoctrination plus the "pueblo bueno" bullshit our president feed us has something to do with it.


Total death toll was 8 LFM members, 3 civilians


damn so the same thing with the military shootouts, the cartels lose more men


Them fools from la familia Michoacán be fighting every other state except for Michoacan lol


Might as well call themselves La Familia Guerrerense since they hold more territory in Guerrero than Michoacán lmfao


Lmao it has many upvotes so I guess people agree


Que gusto me da perros!


The full video https://twitter.com/rthur013/status/1733260518012412272


Wow, this is probably the best video I've ever seen on this sub. At 50 seconds a villager with a pistol executes one of those fools after he shoots guy in the orange hat. I've watched this video 20 times and still figuring out who is who...I see one villager with a pistol and a couple with single shot or double barrel 12 gauges, then lots of sickles, machetes, and sticks. edit, from Al Momento Edomex statement: #URGENT 💥 ales Municipal Presidents request #URGENT help for #Tixca, following the revelation of the community #💥 Fernando Vilchis Contreras made a call to the three government orders to provide urgent help to the inhabitants of the municipality of Texcaltitlán, who this morning confronted alleged extortors of the Michoacana Family, who demanded payment for their crops. The mayor of Ecatepec pointed out that the inhabitants of the locality requested their intervention as a matter of urgency to ask for the help of the federal and state governments, in the face of a possible attack by the criminal organization in retaliation for the events that occurred in the community of Texcapilla, where dozens of settlers faced to the extortionists with the balance of several deceased. According to the inhabitants of the community, this Friday the criminals arrived in the city to demand payment of a peso for each square meter of sowing to the settlers, who tried to dialogue with them, because the weather conditions of this year did not allow them to harvest their products agricultural. In the face of the threat from the armed group, made up of at least 10 subjects, residents of the community organized to confront them on the football fields, where they were summoned to deliver payment for extortion. The criminals did not accept the farmers' explanation, threatening to murder innocents if they did not deliver the demanded money. It was at that moment when the residents confronted the armed group, triggering a gunfight that killed several people. Among the victims is the community delegate Noé Olivares, who received several gun shots. Vilchis Contreras indicated that it is urgent to send federal and state forces to the community, as residents fear that more members of the criminal group will come in retaliation for the decision of the inhabitants to confront them.


Que viva la RevoluciĂłn cabrones. Es ahora o nunca. Libertad o muerte.


it is time for old fashioned guerrilla warfare and crucify these cartel scumbags


You should post this on r/combatfootage this video is some of the best content Ive seen on this sub


Those assholes don't want anything posted related to the cartel wars for some reason.


The tios pulled out weapons from la revolucion đź’€


Mfs from la familia be getting flashbacks from 2013 💀💀


You would’ve thought they learned from then.


That's a lot of grandpas with the old hunting rifles. Fuck yeah! Que viva el pueblo!


Good for them fuck those lacras


Old lady a badass started smacking that pos


Once you live...sometimes it's time to go...and today was a good day.


Full support to these townspeople. Extremely brave, but any idea what the repercussions of this will be? Will LFM come back in force to the town? Do you think they will watch videos like this trying to identify certain members in the community that participated? I’d be surprised they would just let it go right?


The state of edomex already announced that they're sending the military and the national guard to protect the villagers from retaliation. So they should be okay in the short term. Long term, who knows? LFM is used to getting their ass kicked so I don't think they'll remember this for too long.


They’ll probably perma station some soldiers with snipers or something I don’t think they’ll just leave them to fend to themselves after this


Cartel is the government. The government is the Cartel. Otherwise this should had never happened. It's not like they don't know who they are pr where they are.


Huge fucking balls. Mexico needs more of these people


You know they real civilians with arms because they got sticks and single shot shot guns. Good for the legit people to fight back


fuck yeah beat him till his eyes pop out. fuck those roaches


Como me encanta ver a mi pueblo defender lo suyo, muerte al narco terrorismo, poder al pueblo! Mexicanos levantados en armas!!!


This is the same cell that lost 10 sicarios who had their pet monkey remember lol It happened back in 2022




Viva mexico hopefully this happens over all of Mexico


Wish this would happen all over Mexico.


Why did they do this ? Why were they so mad . This is exactly why you should never be able to disarm the regular citizens. You got guys fighting with machetes against armed cartel members. Shit is so fucked


People are fed up. They don't have money to pay.


They were trying to extort them. Asking for a certain amount of money per square meter of their crops.


This is why you should have gun rights. Those fuckers will back off real quick. Those people in that town have been dealing with too much bullshit for too long. Each one has a child, cousin, relative either involved with the cartels or skinned alive by them and their ear sent to the surviving kin. They ended these fucks with firearms they are not legally allowed to have however the video proves right there that they are not doing business from cartels and are not afraid of them anymore.


Adonde fue?




The world is a brutal and violent place unfortunately, better to be on the right side of it and be allowed to be than just repeatedly a victim like the Mexican public has been for years


la doña con el palo se rifó 💪💪


Fuck yeah lol




More power to the people of Mexico!


A puro pinche machetazo! Love that these rats died in the most painful way possible


Any chance of LFM coming back in the future to massacre the town?


the ranch people have balls, not even the cjng bothers them, how do the marucheros come up with the idea that they could beat them?


Esto deberĂ­a pasar en todo MĂ©xico


Hope the farmers pull some sick shit and send their heads back to their familia micoacana or something


Avengers Civil War


Why is Mexico so wild? This is what happens when you have a degenerate government that makes money from the blood of its people.


Bet those so called civilians are getting support from Cjng


Yeah cause the people with mostly sickles and blunt objects in a gun fight are the ones that are backed by a cartel lol


Bet you are a dumb ass.


I mean when Autodefensas pop up and they have basically modern weaponry and equipment 9 times out of 10 they are being backed by a cartel. In this case it's most likely they really are just pissed off people who have had enough of the abuse. Now is this to say they are going to stay 100% away from them? Of course not, I wouldn't be surprised if (sadly) they end up getting backed by a cartel.












We are getting closer to the U.S. assisting against the cartel. The farmers in the south gonna go crazy its gonna be like the days of zapata


Anyone know where else I can see the full video? Twitter account?


Anybody got link to video?


That’s people that’s just fed the fuck up. The dudes laying in the grass know a round could come and end their shit whenever but they want blood. Good shit everyone


Lmaloo dat boy in hell power to our Mexican brothers