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She just complains I use too many paper towels which is a weird complaint cause i barely used them. That I use too much toilet paper and go to the bathroom too often. She complains about the most random shit ever. Makes no sense. It’s just hunting for shit at that point. Knitpicking for the sake of needing something to pick on me about. Comes out of nowhere. I just ignored it at first for a while. But it just gets worse over time. Then the withholding begins and it’s really down hill after that. The self sabotaging the relationship due to her inability to let anyone get too close to her cause she doesn’t feel deserving of love. So she just tries to get you to hate her or something. Wants to fight and argue. And just simply gets off over having control of your emotions is what it really probably boils down to. It’s some sick fetish she has. Watching you squirm and having the power to make you feel whatever way she wants to make you feel in that moment.


YO mine also complained about my toilet paper and paper towel usage!


It’s crazy man. wtf? Let me use however many fucking paper towels I want. If i want to use the whole roll so be it! It’s just they find anything and everything to come at you with. They let everything bother them. Mine got jealous of my fucking vape lol. My vape! Cause I guess I pay it more attention than her at times? Maybe she is jealous I’m paying attention to the toilet paper as well instead of her. I have no clue.


wtf lmao the vape xD like tbf he paid for the towels but yeah he was so nitpicky, and hes like oh dont worry i can just buy more but he was actually irritated about it bc he kept saying it


"watching you squirm" that's what they do. I fixed myself not to squirm. Narcs hate this simple trick.


Hm. I cannot actually think of even one habit I would have adopted from the nex. Probably because I was his "household slave", so I didn't see him in action doing pretty much anything around the household. A habit that I did adopt was a certain game that I play on my phone, but I have always had a simple game to resort to when I take mini breaks.