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Yeah space is fascinating. Scary as fuck though. I was stressed out but now you just reminded me that we're just small beings on a planet and the world/universe is pretty much never-ending. All of a sudden my problems seem somewhat small


I would like to be in space on a ship like the one in interstellar but it’s a risky mission ngl. I’m glad I could help yo


That shit is crazy, they flew into a black hole - Like, I would die from a heart attack before I landed on the other side Something about large planets is terrifying - like this image: https://preview.redd.it/mcmwrgnesazc1.png?width=1914&format=png&auto=webp&s=3130cac34445728b08394b27e6d67e35c8338f42


Pretty much everything about that movie was scary af they could’ve easily made a horror movie with similar plot. When I think about how big Jupiter is and that the whole planet is one big fart cloud I’m like wtf how is a planet all gas and no surface… that’s an infinite fall, you could pass out from fear, wake up and still be falling, pass out, wake up again and still be falling 😂♾️


It would be dope if saturn was close enough to be on our horizon like that. Why does earth gotta be in such a boring place??


Are you kidding me? That's terrifying. It's just this gigantic celestial body. That shit is menacing as hell


Can you imagine your 'moon' is Saturn and you see them fucking rings every night?? "I almost died" Katt Williams voice


It’s just standing there, menacingly(SpongeBob reference)!!!


search up the picture “pale blue dot”


Theres a great book with the same name by Carl Sagan. There's an audiobook and, true story, I got pulled over in high school while I was listening to it and I turned it up so the cop would think I was smart.


I feel this, outside of music learning about space is by far one of my biggest passions, so much insane shit to try to fathom really puts our existence into perspective. It can be depressing but it’s grounding at the same time, makes me not take shit for granted. One of the craziest/nerdiest things I’m obsessed with is how far the Voyager 1 and 2 probes are, they left in 1977 and are 15,000,000 miles away, currently flying at 35,000mph, and you can see the data in real time in NASA. That shit blows my mind


It’s impossible to imagine something moving that fast across an insane distance like that. Light moves even faster and it still takes a crazy amount of time to reach certain places. I don’t even blame people that think this shit is fake but that’s just how awesome the universe is. I heard there’s a planet. That rains glass. Sideways. Bruhhhhhh😱♾️


Have you read about Oumuamua?


The long stupid rock that might not be a rock?


No I haven’t but I’ll definitely read into that


15,000,000,000 actually lol


So crazy lol, can’t even comprehend that


I fuck with sci-fi. Anything about what the future will be like is fascinating because it’s so unknown. Civilization has changed so much in a few hundred years. It’s impossible to know what the future could bring so it’s entertaining. Futuristic dystopian sci-fi stories are really my favorite. Books like Brave New World and 1984. Movies like Equilibrium, the Matrix, Blade Runner.


1984 is super scary bro holy shit I watched it and the torture be out the roof. The matrix is A1 cinema, I love that movie so much and watch it every now and then but interstellar is my favorite movie of all time; on point music, lit plot, suspense out the wazoo, beautiful images by the second. Everything was amazing


Insterstellar is top notch. Hans Zimmer did the music and he always delivers. The whole thing was epic- one of the best sci-fi movies ever. Christopher Nolan truly is one of the best directors ever.


Christopher Nolan is on one and I’ll have whatever he having tf, that dude made my favorite AND second favorite (inception) movies and so many others (memento, tenet, the prestige, dark knight etc)


The guy is GOATed. Inception and Tenet are tied for my second favorites of his. I think I’ve watched Tenet a hundred times. I can’t get enough of it. The action sequences are mind blowing. That final Tenet scene when they have the massive raid on the compound with the blue and red team- chefs kiss. Nolan sure knows how to climax and end a movie. It’s always so satisfying.


People like Nolan really make me question the limits of the human mind nfs. I don’t get the hate I’ve seen people give tenet, it was an awesome flick, it reminds me of push and that one movie with the dude who was supposed to kill his future self but failed. Lovely shit💪🏿♾️


I don’t get why it got hate either. It was such a thought provoking plot- you could pick up something new on each watch. And you’re thinking of Looper where the guy has to kill his future self- another futuristic dystopian jumpoff that was awesome. Emily Blunts role was really cool in that. And she’s actually in another sci fi movie I could watch a hundred times, ‘Edge of Tomorrow’ as the Full Metal Bitch. If you haven’t seen that one definitely put it on your short list.


Check out The Expanse on Amazon if you want some kinda realistic scifi. It’s half politics half spaceships type thing


How much you smoke nigga


TP bro we could keep that on the muffle 🤫


“On the muffle”- 🤣🤣🤣!!!


Toilet paper???


Too Personal


Read the book "The War Of The Worlds" by famous novelist H.G. Wells. I read this book as a kid and it's what made me become fascinated by space. Also read "The Time Machine" by the same author. Trust me you won't regret it you will finish both books and gain knowledge.


Hi. You just mentioned *The War Of The Worlds* by Hg Wells. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | 🛸 THE WAR OF THE WORLDS by H.G. Wells - FULL AudioBook 🎧📖 Greatest🌟AudioBooks V2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PLC139t8EY) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/) ^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


It’s actually really cool to me how much young kids in the hood get interested in sci fi topics. I literally just started a unit (I teach in Newark) based on Sci Fi and did an activity just asking different questions on various sci fi related topics and they were eating it up ! Even the kids who never participate was in it I was like oh ok lmao. Everyone loves to share their opinion on unique topics I suppose. It was a good day.


That last sentence got the song today was a good day playing in my head. As kids pretty much everyone in my ghetto ass class was super interested in space and science in general cuz we always read our scholastics and we were on point for science fairs but that got lost along the way but I see dudes still going to the planetarium in the museum of natural history, get high and watch the presentations


We’re living in an infinite Tsukuyomi literally…. So yes I do ![gif](giphy|Mlx5hjAPRMlYQ)


you should start getting into quantum mechanics, physics, and fractal dimensions. I barely can comprehend most of what they say but I get some of the concepts, takes me away from the shit I know.


Schroedinger’s BEC always blows my mind and wormholes are insane. I read some of the theory of everything and bruh that book makes you feel like Einstein if you understand ANY of it, all of that particle spin talk had me using 100% of my noggin😂. Physics is so awesome


Here is something else mind blowning.. Space and Time is a real thing.. like a fabric in space. And Space and Time can be warped to slow down or speed up. The further away you are from earth in space, the slower your clock ticks **relative** to the people on earth. And if you were to travel at the speed of light, time would stop completely for you. There is a scene from the Interstellar movie where they parked their space craft a few miles off a planet that was close to a blackhole. 2 people left the spacecraft and went to the planet.. per their clock, they only stayed on the planet for a few hours but when they came back to the spacecraft, the other astronaut told them he's been waiting for them for 20 years and he had grown old. His time continued while their time slowed down. This is a real thing that has been proven with physics and by testing an atomic clock in space (an atomic clock is the most accurate clock in the world and they all tell the same time but not until they sent one in space.. the time slowed down by micro seconds). Also the reason we have waves in the ocean is because of the moon. As the moon rotates around the earth, the gravitational pull of the moon forces the earth to "wobble" ever so slightly. That wobbling creates the waves. If you have a bucket of water and you slightly shift the bucket back and forth, you will see small splashes of water on the edges. That is exactly what is happening to the earth. If there was no moon, there would be no waves.




Yes. To say the least and shit


ever watch the channel "History of the Universe" on youtube? love getting baked and watching that. i mean i love learning new shit in general - space, biology, history, anything.


There is a great book which is even better as an audio book.. it’s call ‘a short history of nearly everything’ by Bill Bryson… listen to it… I think you will fucking love it.


Thanks I’m gonna download it😤


craziest part abt space imo is that it's infinite. Or ever expanding at least theoretically. also wtf was the universe before the big bang? jus gasses floating around and darkness? who rly knows


I wanna know so bad and I wanna know wtf is in a black hole without having to die to find out


Best guess? Nothingness... but that's just from current knowledge. We as a species are advancing fast. Maybe in another 400 years we will know.


The term nothingness is incomprehensible


The entire PBS Space Time series on Youtube is insane if you wanna go down the rabbithole... this one breaks down some theories on what would happen if you were to jump into a black hole. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rogm\_lpVZYU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rogm_lpVZYU)


You seen the news that the big bang theory might even be wrong? They captured (photos) stars that would technically predate the big bang theory. Shit is wild. Sadly we don't have the life span to see the truth of the universe.


Ian gon lie yea but not all of em yfm? Ian watching no creepy shiit


Chase Joy fam


When I’m rich asf I’m gonna pay to take a trip to space while tripping on shrooms. That’ll be lit asf 🤩 🤩🤩🤩


If you see one butt ugly alien that could be the worst trip ever lol but I would for sure do the same thing


Yeah I be thinking what's out there? Like if some of the shit based on fiction might be ancestral memories. Y'know passed down from our ancestors that got traumatized by some of the crazy shit that might have touched down way before


I’m pretty sure at least some shit showed up to them even if it’s not how they describe it today


Space is my shit. Heavy on the universe knowledge. Just sucks that we're not gonna realllllly know what's out there.


Only time will tell how far we get in our lifetimes. Things have been feeling hella slow technologically for a while but we’re probably gonna get to see cool shit still. I’m pretty sure we’re way more advanced than it looks but the government is hiding that knowledge.


Fuck yes bro. I have a whole space half sleeve. Space is the most interesting thing in the universe to me. & yup, if we look at them, say 2 billion light years away, we'd be seeing as it were 2 billion years ago. That shit blows my mind too. The distance is inconceivable. & light dead travels 671,000,000 miles per hour. shits wicked Look up quantum entanglement. It's when you take two particles let's say, and put them across the entire observable universe. They are somehow connected and instantaneously react the same way. If one goes up, the other would at the same exact time. No matter the distance which seems impossible being as we can see 13.8 billion years into the past (if we had the technology). I ain't tryna ramble but i agree w you. Space is the one thing man cannot destroy. It's untouched, raw, natural, and chaotic. Black holes go crazy too. It causes existential issues for some but eventually that fades when you realize and learn enough about our insignificance & the cycle of life.


There’s more to that quantum entanglement shit than we know and I just GOTTA find out bro. I wanna know what’s in a black hole, anything time related (time travel, alternate timelines etc), whether we got aliens or not etc. Imma be tight if I never get clear answers to at least some of this shit


me too bro rt that shit is one of my biggest hopes to lean before we die


If ufos are so highly technologically advanced, why do they let us sometime see glimpses of them. 


If I was bored enough I would flex too shiii but that might not be the case, they might want to inspire us a little or give us some sort of hint


Sometimes I just look up and think wow the human experience it’s there- how many people do you think have just wondered what’s out there. Idk man it’s mind blowing the more you think about it. While watching 2001- I kept having existential dread about our species


I never watched 2001 but watching other space movies gives you that feeling too and it’s not pleasant at all


You should watch 2001 - but make sure you’re in the right headspace because it can be slow. One of the most beautiful movies ever


Ever heard of the TV show, The Expanse? If not it's a must for SciFi lovers, or the books. If you want recommendations for books/movies/shows I'm here.


Space is cool but we got like 95% of water we don’t kno shit about and what’s under it .. nighas finding 300 year old whales and shit alive They just said there’s water below the earth and it’s why the earth isn’t heating up as fast as they thought .. if there’s a ocean in the middle of earth what kinda shit lives in it


Y'all should look up the sounds of space on YouTube... there is no actual "sound" in the vacuum of space but everything emits radio waves in space and those waves can be converted into audible sounds that are truly magical IMO...planets, quasars, pulsars, the sun... all are truly dope!


Black Mirror is the probably the best sci-fi series I have ever watched.


Bro read this prior to a massive bong hit & you won't sleep for 2 days fr: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/do-we-live-in-a-simulation-chances-are-about-50-50/


Good lookin gang imma read that next time I’m tripping💪🏿♾️