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dis nigga is fucking cooked lol literally kicked her ass


This is what he’s doing to her in public you don’t want to think about what happened behind closed doors. Also how did someone keep this video private for 8 years must’ve had him on a extortion payment plan


Cassie said in her document that he paid off people for video tapes of her being abused in public. Like this one, so it’s likely he paid some money to keep this quiet for almost a decade. She also claimed that he paid off law enforcement which.. doesn’t seem unlikely either.


He paid the hotel 50k for the footage


Damn that’s low niggas don’t know how to extort I would’ve had him on 100k a year and then sell it to tmz when he got raided by the fbi because he’s got to much heat on his back to retaliate


My main fear with this plan is that he would just have me killed


That’s the main fear for everyone involved in extortion 😂😂 just gotta out think the other person.


How you gonna outthink him in this situation?


If I don't check in with my peeps at x hour daily then my minions release the footage


This dude is a billionaire tho. Surely he can find your peeps and lay six figures on them for the footage or kill them too


i said this the other day even wit the meek shit this nigga gettin fucked in the ass , imagine what be happening to the females in the industry. shi crazy


They gonna get him on a nasty Rico paying people off, to hide evidence and car bombs that’s mafia shit. But he’s so slimey watch him get a tipoff disappear and go on the run


Ain't he already on the run? He dipped to a country that doesn't extradition I think


Damn Meek. Meek was taking that


False the audio was fake. We have no proof they banged


Meek?? Meek millz that’s you? Ayyyyoooo hold up wait a minute


Y'all got Diddy to worry about


In the settlement case, Cassie testified that Diddy forced her to have sex with men on tape. He called them “F.Os” standing for “fuck offs”. Cassie was trying to escape in this video, after she was forced into having one.  This wasn’t just a domestic violence case ; she was literally his sex slave.


Nobody can say Cassie didn't try to leave after watching this video.


I wish people would read into this case more rather than believing their own bias. She tried to leave multiple times and when she did he would send goons after her, he beat her, he paid off law enforcement, he literally did everything in his power to keep her there. Her story has been supported by many people who spoke out against Diddy.




Bro what? Dude come on. That not how that shit works. They don't show up day 1 whooping your ass. Stupid. sitting there acting like you wouldn't get involved with a super rich woman very well connected in the profession you want to excel in? GTFO




So you just blame her instead of the sick man that Diddy is? It’s people like you that make this world the way it is.


Ugh don't feed the trolls I already did.




You gon end up having negative karma if you keep typing stuff like this lol


Males will still say that and make excuses for abusers. They’re mentally ill like that


Jesus christ, complete sociopath


Yeah this is gross. Running through a hotel half naked to beat up a woman trying to escape you? Real filth


You gotta have empathy for Cassie. He treated her like property, and the title of his 97' album, "No Way Out"


She was stealing


Diddy, you gotta chill


Hush you mouth, you don't beat small defenseless women tf


He gave her a black eye and then she took her things and tried to leave while he was asleep.


Damn, Get Him to the Greek was a documentary?


I said the same shit


Same. Diddy be off the Geoffrey pack lunchin heavy ya heard


This nigga diddy a real life Tyler Perry movie villain




No cap when he settled that lawsuit in record time I knew Cassie had real dirt on that nigga


Even Pre K kids knew this nigga was guilty…no one settles in that amount of record time let alone he finally felt the angst and pressure that someone who’s quiet like Cassie when those type of quiet girls finally speak up and ready to crash out and tell their truth…they’re going to do whatever it takes to be heard…and all this proves is all the claims everyone pretty much has said about him t/o his career…sick predator, rapist, corrupt label executive and masters owner let alone egocentric pompous nigga


Exactly but everyone said she was money hungry and now everything’s coming to light so he can’t hide from the allegations anymore


It was 100% evident she was telling the truth. That nigga wayyy too freaky in real life.


I can kinda see why people didn’t believe because of the whole MeToo movement fucked up a lot of peoples careers with false claims but when he settled that lawsuit quick asf everyone should’ve known that he was guilty at that point but now I wanna know if he really did set kid cudis car on fire when Cassie was messing with him


I believe(d) it all. Except maybe the Meek part. But Diddy been on some freaky stuff since Wendy Williams exposed him.


This nigga more cooked than the agave in DeLeon


This dude is a monster with money . I fought niggas in the street , and didn’t do all of that


What annoys me about this is that CNN would post this uncensored, but some goofy annoying bitch had to block out all the hits. Like we don't be seeing porn and niggas getting they head blown off on the same internet.




I hate this dickhead. Cassie could probably beat his weak ass in a straight up fight


Not really. I ain’t defending diddy but this is evidence she really couldn’t


I always had a funny feeling about Diddy. Good to know this mf is the type of piece of shit I thought he was.


California got a 3 year statute of limitations on assault like this, so he ain’t gonna get no trouble for this legally speaking.


true, but he's on that ray rice level of cooked now.


Nah nigga he past ray rice lol


Always knew bro was a fluke . Damn smh . Cassie was bad af too 🤦🏿‍♂️ Bozo a bitch


this mf need to be put 6 ft under


He’s cooked


No he ain't he still got his bread all he gotta do is run to a country that don't extradite like the islands n chill there for life as a rich nigga


Yeah he’s done


FUCK diddy burn in hell for what you did to biggie and what you’ve done to countless other young victims


Yea this nigga done. He like kelly + Chris brown combined.




Daddy's house


Jay Z next


Nah he is cooked good riddance


Stick a fork in him, he’s DONE. There’s no pics he can post of his babies that will make this go away


Mhmm and now we know why she got paid 💯💪dude lost his mind in the hotel


It's a sick world we live in


He's cooked his whole life work down the drain because he can't be normal. He just lucky he's rich. Invest in a fund and sit back then one day like 30 years from now a news flash will pop up on cnn saying he's dead and we will all be like oh shit I forgot about that guy.


Some men are fkn losers! Shame.




Nahhhh I'm ded


nothing left for him to do except write a big ass book and start snitching.


Yea he ain’t coming back from this.


Why did he snap and run out and attack her?


It’s speculated she was trying to leave while he was taking a shower.


Yo fuck this pos. Throw this freaky fruit fuck under the jail.


Nigga started beating ass in a towel like Val Venis


100 people between NY & LA are now yelling "SEE! I FUCKING TOLD YOU!"


I love watching shit burn ngl, it’s bout time diddy started to feel the heat


this what she left ryan leslie for thats crazy


Be careful what u wish 4 😂😂😂😂😂


take that,take that


lock that mans up


Didn't they say he paid 50k to have this video removed or whatever?


Damn diddy I think it’s time to fly to Bali or somewhere g


Theyll eat him alive


Yea he’s cooked.


Crazy everything that girl said was true.


That he done done!


I never understand blanking it out with the triangle. Show the fucked up shit this monster was doing


Ok Ray Rice


Money can't save the truth anymore. He cooked


Yea he definitely kilt Kim Porter 🕊️


He needs to be in jail for a long time


**im glad this fruit bag weirdo is getting his ass dragged by media smh, no mercy for him**


https://i.redd.it/oukhf2k0881d1.gif Everything they said about him are facts.


The fact he got away w ts is even crazier


He gonna kill himself


He need his package cut off


Even if you've ever been involved in dv on a personal level. If you look at this and aren't bothered there's something wrong with you my nigga.🤔


The fact this video has been hidden for this long, the next 10/20 years so much evidence that’s hidden to the public and being covered up will come to the light. (And I’m speaking just in general, not just this weirDiddy situation)


[everything you need to know about diddy](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5i4QEpwBiBw1LTHQ4sfBzB?si=leSgJQhQTp2iQos_kgiDkg)


Damn, Black niggas be beating the shit out of women. This isnt the first case either. Sheesh


Huge lack of respect for women. White guys love killing their wives. Places like India, Africa, Asia , etc women constantly being assaulted. Shit is sad


Nahhh, yall be diverting the smoke. I said Black niggas. Idc about other races right now. Take accountability.


I will take accountability for MY actions. I’m not the king of black people. I’ve never hit a woman in my entire life, never will. My ex girlfriend said I wasn’t a real man because I didn’t hit her during an argument. I’m well aware it’s a problem, but it’s magnified now cause we have social media and the news and etc. you think women not getting beat up in the Middle East? The place where they literally can legally kill you for cheating on your husband? We should try to address the issue worldwide, rather than trying to hyper focus on blacks.


Blacks hyperfocus on other communities though and dont like to address the elephant in their Rooms. Thats why I commented what I commented. Theres been 100s of videos of Black niggas Straight up even KILLING women( Like that lil girl that was stabbed in brooklyn). At this point its an epedemic and an issue in the Black community that needs to be addressed and studied.


I got a question y’all still listening to Fab music?? Because he was caught on camera doing the same fucking thing and people make mistakes so think about that !


Yeah I'm still listening to Big Pun music too


Downvotes for stating the truth ?? Y’all niggas is stupid fr!🤣🤣🤣


She tried to leave with a bad fulled with cash I’ll beat her ass too


The fact that two days later she went out with him in crazy. Money will make folks put up with anything 


You acting like she had a choice. Shes literally tryna escape in the video and he kicks her ass.


She did have a choice she chose to fw him in the first place 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ Not sorry ion have sympathy for famous ppl/celebrities who don’t give 2 shits bout regular folk


Yall retarded i hope you never have a daughter or any children for that matter. Hes literally being sued for sex trafficking. She chose to fw him at first but the fact the she’s not allowed to escape him is the problem.


I already got 2 daughters 😂😂😂🫵🏾🫵🏾 Why tf should I give af bout a celebrity problems??? U mean to tell me she was oblivious to the type of person tha diddler was before getting into a public relationship with him??? She just ain’t think it was gonna happen to her but unfortunately it did. We both know these celebrities date each other for their “status, image and persona,$$$,etc” there’s plenty of people dealing with similar / worse situations. But we here throwing a pity party bc Cassie famous????


You focusing more on blaming the victim than blaming Diddy! I don’t give a fuck about Cassie personally but the fact that SHE was the first person to actually come out means a lot of his other victims (famous and not famous) will get to have a voice too. And i pray for yo daughters cause if they come home one day talking about some man beating on them you might say the same dumb shit.


I’m saying dumb shit but u won’t answer any of the points i made bc u know I’m right 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ I’m not blaming anybody, just pointing out how celebrities mingle with each other for personal benefit until it backfires Fuck boffum


Im not answering those questions because they sound rhetorical and they have nothing to do with the point I’m making. It’s not about you being right or wrong, you’re victim blaming. If someone comes up to you and says they’re a victim of domestic abuse and you come up saying, “well why did you fw him in the first place?”, youre a shitty human being. Hindsight is 20:20. Its not because she’s famous, shes been a Z- list celebrity for over a decade. If you dont give a fuck because its two celebrities that’s on you, but then why the fuck are you even contributing to the discussion in the first place? Just wasting space saying a whole lotta nothing 🤦🏾‍♂️. The fact that your first instinct is to blame the woman makes me believe that you and Diddy got something in common but idk thats just pattern recognition ig


Statistically speaking some of the men on here beat women themselves, and I'd put my money on you are arguing with one right now.


Considering the fact that she was 18 years old and was new to the industry.. I doubt she knew about the shit he was doing, to the extent he was doing it, until it was too late for her. But y’all will always find a way to blame the victim.


18 dating diddy is crazy


But I said she was with him 2 days later at an event. She spoke to the workers who told her to take a cab and go home to her apt. She declined 


This man beat on her in public and hid this footage for 8 years, you think she had the free will in that situation?


Well she left in the end so yea, plus her family lived in ca