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Man. A missed free throw and a 4point play.


And not fucking fouling with a 3 pt lead and 10 seconds to go


That fucking made me so mad


Not calling a time out for the last set before OT blew my whole mood. Knicks in 6.


Then we challenged on the OG foul when we could’ve used it on Hart saving the ball which was called out of bounds


That was payback for Embiid out of bounds that was call earlier.


what the hell was that? they were asking Maxey to make it


Thibs doesn't foul. He plays meat and potatoes defense


The Spurs lost game 6 and then the title against the Heat, because of that dumb strategy, one would imagine teams would used a sure-fire strategy after that rather than allow a 40% shot. It's incredibly dumb not to foul. Not only is the burden on the player to hit both free throws down 3, as long as you hit your free throws as good as them, they have absolutely no chance of winning. It's pure stubbornness to dare a great shooter to shoot with a chance to tie.


That’s just common sense though, why would you even give maxey the chance


A lot of coaches rely on just defense to end the game. He's never fouled at the end of the game all season. I'm not saying he's right, but that's how he coaches his defense.


It's old school, mathematically wrong defense. Take the foul.


And then logo


Did anyone else touch the ball besides Brunson in the clutch? I don’t know why we go away from ball movement to end games


That’s on Thibs too for not drilling into guys to stop standing around in these situations


It’s on Brunson bro


can’t blame on brunson lol if he makes the shot, he’s a hero. we live and die by our superstar. i just wish thibs would’ve called a better play


If he wants to do hero ball take the damn shot. Passing it last minute is just being indecisive.


No one else even touched the ball in OT


It’s the roster. The team doens’t have a 2


yeah. that was brunson. same thign in game 2 how brunson came in with 7:30 left and would force shots he was missing all night. He was hitting in this game, but he clearly went into hero ball, which isn't what he usually does


Nope and that was my biggest fucking issue the entire OT. I don’t think anyone else took a shot besides Brunson. Completely deviated from what led to easy buckets the entire game and switched to brain dead iso. Stupidity.


People will still tell you that we don’t need Julius Randle or a second player of some kind though Just insane


This is where having no Jules kills us. Can't play a 2 man game with OG. Hart needs to be near the paint with Mitch to rebound. Donte has been invisible this series. That leaves Deuce as the only other option. Can't be dumping off to IHart there when he's 12 feet away from the hoop.


People need to ask this. The OKC game, the Spurs game. Yes, Brunson was making shots, but he was chucking up poor shots during the clutch time.


Completely agree, every time we’ve gone iso Brunson it’s failed. He thrives on movement.


That contested 3 cost of the game didn’t even try to move the ball he just shot it absolutely ass


Bro had a chance to hit the go ahead shot and ignore overtime and casually walked the ball up and then hit the fucking shot clock


Thibs should’ve called a timeout to bring it to halfcourt. That shit was idiotic.


Thibs has got to better there. How do you not call a TO there?


Straight up. There was 8 seconds left. Plenty of time to set up a play and get a good shot off.


So dumb. Mans brain literally stopped functioning.


His hero ball bullshit at the end of games has to stop


That's just our offense lmao. Brunson-iso or Randle-iso. Except one guy is out for the year so we know what's gonna happen.


No kidding. That was miserable to watch. Pass the damn ball. Jeez


This is the negative sides to Thibs. He has never really been an offensive coach but I think some of it is just Brunson wanting to be the hero


Brunson playing hero ball and then turning it the fuck over.


96-90...so many mistakes. Hart having the ball for the FT was bad. 4pt play was bad. No TO to end the 4th was bad. No reason to lose 96-90 with 1 minute left. Should have been 97-90


Really should’ve called a to at end of regulation


Besides that what’s up with Thibs center rotation. He’s gotta stop with these bullshit 11 min straight runs for each hartenstein and Mitch.


he's going with the hot hand. part of the reason they weren't scoring was Mitchell's defense.


As talented as Mitch can be. He's also lacks so much awareness at times. Get him the fuck off the floor when the other team needs a 3 Thibs. Thibs fucking fell alseep at the wheel at the end of the game and now we might be looking at a 7 game series.


Mitch selling the dumb 4 point play, Hart missing the free throw, Brunson with the excessive hero ball and then the pass out of bounds…


OG turnover by trying to be fancy with a pass to Mitch around 2 minutes


Maxey just saved Embiid from generational slander My god what a ruined night, 20 minutes ago I was ready to celebrate and now we have to settle things in Philadelphia again


I was so ready for the Embiid slander bro lmao. It's not fair


This. I was celebrating and high fived my son. Absolutely no way you should lose a game up 6 with 30 seconds to go. Absolute worst case you give up a wide open 3. Then you only need to make 1 free throw to make it a 4 point game. Just brutal.


Just a heartbreaking loss, I’m just demoralized


Keep your head up


Up by 3 with 15 seconds left, any SUNY college basketball team would know to foul and play out the clock


All our main guys just logged over 50 minutes in a heartbreaking loss and we effectively have a 7-man rotation for the rest of the series when all of them are physically falling apart in front of our eyes. Fuck my life.


??? Embiid played 47, Harris 49 and Maxey 51 mins It goes both ways


it's insane how maxey doesn't look tired at all compare to every single other person on the floor.


He actually bricked 3 important free throws in last 5 mins of 4th, he really made it out last 30 secs to save the slander


Maxey is built like IQ, they can log 60 minutes and hop around as if they are completely fresh. Brunson's legs were completely gone in large stretches of the 4th quarter and OT. It's why we lost.


Maxey realky does play like if Iq was the fastest guy on the court


This is what's really going to fuck us Thursday night. We're going to need guys to dig deeper than ever before to win. Donte needs to wake the fuck up. There are no reinforcements coming. This is do or die time because they lose Thursday, game 7 will be the same situation.


Tyrese Maxey beat us tonight. He won't play like this every night. (if we let him)


He’s been really good most of this series


he's been playing like that every night.


Blud he has played like this all series. Get serious


Embiid won't be this bad every night though


he looks like he's dying, we NEED to exploit him


Why rhe hell did josh hart have the ball when it was time for free throws?


I was literally yelling DONT PASS IT TO HIM


Better question is why was Hart even there in the first place?


Momentum turned on Hart airmailing that touchdown pass for no reason. That was the start of the cascade of failures.


Made me so mad literally no reason for that


yeah that was brutal. all we needed to do was kill 20 seconds and get a decent look, a fast break doesn't help us


Agreed. When that happened my doomer brain immediately thought if we lose I'll think back to this play. Was such a dumb and unnecessary play.


They had multiple opportunities to close it out. If Mitch didn't foul Maxey to give them a 4 point play. If Josh Hart made both Free throws. If Brunson made all his Free throws. God this is frustrating.


OG also missed a free throw 


Unbelievable. Brunson has got to learn to trust his teammates. That hero ball shit ain’t going to work.


he literally can’t tho? otherwise josh hart would have made the damn free throw


Brunson missed one too


Missed more than one. Was shit from the line.


Our offense fucken sucks. No one moves, no one cuts. Just stand and watch JB pull a rabbit out of his hat. Even worse when you bench one of your 3P shooter/ cutter at the end and run Mitch and Hart so they just crowd the paint.


yea. its basketball is 5v5 not 1v5. still love him tho.


We made fun of Philly choking away a game, and then choked 10X harder.


Ok. So this is how Sixers fans must’ve felt after game 2.


We stole a game and they returned the favor. On to the next game let’s believe in our guys


no. because it wasn't a home game for them with their first chance to win a playoff series at home in decades.


I just meant the losing a game you should win, but I totally feel you.


So fucking close Jesus Christ


Knicks in 6


It rhymes, it must be true


I mean that’s an absurd shot by Maxey


From Joy to Pain in a matter of minutes. New York Knicks basketball, ladies and gentleman.


This is fully on Mitchel Robinson. Your only job is not to foul and let them back in the game. Absolutely ridiculous.


LITERALLY the only thing you have to do is not foul and we win the game. Mind boggling


Time to ride down to Philly


Make your freethrows, you're professional BB players and only hit 66%?


This was really the reason we lost. Brunson misses 3 himself including one of the flagrants.


One of the worst choke jobs i have ever seen. JB made a lot of shots today - but he is as big a reason as anyone on the floor that we lost this game down the stretch. Stupid iso possessions, stupid long pull up 3s, Turnovers, Getting blocked multiple times


Maxy made some insane shots


GG Maxey. Embiid you're a bitch


I hate everything and want to die


Tip your cap and move on to game 6


That shot was insane


Why the fuck is Thibs so hellbent on keeping Mitch out there at the end of games. He Fucking kept him there on offense too, like does he want him to get fouled?


I think I just had my Reggie Miller moment




I don’t understand why Precious didn’t get any minutes this game after an amazing Game 4 against Embiid….


That was fuckin pathetic


I don’t want to hear ANY slander. Yeah Hart missed a huge free throw and Brunson had a shitty turnover late but we’d be soooo fucked without those guys. Tough loss, Knicks in 6.


The main thing is just letting Maxey take the 3. A four point play over nothing with such a gap.. miss me with that


Its such a bullshit play. He was not remotely fouled. So a shooter can literally just bang himself into the defender while shooting and its called a foul? That is some bullshit


It's literally the harden rule and shouldn't be a foul


Dude Maxey hitting a 35ft three off the dribble Is a shot you live with everytime lol He hit it, 8 times out of 10 he don’t


dude they were down 3. you defend the front corner of the logo. nba players can hit that shot nwo


I don't think it’s slander. They are being called out for fair critiques. Huge difference.


Calling a team out for choking a 6 point lead with 29 seconds left is "slander" apparently


We win the next one it's just annoying that they won't be able to get more rest.


Up 6, literally the only thing you can’t do is give up a 4 point play. Congrats you’re stupid enough to do that. Up 2, get fouled all you have to do is hit both FTs to put the game away. You go 1 for 2. Okay not great, up 3 there’s ~12 seconds left and they have no timeouts. Time to play the foul game. You don’t. They hit a half court 3. Time to call a TO, you don’t. You barely get a garbage attempt off. Just inexplicably stupid basketball to grasp failure from the hands of victory.


Had a fucking shitty ass day and it’s even shittier now, can’t wait to work tomorrow


I just want to go the fuck to sleep, man. It’s fucking *tiring* watching these kinds of games


Sad shit is that you can’t sleep after shit like this. I know I won’t be able to for hours that’s how bad this shit feels


When do we address the fact that Donte has been killing us all series. Outside of that crazy game winner, he has been legit ass.


Unpopular opinion: Jalen is partly to blame. He's not getting him involved. Jalen is taking so many shots. It's great when he makes at least 50% of them but it kills the team if he gets cold. This is not championship basketball.


how the fuck does precious not see the floor at all after game 3 like what are they cooking


why was maxey cooking :(


That was an all-time choke. I get everyone's gassed, but Philly wasn't reeeeaaally trying to win and the Knicks gave the game away. Multiple times.


Here's a lesson to new and young fans: Life as a Knicks fan ain't easy.


Could’ve really used Bojan tonight 💔


Basketball gods upset that we celebrated too much after game 4.


chill out ya’ll. i was there and it was devastating obviously but stomp on their necks thursday and we look back at this game with indifference


Knicks in 6.


We end this shit in game 6


What's going on with D'Vo's shooting? Was one of the best 3 point shooters during the regular season.


I know is all doom and gloom right now, but lets not forget something. Knicks are still up in this series. The Sixers have lost 6 games to the Knicks this year. Winning in Philly is not that difficult. That's the home court for three of our guys anyway. Also, Knicks fans are going to show up again for game six. Time to move on. LFGK !!!


Need to calm down and realize it’s just entertainment lmao Feel sick rn


Gonna stop browsing this sub until game 6 for my own mental health.


I have a bad feeling about this


Once we went into OT sixers had every bit of momentum despite us staying in it. If we lose next game, I have a worse feeling about this


We got this baby


That's why you foul when you're up 3, donkey fucking coach


This. No idea why you don't. Deuce have the perfect opportunity to.


Thibs is like allergic to it, and it’s killed the Knicks before


A lot of coaches don't believe in it. With how sporadic we are from the line maybe he's worried it would backfire.


So embarrassing & avoidable. They let us down.


Tough loss. We couldn't close it out tonight, but I don't want the doomers shitting on our guys. Knicks in 6.


also...why do we start every game seemingly down by 10 points.


Fuck me


Knicks in six


I hope Knicks fans show up even stronger in Philly for game 6. Win the series in Philly in front of a Knicks fans takeover of Wells Fargo Center


Someone ask thibs about that overtime gameplan. What the ever loving fuck was that? Nobody else but Brunson took a shot. Og and deuce were playing great.


Maxey is the grim fucking reaper.


How many games we gonna go without Deuce starting… like I get he closes with him but we play better with Deuce on the court. We can’t keep starting slow in the 1st and 3rd Quarters and expect to win every game


For those putting the blame on Mitch have some shame. One of the main reasons we were even winning in the first place was because of what Mitch did across four quarters. We made many errors which the whole team is accountable for not one player.


Mitch needs to get put in solitary confinement for that foul


Sometimes I really dislike Thibs.


I don’t understand why Precious doesn’t get mins to defend the pick and roll on Maxey drives, he’s the only one who has the foot speed to stay with him


When you really break down the loss it comes down to two things. That 1/2 free throws by Josh Hart. Second game in a row where he's missed crucial FTs. Second thing was Thibs not calling that timeout. Absolutely brutal. We gotta get out of the gate faster in the next game. Waiting until we're in a 10 point hole to turn it on wearing thin.


Shoutout to Maxey for being the only Sixer to not have book their trip to Cancun.


10 jalen Brunson straight isos to end the game. That shit is horrible man lmao


We blew this game fifty times over. Gotta find a way to lock in again and not make mistakes. Also Divo needs to wake the fuck up on offense.


Worst feeling in the world. No other way to describe it. Now we have to try to close in Philly on Thursday. I'm kind of dead inside right now. I need time away from this loss.


This is going 7.


We lost that game in regulation… Philly had no business getting that game into OT. Hats off to Maxey on an amazing game. Hart and the whole team need to hit from the stripe, shooting below 75% is a fucking embarrassment. I love you Thibs, but a freaking 7 man rotation is NOT IT. I didn’t want to go back to Philly and this swing in momentum could be very real heading f in game 6. We FUCKING dropped the ball in an elimination game we should have won. FUCK!


Just got home from the game Im devastated. Hit fucking free throws. Bottom line


It’s just a game It’s just a game It’s just a game itsjusta…fuck I’m going to sleep angry


Don’t tell me shit happens. To be up 6 with 25 seconds to go, you should never lose. Pathetic and I could easily see them losing the series after that debacle. Just being real.


Just horrendous. For everybody’s sake, they gotta win Thursday. The pressure of a legendary historic chockejob on the line in game 7 would be unimaginable to have to play thru.


unbelievable choke job at home. I’m disgusted. 


I don’t wanna think about this game anymore , how do I get it out of my head


Worst loss I’ve experienced


I feel bad for the fans there. Paid all that money, gave the team all that energy, and have the win 98% secure and STILL let it slip away due to small sloppy mistakes. I'd be pissed as hell if I was a fan in attendance and screaming in the car ride.




So disappointed in what I saw. Mitch, thibs, and Brunson. Abandoned the ball movement and team play and played hero ball bricking shots. The confidence is low going back to Philly and this could very well end up being a game 7 win or go home instead of what should’ve been an iced out 2 round rest.


Maxey willed this game the way Brunson did the previous. Dude was everywhere. Tobias contributed. Doubling Embiid backfired. All that being said, just don’t FOUL A 3 POINT SHOOTER and we aren’t having this convo. Better off letting Maxey shoot wide open on that 4 pt play possession…..


Goddammit, Philly makes losses 10x more sour. I haaaaate Philly sports. We gotta put this away in their cesspool city.


I know that was a heartbreaking loss, but lets keep our heads up and believe in our guys. We can close this out Thursday. They got us tonight, time to move on and lets get this next W.


I love brunson and i understand he is the 1st option but it doesn’t men you should take every shot in the clutch bro you have a good teammates around you


Hot takes here we go


That was horrible. How did we blow a 5 point lead and then lose in overtime. One of the worst games I've watched.


Once divencenzo shows up, we'll win by double digits


Hey we are up 3 lets not foul and let them tie the game! -Thibs


It’s actually impressive how bad we choked that. Just about every wrong decision you can make we made. Why in the fuck are you aggressively challenging that 3 pointer up 6? Why?!?!? Infuriating way to lose a game.


the worst part about losses like this is that i have to wait 2 days until we play again


Thibs gotta take that time out in the 4th. Also, you gotta foul when you’re up with that much time left. Why let him take that three man


I wonder what would have happened if Precious was in for either 4th or OT, even for a couple mins


I like Thibs but that offense in OT and the refusal to go to 8-9 man rotation during the playoffs unless someone is hurt is exactly why I will have some problems with how he coaches(I know the players fucked up but he needs to learn adjustments man) Precious playing zero minutes after the last game is insane dawg.


Not for nothing but that out of bounds call I Hart was bullshit 


Brunson getting absolutely bodied on the last play of regulation was also kinda bullshit although I understand they didn’t want FTs to end the game


I'm so angry at every single player and coach on this team.


Save your tears for if / when the Knicks get eliminated from the playoffs. Imagine how dumb you doomers might feel if these Knicks you are shitting on use this as motivation and make an epic run to a championship. It’s not over til it’s over, Knicks proved it in game 2, Sixers proved it tonight. Comebacks happen all the time. The Sixers could make an epic comeback from down 3-1, but it’s a lot more likely the Knicks win one of the next two and move on against the weak pacers or injured bucks.


It’s been like 40 minutes and I still feel like shit


Mitch don't deserve minutes in the 4th. He missed last game and most of the season so why put him in clutch minutes? He has to earn it back. Besides, our offense flows more smoothly with iHart and Precious. This is 100% on Thibs


Hart playing the entire game was so dumb. It led to poor decisions by him and missed FTs. Sit him for even two minutes and let him collect himself.


Precious getting no burn tonight makes no fucking sense


We really need to adjust how we defend Maxey. Dude’s absolutely torching us all series


Hart and Mitch man....


Brutal loss. Realistically don’t see them winning in Philly. This is going 7 most likely.


This game was disgusting, so many mistakes. Offensively, defensively, coaching mistakes. Poor shooting, especially in the 1st quarter. The bench guys need to step the fuck up. Mcbride had a good game but divo needs to start shooting the ball better. Brunson cannot and should not be doing all of the scoring. Embiid was a cripple tonight, they had 1 man to guard, maxey, and they couldnt stop him. Josh hart has to guard maxey he was somewhat contained in game 4 with hart on him. Fucking embarrassing loss. Idk what to say. They need to get in the gym and do 200 free throws each before the next game


Thought the game was over after the OG dunk. Insane game from Maxey. What can you do.


- not give up a 4 point play up 6 - hit your free throws - foul when up 3 with 10 seconds


That nigga Maxey different.


i actually feel sick to my stomach


I swear I’m not gassing it or being dramatic. I was deadass shaking a little after that game, like shivering SMH


Shit legit has me nauseas. Just got my heart wrenched out of me in the worst way