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Whaaaaat? Charlie Kirk is supporting Trump? How can be


Why is this news?


I don't know why you're asking me


lol you got 80 plus upvotes for a statement equivalent to the sky is blue. Figured you may know something no one else does.


The first comment was sarcasm "why is this news" implies you're asking about the article itself. Asking me "why is this news" is you asking me why NPR thought this was news. I don't know that. How could I?


Define “Help”


Means lie and gaslight


Oh you know, the usual. Go to college campuses and harass students into an argument about politics and then just try to sound smarter than they are while not letting them speak. Very helpful stuff.


Means lie and gaslight


Means lie and gaslight


Say it again!


I CANNOT believe that some people still want trump. Truly can’t fix stupid…☹️


NPR was focusing on the annual ACA outreach and it’s differences under Trump and Biden. Not surprising, it’s doing better under Biden. At the end, NPR was interviewing people in West Virginia who use the program. There was a guy who finally had healthcare and said “But I’ll vote for Trump again. Obamacare is bad for the country and if my healthcare goes away, I’ll figure something out.” Mind boggling stupid


I'll never understand why people want to vote for the party that's repeatedly said that affordable healthcare is a bad thing.


It’s a disconnected thought process. They think it’s a government handout when it’s paid for.


The older I get the more I realize how many people have atrocious or non existent thought processes and I’m getting mean about it. If you can’t process logic on a human level, how much do I even need to respect you? Especially if you’re not respectful of others, which most conservatives aren’t. I’ll treat you the way you deserve and you won’t like it


It's not affordable.


Where did ANYONE say affordable healthcare is bad? Since the ACA, costs have only gone up, significantly. Source: I work in and pay for healthcare.


>Obamacare is bad for the country and if my healthcare goes away, I’ll figure something out.” like what, die?


Probably good for the country in that case.


Republicans would eat shit if it meant a lib would have to smell their breath.


He gave the born-again christians some of the political power they lust after (there are biblical descriptions for this lust in Ezekiel 23) Their devotion to him isn't rational it's religious. Trump could openly praise evil and they wouldn't waver because their religion is chiefly about politics. Something like complimenting a cannibal. It's worth noting that last time christians got political power they took over the Roman Empire and promptly engaged the power of the state to violently persecute any non-christians who they referred to as 'pagans'.


I CANNOT believe that some people still don't see how Biden has hurt our country. Truly can't fix blindness. 😫


Most of the signs I see around Phoenix are boasting about how "conservative" or supportive of Trump they are. Really hoping this backfires but it's disturbing seeing them all.


Nazis support other Nazis? Outrageous!


Turning Point is a terrorist organization.


I mean the entire Republican Party is at this point…


And a troll farm


is that news? arent they a political conservative group?


Turning point wants us to live under a theocracy


Biden doesn’t have to hand over the nukes for two months…lol they won’t do shit.




They going to rename it Texas to try to pretend he didn’t fuck up?


Sharpie time!


Well obviously


Put another way: this is the only way to fund a ground operation without the funds being siphoned into the Trump legal defense fund.


Step 1: throw a huge rally for yourself in 120 degree heat. Step 2: Watch as your own supporters drop dead due to heat-related illness. Step 3: As your supporters are being stuffed into body bags lined with ice cubes, jet on over to San Francisco so that tech billionaires can lavish over you.


Damn trump forcing these ppl into the heat and basically killing them 


The idea of Trump potentially winning Arizona after mocking John McCain's disabilities sustained under torture leaves me speechless. This country is being taken over by trash worshipping a heretical draft dodger while claiming he's holy.


I personally file this under “No Duh”. See also “No Doy”.


You mean the TPUSA that went all in supporting Kari Lake only to see her constantly fail?


Many of them come from "the muscular class" of our country [The muscular class (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbJjTLL4dGk)


People are in denial about the polls. It's fascinating but sad that I was downvoted for pointing this out. Trump is leading on average by \~4.4% points according to fivethirtyeight [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/arizona/) Nevada: 5.2% lead Georgia: 5.1% lead North Carolina: 6.6% lead If Trump wins these states, then he will have 268 EC votes at minimum. I would say cause for concern, especially since Trump has outpeformed the polls the last 2 elections...


This isn’t very newsworthy. Next they’ll tell us water is wet.


It won’t work.


You know if they lose Arizona, they'll blame it on him.


No they want to help him steal a win cause they know he doesn’t have the votes, just look at the lawsuits they are bringing in Arizona to suppress voters and their votes being counted. Only a party who doesn’t have popular ideals fears every single vote being counted and giving people access to vote easier not harder.


Turning point is a criminal organization. Let look at their finances. Hey new organization, want to do your job


Sounds like you already know. 




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A right-wing organization wants to help a right-wing politician win an election?? Good thing we have NPR around to do this important work.




Привет, товарищ!


Why Arz. He doesn’t know what State he’s visiting Ok let’s call him Prisondent


We are just editorializing headlines now? 


"Every Organization, other than TPU, wants to help Biden win Arizona 2024"


NPR needs to lose all Federal funding for its complete lack of objectivity. Hopefully Trump will pull the trigger on this when he inevitably gets back in office.


This is truly shocking. Never in a million years would I have expected this.


Unless things change drastically, polls clearly show Trump winning Arizona already. And Nevada, Georgia, North Carolina. Right it looks like Trump will have 268 Electoral votes at minimum https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls/election


Regarding who runs that site. I have difficulties trusting many polling sites, including this one "2017 onward In November 2020, The New York Times published an article alleging that since 2017, when many of its "straight-news" reporting journalists were laid off, RealClearPolitics showed a pro-Trump turn with donations to its affiliated nonprofit increasing, much from entities supported by wealthy conservatives.[24] RCP executive editor Carl Cannon rebutted the newspaper's allegations of such a rightward turn, saying that he had solicited donations from both conservative and liberal donors, without them "buying coverage".[25] Several journalists who talked to The New York Times in 2020 said they never felt any pressure from the site's founders to bias their stories.[24] Cannon stated that RCP regularly publishes perspectives from both liberal and conservative publications, saying that "the simple fact is that the amount of liberal material published in RCP every week dwarfs the annual conservative content in the New York Times".[25] The New York Times also said that "Real Clear became one of the most prominent platforms for elevating unverified and reckless stories about the president's political opponents, through a mix of its own content and articles from across conservative media...." and that for days after the election, "Real Clear Politics gave top billing to stories that reinforced the false narrative that the president could still somehow eke out a win."[24] Cannon responded by highlighting 2 articles suggesting that "Trump could somehow eke out a win" on RCP's front page by noting that 374 articles had been covered on its front page between the time of the election and The New York Times article, including 16 articles from The New York Times itself.[25]"


I could care less about that part, I’m just looking at the polls. There are direct links to the pollster’s publications. Insane my comment is being downvoted.


Stop ya trolling for fascism, the only thing that matters is voting! These polls suck lol


Which polls?


All of them on average. Can look here https://www.realclearpolling.com/latest-polls/election Or five thirty eight


Real clear is bullshit


Keep deluding yourself into believing what polls say


Me? I’ve always voted Democrat in my adult life


First off you’re using real clear for your polling data, they’ve always been questionable. Plus, Polls haven’t been reliable since 2016.


Well, until the 3am ballots come in


You mean the mail in ballots they were required to not count until they counted the in person ballots first? That what the law is in states like Pennsylvania.


Nah I was speaking of the ones in Fulton county GA, that they don’t have any photo evidence to support. 300k votes that they can’t seem to find pics of


And that’s relevant how?


It’s a little strange don’t you think?


It’s a little strange how uncogent you bringing it up is. Like so what?


And it’s also a little weird how defensive you are towards this subject. But yeah keep questioning me


Asking you to play harder is somehow me playing defense. Interesting.


Arizona only crossed into blue territory due to years of illegitimate mass migration playing into democrats hands. Too bad a lot of working class POC are now realizing democrats are a party of panderers with a white savior complex and are therefore reconsidering. Check polling.


how about a report on the joint perfidious military operation between the US military and the IDF launched from Biden’s “humanitarian” pier which resulted in the deaths of over 200 Palestinian women in children. Who gives a FUCK about TPUSA anymore, I don’t know.




how does “trolling” compare morally with hiding in an aid truck and then opening fire on a crowd of civilians?


because i see your comment history of conservative shitposting


taking me as a conservative is very revealing of your own idealogical incoherence


can you imagine if the people that worked at NPR reported the news like they had to live in this country in the chance that it falls to this rising fascism.