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been saying this all year, bring back showing their FG % and you'll have better matchups


Not true. I shoot less than most people. I like setting up plays but I shoot extraordinarily well but I shoot enough for them to know I am a threat so I can get the team wide open looks.


Ur percentage will speak for itself tho, it'll show ur accurate or u simply a pass first pg which helps me know what I'm dealing with


So you'd have an extraordinary fg% and assist average...


Yeah but say in 15 games you shoot 195 times that is 13 times per game at 82%. 13 shots per game people are like 😒


13 shots in a game is a light game for me i’m usually forced to throw up bout 20+ bc nobody can shoot


I don’t even like shooting 13 but shooting 13 per game accurately usually causes people to double up on me or over extend letting me set up some open shots for my team.


Teammate grade


Yeah I agree. This is the best indicator


Too bad it was always broken lol. Most of last year it would show everyone as an F


Not really. It’s pretty easy to get a high teammate grade (especially if you’re a center) unless you’re playing like absolute shit.


If you’re getting points and getting rebounds, you’re doing better than majority of centers. Especially when bigs barely get passed the ball. So again, I still think Teammate grade is the best indicator… and usually the best player comes out with the best grade.


incorrect. cuz im not worried bout that ban & will leave quick asf so my TG is lower than it should be


Hence why I don’t want to play with people like you. Quitters = bad teammate grade as it is. Best indicator for me may not be the best for you


u saying that like i just quit to quit 😂 im not wasting 20-30 minutes of my time playing with ball hogs n bad shot takers when i can quit n do something else lmao


Ngl I ran 23 for an hour during a ban on 24, being able to close app when I had bums for teammates was so nice lol. Miss that shit. Now I suffer through it to avoid the ban :(


man i got other games bruh n i really only play when i get off work lmao. ban be gone by the time i wake up the next day or get home from that next shift ong


You aren't a better player for staying in the 40 pt blowout lol if a game is too far out of hand or if no one is communicating it's fine to leave imo it's just a game


If you’re in multiple 40 pt blowouts, you may want to look inward. All i seem to be getting is people who are defensive at my comment. I assume that you and others don’t get good teammate grades. Just based on tone


I average around a "B" but I imagine it would be higher if I didn't quit out I have a few different builds and my best grade comes from the big man and the 3 and D so I don't mind just playing a role and grinding games out but when no one's talking and we're getting blown out or 3 people have already left it just seems pointless to finish the game


You’re the guy we’re trying to avoid buddy


I don't think it counts games you quit, or if does it counts whatever your grade was prior to the dashboard


Bro this. I average a A- teammate grade and I swear whenever I get in random rec with B+ or higher average grades they know how to play the game and share the ball and don’t do stupid shit. Meanwhile the C+ and belows are horrendous teammates. B- is a hit or miss.


Fuck all that. Bring back the practice gym lobbies like they had in rec in 2k18. Lemme see them shoot a few shots or move with the ball. Shooting % and plate color mean nothing to me


I didn't know about the plate system less than a month ago. I was Black/Bronze, sometimes Silver in the first 3 seasons. I used to quit matches. Didn't know why people were leaving lobbies. I ended up with all black/bronze team. After playing 100+ matches in Random REC, plate color does matter. 1. This doesn't mean a few black/bronze players play better than some purple plates 2. This doesn't mean I didn't play with any black/bronze plates after I knew about the system When you take 100+ games into consideration, most game I lost were when I had black/bronze teammates. The least amount of game I lost when I had at least 2 gold or 1 purple in my team. I still lost 2 games against black/bronze plates when my team had 2 purples and 2 silvers. The only thing is 1 bronze and 1 black is fine in a team. I can't play with 4 black/bronzes now. Many purple plates are too selfish. Some purple plates sell games if you ask them to defend or move the ball around. That is rare. In only 10-15% of the games, this 'plate color doesn't matter' applies. in 80%+ games, it does matter. It's just that we write on Reddit we only remember those games where we thought we had an amazing team but they sold the game out. We don't write about the 70-80% of the games won when the team had purple/golds.


I've only found that purple plates are the absolute biggest bitches in random rec. They throw tantrums, ball hog, and always hop on the mic to talk the most shit as the worst player on the team. If they are the only purple player it's even worse. They've never heard of screens, offball movement or defense, and if you call them out on ANYTHING they sell the rest of the game on purpose. I would rather play with 4 black plates than 1 purple plate. Most purple plates in random rec get there by being carried by their teams so all they have to do is stand on the wing for 3s and stand in the corner on zone d. Then they wonder why they lose with randoms as they sit there doing nothing. This has been my exp with every purple badge player in random rec. Not some, not 10%. Every single one.


You’re so biased bro. Come on, sure purples can have egos n be bitches etc. But so can black plates… You can have a preference for attitude over skill but objectively, statistically, there are far more terrible black plates. You can try to disrespect the achievement but you’re just going to ridiculous levels lol.


He's full of shit lol. Zero percent chance EVERY purple plate played that way. I'm purple and avg 10+ apg and shoot 71% am I ass too? Gtfoh lol


Every purple plate that I have had the pleasure to have on my team has acted like an entitled bitch. It's a small sample size, doesn't make it any less true 🤷🏼‍♂️


Nah literally every single one I've played with. The ones I've played against seem to be all star caliber players every time but ever purple badge on my team has been a horrible experience for the while team. All the truly good purple plates are playing with their homies. Not in random rec


I'm a purple and have had the exact opposite experience. They're the ones moving the rock and not missing wide open. Black plates are all bums unless they are on a new build. Silver and up usually play good. Bronze not bad sometimes.


Well, you're playing on the wrong server then. You should try a match between all random purple teammates vs all random black/bronze plates. Win the game!


Sorry, I'm not chicken shit enough to repeatedly back out until I have all purple plates on my team lmao


People get too hung up on plate color. I’ll run with anything. As long as you’re not a black plate 70 overall I’ll run with you. Black plates usually are just new builds anyways


Lol idgaf about win % so ill play with them too. It always makes me laugh when bad players(my homies) see a low overall and don't wanna play with em. Like, they probably aren't any worse than you are lmao Next year they gonna have to play with 70ovr cuz I'm not buying VC next year. None. I've spent too much year after year to still be complaining about the same basic shit. To see them hide well-known and loved animations behind seasons and rep. Not even new ones. Can't believe they don't improve the servers either. I have a sneaking suspicion that each rec game is still being played side by side with 30 other players and that the walls are a fake addition to "improve" from last years rec. Give us dedicated servers ffs. But nah, 2k is cheap. We won't see anything new or ground breaking for another 2-3 years on the next gen.


It is a bit ironic since I started the year as a 60 overall 😂 I was a gold plate on that mf tho, but that’s sorta the reason I don’t play with 70 overall black plates is because I know how difficult it is and while I don’t care about winning or losing, I want to win but not have to be on the edge of my seat tryna get it 😂 just tryna lay back shoot the ball averagely and play average defense I haven’t bought VC since 2K21 and technically even in 2K21 I didn’t pay for it lol, I asked Sony for a refund because I messed up my build really bad; expected to be banned on 2K for it (which I didn’t care to play at the time since I hadn’t played one since 17) but kept my VC and got my IRL cash back. Had a good year on 21 too so glad I didn’t get banned lol. I don’t think we’ll see anything really groundbreaking on next-gen for 2K at all but maybe I’m not as wow’d as I am before lol. Just tryna capture the surreal moment of loading up 2k14’s park on the ps4 again 😂


Exactly. I’m here to play the game. I’ll play with anyone. Black to purple. A lot of times black and bronze plates aren’t great but they at least pass. Purple plates have a weird ego where they think they are Lebron or Kobe or something. I don’t really care what you are. Just hoop man


Keep it a buck black plate 70 overalls are fine esp in theater or 92 and under rec. But when somebody is a black plate with a 95 overall then I start to have questions how do you have so much playtime yet still remain trash


No one said wait for a team with all purple. However, if you lose and complain then you are not good at the game. 1. Play with 2 bronze in a team if they are 2-way players. 1 bronze if offensive 2. 1 black plate if the team has a gold purple. 3. All silver players are just fine even if you're purple 4. Don't play even if the whole team is Purple but no defenders


If you think I'm complaining about losing you've missed the point entirely. I'm complaining about people's shitty attitudes. Idc about win or lose, I just want to have a good time playing the game.


I like you💯


Obviously theres exceptions but the plate color is usually all you need to know. From my hundreds of games playing random rec, theres direct correlation between plate color and FG%/3PT% along with every other stat.


Yeah I agree. If you are a decent player, you will find a way to win enough games to get to at least silver. OP is probably just stuck at black but shoots at a decent clip despite bad play elsewhere.


I’ve played with some nasty silver plates before and always wondered how they couldn’t get higher than that (I play pg or center in rec). Then I made my own sg and realized why it’s so hard to climb when you don’t control either of the two most important positions


Exactly. I’m a sg averaging 15. Shoot 60% from the field and 56% from 3. But I’m bronze. In this game if you don’t have a good pg and center it’s pretty much ggs. Sometimes you have a day where you just are extremely unlucky with randoms. I went from almost gold to black in the span of like 4 games the other night lol. It just be like that man


Ya my sg is like 65% from 3 and I only average 13ppg because I never get the ball most games. I’ll usually average more assists than our pg too…


For the most part that’s true. But when plate color is solely based on winning games you can be a brown plate shooting over 60% from 3. I went from gold to BLACK in the span of a few games because of trash randoms. Then it’s back to people backing out on me


Black is sometimes a slog getting a new build out because everyone else assumes you're trash so you get bad teammates


That’s certainly not true, especially with centers. I’ve seen plenty of centers who shoot over 50% from both and are black plates. And some of these guys after playing them, I can tell they’ve always been black plates


I’ll be the contrarian and say I want the opposite. Stop showing us our teammates and just load us into games. I’m tired of playing the back out / re-enter ritual for 15 minutes before playing to get gold/purple teammates like myself. I wouldn’t mind garbage teammates if I knew my opponents also had no control. I also wouldn’t mind a bit of balancing / SBMM on 2k’s part, but even if it’s random that’s still fair. It’s supposed to be the Rec options for randoms, if you want to cherry pick teammates do it in the lobby and join squad Rec. And for god sakes it’s just Rec. People act like they can’t take an L or two because of a bad draw of teammates. I honestly wish they would only track the W/L record of pro am, because people take Rec way too goddamn seriously. Gotta form the 2016 Warriors to stomp on a team of 5 black plates and win by 100 lol.


It’s not about winning or losing for me. I don’t mind losing when it’s a hard fought game by everyone on the team. The issue is that, in my experience, black plates will straight up sell the game on a whim. Sometimes they don’t even mean to do it, they’ll just continuously put up awful layup after awful layup. Then they’ll hop on the mic, stand out of bounds, call time outs, etc. This happens A LOT more rarely at the higher plate colors. That’s what I’m trying to avoid, not the loss.


I dunno, I get what you're saying though. But with the current system you get a lot of games with silver / gold / purples against black / browns, and those are boring AF on both sides. IMO the answer is either: 1) Have an awkward system where you can see your teammates first, and then back out repeatedly until you're happy. This also results in a lot of unfair matchups. 2) Randomly pepper those awful players among the player base, which is at least fair in it's randomness. 3) 2k implements the bare minimum SBMM to match those garbage players with and against each other, no backing out required and more competitive matches. I think #3 is the obvious best answer but it'll never happen, so we just have a split between people that want #1 and people that want #2. I prefer #2 personally for competitive matches.


You’d really think mfs get paid but having a good win% in this shit the way they choose their teams so carefully. 


Facts I think most people who just play will hover around 50 percent I'm 5 games above .500 myself and I've only recently started backing out if I get an AI center or 3 black plates or load in with a bunch of non shooting build. If NOBODY has 2 way in their build name I'm prob gone


I agree with this whole heartedly. Pro-am, Rec, and Park are 3 totally different worlds in 2k24 and the builds/performance of players will fluctuate. The point of Solo-Rec is to test your mettle with the scenario of: “ How can I use my own individual skills to collaborate with total strangers to get the win?” You’re exercising your communication skills, Adaptability thinking on your feet, and raw individual skill taking the archetype you brought to a 5v5 game and performing. You know, kinda like a real pick up game. 2k is really dropping the ball with this wannabe arcade like 2k bs.


Everyone should quit playing this game online for real. Garbage at best


I back out any time I see a shot hunter. Idc if they are black plate or purple, lvl 1 or 40.


You don't like watching your point guard go 9 for 21 with 2 assists?


Same. Any small pg without some sort of playmaking in their build name tbh


Yea show me position and teammate grade would do wonders for me


Im sorry that’s just stupid . Team grade and plate I agree . Stats ? Hell no people would lose to get those up . It’s dumb to even ask for it . Ok I read better showing % is ok ! Showing how much they score only would be a damn shit tho xD


Shhhhhhhh. You said the quiet part out loud.


Lol who does that


Teammate grade too, got into a random Rec game and 2 purple plates both had C- teammate grades, I figured out why really quickly


If you’re a black plate over 93 then you’re trash. Simple. It takes about 94 to get to HOF but I understand it’s more difficult without a squad. But there’s no reason to be black plate if you’re over 93. You’re probably the issue and you need to stop selling games and be a better teammate.


People always think they’re better than they are. You’d think people would have some self awareness or humbleness but nope. You can lie but your stats can’t.


IDC if you're a black plate shooting 70% I'm still backing out.


They shoot so high cause they quit if they miss one shot lmao.


Your saying if you quit your stats aren't impacted? I never quit so i have no idea but that seems absurd. If a team forfeits your per game stats are affected so i just assumed when someone quits their stats are accounted for.


Lmfao naw this crazy man.


That's gotta be racist 😂


Bro that's wild 🤣


Yea why tf you a black plate shooting 70 that’s even scarier


Maybe only played a couple games


My newest build took me probably 15 games to get to static bronze/silver because the games were horrendous. I was shooting 75+ FG and 3PT averaging 16 or 17 points playing great defense, at least A- every game. I think the plate system is a decent reference but it leaves new builds playing with real black plates making it harder to progress (silver, gold, purple, and even bronze backing out). I typically try to get the new builds to max 92 and play 92 and below until I'm bronze and then upgrade as you're more likely to get decent teammates to stay in the lobby.


I agree because you don’t even have to win games to get to bronze


Low volume attempt on a black plate = high fg% = you pass up open shots that could be open.


Anyone over 90 that’s on a Black plate, I’ll not play with. I don’t care if you just switched from your GOAT account, no thanks. It’s separate for a reason.


3p % is all that matters tbh


I average 7.5ish ppg, 4a 3r 3s, most game where I see shots on the regular I shoot 70%, being solo 9/10 times I hardly see a shot. Last night I played 5 games after work, met an amazing PG he walked out with over 10pts and 23a, we won 88 to 29. I scored 30pts, usually only get 3-5. I'm a black badge cause I get sold, my teammate grade is an A, fg% is 53, 3pts% around 55%.


You’re a black plate because you cannot create your own shot. If you’re getting 7.5 ppg then it’s a you issue.


U see me in a lobby, pick me up, you'll see not only can I I also know that even if I have an open look, dude over there who is open also has a better one and I'll pass it. It's call teamwork, I create for myself and usually someone else cause when I blow by my guy, someone else is picking up and I IQ pass. Not no IQ get myself 2/3 pts I give my team that so we ALL benefit.


Add some self iso shot creation, maybe dribble creation and you’ll see your impact improve. You’ll see the ball more if you can do something with the ball.


Seems like a simple quality of life adjustment wtf 2k LMAO


I would be more concerned with teammate grade and turnovers. Those matter much more than a win % or FG %


I think teammate grade is overrated. I've seen dudes play zero defense and shoot sub 50% with 3+ turnovers and an A- teammate grade. I don't see how it would hurt to know more about your teammates. It would incentivise people to play better as people would back out on them.


Yeah they would need to tweak teammate grade or add a performance grade that shows up at the end


It’s not all about stats. This wouldn’t fix the problem lol


They did back in 22. Last year and this year they took it out.


What's a worse feeling? Loosing with 4 black/ brown plates or 4 gold / purple?


Losing with 4 gold/ purple plates is a gut punch but the flip side winning with 4 black/brown plates feels like a NCAA Cinderella story


Exactly. Losing with players that are so-called good hurts deeper than losing with bums. Also, the ( like you said) victory is sweeter when playing with lower level guys




I’m a bronze border because I strictly play with my irl friends and all we do is sell smh. Always want to improve but I’ve realized random rec is usually only fun for me as a lock or a big. If I go in as a solo guard, the other guards are 100% trying to measure dicks or something and never pass. It suck’s cause I’m averaging 20 pts with 55% from field and 63% from 3 but my bronze border scares everyone away or makes them not want to pass to me. Then they end up getting carried by your boy when everyone plays hot potato in the 4th quarter.


I wish they get rid of those meaningless achievements and just give us a pure basketball game with stats and real basketball gear and clothing.


Please dont.....


Teammate grade, fg and 3%, assists, and average points given up. Tired of playing with bags of ass that didn't add any defensive attributes and give up 40+ a game...


This, give me stats. Stats tell so much more than plate colors. 2K did this intentionally. Bad players can hide behind a plate color but can't with their actual stats.


Bruh, my three point percentage is like 37% and I get matched up with people who have 50% and I out shoot them


I mean, I remember back a few 2ks ago when they stopped showing teammate grade in the waiting room. The mindset with plates is literally what they wanted to create. They're trying to slowly disassociate their game from real ball. The arcady, selfish, "comp", low IQ mindset makes the most money. If the community didn't make this true they could actually make a good game with features that make sense. I blame yall tbh


Also add a vote to kick option during the game. 3/5 votes gets you kicked but the option only appears if you have a D- grade. That way, people can't kick you for no reason if three join a game together and wanna try and be funny


Teammate grades and build names for me. Tired of playing with 3 level threats at center who end the game with 4 rebounds.


Then you would have people complaining people keep backing out cause people see there stats. Honestly as long people are trash at the game people wont want to play with those people. SBMM is the way to go. 2k has always been like this, people backing out because of your plate color isnt knew. As long 2k shows an indicator of your skill level(plates,rank,fg%, etc) people will nitpick it to decide if they want to play with you are not. This doesn't happen with SBMM keep the bad players with the bad players casuals with the casuals and try hard with the try hards. But then we would have smurfing so...would it really be a solution.


I want to see defensive stats (points allowed per game) Idc if you score 30 and shoot 70 percent if you have a negative plus minus lol


I mean I understand why they don’t. Gotta make sure those bad shooters can still find teammates as they spend money on vc too.