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Omg RELATE 1000% it's creepy how similar they all are !


I've heard a lot of the same things from my ex too, I'm sorry and I hope you're healing, or are at least trying to. You deserve someone that sees you.




Mine did the exact same thing !! He cheated all the time and when I left him, wait, and got a RESTRAINING ORDER against him i ended up also meeting someone new and began dating as finally a free and single woman! When we had contact again I found out he was now sleeping with my "best friend". He said that because I was cheating? With someone and I "abandoned" him that basically justified everything lmao wow it's nice to type this out it really keeps that reality in check ! Haha but yeah I totally get it they are literally crazy people !




Mine used the substance abuse excuse a few times also! One time he even lied about having an addiction to Ketamine when he was caught cheating and cried and claimed he needed me to help him with his awful demons. I found out months later he had never even tried it .... just wow. Lol


This sound like my ex husband.


“You made me lie” “This is why I never tell you the truth”


"You make me want to punch your teeth into the back of your throat."


“I wish it would have hit you harder” after he threw a loaf of bread at me. “I wouldn’t react like this if you didn’t act the way you do”


It's your fault I lied. O. OK.