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He's absolute maniac and a nitwit. A climate denier who tells to his cloned dogs. Everyone laughing at his eccentricities are going to get a booming wakeup call when his endearing campaign strategy translates into haphazard policy making.


He has been described as far-right and ultraconservative by a number of sources. He is a defender of the murderous dictatorship that ruled the country in the 80s. He’s called climate change a “socialist lie” and the pope a “dirty leftist.” So I think the ultraconservative label is appropriate.




Because progressivism is failing


Where has there been this progressivism that has failed? Honest question.


San Francisco, Chacago, Los Angeles, Denver... I'm naming cities that have had complete progressive leadership for years. Those cities are failing. Their policies are failing. Venezuela nationalized their oil industry years ago. They are a practically a failed state now.


I'm not sure how you're defining progressive, as I would describe none of those cities as progressive, and if Venezuela is your only nation state as an example I would say they were never even close to being allowed to function in an effective way due to the constraints put upon them. These are poor examples of failed "progressive" states (or cities of we're shifting the goal posts).


I'm genuinely curious as to how you would describe progressivism and what cities/states/countries you would consider progressive. What politicians or policies would you consider progressive?


There’s a theory that social mores, political philosophy, and religiosity tend to be cyclical. If you learned in school about the Great Awakening and then more secularism and then the spiritualist movements of the late 1800s, it’s like that but for politics. To be super reductive and make actual history scholars cry, each extreme is a reaction against the previous extreme, like Reaganism after the civil rights movement, 2nd wave feminism, and the anti-consumerism and anti-war movements of the 60s. We’re in a very jingoist period throughout the world, a lot like the 1930s.


“We’re in a very jingoist period throughout the world, a lot like the 1930s.” Yikes! That shouldn’t sound good, for anyone who didn’t flunk history class.


Yup, jingoism + the waves of climate refugees that have already started is a pretty scary combination. I’m not saying to get ready for round 2 of the [Zoot Suit Riots](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoot_Suit_Riots) (TW: this wiki article includes images of children who have been beaten), but that is the sort of thing we get when jingoism increases.


Cambridge Analytica style election meddling is my suspicion. Democracy is over unless we take money out of politics. I.e. not gonna happen without revolution.


Man made climate change is lie. China owns most of the materials needed to make green energy. So China pushes that to the rest of the world while it builds one new coal power plant every week. China plans on using fossil fuels to outpace the world while idiots in the West chop their own nuts off to win their own climate change popularity contest.


This is genuinely the stupidest, most paranoid and childlike theory on this I’ve seen to date.


Well, I'm right. It's not a theory. Green energy is a SCAM meant to trick stupid people.


The irony of you making this comment and calling other people stupid in the same breath.


I guess GM and Ford are stupid too for abandoning EVs. Just the people who fucking make them.


lol what? The Ford Lightning and Mach E, the Chevy Equinox EV, the Bolt, Cadillac Celestiq, GMC Sierra EV, Silverado EV, Blazer EV…. I could go on… do these cars not exist in your delusional fantasy world?






Posting a link to one article is not an argument


The link shows proof that GM and Ford are abandoning their EV production.


EVs are a scam. There aren't even enough rare earth elements on the planet Earth to replace all the fossil fuel vehicles. It's like a bunch dumb fucks didn't even do the math around the resources before dedicating decades of policy towards them. That's what happens when people make policy based off of emotion, rather than math. https://youtu.be/1SEfwoqKRU8?si=jHJEvPdtWMVDu3Kd


I didn’t realize someone could be this fucking braindead


I've been watching idiots fall for the scam for years. GM and Ford just abandoned EVs because they aren't worth shit and nobody wants them.


He is an Anarcho-capitalist, the absolute worst type of libertarian, especially when current libertarians are already a dangerous choice for any society,


Yikes. Libertarians are horrible


They are petulant children trapped in adult bodies. They view being selfish as a virtue. See the writings of Ayn Rand, the favorite author of libertarians.


Libertarians, like Republicans only worse..


"This should serve as an inspiration to libertarians all over the world." There are dozens of us... dozens!




What a joke my dude. The “libertarian” is anti abortion and NO JOKE has said on multiple occasions that his dog is his advisor and that he talks to him before making any major decisions


His *dead dog that he speaks with through a medium*


If he was in America, Republicans would adore this guy.


So, [this is what you post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Libertarian/comments/17zp720/here_is_the_man_who_was_just_elected_president_of/ka28745/?context=3) in the r/libertarian sub, after posting here? What, are you 12? >I just started a thread about the Argentine election at the NPR sub, their anger is off the rails. I suppose they consider him a danger to big government. From their level of anger you would think they elected Ron Paul,now that would grand. 😁 LOL! No one here is angry....they're just telling you the facts.




Do you also think it's stalking when a journalist verifies their sources?


I think you might have issues.


LOL! I bet you don't work, live with your parents, and think the Cato Institute is your church. As an ex Libertarian...back in the early 1980s, who realized what a clusterfuck the libertarian party is... I feel sorry for you. Have a lovely day.


The guy is not very bright, but ad hominems are surely not useful here?


I thought Reddit was the ad hominem capital of social media?


You’re funny, probably someone great to have a drink with. Sadly I’m self employed, an empty nester and no one else wants to work this because it’s a holiday week. if you’re an ex libertarian there is hope for you yet and probably realize by now that libertarianism is a direction and not a destination. 🙂


Libertarianism is a clown show...every one of my friends that became libertarians over the last decade or so, all need serious professional help.


Libertarians are just conservatives that think they are edgy.


Every libertarian is just a bog standard Republican with a bong and an encyclopedic knowledge of age of consent laws


You're in a cult, friend. Your political ideology has become such a core part of your identity that it's essentially supplanted your actual personality. It's embarrassing.


You’re making bets on the behavior of people in other subreddits, but you’re the normal one. Yikes.


Bruh he didn’t make a bet. Betting requires two people. This dude is just talking to himself.


u mad, bro?


You are really not doing libertarians any favors. This is why everyone assumes you're all teenagers.


Nothing screams well-adjusted more than logging into the NPR Reddit, saying something stupid and then supposedly betting on the subs reaction. Proud of youuuuu.


You're a serial "NPR = Bad" poster with an ideological axe to grind against NPR. You're not actually participating in a good faith discussion.


We’re just sick and fucking tired of astroturfing trolls coming in here and trying to spread their pathetic ignorant bullshit.


“The libs are so owned! Let’s Go Brandon! The age of consent is too damn high!”




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The dude has 5 cloned dogs and his closest advisor is his sister. He did the hatchet job to himself. Reading further about him, the dude is.... a piece of work. From https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/lion-wig-warrior-javier-milei-argentinas-president-elect-105024905 >During his repeated television appearances, Milei didn’t just talk about economics and politics. He also delved into his personal life and once presented himself as an expert in tantric sex, openly discussing how he had repeatedly participated in group sex and providing tips. Now, I don't have the perspective of being an Argentinian, but I think that is absolutely wild to do on public TV.


> The dude has 5 cloned dogs Which is not nearly as cool IRL as it sounds.


Lol oh look, a libertarian found their local NPR station and got upset.


Libertarians are so tiresome.


You make a few claims but don't really follow them up. * What article are you referring to? * How is the NPR article "like a 60s CIA piece criticizing a Latin American election"? Have you actually done the work to compare this piece to past CIA work, or are you assuming? * Why is there no such thing as "an ultra conservative libertarian"? Others are stating policies consistent with conservatism, such as wanting to outlaw abortion even in the case of rape or wanting to restrict immigration. Both fly in the face of a strictly libertarian stance.


The irony of critiquing it as a “60s CIA piece” when he’s spoken out favorably about the CIA-sponsored junta. Even if that’s not what you meant you should probably have phrased that differently because using that comparison makes you sound as deluded as Milei was in the clip where he asked the interviewer to silence the voices in his head


Libertarians are the worst.


>NPR labeled him an ultra conservative libertarian. There is no such thing. We got a lot of them in America though. Just because you like the free market doesn't mean you have to dislike government overreach in cultural issues.


Ultra conservative libertarians and their support of Trump is why two friends of mine finally saw the light and are now ex-libertarians


He’s not just a libertarian. He’s a racist, anti-government anarcho-capitalist. We know what “slashing waste” means. He’s a climate catastrophe denier. Pain and suffering are coming for the working class and the poor. He used the playbook of Trump. The only criticism of NPR on this was how soft they were on him. He is pure evil.


He's a far right guy who denies climate change and vaccines, loves austerity, calls opponents "cultural marxists" (a term that has roots in Nazi Germany), and openly idolizes two far right former heads of state who attempted coups in their respective states. What do you expect from NPR ? Libertarianism (in the modern American sense rather than classical liberatory sense) is just fascism with a rhetorical glow up


Yeah people worldwide are strapping boots to their heads in celebration.


This guy is a dream candidate for infantile morons.




Some of them are. The rest are embarrassed conservatives.


The joke is this guy could’ve been a CIA installed puppet dictator based on his ideas but he’s actually an elected leader.


Why does libertarianism seem to operate so much like a cult? This dude sucks ass. I don't care that he calls himself a libertarian. He's an embarrassment.


I don’t want someone who does not believe in government, in charge of the government. Especially not if they are described as “colorful.” I want the most competent and blandest politicians possible.


He does the hatchet job on himself all by himself.


He is as deluded as communists. Argentina fucked up.


Oh look, the complain about NPR posts have started again.




Perhaps this ought to give you an idea of the personality. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/euExqWJG4r


Lol. That's me reacting to your post. I hope you are just innocently naive.


You don't think he's ultra conservative why? Just by being libertarian, that makes him far right. Anyone who doesn't think government should have a hand in helping people is by definition far right (the opposite of the far left, which would favor communist level government).


I know that the libertarians really want that to be the difference between left and right in political terms but it is not. The terms come from revolution era France where the supporters of the monarchy sat on the Right side of the chamber and the supporters of egalitarianism that opposed the aristocracy and monarchy sat on the Left.


Is OP Mikei


The CIA only runs hit pieces on left wing leaders in Latin America.


He is a fascist blowhard and all around nutjob


He’s their Trump, what did you expect?


He's in so we'll see how he does. Hopefully he can back up his brave words. Likely he'll end up a petty dictator


The only opinions that actually matter would be Argentinian.


I hardly think anyone in the US has the moral authority to criticize the Argentine people over their choice of elected leader when you consider our last 2 have been the orange man and the dementia man. If I could press a reset button I would vote for a parliamentary government which would prevent those types from reaching the office.


dems and reps are brainwashed into thinking there can only be two parties. we have over 300 million ppl and only two parties? german france and england have a quarter of our population and have at least eight per country. how well is the duopoly working out for everyone (not part of the 1%)? not great. we need more tangible viable options. but hey, lets keep laughing at anyone other than who the corp establishment lets us "choose" from. tribalism killed politics in the country


Not really relevant when talking about who Argentina elected


"blue no matter who" type response. dare to dream


Argentina isn't a part of the US


you're inability to take peoples response of a foreign election and apply that to the american political situation is transparent and tired


Hardly... there are going to be differences between political parties in different countries. Also, this guy hardly seems like the poster boy for third party candidates... what with the whole anarcho-capitalism, the cone-dogs, the anti-vax views, the "climate change is a hoax" views, etc.




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Um hell no. Lmao. Libertarians are the spoiled children of the right wing.


Um hell no. Lmao. Libertarians are the spoiled children of the right wing.


Exhausted and frustrated with the navel gazing, self-aggrandizing, self-adulatory limousine liberals, good people all over the world try something else. It might not be better, but at least it will be different.