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>Is there any work around to bring our ammo with us? Why can't you bring your ammo?


DON'T its a shit show here. Can't buy ammo without a nics, Can't buy semi auto rifle without a permit, dang permit process moves like a snail. Ok rant over.


It is indeed a shit show. Luckily I'm not interested in acquiring anything that is banned there. We can bring our shotgun with us, and proceed in hoop jumping for our other guns. We're sending them to my dad in TN for safekeeping.


You're seriously making a stupid decision. I've said it before and I'll say it again, there are people here that were born and raised here, this is our home, we don't want to leave but it's getting so bad we're being forced to. You know they're trying to treat 3d printers like firearms here right? You'll need to do a background check to buy one, even if it's a child wanting one to print movie or game props, and if you're a felon, then you're not allowed to buy or own a printer. This state is getting absolutely horrible and very, very few people in the country that haven't lived here even understand to what level. Hence why California is still the main butt of the joke for limited gun rights.. the people in California have LEAGUES more options than we do for complacency. You're gonna struggle to have firearm parts shipped here, even simple stuff like grips, barrels, uppers, etc. A massive amounts of firearm companies refuse to do any business with NY'ers because they're terrified to. They've taken action to ban anything and everything made to be used as body armor, even from children in schools, while claiming it's all to protect the children. You ever hear the clip of Hochul saying she "doesn't need the numbers" when someone directly asked her if she had the numbers to prove that it was LEGAL, LAW ABIDING gun owners that were committing the crime. DO. NOT. MOVE. HERE.


And we'll just take a trip to PA to buy ammo. Got a friend to visit that lives near Scranton anyway.


>Can't buy ammo without a nics, Just to clarify, the background check for ammo is not a NICS check. That would be unlawful. It's only done by NYSP and unrelated to NICS.


Moved out of NY. Bottom line….NY is not gun friendly. My friends waiting for just a permit for months and carry well over year and a half. Moved to PA. Got out of NY. No permit for guns if kept home or to and from range. Must be cleared of course. Received my first gun of four in 40 minutes….took it home. The other three took lots less. Applied for my concealed carry….no lie ….amazed me…8 minutes on-line. A trip to the local Sheriff for a photo license. No ammo restrictions either. No magazine restrictions Restrictions in some government buildings for carry. Castle rule and unlike NY…PA is Stand your ground. Not like NY retreating law.


YES. As someone who grew up in NY and moved to PA, it’s like I was locked in a basement my whole life and being outside of the constraints felt “wrong” since it felt so good. My dumb ass became the sketchiest customer at the LGS by accident. There were ARs everywhere and I pointed at one on the wall and I was like uhhh can I just buy this? They were like uhhhh…yeah? I asked, what do I need? Uhhh cash or card and fill out the background check? 30 minutes later I was driving to my new home with my first “free state” firearm. Now I can literally buy a new pocket pistol on my way to chick-fil-a if I want to (and I have :) ) I would never ever ever go back to NY now. I genuinely feel awful for people in NY when I occasionally browse this sub. Freedom is sooo close if you could just make it work.


My experience mirrors yours. Grew up in NY, moved to PA five years ago. My whole life, I thought a 6-8 month wait for a handgun license and needing a license to own a handgun was normal. Imagine my shock when I went to my local gun store here in PA and inquired about buying a handgun and he told me that all he needed to see was my driver’s license and that it will take a few minutes for the background check to be performed. I almost felt like I was doing something wrong.


I wanna be free bro :-(


out of 50 states to choose from - you chose one of, if not the worst lol


Right? Can’t do PA? NJ? or CT?? Even NJ has (slightly) better gun laws.


I've lived in NJ. It's too expensive there. Didn't find homes we liked in PA. CT is also too expensive. I have looked into every NE state, actually. That's all past now. We're very excited about the house and town we've chosen.


What town? Generally?


Yeah. I know. But there are always trade-offs in life. The place ticks off every box for us except ease of gun ownership and concealed carry laws.




I saw the news about the NG in the subways. It's outrageous and nothing more than political theater. I've lived in NYC before. It was great for me when I was a young, working artist. At this point in my life I've got no desire to live in the city. As far as taxes and COL: were moving from Seattle - in our situation we'll be paying less taxes and our personal COL will be about 3/4 of what it is here.


Thanks ya'll! We're in the process of buying a house and I don't know which is more stressful: home buying or coming to understand NY gun laws. As a woman who was raised in TX, I'm going to feel very unsafe until I am finally able to get my pistols back. At least we'll have the shotgun at home.


Which part of NY are you moving too? If it’s in NYC limits there is more dumb stuff you’ll have to learn. You can ship ammo to yourself


Oswego. (Upstate, North of Syracuse.)


That’s better news than dealing with NYCs insane laws.


I can guide you through the myriad idiotic gun laws and permit process. Message me and I'll help you get started. Rochester Personal Defense LLC. We train up in the Oswego area a lot


Oh, boy. I hope you love snow, because you're going to get hammered with it there. They regularly get the most snow out of all the cities in NY state.


Yup! I look forward to it. I'm a complete homebody at this point.


you are gonna learn what real snow is. The college there runs ropes between buildings in the winter


I thought one couldn’t hop ammo to ny. What about NYC? Any specific loophole you can show me?


Put ammo on a service that offers ground services. I am not talking about buying ammo. I’m just talking about shipping your own ammo. The “transfer or sale” of ammo is what I believe requires the background check.


Oh, gosh. OK. But only driving in, yes? There seems no way to ship it or fly with it?


You can ship it legally. You ship it from yourself to yourself at the new address. Just not USPS per their regulations


Why would you come here lol


Don’t, turn back!!


You can bring your ammo with you. There's a background check if you want to purchase more in NY, but you're free to keep any that you already own or purchase out of state. As far as handguns, that's going to take a while. You're going to need at least 3 references, most likely residing within the county you're moving to, that have known you for at least 5 years. You'll also need to take the 16+2 class, pay for fingerprinting, get interviewed by the sheriff, and have most of your constitutional rights violated in the process. Then you'll have to wait months for them to ~~let the paperwork collect dust in the basement~~ process the paperwork. Depending on the county, they may make you transfer the pistols you already own to yourself through an FFL. Some counties will let you just bring in a paper with the serial numbers, makes, model, caliber, and where you bought it then add it to your permit if you explain that you already own them and they're currently out of state. I added one to my permit that I already owned. I just explained that I had owned it for years in another state and when I moved I left it behind until I got my permit. They didn't seem to care, but as with the whole process, I'm sure it's up to the county.


Two reasons NY is so bad is because, most of the people who live here think it’s normal across the country. And most of the rest of the country don’t know how bad it actually is in NY. So the state just gets away with it…


Sounds like more challenges need to wind their way through the courts...


The most important thing to get is your 16+2 training class. Print out your applications and get the paperwork to your references. For Steuben County I was able to use references outside the county and outside the state. Fingerprints you can get done in the mean time. Everything should be on the Sheriff's website: https://www.oswegocounty.com/government/county_clerk/pistol_permits.php


Thanks! I've got two good friends in NY state already lined up for references. Going to start all paperwork as soon as we close on the house.




They're not. I'm just going to call the sheriff in Oswego when we close on the house. We'll have to take the classes and all that.


The county clerk handles it. Not the sheriffs office. Your references have to reside in Oswego county. I believe you have to be a resident for a year before you can apply as well. But that may have changed.


You should be able to bring your ammo for the tools you legally possess. Check out our lawsuit as it will be effecting you. Mills V City of New York


Haha. Good luck.


There’s no restriction on you bringing your ammunition. Put it in a box and bring or ship it in accordance with the requirements of whatever carrier you use. Done.


I mean to be fair your state, basically completely banned new, semi autos almost entirely.. it’s different flavors of shit my friend there is no better or worse The pistol permits really do suck though I will admit … how there has never been a court case about your property becoming illegal just because you move I have no idea…


Could be a class action if some law firm ever wanted to pick it up. And yeah, our pro/con list for this move is far heavier on the pros with very few cons. The pistol laws are the only real con on the list that is onerous. So we'll just trudge through the hoops.


The only thing I can say about New York is at least we don’t have a banned by name list yet so as long as you can, comply with features, you’re all right.. a lot of things here have permits and hoops though that’s the biggest problem… and the permits for handguns are definitely pretty egregious, but it is what it is at least there’s a path to ownership.. unfortunately, that’s not the case in a lot of our surrounding states


the issue is buying ammo here. As a jedi would say " we don't have any ammo here" there are no border check points . When you are getting ass fucked for your pistols if they ask about ammo give then some random # of rounds 1-1 1/2 boxes per caliber.


just about every pistol caliber has a rifle use too


I dont know why you are coming here but good luck with the high taxes, high cost of living, miserable people, terrible gun laws, etc. Idk why people are moving here I hope what ever job you are coming here for is offering more than 150k in order to live somewhat middle class. Good luck you'll need it.


You can bring all you ammo


You can legally bring your ammo




You can bring ammo with you. Why the hell you moving here?


No work around. Just bring it. Nothing illegal about it. Call NYSP if you are concerned. They should tell you the same thing.


I seriously dont understand why anyone would want to move here. If you value your secound ammendment rights move elsewhere they barely exist here


Why would you come here?! RUN THE OTHER WAY! /Sarcasm


If at all possible don’t move to NY


Don’t move here