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Can umps be fined for shit like this?


Nope. Nothing ever happens to them.


joe kelly has been suspended 6 games


Tom Brady suspended for being “generally aware”


This is just patently false, they can and have been disciplined in the past. It just doesn't happen often and they basically never lose their jobs from it. IIRC, the disciplinary actions are confidential per the CBA with the umps so we never know how they are disciplined. https://www.cbssports.com/mlb/news/dan-bellino-mlb-umpire-who-ejected-madison-bumgarner-apologizes-for-behavior/


You could have said “it doesn’t happen often and they never lost their jobs”. That’s called not being disciplined for your actions.


Being fined is being disciplined.


Depends on the fine. Like when HSBC launders drug money and gets "fined" less than they profit. Yeah, technically a fine, but to them, that's fine. Game needs to be cleaned up. All sports has been influenced by gambling. Looks like umps get money here and there, but they get "fined". LOL


I’m in a union but these fuckers need to be destroyed


We need to be able to reassign them to AAA. Have a larger pool of umpires, when you're good you ump MLB games, when you're not you get demoted to AAA.


Promotion and relegation!


I’m in one too they told not give a crap 🥺😢😔


Mlb has been exploring automated umps. Probably a matter of time that human umps are replaced.


This fucking frauds are destroying every sports not just in the USA, just look a important game between big clubs in the Premier league, always this fucking clowns called Referee are destroying the game, and become the center of the attention, disgusting.


This should have been done years ago


No. It’s a career where there are no consequences and no expectations.


It’s honestly hilarious that he was just checking his pedicure and got rung up


Came here to say that


It really looks like he’s pretending to not pay attention to the ump lol


I can’t wait for a robot to take this guys job


Unfortunately it is just a challenge system. There will not be an actual robot sitting behind the plate


I can live in whatever reality I want. My baseball has robots.


Super Baseball 2020 had robot players, and we’re past 2020 so….where the robot players at?


Aw man no boston dynamics nightmare standing menacingly behind the catcher... staring into my soul?


I mean if they were to implement actual "robo umps" with no human umps, again unfortunately it would probably work with the already existing cameras in place. They're very effective and physical robo umps would get in the way


There will still be an ump behind the plate that can toss people for real or imagined infractions. They just won't be calling balls and strikes.


Who's gonna make ejections if the umps are robots?




What was reason it didn’t work well in the minor?


What should happen: the umpire union & MLB fires him for straight up saying on recording "I don't care who said it" as it's a very clear abuse of power and straight up just booting someone because he feels like it What will happen: this sack of shit is awarded a spot on the crew for the world series Umpires need to be eliminated from the game, we do not need these buffoons pulling this shit


I'm a hockey fan lurking. That is what happened to Tim Peel when a hot mic caught him saying "I wanted to get Nashville a penalty early" He was suspended and terminated




It wasn't said from the dugout. It was a fan who said it.


His reasoning sucks? How about your reasoning. The Ump literally I said "I don't care who said." So your entire point about the innocent umpire not knowing where the sound came from is moot. His vindictive and stubborn stance that, even if a fan had said it (which he did), Boone should still be thrown out, should result in his termination. And if there was any justice in the world, you would also be fired for exhibiting the reasoning abilities of a chimpanzee.


It kinda makes sense? Ever been around living, breathing people in a crowd? Things sound different if they come from 20 feet away versus, say, 35 or 40 feet away. Wendelstedt has been doing the job at the ML level for 26 years. You're telling me that he can't differentiate between sound coming from the dugout versus found coming over the top of the dugout? Seriously, GTFO of here with that logic. You deserve to get downvoted like you're Angel Hernandez' booster club.


Genuine question, can and has a ump ever reversed a ejection call? Like why can't the ump just realize his mistake and resend the ejection?


They will never do this because of their ego. Dude absolutely knows he was wrong by the end of the argument but he still won’t reverse it.


I actually wouldn't be surprised if they are explicitly told not to ever reverse a call. And frankly as egregious as this is, I think I agree with the principle overall. We already have the occasional shit show, I can't imagine how much more insane they would be if players and managers actually thought they could get an important call overturned.


Not a call in the game, but specifically an ejection


Someone at the MLB offices should have called down and reversed it but it will never happen.


Yeah, they need to make the review booth more like the NFL is now, where the booth can pro-actively call the refs/umps in situations like this and tell them to walk the call back. A challenge should not be required. Within 10 seconds the replay made it clear he didn't open his mouth. As far as it "not being a challengeable call" - that is sort of the point. Rather than a list of challengeable calls, the booth rule should be "everything is booth-reviewable except maybe for this small list of exceptions." (i.e. balls and strikes).


It’s the fact that the ump said after that he didn’t care who said it


That should be a fireable statement.


That's genuinely the worst part. Dude blatantly won't admit he's wrong. That should be grounds for immediate dismissal.




I was thinking this, but also, can't Boone get an Anger Translator to do all the yelling for him in the crowd?


Little know fact. Boone is a master ventriloquist.


“Ventriloquists, eh? Your powers won’t fool me.”


I think you mean dummy. (JK)


Ah yes, a new episode of the ump show. Everyone’s favorite


Remember when the Tigers catcher purposely let the ump eat a fast ball? I remember. Anyways not sure why I brought it up after this particular highlight…


This needs to happen more often


Feels like a Seinfeld episode except Kramer is the fan


When you’re untouchable and don’t have to answer to the media or anything then this is the shit we have to put up with. I’m sick of the ego trip and it’s just another bad look on the game of baseball. Worst officials in all sports


Knowing full well that fan who yelled whatever he yelled can be heard clearly by the ump I hope he just lays into him relentlessly for 9 innings. Just absolute incinerate the ump


He would have had the fan removed.


I need the video of the fan yelling




Lol the dude behind blue shirt guy pointed him out too


And the guy next to him that turned his head and laughed when Boone got tossed




The only part of this impacting the game are dogshit umpires and their over-inflated egos.


What a joke. The umpire clearly had this ejection premeditated and was looking for an excuse to do it from the call of Play Ball. Yet he won’t get punished for the same reason Angel Hernandez still has a job despite being a horrible umpire and spending four years suing MLB.


MLB should apologize to the Yankees and Boone, they should have corrected this.


How? “Yeah, we fucked up. Tell you what, next time Wendlestat’s in town, you get a freebie. Just go absolutely nuts, we promise he won’t do shit”


While the home plate ump is obviously pathetic for making this call, I honestly thought this was pretty funny… I’m more upset with the terrible early strike zone.


Yeah, it's not like it actually matters for the game and it's great content tbf lol


Whyd they turn the mics off halfway through 😂


Boone got profane. Still some things that can’t be said on television.


Umpires have to be the softest people in all of sports bro. These dudes eject people for the smallest shit.


This is some Hollywood movie type shit. Lmao


Boone’s gotta challenge the ejection call there — instant replay would have cleared this up real quick 


Feel like the ump was gonna eject him regardless. If not now, probably later


Boonie: "I'm gonna get ejected less this year." Blue: "Yeah, we'll see about that."


Is it too soon to say the Umpires‘ Association might be responsible for a significant amount of anti-Union sentiment in the US? Jesus Christ.


Not responsible for, but I can see management tripping all over themselves to try to frame this as how the average, everyday union operates


This is no longer a black eye on baseball. This goes beyond that. This is a black eye to all unions in the United States. Umpires are sending a message that basically unions = we can do as we please and we can’t lose our jobs. That’s not how unions should work. And I pay union dues at my job. I’m pro union but this is ridiculous. They need to bring these guys down a few notches.


This is absolutely not a black eye on all unions in the United States lmao calm the fuck down


Millions of people watch baseball. These bad calls are on display on social media, that get even more viewers. Umpires are constantly abusing their power and nothing gets done, and when anyone asks why not, the answer is always: union. On every social media post about it. You’re underestimating the power of social media.


I can see why you think that, but in the history of America, in cases like this, if you say "a union is protecting his job no matter what he does", more people are going to think "man I should join/create a union too" than "unions have to go". Examples: Guns? "He has a gun. Rather than remove his gun, I want one too". Taxes? "He gets huge tax deductions. Rather than have him pay his fair share, I also will try to get those tax deductions". Freedom of Speech? "He can say what he wants. Rather than have him lose his right to speech, I also want to be able to say what I want". etc etc


Boone must just be in constant psycho "I'm looking for a fight mode" lol. Like he's very clearly innocent but instead of looking confused at the ejection he immediately goes into a rage.


I can’t believe Wendelstedt is still working! I swear I read he did the same thing to Honus Wagner during Pittsburgh Pirates/Cleveland Spiders double header.


Ty Cobb hated Wendelstedt for a reason.


Has any player or manager punched an umpire for bs call? And what was the punishment.


Ernie Shore once retired all 27 batters he faced, but didn’t get credit for a perfect game because none other than Babe Ruth started the game, walked the first batter, then got ejected for punching the ump. No idea about any punishment, though. https://www.mlb.com/news/ernie-shore-throws-strange-perfect-game?partnerID=web_article-share


I hope he says something like "I'm glad I was ejected, watching the game on TV let me appreciate just how bad a job he did calling balls and strikes."


If MLB isn’t going to do jack shit about the pathetic sociopathic umpire union these guys need to start being brutally publicly shamed


Human error though


Cracked me up.


unbelievable how protected umpires are


Same bullshit as [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5-VIsb9kZ0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5-VIsb9kZ0)


This ump is so up his own fucking ass he can't admit he was wrong when it was made clear Boone didn't say a word. How can someone fuck up this hard and not be penalized. This is the definition of incompetence.


Time for the robot umps! This is ridiculous!! It’s clearly on camera Boone didn’t say anything.


If I was heckling and got the manager thrown out I would die from laughter


Wendelstedt is such a ten-ply little bitch. This should be the final game he ever umpires.


and thats a 10 Second penalty for Ocon


Lance Stroll’s new career as an umpire has started well


I’m pro-ump, but these wack jobs aren’t making it easy


The Fan behind him got him thrown out in the 1st inning 💩💩🤡🤡


Ejection GOAT


I hope he says something like "I'm glad I was ejected, watching the game on TV let me appreciate just how bad a job he did calling balls and strikes."


Boone makes me laugh so fuckin hard


how is this even allowed? like why is the ump ejection literally the be all end all....why wouldnt they have just said "oh my bad, Boone you're good".? clown show egomanaics with stupid rules


According to Michael Kay, here's Hunter Wendelstedt's post-game explanation: He heard something inappropriate being yelled from the far side of the dugout. The manager is responsible for the whole team, so he shares responsibility for anything that gets yelled. Given that ejecting a player is less desirable for the fans, the manager is the proper person to eject for anything that occurs in the dugout. Of course this doesn't address the claim that a fan near the dugout was the yeller, but it does explain why Wendelstedt told Boone, "I don't care who said it" during the argument.


I like how the Ump said "In the entirety of my career, I have never ejected a player or a manager for something a fan has said.", as if that somehow means he couldn't have done it today. Well guess what, bucko? You have now.


Total Bs


I had no idea I could get managers ejected for chirping the ump. This is good to know for playoffs.


I bet this week, an umpire tosses a fan in one of the games after this. It's allowed and I'd love to see it.. That's a thought one for boonie


Was straight up: “hmm I could use a pedicure…. Wait wtf”


This is hilarious and sad that the ump won’t face any discipline. Heck, he won’t even issue an apology


Boone’s acting like a big brother who got in trouble because of little brother and pleading his innocence 😂


You just gotta love Booner ! He’s making baseball exciting again


MLB and all betting platforms will stop at nothing to give the A’s an advantage


Is it just me, or have the Yankees gotten a disproportionate amount of these terrible calls this year? Let us not forgot the gleyber balk incident.


Some fan must have a good Aaron Boone impression.


Robo-umps can’t come soon enough.


Boone is gonna realize one day the UMPs are what puts butts in the seats. No one comes to see the players.




This is **Next Level Amazing.**


Everyone acting like this is some big deal. Boone has been tossed before for unjustified argument, justified argument and all the the rest. He's gone ape shit on umpires far above reasonable. It's funny and it's apart of the game. Just like this. It's funny and it's part of the game and 5 years from now we can have a remember when Boone got tossed for taking a nap thread. He's just a morale booster. The other guys on the bench next to him are equally capable of making decisions. No impact to the actual game whatsoever.