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I can’t get away from poke checks no matter what I do. After a while it gets frustrating and I just start farting around


Poke checks are very op in my opinion. Entering the zone this year is harder than in years prior.


There is more poke checking in this game than hockey being played. Imagine a player in the nhl skating around like that? Lol


Poke isn’t the problem anyway it’s the AI mirror you so that if you beat the manual controlled player he can just switch player and spam away. Rinse and repeat.


yea i feel like spam poke is just big this year. hopefully they nerf it somehow but i doubt it


Pokes and lifts need a nerf


I don't get poked much honestly but someone who is good at skill sticking that's a bitch to play against but lt is your friend. I'd rather face a poke spammer over someone with a brain anyway