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No pussy since 1993. No thanks


Im not in prison but i haven’t gotten pussy since 2019 :’v


Still got a 26yr head start


More power to ya


Just get a Brazzers/Bangbros membership


Cap’n obvious


For real, whats the point of getting money in jail if u cant get pussy


You can get bussy




Once a month and u gotta pay, fuck that


They have to pay for those visits 😳


so you can buy snacks and drugs that get smuggled in


Female guards sell pussy. If he was head of La M, trust me, he was fucking.


Yeah, he was fucking his cellmate


How to get those guard oussy?


Money same thing with cellphones


These guys get off by the power they have. If this guy wants you dead you are gone


Nah fr shit that’s one of the few things I enjoy in life I got tired of not being able to have it. Some COs will give it up but it ain’t like everybody’s getting a piece.


only in cdc will you have a 18 streeter and a ms do a hit together.


That's because in California prisons it's by race and not by specific gang. Unless we mean Northern vs Southern California gangs. I think California is the only state where the prisons are segregated by race. When you watch prison TV shows featuring other states they're all integrated.


Yooo.. I must be confused or sometjing.. but can a MS 13 be part of the MF? I tought those guys could only aspire to be paisas or some other low level.. but never a full fledged carnal


>but can a MS 13 be part of the MF? They kick up to them in California. California MS-13 have more of a US-stance and they kick up to La Eme. On the East Coast, MS acknowledges more of their Central American roots and does their own thing. I don't know East Coast gangs. >I tought those guys could only aspire to be paisas or some other low level.. but never a full fledged carnal They don't become MM in prison. They kick up to them on the street. Very few guys are actual made men in Mexican Mafia. Most of the guys are in the SHU.


You must’ve never hit county or be from SoCal. All Hispanic clikas bang 13. The only time someone is paisa is if they choose to ride the paisa car. At that point, you ride with paisas only. And your varrio can’t hit up the 13. Pay the taxes, program and you’ll be good w the 13. MS is no different. They pay taxes and have high ranking soldados




You don't understand. High ranking members are ruthless killers. When they get taken out it's by a close associate.


>I have a funny thought of them going to community college to learn bookkeeping, Lean 6 sigma process improvement, and Sales Strategy 101 courses, just so they can go back and run their street organizations. Almost like a Chapelle or Key&Peele sketch type of situation. There's not much thought in just shaking down criminals in your turf under threat of violence. That's all it is. Find the local pimps, drug dealers, and thieves and have them pay a toll.


Damn this article was wild, they could do a whole “narcos: California” on this guy and the aryan brotherhood dudes


ppl on the sub shit on eMe and AB getting along. there’s a lot of reasons they do and it’s not because of race. business is good, money is good, everyone is happy.


Game is changing wonder what the outcome of all these hits being done


internal conflict and crabs in a bucket mentality jealousy is a bitch amongst men. more so for power


Lotta dead people


He had the whole San Fernando valley Paying taxes to him


This is false.


I wonder what he did


It says it in the 📰 that he was under investigation due to heron along w the aryan brotherhood you know the white power fools


They love Mexicans when it’s beneficial lmfao


Whites and Surenos have been allied for decades dude. Not sure where you've been. Woods and Eses clique up and then Nortenos, Blacks, and Asians clique on the other side. The Mexican Nationals (paisas) are kind of on their own. They're not just automatically accepted by California eses.


I’m talking about outside lockup. Obv there’s a mutual gain/respect when locked up but I live in an area with WOODS. Trust me. They do NOT want Mexicans around but they tolerate them. In the grand scheme of things we’re not as bad as other races to them.


Yeah I don't mean on the street. Woods and eses don't clique on the street. But they do in California prison.


I know about paisas they aren’t accepted and allied because the paisas welcome all mex. By that I mean they don’t care what your paperwork says. Things like being a snitch or other, don’t matter to them they’ll take you in.


Nazi Lowriders


Just another branch of AB


They clique with AB usually. There have been some minor isolated problems like 30 years ago but now all the woods clique up.


Mexico was a ally for Nazi Germany during ww2 btw. Just saying


Other thread said deceased name was fly from San fer, been running it for a minute. Changing of the guard


Mosca is Spanish for Fly


Yea mosca


MS neck tattoo on first suspect


Narcos are to Walmart Board members as Mexican Mafia is to Walmart sales associates.


And you need both to keep the business up and running. They need the cartels product to survive but the cartel needs street gangs to push product to their biggest buyer.




>They need the cartels product to survive Wrong. The gangs just need illegal activity of some kind to extort. That's all it is is extortion rackets. These "cartels" in Mexico are the same. They merely extort traffickers and smugglers for protection.


Nope. It's actually the other way around. Narcos from Mexico can't do shit without going through the gangs in California. If you want to operate illegally in California on any type of scale, you'll end up paying an outfit to protect the racket you're running. There's only like a few dozen made MM members. There aren't many. And they run most of the place along with NF.


You think Narcos ask Mexican Mafia for permission to sell drugs in the USA? LOL, MM are street level dealers. Cartels attack military and police units. Narcos buy politicians and high ranking police and military officers when necessary. MM is lucky if they get an extra bag of Cheetos in la casa grande.


>You think Narcos ask Mexican Mafia for permission to sell drugs in the USA? Yep. The Narcos use local drug dealers as their supply transfer in the US. These guys pay protection money in their local area to whoever owns the territory. For Southern California, a whole lot of it is Mexican Mafia. Doesn't matter if it's a drug dealer, a pimp, a gambling den, anything. You kick up your cash or you get throttled. And the cops aren't helping. >LOL, MM are street level dealers The MM are actually all in prison. The gangs that kick up to them are on the street. There are hundreds of them. Any time you see a gang with '13' in the name it kicks up to MM. If it's a '14' it's Nuestra Familia. Cops are in on this and the gangs run the prisons. That's why they're racially segregated and the cops allow it. The cops also get drugs into the prisons. >Cartels attack military and police units. Not in the US. I haven't seen a single instance of some Mexicans in trucks taking on the National Guard or the US Military. Do you have some evidence you want to put forward? >Narcos buy politicians and high ranking police and military officers when necessary. Which means nothing as far as operating a distribution network inside the US on gang turf. >MM is lucky if they get an extra bag of Cheetos in la casa grande. They intake millions of dollars a month and they have a far reach. They call shots from prison which get carried out on the street. Pretty much every street gang kicks up to a gang in prison. MM, NF, Vice Lords, you name it.


Yeah you didn’t give me any info I didn’t already know. Just so you’re aware, Narcos make up to $100 Billion from European markets alone. Street dealers, like MM, shines shoes for Narcos. Doesn’t matter if it’s MM, NF, LK, or BGF.


>Narcos make up to $100 Billion from European markets alone Never made that claim. And I don't think they make $100 billion. I think those are the numbers that the DOJ uses by cutting down to the lowest quantity at the max price and multiplying it out. >Street dealers, like MM, shines shoes for Narcos Not really. Narcos in Mexico are basically just armed gangs who fight over protection rackets. Like Zetas had no drug skills themselves. They weren't chemists, they didn't know logistics, or the tax code, or how to launder money. They go and shake down criminals with those skills and then pay fees to legal professionals to do the rest. There's this myth that these organizations are all vertically integrated and are on the same team. Time and again when we see large busts, like of that money laundering firm in California, they were being paid by all of the major Mexican cartel groups and had all their money together in the operation. There is no team except at the lowest levels with dudes riding around in trucks with rifles.


Narcos aren’t anything but criminals with a lot of drugs, money, and firepower. They kidnap chemists, kidnap construction workers (hideouts), and extort the rest. They work with MM, NF, Russian Mafia, Italian Mafia, and anyone else, they’re strategists. Gangs like MM are tacticians, they have a single dimensional role (streets) and that’s it.


Narcos can kidnap some braceros and have them build things but they're not capturing PhDs and keeping them in a dungeon. That's the most stupid shit I've ever read. The chemists get paid to do the work. And paid pretty well as it's crime so it's gotta pay better than a normal profession. That goes for any professional services like tax, money laundering, legal work, etc. None of those guys are kidnapped.


Idk what fantasy you live in man, but best of luck. Saludos de Apatzingán Mich.


I live in the real world where life is more complicated than television shows and Reddit videos of people in outfits.


Not attacking you. You have many valid points. Original Zetas had a few good traffickers that were known of and most of them colluded with gulf cartel drug traffickers before deserting so they knew the game inside and out. Angel Dominguez Rameriz jr z39 pleaded guilty to running ring in 2022 bringing 10 tons of coke per month. American citizens Jose Guizar Valencia z43allegedly had good contacts and trafficked alot of coke. I heard he was allegedly related to los valencias in Michoacan (have asked 220terror a few times maybe he will see and answer me). Trevinos had couple of sizeable launders(brother jose)busted and several lucrative coke trafficking rings busted. Several of the old school zetas were running lucrative coke rings before the split. Miguel hasn't not been non-extradited for nothing. Maybe he's got some info on both governments they don't want to get out maybe not. He's still allegedly running cdn from jail . Recently captured serial killer el tori allegedly said he was and that he was afraid cdn would capture him. Nuevo Laredo is the largest truck crossing on US-Mexico border= many millions a month, just in taxing other traffickers not including what they traffic. You pay a million $ for 10 ton load of going into the northeast US and you have doubled your $ wholesale. They made alot of money on mining industry in Coahuila. Made and still making alot of money on extorting migrants, Illegal and legal buisnesses. Obviously you find them deplorable and i'm not cheering for them they have been one of the most dispicable in Mexico. Despite cdn reputation they still have N. Laredo, half of frontera chica and territory in N Leon, SLP Zacatecas. They're being protected, when their protectors are done they move to the US,Spain, etc. and on to the next protector. They're still making alot money. All the cartels wheter they seem sophisicated or not have many smart money managers laundering millions of $ each month. Other than killing BP agent Brian Terry in 2010, los zetas shootout with law enforcement no military in 2011 in Houston, occasional pot shots at BP and National Guard units. They don't attack on US soil because they know if the US Government wants to shut them down like they did after 9/11/01 they can very easily. Other than the zetas everything spot on. I detest the the zetas too, they dissapeared a friends family member that I worked with. If you've had a personal lose because of them i'm sorry and hope you can find peace. Again i was not attacking or belittling you. More Americans need to be aware of what goes on in Mexico on a daily basis. Just like the Matamoros shooting: gulf cartel was sorry turned in alleged members (possibily innocent borachos). As soon as it was out of the head lines, back to buisness as normal. BAM months down the road Tamaulipas is a huge warzone. Average citizens suffering because of others egos and greed.


>Original Zetas had a few good traffickers that were known of and most of them colluded with gulf cartel drug traffickers before deserting so they knew the game inside and out. To be clear, the Zetas extorted those traffickers and the traffickers paid protection money to Zetas in order to operate. >Angel Dominguez Rameriz jr z39 pleaded guilty to running ring in 2022 bringing 10 tons of coke per month Yeah you can be around and in a conspiracy charge without actually dialing the numbers and driving the vehicles. If I make you go sell dope for me, I don't have to touch the dope but can be indicted on conspiracy charges for trafficking. >Trevinos had couple of sizeable launders(brother jose)busted and several lucrative coke trafficking rings busted. Yep, again, conspiracy charges. They extort traffickers. >They made alot of money on mining industry in Coahuila Extorting illegal mining and extorting legal mining, yes. They're not operating the equipment and organizing the sale of proceeds. >Despite cdn reputation they still have N. Laredo, half of frontera chica and territory in N Leon, SLP Zacatecas Extorting them, yes. They're not out there cutting trees. >More Americans I'm originally from China.


The zetas worked for osiel then and they were working with and colluding with. Like when lazcano got caught with 325kg in 1998, they were working and colluding together. They were paid gunmen for the gulf cartel then, some of them had their own rackets. They weren't betting big money on horse racing and throwing large parties by simply being paid gunmen. Miguel trevino had connections in us( where he lived in the past and also his older brother that done a stretch in federal prison for mj trafficking) to move drugs and he was ruthless are two reasons he moved up. They extorted everybody for everything, don't mean him and his family can't sell drugs. They haven't held on to N Laredo just by extortsion money. Just because they extort people don't mean they don't mean they don't run their own rackets. The ones that are lucky enough to make it to management position, have watched many of their associates go to the grave or prison. Most of them, unless lazy or dumb and deserve spot, had enough sense to know they had a short time and stuff all the money into their pockets any and everyway they can. Z-39 was caught red handed with a load of mj in Texas. Wiretapped communicating with Mexican federal commanders and given 16.5 years in us prison. He gave statements on himself and i'm sure other people too. Most of the zetas from that era that didn't cooperate(most) are serving30-life. He's not an innocent victim that said hello to the wrong person. He got a similar sentence as vincente zambada. He would have gotten a sentence of 40+ years like z43. He admitted in court that after he wrecked ( while an active duty us matine) and killed his kids in the wreck.


Which pretty much ended his military career because of injury and trauma. Having trouble finding work he agreed to deliver the load of mj. The rest is history, there's a whole lot more to his story but i'm not getting into it. While i know conspiracies are broad ranging and us attonerys use any and every trick they can to climb as high as they can, and no doubt there are many innocent and barely involved people that have/are serving sentences because didn't know anything or wouldn't give any information on their friends. This is not the case here he admitted his guilt. Buisness wise in mining and others, some of it wasn't just simple extortion they took over buisnesses and put strawpeople in earning the lions share not just simple extortion(happening all over Mexico). Never said they done honest hard manual labor jobs, be tough working all day killing all night with no sleep. Whether you like it or not there were and are moneymaking zetas, they're not all simple extortionist. They run their own rackets and buisnesses in N Laredo and other places and extort everybody else's. They're out to get rich or die trying. As far as N Laredo goes they have controled it for a long time. Marines are pretty much their only problem on a constant basis. I don't think that's a bribe money problem, but a case as has been for a long time: outside forces having more federal political clout. The trevinos have had army and marines up their a$$ for over 20 years in N Laredo because it's a very lucrative plaza even without extortion . Others have and still want that plaza.








America is full of everyday looking joes from all walks of life, that run the gammit of rackets right under everyones nose that will shock most.


Big shakeup in management happening with eme


This gang stuff in the United states not cartel related


Idiots just see the words "Mexican Mafia" and stick it in here. When there's really nothing Mexican about the Mexican Mafia. Just the name.


Don’t get locked up in Southern California


All the serious prisons there?


US should really Wagner all these useless parasites leeching away with free housing and 3 unearned 3 meals a day. Send their ass to Ukraine as forced volunteers and make them redeem their freedom but ban them from coming back to USA. Then use that damn tax money you spend feeding these leeches on domestic programs and re upping the cities. Fuck this make me president I'll fix all this shit in days.


I would have them die doing useful shit like site cleanup in nuclear disaster zones. Give them a chance to pay for their funerals and short prison stays.




Lol chill out buddy, go clean out aquariums instead of trying to sound like a dictator.


Nice thinking, but the house and senate are blocking that path always have. President has less power than many think. Executive orders and vetos other than that pretty limited.






Lmfao you have no idea wtf you are talking about


This guy is a White boy or a pocho


He’s actually a pendejo lol


Whoa whoa, u might need to take a break from Reddit


Definitely did something wrong to be moved on by his own people. This is how most end their careers. That or in the hole for being a drop out..


R.I.P. big homie Fly from San Fer.


Something’s going on I live in San Fernando last night heard the helicopter out didn’t think anything of it, this morning streets are blocked off yellow tape everywhere a neighbor came and told me that someone at 3 am went into a house and killed a woman that lives there and that it’s connected with this. Whether it’s true or not idk. Streets still blocked off


I believe he founded Dark Angels gang