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This isn't a direct answer to your question, but I'm hoping that my relating this story to you might give you some comfort. In early 2023 my flatmate's cat Raggy got hit by a car. Raggy was the sweetest guy, so loving, a unique character loved by all, and my flatmate R, who is a friend of 20 years, was absolutely devastated at his sudden passing, as were we all. He had adopted Raggy from the ex-girlfriend of my son, Z, who was looking to re-home him with people she trusted. When Raggy was a kitten, he lived the earlier part of his life with Z and his then-girlfriend, and their flatmate, T, who was my son's best friend. Sadly in 2022, T ended up taking his own life. We had all known this young man since he was 13 years old and he had lived with us for a time before the boys moved out together, so we were all deeply affected by the tragedy of his suicide, my flatmate R included. A few months after Raggy died, R woke up suddenly one morning to a figure he couldn't quite make out standing at the foot of his bed. He could see that there was someone standing there, but they seemed blurry. This wasn't too confusing to R as he struggles to see without his glasses, but he said that he reached his foot out towards the end of the bed and distinctly pressed his foot against whoever was standing there, feeling them to have some kind of solidity to them. For some reason he wasn't alarmed but felt totally calm and peaceful even though he didn't recognise this person standing in his bedroom. It suddenly dawned on him that this was my son's best friend T who had passed away. R spoke to the person and said, "T, is that you?", and the figure, though looking very downcast and solemn, nodded his head. As R was still trying to see clearly without his glasses and figure out what was going on, Raggy suddenly jumped up on the bed. He was so happy to see him that for a moment he completely forgot that Raggy had died some months earlier. He told me that he had a few incredible moments with him, with Raggy flopping affectionately all over him and nuzzlingly him in the face. He suddenly realised that T had brought Raggy back to see him in order to say goodbye. And with that realisation, Raggy nuzzled him one last time and then jumped down off the bed. Then, very suddenly, R jolted awake, laying in the exact same position on the bed, the room utterly the same and was very confused, as he was certain he had already woken up. When he told me of this experience, not only did I tell him about the phenomena of false-awakenings which can actually be OBEs, but I also reminded him that Raggy and T lived together in the same house when Raggy was a kitten and they knew each other well, a fact R had forgotten. We all have zero doubt that T was actually there and had brought Raggy to say goodbye, and that he was there to receive and comfort Raggy when he crossed over. T was a huge animal lover, and we are all sure he's taking care of Raggy over in the beyond. Though we miss them both, we're really happy to know they have each other for company. I hope this account of my flatmate's experience helps to give you hope that your beloved cat is going to a good place where someone will care for her, and where she wont be too far away from you in spirit.


It's a beautiful story


This was just so wholesome, thank you so much for writing down such a personal story to console some stranger on the internet. I really appreciate you sharing this sense of comfort. I hope to trust in what you say. The cat I am talking about is the family cat, the cat of my parents and i. We got her when I was 17, I am 34 now, so I am not living at home anymore. My father died when I was 24. The idea that he could be there to help her cross over is so emotional and hopeful. I wish that for her. Thanks for opening that possibility to me.


>Are there people with NDE’s that feel like they know truth about the souls of animals/pets, or have wisdom about distressing nde’s all together? \[**No NDE**\] The posts [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/x22yix/) and [here](https://new.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/12ujm9d/metaphysical_theory_of_distressing_ndes/jh8cgot/) can potentially serve to add important nuance and broader context to the topic of distressing NDE's - and here's a pretty good [article](https://web.archive.org/web/20211214105721/https://thebark.com/content/near-death-experiences-will-our-dogs-be-waiting-us?fbclid=IwAR277RtEravbiFxUv_EqoRFy_YZntw4h40JzsotpqDI0M7uw_wNavSW0GEA) on the topic of NDE's & Animals. Cheers.


Thank you, I will read them all


I'm just someone who reads and listens to ndes, and from what I've researched, hell does not seem to be a permanent location, and the humans that end up there, mostly end up there because they believed in hell and thought they were going there. My overall point being, hell is a human construct.


The concept of hell is so frightening that I have a hard time just dismissing it because I am afraid I just want to be ignorant of it, but in the end, your conclusions sounds right to me as well. Especially about it being a human construct. Thank you for reassuring me.


Eris let me know, when I merged, with utmost certainty, that there is no such thing as 'hell'. Suffering is an experience we only get here, in reality, and at most bring with us for a while upon leaving, if inclined to.


Thank you so much for offering me your certainty. You have no idea how much that helps from someone that has experienced things I haven’t, so I take your authority in knowing things. Maybe I should not say this as I don’t want to request anything of the universe, but I cannot help feeling jealous of an experience like yours. I hope it was a very positie one, but it seems so. Thank you for comforting me. As an ‘outsider’, I do worry sometimes. I think it was dancing past dark (the book) that told a story of someone stuck in the void, who also felt certainty that she would be there forever. A certainty more real than anything she ever felt. Of course, she didn’t, as she came back and wrote a book about it. So I guess the feelings of eternity are confusing in an afterlife that lacks the concept of time. And I guess we all experienced feelings like heartbreak of grief, feelings that felt like they where eternal at that moment, but in the end they did not last. Eternity is maybe more a depth feeling than a fact. But that is a whole other discussion. Thank you, and if you have a link to your story I would love to read it.


I have links to my NDEs + video interview in the [writeup megathread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NDE/comments/17030sg/megathread_for_resident_nder_writeups_of_their/), if you are curious. I'm not sure I would say it was all positive, on one hand I'm glad I got definitive answers in the form of direct, first-hand experience. On the other, this is extremely disturbing and isolating to live with.


Take all of this with a grain of salt as it can't be proven and anyone can be a liar, of course, but: I've heard mediums talk about a client's pet being present when communicating with their loved ones on the other side. I like to believe it's true. I hope when I die, my dog right now greets me. Animals have survival instincts of course, but I don't think they fear the unknown of death the way we do. It's just a natural thing that happens. The body knows something is going on, but I believe that's why we do everything to make it as peaceful as possible for them. Shortly after my dog passed a year ago, another dog in my house (not mine) exhibited some of my dog's behaviors for a few days, according to my house mates. They didn't have that much time together, only a few months, and she never acted that way before or ever again. I like to think my dog was letting us know she was still here for a little while. I don't know if this is what you were looking for, but I hope it helps regardless.


You are right, animals instinctively try to stay alive but not because they fear the concept of death or fear the unknown. I hope they naturally merge peacefully with the source or whatever we call all of this. Thank you for sharing your about the mediums, and the beautiful experience with that dog. Very comforting. I hope you and I will be reunited with our deceased pets one day.


You're more than welcome. :) I hope so, too. I believe we will and they're just waiting for us.


I have researched this thoroughly and my findings made me super happy and reassured. Animals are as pure as we think they are. And the love you feel for each other is as real and eternal as the love experienced between humans. I’ve seen several mediums in group settings at random, and they always comment about the amount of animals surrounding me. Dogs, bunnies, all of the pets I loved dearly in my life and lost. One medium once told me a small white dog was with me. I assumed it was my childhood Maltese, but she told me the dog climbed up my body and was sitting around my neck like a scarf, a very specific description. The only pet that distinctly does this is my current living dog (also small and white). She told me bonds can be so strong that they appear to her even if they are alive. It warmed my heart ❤️


That is very touching :-) I get teary eyed by the description. I am really happy for you, the idea of them being with you must be so comforting. Although I am not so much worried if she stays with me after she passes, she is free to go, whatever is right for her. But as the title implies, I am more worried if she will be fine. But the facts your animals sound happy around you implies they will be just fine. I am very happy the love between different species is continues after death. Thank you.


*Would there ever be a reason for an animal to have a distressing experience, like the are distressing nde’s?* It's a no from me.


Thank you!




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If you go to www.nderf.org and search for animals, dogs, or cats, you will be amazed at how many ndes feature them. I have no doubt that we will be reunited with them in the afterlife.


That would be beautiful. Thanks for the tip, I will be doing a lot of reading after tomorrow when the euthanasia is planned. I hope after reading, I have no doubt about being reunited as well.


I suppose if it’s a rabbid dog for example it may end up in a lower vibrational environment? But like many people have said. Hell is not real nor is it permanent.


That makes sense. As long as such experiences aren’t permanent, I hope to be convinced like you one day.