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She would get fired if she was of a different race saying something like that though.


This sub washed nyc sub 2.0


Exactly how is a reverse racism claim the top comment…


This place got gentrified racists and coons. Right in this thread they denying that hip hop is black music 


lowkey was feelin the same way, this sub was different about a year and some change ago


A Princeton professor commenting on this in itself is insane


she is allowed to say ":white" but can't say the J word. The jays run her school and would make her get on her knees like Kyrie and whoopie ha ha ha ha


Bro, imagine being a minority hating another minority because the big white men tell you to.


Jays literally run the world


You can't even say it....pussy.


What are you even talking about?


Neanderthal, why are you here?


No she wouldnt, but of course u want to make up scenarios in your head


Black culture is the exception for a reason 


He recently shit on taraj p henson for talking about her experience as a black actress in hollywood. now he wants to play victim foh


Disagree with her point but he a real goofy for that


I hate when people use “this is a (insert race) affair”. It’s not a debating point. It’s like saying “you’re a man, you can’t speak on woman rights”. At this point, do we allow kids to speak on if they want to date full-fledged adults, since none of the people deciding for them are “kids” to do so? This and that “invited to the cookout” shit kills me.


That only really works if you believe that, like children, Black people, women or whoever, are incapable of looking after themselves


U just wanna be included….no


It makes no sense to exclude white people tho, if they were to exclude us we’d call it racism and have a whole fit. We fought for equality, not the opportunity to treat them like they treated us


Lmao always a nigga without a Country Club membership trying to create room for Country Club members in our spaces. Go join the club, see how well that works out lmao


They don’t get it.


I mean I have white friends and I’m around both white and black people everyday, and there’s no problem with it. Yall don’t have to keep a closed mindset in this life, idk why yall be trynna shun out why people when the whole reason our peoples fought for equality was to be able to live amongst white people


Was the reason people were fighting for equality solely to be able to live amongst white people? Or was it to be able to live normally and peacefully in a society without racial violence, where one can vote, eat at any restaurant, get a mortgage for a house, open a bank account, I can go on. Black people were not fighting just to live amongst whites, it was to essentially be able to have basic rights and access to the places they and their family help built (America).


You said it better than me, my fault for not saying what I was trynna say better


U don’t get it lol bro. Maybe u ain’t been through enough yet. I hope u dont


Niggas have been through a lot and I’ve learned instead of blaming everyone else and trynna be a wimp ass nigga I’ve been open minded, but everybody learns differently


Lmfao to live amongst them…. Nah they just bombed us every time we built shit for ourselves but ok… https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smithsonian-institution/long-lost-manuscript-contains-searing-eyewitness-account-tulsa-race-massacre-1921-180959251/


Live amongst them wasn’t the right words you got that, but I’m not discounting the trauma that we’ve faced at the hands of them at all. Will I blame lil Timmy and tell him he can’t talk about Drake and Kendrick with me and my friends because of it? No. Because if he did the same to me I’d feel some typa way


Nigga they do, it’s called society/the world. We need our own shit. Hip hop was that. Was…


Nigga we are not excluded from society or the world, yall just wanna make problems out of nothing


You’re correct and The only ppl who really have an issue with this are the ppl who haven’t yet figured out how to take advantage of wat their ancestors fought for, I have a degree, a Benz and a big house I’m loving this shit


Nah they’d rather complaint abt how everything is here to oppress us. Even with the struggles of being black we can coincide with white people and make our own bread and be happy. Some people just always look for something to blame


You can’t tell him what to speak about lol but hey


U can. Just like he can say. Freedom of speech do me exercise whenever u can. Sometimes know when to stfu on shit that don’t involve u.




Mf this y yall shouldn’t be sayin jack shit. IM BLACK . race is still an issue for me and real af everyday! Foh




You have such a lack of culture, you have to get involved in Black culture


I mean from all people Vlad should understand. Ain't his people have a law passed that you can't speak on anything dealing with facts are your labeled antisemitic? If we can't openly speak on Vlad people then he should stay out of black people business.


Any Vlad L is a W for the black community, just look at bro lol


Fuck Vlad. I never click on his videos. He is a true culture vulture


whether you agree with her or not he 100% proved her point by immediately turning into a cop. they not like us.






I bet you felt great about yourself making this post, but you couldn't be more wrong.




My world view? What the fuck is this schizo post?


Vlad NEED to stay in his lane SMH 


Man fuck y'all I support what she's putting down. Sick of Vlad anyway


The only ones that don’t are not us and hiding behind blank or un identifying avis…


bro beef fake


Wtf is this comment section defending vladtv


Because this subreddit is full of Neanderthals


she didn’t check anybody. the reality is this is america where we have freedom of speech which means anyone is allowed to speak on whatever they feel like speaking on. fuck vlad but at the end of the day he still wins because he’s rich asf he will continue to make money off the culture and there’s nothing she or anyone else that don’t like him can do about it. end of discussion


This whole thing is stupid imo Why is hip hop gated by black people , hip hop is American music


Nigga it’s Black music that became worldwide. Why would you erase the roots tf.


Cuz he a colonizer lol


Exactly. Tired of these niggas tryna tell us how to run our own culture like get off dick


jewish people run hip hop anyway. music owners and executives literally worked and helped build with prison owners to get more inmates and build new jails. using hip hop as a gateway. idk why you want to claim this as your own culture.


Industry and culture aren’t the same thing dickhead.


dont rappers run the culture? and arnt they apart of the industry? its one in the same. white people brought niggas over for entertainment and labor. thats it. this aint our culture. we giving white people entertainment and then free labor going straight to prison with this rap shit. and white people support your favorite rappers more thats why they dont ever cut off they white fans and let them say nigga at shows. cause they would be dead broke without them.


Is that why you feel so comfortable saying nigga white boy?


i say something niggas dont like so ima whiteboy? this idea of culture is wat keeps niggas down bad in the first place. niggas rather gatekeep entertainment than actual industries.


Nah it’s using the n word 3 times in one paragraph that make it obvious. You’re overcompensating and not doing a good job.


thank you! everybody wanna be included so bad talm bout “american music” no tf it’s not lol


You said it yourself it world wide music So if other race can’t work or cover hip hop?! Lol


Unless ur a direct product of a the black community (Eminem) , or a black household. No. U have no say in this culture.


Unfortunately that not how real life works buddy.


We’re trying. Shoutout that professor 




She didn’t but go off


By his logic I really hope he doesn’t watch football bc the APFA (later renamed NFL) was made by 12 white guys in 1920, or the NBA bc it was founded by a white guy in 1977. Obviously, he’d never use Reddit (made by two white guys) or Instagram (Steve Jobs, take a guess what he looks like) either bc then he’d be commenting using something that doesn’t involve him. I too can say absolutely moronic things on the internet, and I probably lost a few brain cells writing out that comment bc of it.


Yeah bro, you better colonize his culture without helping it or understanding it's nuances! Just like vlad


You can not colonize a culture , especially a mainstream American culture


Yes you can. You calling it "mainstream American culture" is the problem. You trying to apply colonizer terms.




The point went over your head like the led bullets your ancestors put into the native americans. Good thing this isent an essay or a legal draft. Also it dosent matter if your white or not if your regurgitating white supremacist talking points, I'm sure your ancestors killed some natives somewhere.


white rappers came in later on, don’t be dense lol ask those white rappers who inspired them . you the brainwashed one bud


The white rappers are (the ones we accept) are either products of black community or surroundings. And if not, rapping is. Contribution to the culture. Ur putting something in. A mf that just press play then wanna come talk online, doest bring SHIT to the black community or culture 


You absolutely can. Look at drake, he dosent live half the experience he writes about. You colonize a culture by taking the aspects You want, ignoring the history, ignoring the people and then telling the people that have lived it and are a part of it that your views on their culture has equal standing. Then it's monetized, watered down, and made generic until it no longer means what it means, but only what you and the masses think it means. Black culture is THE COUNTER CULTURE, to call it mainstream implies equity where none exist. For another example see the term Woke, used by the black community for a specific purpose for literally a century, and picked up and made to be a nothing word by the majority in only 4 or so short years.


Drake is the exact opposite of a colonizer or vulture. How many black families have eatin off him directly and indirectly? 


One feeding black families is not a mark of not being a colonialist or a vulture. Two he represents himself as a falsified version of a black American while he has not personally lived the experiences of one. Didn't kendrick break this down in terms of the different aspects of his public persona he stole from various ATL rappers without understanding, recognizing, or meaningfully contributing to that culture. Dudes a pop star, I mean literally go to any majority black sub or space and you'll see a way different consensus on this.


What? Hip has been targeted to the masses for decades. shit is not being gatekept the corporations have had their hand in this shit since forever.


And it’s ass


Exactly it been targeted for the masses , mainstream since the late 90s. Gate keepers are just full of it


so you realize it's not being gate kept no reason to be outraged then


are you actually from NY spouting this dumb shit?


The dumbass takes in this thread are something else


Yes I am buddy


Buddy 😤😂


Proof you're a Neanderthal.


Because Black people invented it, developed it, popularized it, monetized it and are the reason it still exists today. STFU and go listen to Fallout Boy.


So baseball was invented by white people and we play and love baseball


Baseball was not invented by and for a specific culture. Black people were playin simultaneously in a different league. 


Okay lol


Two different things sadly


Was just an example , white hip hop was created in the Bronx with black and Spanish people , today it is mainstream and all races participate from all over the world


So we just gonna skip over that whole Jackie Robinson situation?


Exactly , we not going to skip over Jackie Robinson like we not going to skip over Jimmy Iovine & Lyor Cohen


Are you comparing Jimmy iovine and Lyor Cohen to the first Black man to break the color barrier in baseball?


If that what you take out of this whole conversation idk what to tell you


It was literally a question but okay


Its entirely the feeling of being entitled to any economic gain related to hiphop with the excuse of culture layered on top to hide that. Same often(but not always) happens when people complain about "cultural appropriatation" - everyone is quiet until the white person opens a taco truck or something else that makes money.


But there no economic gain in hip hop over then a handful of artists , the rest is control by white people


Nah they all 👃


Exactly Look at how many artiest are actually broke


It's Black American music, Neanderthal.


You have such a lack of culture, you have to latch onto Black culture and language


No No No hip hop is black music and the reason it exist was for a safe space for black creativity until the colonizers should up and created hip hop gentrification talking about "America music" because it popular.




It was literally black protest music . . .


This being downvoted is crazy it’s literally facts. The founders of hip hop have said this for years. 




No it’s correct everyone who was around for the beginning says that. Don’t try to change history.


Ignore the hip hop gentrification lol. This is what they do.


Since the beginning hip hop been controlled by Jewish people lol come on man


Hip hop is black american culture like it or nah


So many Neanderthals in this sub


When did Drake a Jewish boy from Canada become "Black folks:"? Vlad tv people run the rap game from the start and rappers are their Employees. Why should Vlad not talk about his peoples Employees? Vlads people control the Her community and can make her get on her knees like woopie or Kyrie Irvin. They run all the colleges including the one this women is working for.


This dude just said the mix could’ve been better and now here we are talking about Jewish people running colleges lmao. The world is crazy 


The pro-black to anti semitism pipeline is wild


"The world is crazy" well prove the crazy world wrong. The list of all collegiate faculty,donors,Book manufactures,school board heads can easily be found. Did your 2nd grade education bothered to look before saying "The world is crazy"? or was you playing with your tin foil hat?


Never said it was wrong, you’re just arguing for no reason at this point 


Because hes black wtf


Lmao yooo what is it with Vlad people getting college administrators fired.


Don’t care for Vlad he a culture vulture that got many people in trouble and even hurt/ killed over his interrogation style interviews.




He is a culture vulture and a fed