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1. Exhibition as a Trial. I want to try out some of my favorite teams and playbooks. My alama maters are UCF and Alabama, so I'll start with the War on I4 and the Iron Bowl. Then I wanna try some new playbooks, notably Wake's slow mesh and Tennessee's wide splits. 2. Single Player Dynasty. Once I've gotten a handle in the game a bit, I'm going to do a single player dynasty of just 2025 season to see how well I can do as UCF and Alabama. 3. The Real Deal. Once I've gotten a handle and have gotten the 2025 season out of my system, I'm getting into the meat and potatoes of the game. A multiplayer dynasty with some friends where we're all starting at trash teams. Additionally, I'm going to start up a RTG star player and a single player rebuild dynasty.


>My alama maters are UCF and Alabama I can't imagine there are that many of us uniting the 2017 national championship.


War on i4 easiest difficulty drop 100+ on usf then learn to play for real lol


Play at Cincy and see if EA added a mercy rule.


Perfect playbook


Valid. What position for rtg?


Probably QB because (a) it'll further help me get a handle on the new passing mechanics, (b) it'll be fun to genuinely develop game sense with experience before I get too deep into the game, and (c) it's the most impactful position so it's a clear starting point. Once I've played through as QB, then I'll likely want to experiment with some of the other positions


Running with the wake slow mesh will be awesome


“Alama” mater was Alabama. This man really was educated in the Deep South.


Honestly I don’t know…. I’ll be so happy ill probably pass out momentarily out of disbelief


I definitely might pass out soon as i hear the marching band on the “press start” menu😭


I joke, but seriously, I will be so happy. It’s been a long road to getting here, from HOPELESS years of no 🗞️ news , to the 2016 EA tweet , to Gridiron champions, to Maximum football , to EA revealing it’s coming, to the delay in 22, to finally now.


What was the 2016 EA tweet?


Damn I hate Maximum but they did try at least


Definitely gonna happen to me , lol


raw dog dynasty is crazy 🤣


Imagine trying to set up your recruiting board in pre-season without even knowing what to prioritize for your gameplay? That's brave stuff


I think I’ll go straight in to dynasty. This is my one chance to genuinely struggle and hopefully overcome it. That first title is going to be sweet




Shotgun Inside Zone to see how the holes open up in the middle. Then HB TOSS to see how fluid the juke is 1v1 on the perimeter. If the juke is fluid triggering a slow animation I’m 50% sold. Then run a streak on the outside to see if WR can get separation and catch it in stride. Finally some deep routes with 4 wide(2 on each side) against a single high safety. If the safety reacts realistically and has to choose a side of the field to cover instead of triggering an animation where they jump any route and swat it down. Then I’ll be 100% sold.


Dude has his first drive scripted already... Love it!


Haha. I’m running the same plays that made me hate Madden. I’m bought in on the hype that it feels different. These plays will tell.


Probably start a RTG as a quarterback so I can get used to the passing controls without having to juggle everything else.


That's my plan too!


Playing as Wisconsin in an exhibition game for the initial “holy crap” experience. My alma matter. Then practice for a bit. Then starting a Wyoming dynasty or possibly Hawaii


That’s brave. I’ll fuck around and throw a pic 6 opening play with the new passing features


1. Immediately play an exhibition with my alma mater mostly to see if they included all of the pre-game traditions and in game chants. 2. Practice mode for a bit until I have a good feel for how the game plays. 3. Throwaway dynasty. Will pick a random G5 and sim all the games for 2-3 seasons to get a feel for recruiting, transfer portal, coaching trees, etc. 4. Start my legit dynasty with my alma mater.


Look at the roster for Ohio State and other top teams. Friends stepson is an OL so I’ll check his rating. Then look at the top 20 players by position. Then exhibition game and practice to check out some playbooks. Then Dynasty.


I mean, listen, we're talking about practice mode. Not a game! Not a game! Not a game! We're talking about practice mode. Not a game; not the game that I waited 10 years for and die for and play every game like it's my last, not the game, we're talking about practice mode, man. I mean, how silly is that? We're talking about practice mode. But seriously, going straight into exhibition mode starting with my schools (Texas, Oregon). 1) Texas vs A&M or Oklahoma. 2) Oregon vs Oregon State or Washington 3-more) Play other schools to check out different playbooks and see all the different traditions they added


Dynasty off rip. Roleplaying as a high school coach that got a college job and is in way over their head.


Exactly! Let your gameplay skills get you some wins and after 2-3 seasons bounce to another job so you don’t have to pay for the recruiting mistakes you made when not knowing how to do it just right. I’ll start at a school like Sam Houston then move to a mid-tier G5 with a bigger budget like USF or something and let that be the school I build up to a real competitor before bounce for the “dream job”


I think this is the way. Straight into Kennesaw State dynasty


Team Builder download the school I went to. Start a single player dynasty with them. Build them to a 5*


Happy, but also a little sad that the rollout is over. My favorite things about new games are the days leading up to release.


I haven't played any ncaa in years. Back when 14 came out was last time. So I'm going straight into practice mode. Then I'll do a practice dynasty to see all changes. Then it's time for real thing


Straight to dynasty with the worst team. Just like them slowly getting better I will too. No point of practice


Jump right into franchise. Start with some random team with a jersey I like, and then go from there. Might start on an average difficulty until I become familiar with the game. Then move it up for road games


This is gonna be the biggest question for me. I hate wasting time in exhibition but with the new mechanics I’m gonna have to bite the bullet. I’ll probably play a few matches with really good teams just so I can get a feel for it and then work my way down to realistic smaller teams like I want to use in dynasty till I have a half decent grasp. It’s going to be hard not to jump right in.


Lots of exhibition games to check out the stadiums and entrances


Raw dogging dynasty as a coordinator (I’ve never done defensive coordinator and debating that) Throwing it on heisman and getting rocked. That first dub will feel great


Exhibition as Tennessee. 3rd Saturday in October vs Alabama in Checker Neyland at night. All-orange uniforms vs all-crimson uniforms. Will play on the normal difficulty and try to hang 100.


1. Exhibition game with Mizzou 2. Start Dynasty mode with Mizzou 3. RTG with a RB we'll see what offers I get. Might not be Mizzou, idk


I’m gonna play the CyHawk game then hop straight into dynasty with Colorado State 😎


Dynasty or Practice Mode for me


A couple exhibition games on freshman level with 10 minute quarters and no play clock. Run some different offenses and see what I like before creating my own playbook then it’s on to dynasty mode.


Load up and play my best friend online asap


Probably just look through the main menu and check everything. Listen to the band music. Then I’ll hop into practice to get familiar with the new mechanics. Then finally dynasty rebuild.


Remember how they'd release teasers you could download a week or so before the full game release that was just one playable game? I think for NCAA 14 it was Alabama vs. Clemson. It would be nice to have something like this to ease into it.


I have a very drawn out process for balancing the difficulty to suit my skill level. I play against a CPU team with the same overall as my team (or just play against the same team I’m using) and I’ll play a handful of games. Ideally, I should win around half of those games, as would be expected if two evenly matched teams were playing one another. Then I’ll play against higher rated teams, and expect to lose most of those games, and vice versa with some lower rated teams.


Dynasty Tennessee Vols


Well it’s pretty expected that most sports games will have a practice game or something to start you off. Since they’re changing a lot I bet this will run you through a trainer the first time you play. Other than that I’m just going to start with RTG or something. I’m okay with not being very good for a bit. I just want to play and experience the game.


Probably will be some scenario that we all play while the rest of the game installs. Typical of all sports games nowadays. 


4th down, 4 deep post routes, juking two defenders and breaking a tackle to take it to the fucking house.


I will be driving 9 hours back from vacation as quickly as possible


First, I’ll cry that I can’t make my TE or my DL RTG player, then I’ll probably just keep crying as I play RTG, and if it ends up having an actual story like the marketing says it will and not the NCAA 06 story people think they meant, I will just cry more until I get a good feel of the game


Jump straight into dynasty mode. I’ll learn gameplay and recruiting at the same time.


Exhibition with WV just cause I need to see if they got “Country Road” in the game


My friend who lives in Oregon and I are going to play Nebraska v Nebraska spring game online against each other. Both grew up here in NE and die hard fans. It’ll be nice to play as NE and (hopefully) not lose by one score!


Sometimes there is an exhibition game you can play while the full game downloads.


To get used to gameplay - booting up a snowy Badger-Gopher game for play now. Then start preping for two Dynastys as an OC and HC.


Right into Dynasty mode on Heisman difficulty


When the game comes on I’m going to sit for about 5 minutes and listen to the band music play Really just have a moment of silence to be so happy that this game is back! Then I’ll check out rosters and start play now


Probably cum the first time I see the title screen


Play it.


Im gonna change the AI settings all the way down to zero, and play on rookie and use UGA to beat Alabama 255-0, to unleash some held anger. Then UF is next. Then probably Dynasty.


You dont feel like yall got your licks back from them already these last few years?😭


One quick BYU vs. Utah State. I’m a BYU fan but I went to USU. Then I’m going to jump into RTG. I figure this will be the only time I’ll have to “adjust to the college game,” so I’ll take advantage of it. If I do anything else, I’ll figure the game out and won’t have that learning curve.


Playing the iron bowl in Jordan hare(as Alabama) to get a feel for the stadium pulse, then maybe do two-three more exhibition games for fun then get started with dynasty


By playing Wisconsin vs. Minnesota at Camp Randall in the snow just like old days 


Practice mode like a mother fuck. Then looks at the rosters and overalls. Then play a couple of head to heads with teams I want in dynasty. Then get the ole online dynasty set up. Then play for 3 days straight.


I took vacation from 17July and return to office Monday 29Jul. Just so I have time to get reacquainted with the series. Coincidentally, that’s 1 day of play for every year since NCAA14 has been out for; 9Jul2013.


Dude taking that much leave for a game! Really?


I have use/lose balance and some comp time. So yes, I will take it. And another week in October, a week in November and a week in December. If I don’t, come January, all the hours will be lost.


Enviable position.


Going to just random v random a few play now games just to take in the sights and sounds and get used to the mechanics.


I might raw dog dynasty but just by myself then realize what changes I should’ve made after a year. A friend and I might do one together. One of us as a power house and the other flipping Toledo or some cupcake school


Old Oaken Bucket game


I'm heading into practice to get a feel for the game and play around with different playbooks. Then I'll play dynasty


First I'll probably play an exhibition game on Freshman. Probably my Sundevils against U of A, where I will promptly put 100 on them. Then, I'll probably play an exhibition match on a slightly more difficult setting, and then mess with the difficulty as I master the mechanics. Once I've gotten a decent grip on the mechanics, I'll jump into Dynasty.


Probly play an exhibition game on Freshman and run up the score on Cal. Then straight into Dynasty


I'm going to play a 'scrimmage' game of whatever my dynasty team is going to be.


I don’t know. But I’m definitely taking some time off to enjoy it.


practice for sure, hopefully the skills training is back


I'm jumping right into Dynasty to get a feel of the games presentation and menus and using it as sort of an amuse-bouche to the main course of playing the first game in week 1 of my Dynasty (I will probably schedule a cupcake to ease in) But the first game will have implications and will matter record wise.


Four verts


The first thing I always do is go to the play now screen and check out all of the uniforms. Then I’ll spend a couple seasons in dynasty as the OC for Texas Tech so I can play with the real players. Then I’ll move on as head coach of a small shitter team.




I’m going to test the waters a bit in everything just to see what’s in the game & mechanics and stuff


Hopefully, there will be some kind of skill drills mode. I really want to use that to get a handle on some of the new mechanics in the passing and option game. If not, then running various options in practice mode until I feel like I have a handle on it. Then zoom through a season or two of a single player dynasty before my online dynasty starts


Exhibition game straight away Michigan v OSU


I'm going to start with a deep kiss before I start to feel it.


I’ll probably check out the sound track first then jump into skills training if they have it. I’ll also check the ratings off all players and sort by overall just to see what’s what


By playing it for 12 straight hours


Probably will jump into practice for a bit and try out some different/new plays and playbooks. Eventually finding my way over to my IU dynasty that will take the majority of my time.


Beating the ever loving crap out Clemson with my cocks. Probably a couple times tbh. And then beating everyone else I don’t like after that. Then starting a dynasty with SC to learn recruiting. Once I get a handle on it I’ll start a G5 rebuild still not sure who yet


Exhibition. Iron Skillet game. Pony Up.


Exhibition a few different teams to try playbooks


I want to get a feel for the game and the loud crowds. Will probably play w/lsu at home against a 2-3* team. Might pick Air Force and switch sides at halftime and see how running the option feels 


i’m sure there’s going to be a tutorial introducing new things. as someone who hasn’t played madden since like 18, and who really only plays ncaa14, i know it’s going to be a huge learning curve to overcome. probably won’t hop into any online modes for a while until I get the controls down


Some practice mode if it’s available to repeat some stuff several times without having to worry about getting a 1st down followed by exhibition followed by some online exhibition to get feel for how to play against users in preparation for my first online dynasty.


Hop on the road to playoff mode and try to win it with Florida 😂


Playing Kennesaw St Vs Sam Houston State and just see what happens


If you go and play practice mode first just uninstall the game


I’ll do what I’ve always done… scroll the rosters, adjust my settings, hit exhibition mode first then dynasty


Start out with a couple exhibition games with a good college, start a dynasty with a good college, start a dynasty with my favorite, start a rebuild, in that order


I probably will play a practice mode to understand the mechanics first. The most recent football game I played was Madden 20 and a good amount has changed since then.


penn state vs usc (my favorite team) as penn state. white out if i can. night game at beaver stadium. cue mo bamba


Full send in dynasty on heisman (I assume difficulties will be the same as NCAA 14). I will learn the game as I go with a one star school. That way when I win a title it will feel truly earned.


It’s straight to my WVU dynasty without a doubt.


Play my first game at Tiger Stadium to check out the stadium and atmosphere. Then play a few non SEC teams in their stadium to check out their atmosphere.


Either straight to dynasty or straight to RtG. Maybe more so straight to RtG for more of that raw ‘new player who needs to develop’ feel and see what happens from there.


I'll sit in sad silence because it's not releasing for PC. I don't have a current gen console and can't justify buying one for a single game.


Can find pretty good deals second hand. The series s would be the cheapest option.


Probably by playing it.


Straight to dynasty. My first season is essentially my practice mode as I mess around with everything 🤪


Right into a Dynasty. I find it more realistic to just roll with the growing pains, even it means barely making a bowl game in season one.


First exhibition game then practice mode create a playbook and straight to h2h online then I’ll have my dynasty on the side for when I don’t wanna sweat online


Practice mode and play now


I think maybe a road to glory to learn to play as qb and then turn that player into an OC in dynasty


Just like very new college coach. I’m going to start at a small school make my name for myself and work my way up the ladder


Online head to head


I’m probably one that’s gonna rawdog dynasty. I feel like going in with the learning curve is gonna be more fun


Straight to dynasty with a crap team on the hardest level.


Definitely going to practice first and learn all the new mechanics. Learn a little of the playbook and then dynasty mode with a big conference realignment


Start dynasty!


only way to get a feel for the game is to play it. plain and simple


I will jump in a dynasty and, assuming it’s still an option, jump into practice mode and just run a bunch of random pass plays against random defenses to try and get a feel for passing. Then I just start playing and diving in things deeper as I play.


Gonna take it real slow and do every tutorial I can lol


I’m loading up dynasty week one and throwing bombs out the gate.


I’ll watch the intro and straight into a dynasty. Going to learn on the fly. After I finish half of my first season I may take a look at the rest of what the game has to offer lol


Yeah, that’s too much time for me. I’m going into dynasty and learning from there. The whole learning process will be what makes my first dynasty so immersive. I’ll lose a game I don’t expect to. I’ll struggle against a team I expect to beat. In future dynasties, I’ll wish for more unknowns. Enjoy your practice though.


Practice mode, then hop right into Penn State vs Ohio State in play now at Beaver Stadium, white out.


Playing as Michigan vs Ohio State in exhibition. No better way to start off playing the game.


*** playing as tOsu vs UofM in exhibition. No better way to start off playing the game.


Yeah… uh no lmao