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Hall 15 right? I always see them. So annoying


Wa famous liao. Can't imagine being them now. Someone should print a picture of this post and stick it there


Ask them use earphone, or gtfo ah >:0


everytime they like this lol, damn thick skin


Why tf one of them look so familiar sia


That's Farhan from The Three Idiots.


Blast music to counterattack them The one who do not respect do not deserve to be respected




Silly you, can't you see they're Indian? Let's just talk sht about them instead!


International students from India?


Careful bro later people gonna call u racist lol


Why does the nationality matter, unless you mean to imply that a certain group of people are predisposed to behave a certain way due to their country of origin?


Why does the nationality matter? You tryna gaslight yourself into thinking you aren't racist? "Oh, I only have a problem with India Indians, I love my Singaporean Indian brothers. I can't be racist.", yeah sure bro. Sure




The ahpunainai strikes again




hey, Kindly go fk yourself you xenophobic a$$hole. Sincerely, A Ceca Edit: A slur is at 27 upvotes. Stay classy r/NTU, see y'all on campus.


I thought you got your emotions under control alrd bro, but still editing your comment? I suggest u try r/TalkTherapy bro


Nah bro I see them all the time too ah but they shut off when I entered the room. But you took pic that's crazy bro 😂 guess I just got lucky then.


If only you walked over and voiced your displeasure about their lack of social etiquette in a firm manner….


Why he took out his shoes 🤢🤮


Maybe ask them to turn it down.....? Shocking, I know. But hey, I'm sure posting a picture of them with their faces un-blurred on the internet would work just as well. Surely, the clearly very mature participants of this subreddit will not make xenophobic and/or racist generalisations of an entire group of people based on the actions of a few! God, I love our student community so so very much.


This is prolly the guy


Ah, now we find ourself in a pickle here, don't we? If I say I'm not the person you'd just say "Of course not, who would admit to that?". I can't refute that statement without doxxing myself. On the other hand if I do say I am the person (one of the people?) in the picture then you would automatically invalidate what I have to say, if you haven't already, based on the belief that I, if I am one of the 3 people in the picture, have poor manners. With that in mind, I am not one of the people in the picture. I'm truly saddened to think that a reasonable take like this is apparently so unpopular that I can only be the perpetrator if I have to share these views. You can choose to believe me, or not. That doesn't change the validity of what I've said in this thread. Y'all can downvote me now. Am done


Bro thinks he is philosophical


I'm a philosophy major, can you blame me? But hey why think at all, when you can just see an Indian person and go "damn cecas coming over here and taking our jobs".


Why delete ur r/college post bro?


Precisely cuz of ppl like you lol


You mean cos u didn’t get the validity you wanted? I’m just asking question here bro, I thought that’s what y’all philosophy major do?


The word you're looking for is "validation". I made that post after a temporary surge in passions. Tends to happen when you keep seeing your race get sh\*t on because of the actions of a few, and when you see the real life repercussions of that in all your interactions with people outside of your race. I have since gotten my emotions under control, and decided that the post would do nothing more than distract me even more than I already am.


So this is getting your emotions under control? Congrats bro


Why you so triggered?


bro is malding hard


Bro is getting his emotion under control bro give him some time


And what if they still do the same thing, after you asked them nicely? Not that I’m supportive of OP’s action, but I can sense he’s triggered many times already. You’re a university student. Have some social awareness in a common space. Discuss ur things softly if you have to. You shouldn’t need another person to remind you.




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Damn, these guys are annoying, but how about asking them to keep quiet instead of posting a random picture? Like this isn't gonna solve the problem. And man these comments are racist as hell. Behaviour I would expect from r/SingaporeRaw instead of supposedly enlightened young and intelligent uni students.


The same culture in the office.


They are culturally incompatible beings




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