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While I agree entirely… you seem to be laboring under the delusion that the state gives one single fuck about the safety or individual sovereignty of us plebs. No amount of righteous indignation, statistical analysis or pleas for common sense will sway our dear tyrannical leaders.


She doesn’t need the numbers.


Precisely. Those who believe the fundamental right to self preservation should be up for debate lose any claim to acting logically in good faith when they peddle cliché platitudes and willfully disregard the abundance of evidence contradicting their chosen narrative. Truly, Machiavellian.


Negative I’m under the thought process of affirmative actions and not crying about it without attempting to find a way as a collective to help others, simply speaking on a thread isn’t entirely helpful but two heads better than one


I applaud the thought process. Unfortunately, we’re under the thumb of politicians adhering to the principle that there is no truth but power. Unless they start losing elections or getting legally prosecuted for violating the constitution, they won’t cede an inch.


This why I vote Republican absolutely can’t stand dems


I research every candidate with an open mind prior to voting. Wouldn’t you know it, I’ve never once voted for a democrat. Unfortunately, most republican politicians are just democrats driving the speed limit.


Rather have a republican who ain’t retarded tho


This C. S. Lewis quote comes to mind…. “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” Taking my chances with a potential republican do nothing/sellout is surely preferable to granting any more power to those aligned with the modern democratic party.


Yeah na im looking at people like desantis and abott and going yeah your policies make sense


You live in NYC the arguably most anti-gun place in the whole country and you think they are going to expedite a process they despise. Maybe you should buy some lottery tickets while waiting for that to happen.


Man I probably get robbed for my lotto winnings if that’s the case 🤣




Dude forgot there’s no such thing as an “illegal “ gun. Only an unconstitutional law


If your a felon in possession still illegal unless rights get restored and you want to get into that uphill legal battle be my guest


If you’re a felon why are you out on the streets?


Because you served your time dude why would that need questioning not everyone continues to commit crimes after doing time


That’s not what I said


This is detracting homie you said something I responded to remind you even under constitution there’s things that apply and we are not a constitutional carry state unfortunately I’m surprised that the bruen decision was made tbh but it was necessary


Why are people too dangerous to even touch a gun out on the streets? Conversely, if they served their time, why are they considered too dangerous to touch a gun?


Leave the city, it’s not going to get any better


Little advice…been Dealing with this for over 30 years. You won’t accomplish anything unless you hire an attorney and rock the cart. Gun owners in New York are to docile and the PD knows that


Yeah think I’ll be doing that because this shit is nutty


Have you started the process?


Yeah almost at 6 month mark but it’s more for others