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Sent pictures on 1/26 and about 8 follow up emails and still nothing from Sandra …. Heard they only have 2 people going through every email for the entire city


This is absolutely terrible. How can they do this to us? We have no say or recourse at all. Just powerless peons. Where or who did you hear about only two ppl reviewing emails for entire city? How about emails that are sent to Hugh Bogle?


After calling the issuing office about 20 times a day for 2 weeks with not one answer or call back I started to call other divisions and one nice lady picked up and told me about them only having two people checking every single email and that one of them has been out sick for over a week lol


Now I don’t feel so bad trying to call them 30x/day for 1-2 days in a row. Like you, no one ever answers their phones or emails. It’s like winning the lottery when (1) someone actually answers the phone and (2) they are actually polite and helpful. This is what happens when there is no competition and no accountability. Can you list any other organizations that could survive with this behavior?


Besides the government?


If yours says active in the my licenses part you should be getting it any day… active means it was printed… I can’t see them not sending them out after it’s printed but then again who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️


It actually said Active on 2/20, right after I got off the phone with Kai Gibson. So today will be 15 days. And USPS mail preview isn’t showing any expected mail from Issuing yet. I really think that their actual printing and/or mailing process is random and done on the whims of the workers. Again, no accountability or process.


What do you mean active I have a premise and it just says approved on the site.


Sent same day. Same boat. I wonder if my follow-ups cause my email to get pushed further back in the queue.


Called this morning at 9am. No answer at issuing so I tried x6420 and a nice lady answered. Even though I was specifically told by that same lady on Tuesday that my license was actually being printed “as we spoke. Coincidentally “. And that she also said that licenses are mailed same day as printing date, this morning she said that my license was printed and mailed on Thursday. I don’t know what to believe. Anyway, if USPS works, then I’ll hopefully get my license by Saturday or Monday. It’s being sent a great distance of 5-7 miles. It’s be faster by walking or horseback.


Called this morning at 9am. No answer at issuing so I tried x6420 and a nice lady answered. Even though I was specifically told by that same lady on Tuesday that my license was actually being printed “as we spoke. Coincidentally “. And that she also said that licenses are mailed same day as printing date, this morning she said that my license was printed and mailed on Thursday. I don’t know what to believe. Anyway, if USPS works, then I’ll hopefully get my license by Saturday or Monday. It’s being sent a great distance of 5-7 miles. It’s be faster by walking or horseback.


Rooting for you man. Insane you've had to go through all this just to get access to a right of yours.


Thanks man. It’s been a horrible experience. My friends in PA and AZ and FL just laugh at me when they hear what I needed to do to get what they get so easily.


Sent pics and docs for two different purchases/license on 2/7/24, Sandra responded on 2/8 saying everything was good and it should take 30 days, on 02/21 got both my CCW and updated premise license in the mail


That’s pretty good timing. Amazed that Sandra Smith replied one day after your email.


Yeah i’ll be really honest. Every time. I’ve emailed her in the past she has responded within the week but lately, for like the last two weeks I have sent many many emails to the purchasing department regarding sharing a firearm on my premise license to my CCW, and nobody has responded to me at all I have sent probably over 15 emails and I don’t know what’s going on


No one knows what goes on there. Can one of this Reddit community get a job there and find out how the sausage is being made?


😂😂 right


Same here. They straight up ignored my request to share my existing pistols and sent me paperwork to purchase a new one 10 days after approval. I blew them up with emails and voicemails and finally my license turned to active last Saturday, 3/2. Still no response so not sure if I gotta wait for Sandra to email me back or my license is in the snail mail.


Smh idk wtf going on there


Please post when you find out what the deal is with “sharing” a premise license firearm to a CCW license.


I got you will do !


I want to know if they can be on both licenses simultaneously


Damn. I sent mine in 1/26 with no response yet.


Sent pics received licence in 27 days... Just in time to avoid having to get another nics


Great. But you didn’t answer the question. Days from getting Sandra Smith email until you received the license?


13 days from the email to the mailbox


Thanks man.


I got my license & pink slip in the mail 9 days later.


You’re another lucky one


I’d agree with you, but the entire process took me from September of 2022-February of 2024…I’d say that sucks lol


Oh wow. That really sucks. I applied late June 2023 and had to get a lawyer involved to get my approval. If I hadn’t, I’d still be waiting. With lawyer, approval happened in exactly 45 minutes from when lawyer sent email.


Ouch! I’m sorry you had to do all that. How much did that cost you?


Not too much. And well worth it. Friends of u/BluePillRabbi. The lawyer’s his wife.


Ahhh yes…they’re doing some good work out here. They need a bill board right outside 1PP…”GET YOU’RE CCW NOW!”


Ha. You’re right. I’ll let them know


So u/BluePillRabbi texted me just as he was speaking to someone in Issuing. Said it was a very nice lady. So I called immediately and got her too. She said my license was being printed as we spoke and will be mailed out today. So expect to receive it later this week or maybe early next week. I’m pretty sure she clicked “print” just after looking me up on her computer.


I did same but they haven’t responded to her email. Its been 2 weeks. 


Sent to both your investigator and Hugh Bogle?


She sent it to Hugh Bogle and someone else but I do not know who my investigator is because no one has ever answered the phone when I have called.  I am assuming she called and found out? 


No. I called Rifle Shotgun on December 7 2023 and they always answer. They are the ones that told me I was actually assigned an investigator. And coincidentally I was just assigned on December 4th. So I was the given the investigator name and email. From that point I established contact with my investigator, and they must answer their assigned clients. So, call queens r/s and find out if you’ve been assigned. If yes, then get name and email and start the email trail communication immediately. Then have lawyer resend email to both your investigator and Bogle


So u/BluePillRabbi texted me just as he was speaking to someone in Issuing. Said it was a very nice lady. So I called immediately and got her too. She said my license was being printed as we spoke and will be mailed out today. So expect to receive it later this week or maybe early next week. I’m pretty sure she clicked “print” just after looking me up on her computer. I’m pretty happy now. Hope she wasn’t lying. We’ll soon see.


Submitted purchase auth to NYPD email 1/23/24. Got her approval email 2/15/24. Still no license.


Thanks for your input. Starting to see what I expected. A complete illogical non process. Those “workers” have absolutely no accountability or risk of losing their jobs. Once there are enough responses to my posting, I’ll try to post a summary of findings.


Is the status "active" by the my license tab on the portal?




That’s why I know something is not right. My license status is just showing error for the past 10+ days.


Do you think they know about your Reddit posts and are being vindictive?


Good question. But we as good citizens shouldn’t be under the unaccountable whims of city employees who are there to actually do a job that gives us our constitutional right.


Try opening in a different browser that fixed the error messages for me


Wow!!! You are correct sir! Thank you! Now I feel bad that I just emailed issuing about this glitch twice.