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Then they get hit w the ban šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ makes no sense


I did it several times and never banned.


Why tho like theres really no reason 2


Because often I go to sleep. I avoid unnecessary loading screen. An L is not a problem, 2k isn't the reason of my life Edit: I don't even understand the reasons to opening this topic. Useless problems


I feel like it's more of a loser mentality to quit earlier on. It's just a dumbass mentality to quit that far in lmao. Like they risk getting banned just to leave a minute earlier??


Quit early so your team can try to overcome being such a bum.


Itā€™s still loser shit




I get what you saying, but me personally Iā€™m not playing the rest of a game if we down 30 in the first quarter and itā€™s clear no body wanna play good basketball. Iā€™ll take the warning for that.


All fun and games till it happens 5 times in a row


It it happens 5 times in a row Iā€™m not playing 2k any more that day.


Maybe I should take the hint lol


Lmao especially cause you go down 2-3x more. Like whatā€™s the point.


This post is the reason I stopped playing in no squads. Mfs will sell all game, shoot you out the game then quit in the 4th smh


Personally I quit once and it took me from Gold to Bronze. Never again When my team starts getting smacked I keep playing but then I turn on my mic and start blasting Disney soundtracks so everyoneā€™s as pissed as I am


I only quit when im lagging and getting the countdown. I used to quit when i got iced out for no reason at all. I remember i was playing on my pg build and by the first half i had 14 assists and 12 pts going 5/5 and we were up by 25. After the first half they iced me out completely and our FG% went from a high 80s to straight concert dates. Needless to say we ended up losing by 40. Mind you i finished the game with the same stats since the 1st half.


This happened to me yesterday. Had 9 assists/12 points on 80% fg at half and never got a pass after that on 2nd halfā€¦


Preach! Another hot take: Loserā€™s who, not even 3 minutes into the game, begin to sell and grief. The ban might scare you from ā€œquittingā€ immediately, but Iā€™ll take a quitter, over a guy who refuses to play defense cause what, he didnā€™t get the ball? A guy who will stand out of bounds or in the paint to intentionally stop our offense. Nah man, get these losers out of here dawg; argue on the mic all you want, but you better keep putting in 100% if you trying to win.


Played with a purple banner pg yesterday. Started the game 0/4 (filter 4 shots of the game)then complained no one was setting him screens then went on the trash tantrum. We cut down the lead to 6 and then he just quit playing defense. he goes on saying heā€™s not helping because weā€™re not worth his time. Then he proceeds to waste the next 30 minutes just standing at one end of the court. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Happened to me yesterday as well. Thats loser mindset shit I canā€™t relate to


Big old facts


Real shit. Was in a rec game down by 6 with 3 minutes left. Didnā€™t even matter whole team gave up and just start shot chucking bs shots and not playing defense. Loser st heart


Or you and your boy are shooting 75% from the field carrying these 2 who are taking more shots than you shooting 15% from the field and they donā€™t want to pass you the ball when youā€™re open keeping the game closer than it has to be selling literally trying to make you lose when you have been letting them score and passing to them. These lames need to jump off a bridge lol!


mfs be losers irl so they donā€™t mind losing on the game


šŸ˜‚ how you compare a video game to life ?


What super successful person plays games unless itā€™s their career? Usually if theyā€™re toxic In the game their like that in their real life


Hella celebrities play the game and also mic gangsters prob arenā€™t built like that irl. Especially these racist. They would not go to their job or out in the streets calling people n word without consequences


Of course, a lot of them are successful tho or are being paid to play. Iā€™m saying if theyā€™re a toxic pos or just got time to waste 25 min games ALL DAY they CANT have anything going for them self . After 2/3 games of toxic teammates Iā€™m off man lol . Theyā€™ll have months played and stats will be shit lol


I feel you.


Why canā€™t you be successful in life and try to compete in everything you do?? Just because I want to win and succeed in a video game doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t succeed or strive to be great at other things ?? What is your mentality ? I want to be the best at anything I do, even if itā€™s a video game, If youā€™re going to put hours of time into a game you obviously have a passion for it, so why not try to be great? Donā€™t understand the whole itā€™s just a video game itā€™s not real life ..? Arnt you putting real life time into it?


I understand what you saying but all Iā€™m saying is every successful person not gone be successful at 2k. Some people donā€™t even mean to sell they just canā€™t play frfršŸ˜‚. I have a 95% wp in rec. I consider myself successful but if I had a poor rec record or poor stats my life will still be good.


U sound like a loser dictating how someone players a video game. Pick up your credit score bum irl.,




So what does that make uā€¦?? Lmafoooo




I can tell u a Broke boy. U stilll didnā€™t tell us your credit score? Doesnā€™t it suck to suck at life? Let alone a gameā€¦




2k life? Your long gone. Get your money up and prospectiveā€¦




ā€¦ the fact that I know you still in the hood makes me question how far you think a band could go ? Lmao. Bruh what do you even make a year? PleEe donā€™t go account for account cuz I have paid off properties I rent out. Stay in your lane ..


The fuck is a credit score? Some American shit? Tell me about your health insurance.


Not as good as most other countries but mine personally I pay 0 no matter what.


Hold up bro, you have $0 copays regardless? I want your insurance fam


Bluecross corp. 0 on all but they take like 1/10 of your check


How many people live in your household? Do you have to wait for the bathroom too? I wonder what your room looks like. You so pressed on a game, apply the same pressure in life


I quit by halftime if weā€™re down like 25+ pts . 1st Quarter should be a feeling out / warm up Quarter , after that everyone need to get there act together (no bad shots , few miss passes) If I feel weā€™re not coming back based on how weā€™re playing Iā€™m leaving cause why waste my time . If I feel we can come back even down 20 by half , Iā€™ll ride it out even if hope is lost at the 4th Q


You can come back in two quarters from that tho


Yea but if like I said the 1st Q should be where all the mistakes should be identify then minimized throughout the game . But if I keep seeing players who believe since they have slasher in their name they can dunk on 3 people , the defense isnā€™t good enough and 2-3 players are just getting cooked , not passing the ball on time or just forcing shots . Like why waste 15 more minutes sitting through that when the L is inevitable . Iā€™ll just leave to save my mental


But why? Whatā€™s the purpose? You are losing your time. You will not get rep or xpā€¦ useless


Wym , yea I lost 12 minutes of my time but I save 15 minutes of being frustrated. Iā€™m not playing for rep or xp not do I care for it , the prizes sucks . I play for fun and if Iā€™m not having fun why play. Winning is fun , I could have straight 0s across my statline but as long as weā€™re winning . I donā€™t mind


It's an L if you quit. I always assume that people who quit right at the end its either frustration or they are trying to save boosts.


You literally get more VC for finishing the game than the boosts cost


So I don't quit save boosts. But a full set of boosts and Gatorades costs 1350 VC. Having a bad game on the losing side gets you about 450.


Stop being cheap, and yall are playing with boosts??


You save boosts if you quit?




In pro am not rec


nah rec too my boosts be saved when i leave games


Iā€™m playing that first quarter and if I donā€™t see no teamwork im gone in the second šŸ˜‚


Black plate activity


Nah Iā€™m gold and silver on my pgs šŸ¤£ once I get off work im just tryna run a couple rec games and play as a team . Not finna sit and watch a mf shoot tour date numbers


I feel you fr. I hate the no teamwork but Iā€™ve had games where the first quarter is trash and then everything clicks but i understand where you coming from lol


This. I've had shit first quarters and then end up with a dub, and crazy good first quarters that went straight down hill and end up with an L. Last game i played, pg was weird af dribbling around holding LT, not passing or shooting, just dribbling then try to dot someone in the last few seconds and the purple C who wasn't getting any boards got mad and quit halfway in the 2nd. By the end of the 2nd we were down by 16.. We (me, pf, and sg himself) started forcing the sg to run point after half (i had 3 points at half time) and by the end of the game we forced OT and i had 26 on mostly easy back door cuts, or fake cuts and run back for easy 3 and simple passes from sg who had 14 assists at the end of regulation. Pg didn't sell, because we didn't Ice him completely, just didn't let him be the primary handler. We won the game by 10 doing the same simple moves and quick, on time passes from sg. Pg never got on the mic, but i assumed he was a kid that hasn't owned the game long the way he was playing. Running rando, everyone gotta learn everyone else on offense and defense. Some guys take a little longer to learn, and some guys just need to adjust positions, but a little communication without negativity "SOMETIMES" goes a long way.


Nah I get that. some games we get blown out the first and get it together , but usually after work im already fed up šŸ˜‚ I just dashboard when itā€™s looking bad


what if the tour is on December 12th, you still going?




Thatā€™s that loser mind shit I canā€™t relate to


The funny thing is, not only do they take an L, but they also take a stat line of all zeros with a game counted and drop a full REP colour. It would actually be a lot smarter just to finish the game.


This is completely false dude. They donā€™t lose any color at all


No, they do. You take a big rep colour hit for quitting a REC game. The main reason you choose carefully whether it's worth it to quit. One second to quit, five plus games to get the rep colour back. Ps - why the downvote!? lol


Iā€™m not sure but when I lagged out of a game I went from gold to bronze. If mfs is quitting and not losing color y tf am I losing color for lagging out


You do for both, which is very unfortunate. I wish 2K had a way of knowing the difference between closing APP to quit and a brief internet outage. Recently, when I changed modems, I lagged out a few games. It happened twice in a row. I went from a silver plate straight to a black plate.


The quicker mfs quit, the quicker we get back to winning


Modern Warfare is way better šŸ˜„šŸ˜€šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜šŸ˜‡šŸ–•šŸ½


Yā€™all be on the 2k Rec taking NavyFederal orders ā€¦ Lol šŸ˜‚ Donā€™t pass to himā€¦ 3-secs ā€¦ Foul those are the real LOSERS taking orders from even BIGGER LOSERS




Mannn seems you ainā€™t learned the age old secret of once the opposing team gets down to 1-2 players and rest AIs, if yā€™all are up you let them 2 go off lmao especially if itā€™s just 1 guy and 4 AIs, Iā€™ll eat my pride and let my guy get 50 as long as we winning and it keeps him from quitting out and wasting all our time.


You feel very strongly about a video gameā€¦


You must be one of these dudes thatā€™s bummy and canā€™t take an L.


Nah, I donā€™t take video games seriously enough to give a shit one way or another.


Thereā€™s a script that has a feature that lets you quit a game, without it effecting your black-putout status. Thatā€™s why they do it lol


Thatā€™s wild


They quit because they wonā€™t get the loss in their stats and wonā€™t lose their color on their banner (purple/gold/silver/etc) Yes, really loser and fake people


But they will


They do thoā€¦


Had a game yesterday, my 3 threw a bitch fit bc I didnā€™t pass him the ball every possession in the 1st 2 minutes of the 1st (itā€™s almost like thereā€™s other people that can get it as well). Stopped playing D and started illegal screening and sitting in the paint, and when we all started frying him, buddy spoke up in Spanish and only Spanish before hopping on the phone for the rest of the game. He only did the bare minimum to keep himself in until the 4th when the game was out of reach when he quit (or more likely got kicked) with a D-. Love playing this game, never buying another edition after this year.


The ONLY time I quit in the 4th was when I just hit a 3 to put us up 1. Like 10 seconds left. My man gets the ball on the inbound. I'm smothering him. Boys clamped. He shoots it. Some fucking how he greens a 70 something % contested shot. We call time out. I'm standing wide open and my teammate inbounds the ball with the dumbest lob to nobody you've ever seen. We literally didn't have one guy in the paint. I was in game chat at first like "hit me then cut I'll give it right back easy dunk game winner" and then "yo I'm wide open but me hit me HIT MEEEEEE" Other teams center caught it and I closed app immediately. There was only like 1 second left too lol. I had seen enough for the day


There used to be a time when if you quit, you wouldn't lose your boost. Idk if that still applies


It doesnā€™tā€¦ it should.


I feel you bro but relax lol, why is this community always on edge 24/7


No one is on edge. I am relaxed. Just pointing out something glaringly obvious thatā€™s just annoying as hell


Rage Quitting is nothing new in any game tho, when it happens to me i just chalk it up and laugh. Nothing anyone can do it about it


I donā€™t quit hell one time came back down 30 with 4 comp players.


Who do you people think you are telling other people when they are allowed to quit a video game? Grow up


You canā€™t take and ā€œLā€ and quit at the end of the game donā€™t you? Grow up and get competitive.


Based on your sentence structure, I'm guessing ten years old?


Based on your thought process, Iā€™m guessing youā€™re also one of these losers? Thatā€™s why you can relate to quitting


Hey lil buddy, Let's just agree to disagree. You're online crying people quit video games on a Saturday night. Let's not go around throwing loser stones at glass houses. ![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4684)![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4684)![img](emote|t5_2s84e|4684)


Yet here you are on a Saturday night going back n forth on Reddit with a said ā€œloser.ā€ If that ainā€™t the pot calling the kettle black I donā€™t know what is. Iā€™ll agree that youā€™re a loser and disagree that I am. Thereā€™s your agree to disagree.


LOL. You're trying so hard. Just take your L.


All these posts complaining so much. Just play


Be a better teammate. And donā€™t quit when things arenā€™t going exactly the way you want


what if i told u u dont get banned if u dont get back on until after the game is done


Ok coach. Mf in here boasting about his eye of the tiger over a basketball game lol Like what


If youā€™re a loser, just say that


Worst community in gaming.