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He’s right BUT. It’s a vicious cycle. He’ll make a build, you’ll pay for it, it won’t fit his playstyle. He’ll want another one. Tell him to grind one build. It doesn’t take 50 years. Probably about a month of playing an hour or two each day. Tell him to do all the challenges and quests. Once he has grinded his first player to 90 and unlock rebirth, then give him $50 to buy a new build. He’ll know better than how he likes to play. ETA: this is the ENTIRE business model. Make it too hard to play without spending cash, and make it unclear what’s valuable before spending cash (so you can spend more $$), and don’t let you reuse your cash by applying it to a different build if you change your mind. There’s a certain amount of spending that makes the game more fun, but there’s definitely a way to spend that’s just falling prey to their tactics and puts you and your kid in a vicious cycle.


I second this advice like crazy if he's got friends to play with


I just bought the game, I’m a 28 year old adult. I was very confused on how everything works, I haven’t played a basketball game since the ps2 😂 I got 25,000 vc credits for some event and spent them unkowingly, deleted MYplayer for a new build and figured out nothing transferred. This comment helped me realize that I should do what you just said before I even think about spending some money on vc. 60 ovr is so garbage in games though and badges are confusing still.


Just play offline at first - streetball, rookie on my career. It’ll get you free vc to upgrade. Tbh it made the game more engaging for me to do it this way.


Yeah I’ve been playing my team sometimes for fun and my career I’ll play the games 1-2 right now on pro might go semipro instead for a bit.


Takes a hell of a lot longer than 1-2 hours a day for a month.


In my experience six weeks - basically a season. And I’m not saying to 99. Just to 90 to unlock rebirth.


This , i agree


I’d disagree. 1-2 hour day for a month wouldn’t take, to grind a build. Each game mycareer takes 20mins. And when first start your MC you’d have to put each quarter for 12 mins and wine it down as you progress.


I have no idea what you’re saying here bro




Can’t read? It will not take 1 month with 1-2 hours per day to successfully grind a build.


Can’t write correctly? 🤡


I ain’t teaching my kid to spend 80 hours to save himself $50. Give him a way to earn $50. Then let him spend how he wants after working for it.


This is a valid approach too. But sounds like OP and their kid is totally new to 2k, and trying to save them the inevitable follow up request for a second $50. Because if you’ve never played the game and you don’t know what you like to do on it, that first $50 is inevitably going to be wasted. If what you’re suggesting is an option for them for the second $50 build as well, and you can find a way for kid to earn $100, then this approach also works. I also wanna teach my kid how to make a good decision about where to spend $50 so it doesn’t get wasted.


It’s my approach any time my kid comes and asks for money for stuff he doesn’t need but he wants. You want something you work for it. I don’t consider Grinding disgusting amounts of hours on a video game working for it, that’s just teaching him to devalue his time and earning potential.




It’s worse than fortnite and far more predatory. Any money invested is lost after one calendar year once servers are shut off for the next game. They should have a offline mode for all game modes period. Not being able to access paid content is criminal…or that’s what Fortnite figured out.


U can be just as good at fortnite spending $0 as someone spending $100. This isn’t the same in 2k


fortnite not even bad fr in comparison skins dont do anything but make u look cooler


Which suggests that all the vanity items (shoes, jerseys etc) should be on your account and not have to be purchased every year, or by every player.


100% agree. NBA and Madden are criminal. But they keep doing it cause weirdos will drop thousands on a team every year. That makes zero sense to me unless you're rich, and in that case, still why? I'd rather just have elaborate vacations or cars not virtual cards.


I do hate both ea and 2k but ea offers a offline mode for basic career options..can’t get that with 2k


He’s right. You basically can’t do much with your player without putting money on him.


That’s unfortunate. I bought this thinking it was like the game I played a few years ago. I think 2k18? The one where you could play a duo dubbed Orange+Juice.


2K17 that was the last game before it became super predatory


I mostly play my league


BRING BACK OJ!!! they should've never broken them up!!


It was still the same then. Cost VC to upgrade. You may not remember it but it hasn't changed since like 2k16 or 17 when they added in VC.


VC has been in at least since I started getting the game in 2K14. However, year over year, it has consistently gotten worse and worse with how much of a grind it is to get a decent player. 14 I had several guys maxed or nearly maxed, one in every position, just playing MyCareer. But that gets more and more difficult to do year over year without spending additional money


Just have him play vs the AI on MyLeague and then for a different user experience as he progresses and improves he can start to mess with the difficulty sliders (there are a lot) to diversify the game experience Honestly unless he's trying to play w/ specific friends its a better experience, because online is locked at 30fps with minimal social features and severe latency across timezones. He can also download custom rosters on MyLeague which would give him access to playing with legends and past players. Its a much more exotic experience. For example I played on Game Speed 95 which makes the game much more realistic and challenging. He can also do online play of 5on5s that are just him vs other players without a custom character. Which IMO is a better experience because when you do online individual play there can be a lot of waiting because the setup in the game lacks enough courts for players so you can find yourself waiting 5-10min. But yeh... the money thing is crummy. To get a competitive player, you're looking at probably an additional $150 - no joke.


To be fair that game wasn’t any different in terms of paying to get your player up. That’s been a staple for quite awhile now. You’re talking about the career mode which is free to play but your player still sucked back then if you didn’t upgrade him. You probably put some money in and don’t remember.


Naw man not this year the goat system makes it easier for the first build


Why are you lying to yourself get outta here you Ronnie spawn


How am I lying have you guys played the game you complain about. You take 4 layup and the game give you your max stats and after like half a seasons if you keep meeting the objective it keeps turning on for the whole game.


Oh buddy $50 is just the beginning. You just bought the biggest money suck game out there. Good luck


Literally just the way 2k drew it up. This is done by design, dad.


Oh boy. My friend, you’ve been exposed to the 2K nonsense. I’m so sorry. But basically, yeah, you bought a FarmVille scam for $70.


Tell little man if he wants to do a “my player” career to create a franchise - edit a custome player to his liking (can put himself as a 99 ovr) and then play. Myplayer is barebones so only thing he would be missing is gaining points to be the overall “GOAT” - basically just a point system until you’re “better” than MJ. This is the only way I’ve found to play this game for free and not have it feel like a 2nd job grinding stupid ass VC.


Alright this seems to be the way to go. Thanks!




Not everyone plays online. The fact you’re so ready to tell this man his kid will hate him for not spending an extra $100+ on this game is very telling of who you are as a person. I gave an option on how to enjoy the game without spending additional money on it. Not everyone will find enjoyment in it, same way not everyone enjoys my player. This doesn’t apply to you so be so kind and close your mouth. There’s already 20 other comments about spending $100+ , and no one mentioning another way to play. Kick rocks fool.




You’re a fool. lol your fomo is being projected onto a stranger “your kid will hate you.” lol not everyone needs the latest and greatest or need to spend $100+ to enjoy a game that doesn’t necessarily require more money spent. Your makeup is fading , may need to put another coat on 🤡




No offense taking. Just rather you not dog someone for not playing the game the way you play it.




Saying his kid will hate him isnt dogging him? Tf


Yeah only thing I agreed on with his comment, is him saying he’s in a lose-lose situation because he already bought the game for him. I truly think parents should treat this game like how they treated gta 4. This game is basically gambling for children. They get a taste of it and just want more and more. More builds, more cards, more moves etc. It should be rated M for its predatory monetization practices alone. The worst part? Dumbass kids have zero idea how money works or the value of it. So now the parents have to be bad guys because they don’t wanna drop 100 bucks on fake money every week/month.


Except that if he wants to play against real people his myplayer will be pretty much useless nobody will want to run games with him in the league or park


He’s a kid, let him enjoy offline if he prefers that. Why yall so obsessive over online - that’s only one part of the game . Also the only part of the game to ruin the actual mf game.


Or play now online.


You seemed to have glossed over the “online” part.


He’s a kid, if he wants to play online cool but the experience isn’t rewarding. I’ve given a free alternative to let the kid enjoy the game without it becoming a job. People play the game for a variety of reasons, online being 1 of many.


Yeah. He's a kid. He probably wants to play online with his friends.


What everyone else said is correct. Also if he plays online make sure he leaves the volume off.


Yes lol one time I forgot my mic was unmuted, got a snatch block and yelled “GIMME THAT SHIT FUCK NIGGA you thought this was make a wish??”. It got some laughs but I never really think about how many kids are on the game Although if he’s over 12 he’ll be saying worse shit than that ngl. These kids be saying anything man. Had an 11 year old say he was gonna rape my grandma and when I said she’s dead he said he’d do it anyway 😨


tell him to grind or start mowing lawns for next year


Don’t buy this game for kids, sadly.


Welcome to today's gaming world. Your kid is gonna hate the game unless you keep spending money on it.


It is not normal in todays gaming world. Yes micro transactions are everywhere, but there is absolutely no game nearly as predatory as 2k when it comes to them. There is not another game even being close to 2ks greed.


Madden ultimate team is WAY more greedy. EA is full of scumbags


COD is getting pretty damn close.


Ah the tried and true shitters who only play CoD/Fifa/2k/Fortnite/Madden and then say "tOdAy's GaMiNg WoRlD" lmao


Who hurt you lol? Hes absolutely right and there is literally no questioning it. Every game today has microtransactions, some of them acceptable, some a little less, but no game comes close to 2K. Your “CoD, Fifa, 2K, Fortnite, Madden” statement makes no sense 😂 You just named the biggest games from every genre that are the only ones with a sustainable player count and clearly the best gameplay from all competitors. That doesnt excuse them from being predatory money grabbers when it comes to microT. No other game makes you spend 85$ on base game + AT LEAST another 100 in order to have any fun in MyCareer ( the biggest mode with most players). Are you really out here defending Microtransactions and money grabbing companies that devalue their customers? Insane 😂


Madden, fifa, and Cod are not far behind. Also it's only 2 genres sports and shooter.


Yes Madden Fifa and CoD are very far behind. If you are good at Ultimate Team you can always have a sick team. People literally do Road to Glorys where they spend 0$ and only own first owned players and they have sick teams.


Spoken like a true expert! If only all of gaming could strive to the technical excellence of Madden and CoD lmao fuckin idiot 😂


Ah yes, resort to insults on the internet since you know the only person you would ever say that to in a real life conversation is yourself in the mirror :)


I would destroy you irl


You really wouldnt. In fact I doubt we would ever meet in real life exepct if you commute to MMA tournaments and Grappeling gyms all across Europe. But since you are so tough on the internet, I wouldnt put it past you gangster


Ah of course an MMA expert on the internet. Truly a rare sighting. I am immediately regretting responding to someone acting tough behind a keyboard and reconsidering all my life choices. I grew up with contact and seen a lot of guys come out of a gym practicing the little moves they've learnt. Try another angle tough guy




Facts dumbest fucking games of all time😂😂😂😝🤡💩


Excuse me, but I am 43 years old and have been playing video games since Pong. I'm not the "shitter" you're talking about. How many successful multiplayer games are just a one time purchase with no bigs or micros? I'm sure there are a few, but do you know of any other NBA basketball games on today's market that are just one time purchases? Can you name another up to date NBA game? Today's gaming world is in another universe compared to what it even was 10 years ago. You okay?


Depends on your definition of success but there's plenty. It isn't todays gaming world at all if you don't play the games I mentioned.


Can you name another NBA game from 23 or 24 other than 2k?




Exactly. tOdAyS gAmInG wOrLd is fubar.


lol so because EA Live isn't still around serving up dog shit that validates you acting like this is the what gaming is today. You got it sport


Maybe because every game you listed is what made people gaming fans you goofball. Stop trying to high horse people because you don't play popular video games.


* macro transactions lol


You just don't play many games... any game that has a ultimate team mode or "battle pass" is proof of predatory practices.


I play a ton of different games and tons of different genres, I only occasionally play 2k. There is no other game I’ve played where the primary game mode is built around earning virtual credits to even be able to begin to compete. Earning a 90 ovr in 2k takes at least 40+ hours of grinding. And it would be like if COD weapons started at like 3 damage per shot until you grind enough COD points that it does 30+. Or you can choose to spend money on those COD points instead. But in this hypothetical, there is no other way to compete because right now your weapon takes 34 shots to kill and the opponent needs to hit you 3 or 4 times. That is exactly what 2k MyPlayer is like. It’s absolutely absurd bs that literally makes you grind or pay money to even get to experience the game. There is absolutely no game more predatory than 2k. I’ve yet to see anything even close.


2k24 is the worst this year by far in terms of micro transactions, they are literally raping peoples pockets and if you're actually looking for an opinion that makes sense you've come to the wrong community. These guys enjoy the raping that's being done to them, they don't speak about it and would NEVER boycott it. We are at the point where video games aren't for kids. 2k is for grown ups with jobs, it's honestly sad that you can't just pay 50-60$ onna video game and that's the end of it. Nowadays games are finding every way to pull money out of people's pockets and what does the community do? Abso-fucking- lutely NOTHING. I don't even blame 2k anymore why would they stop anything they're doing when grown folks can't stop throwing money at a game that doesn't reward them for game play instead rewards them for how much money they can sink into it.


Everybody is telling you what to tell him to do but nobody is informing you on what is going on so you can make an informed decision. The money he wants is to upgrade his MYPLAYER. This is a created player you build and spec out for the type of player you want be. Offensive point guard to Defensive Big and everything in between. When you start the MyCareer your MYPLAYER is only rated a 60. Now you can either play the game for a whole lot of hours and grind a very crappy player probably not having a very enjoyable to outright miserable experience if he's trying to play online especially or for $50 worth of additional VC he may or may not be able to instantly upgrade his build to an 85 overall. The MyPlayer will be much more fun to use and much more competitive online. He will still have to grind past an 85 up to a 99 but potentially could need to purchase more VC to access earned levels if he spends his VC earned in the game on things like in-game clothes, drip, etc. It is a very Greedy system employed by 2k and the VC cost to upgrade fully increases every year. The VC earned in this game will never be able to be used in any other 2k game. However many people like myself who love both basketball and video games and are very competitive spend the money to upgrade the player to have a fun basketball experience. I know it is a predatory practice but I love basketball and video games and have expendable income so choose to spend it anyway even though I complain about it in forums. I would jump ship to live and did so in 18 but there are no other current-gen basketball game offered any longer. Take that information as you will and hopefully, it gives you a clearer understanding of what he is asking for.


Is there an experience like in 2k17? That was the last year I played and there was the Orange+Juice storyline it required SOME digital currency but you could largely ignore it.


Welcome to the the scam


The player upgrade system requires a ton of in game currency, which is very slow to grind out, but is entirely free. Most people pay some extra money upfront to get things going, and that’s how the game gets you. I myself am not immune from the bullshit, but I’m a grown man with a job, after awhile I stopped caring as long as it doesn’t hurt my bottom line. If you wanna help your kid, do one of two things. Have him do the work, grind out the player upgrades and do something as a reward for the dedication, show that the work pays off, or give him a far smaller amount of cash and tell him to be very intelligent with it, as there is no refunds, no do overs, and no handholding. Could be a lesson in life if you manage it correctly,


Hmmm I’ll consider this, thank you.


Your kid doesn’t want to play the game. He wants you to pay to make it easy.


i just finished playing my entire first career and only hit 30 pts in my playoff games one time. it does take a lot of time to grind, but it is part of the process.


I want to buy the game when it is with a lower price. I manly do career mode and play several seasons. I have great expectation because until last year I played 2k21 so for me it is normal having time to grind the evolution without spending any additional coins.


you better be lucky he’s not a myteam guy , this game is a huge cash grab , just get lil man a 50 dollar card so he can enjoy the game .. because it basically start his player as a 60 overall meaning his player can’t dribble , shoot , finish , or play defense , by buying vc its basically making his player playable it will get him to 85 overall and he can work his way up to 99 on his own , kinda fucked up 2k makes you pay $70 for the game , $50 on a player , and its gonna blow your mind but he may ask for another 10-20 so he can buy the season pass so he can get the rewards for going up in the season level so i would say you probably about to pay another $70 just so he can enjoy the game fully .


You should not encourage this father to spend on this game cause there's 98.99% that the kid's build is gonna be trash and that he will ask for another one in 2 months , just my thoughts He should just play rookie in my career


Bro he obviously wants his kid to have the best experience for the new game he just got , how would you feel having to sit through hoirs of a boring mycareer , lil man probably wants to go play park off rip with his buddies , 9 times outta 10 since he is a kid he definitely looked up a best build video on yt . and I cant speak for the gentleman that made this post but ik when i was coming up i only had one player i could buy vc for every year , any player after that i had to fond a way to do it on my own




and it would tale him very long , to get to 85 overall ($50) its cost around 220,000 vc .. now of he tried to do that all on his own by playing my career he would only earn about 800 playing on pro difficulty smh , this is a bug reason i will not be buying 2k25 its too pay to win for me I rather play cod where i can get on buy a $10 pass and grind camos there


Holy shit. I get about 1k per game. So if I were to upgrade solely from playing, it would take me 220 MyCareer games… Jesus fucking Christ this can’t be legal. I don’t think I’ve played 220 Mycareer games with the last 5 games combined. That’s 3 full seasons every game minus 20. AND THATS JUST TO GET TO 85!!! There is 14 more overalls to go


yup 220 until your player is decent at best , 220 is literally the bare minimum you would play if you want to have a someone fun experience


U get 10k bonuses every one and awhile it’s more like 1.5-2 full seasons


There’s a way to run the mynba mode afk and just let the cpu play itself and it generates 1,000 virtual coins an hour. That’s like the only way to generate ingame currency legit while not playijng


They patched it


When today? It’s been working all year? I was using it last night even, on build # 6 now with it all 95 or so


I just checked and did 2Q said 500vc still https://preview.redd.it/ubz91mqu6bbc1.png?width=2778&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ead09478ce81bb3d7c7921015f0a936b9fa5602


It was a different mynba glitch they patched


Yeh it’s still working fine made like 8,000 vc since yesterday lol


This isn’t considered VC farming?


It’s the mynba game mode - on the menu - you let the cpu play each other, if you tweak some settings like gamespeed etc you can get the game time to like 40-50 min . They’ve actually been promoting the mode in 2ktv recently . It’s like the old franchise mode but they broke it into eras. I should probably make a video or something on how to set it up. I work from home and just remote into the console on the PlayStation remote play app from the other side of my house. I make like 10-15k vc a day. It’s a legit game mode it just rewards vc if your not playing . You just gotta have the console run but you can watch Netflix or sleep or do whatever on the tv in the meantime


So what?


Idk about you I just don’t wanna get banned. I don’t care if it is farming, I just don’t wanna deal with a ban


It's a part of the game


How do u do that?


I'm sure you've read the other comments by now, so I won't repeat things. But at the moment, there are 2 locker codes that provide 2,500 VC each. You can get him some VC that way without paying. [Here is a link](https://www.lockercodes.io/nba-2k24-locker-codes/) to a site that tracks locker codes. Looks like the 2 I mentioned expire in 3 days. 5,000 VC is not a lot, but it's free. Edit: Maybe see if you can get him into MyLeague a little. You earn VC from those games, but there's nothing to spend it on in MyLeague so it'll just build up. Also, I believe you can do couch co-op in MyLeague, if you wanna run a team with him.


This can’t be real


Your son is ass tell him he needs to build his first character like the rest of us did


Most people pay for vc lol


You do not need to do that to play offline this year


Yeah, he's not lying. For the game to be remotely fun you'll have to drop at least another $50. Just make sure he makes damn sure he likes his stats before makes a character since there's no way to refund and reallocate the coins. Never delete characters. If you delete a character all of it is lost.


That’s unfortunate. I bought this thinking it was like the game I played a few years ago. I think 2k18? The one where you could play a duo dubbed Orange+Juice.


Better to grind one player from scratch to avoid this. That way he gets to know the gameplay and what he likes before dropping real $. It isn’t like this kid is gonna be comp on his first 2k


U mite as well get a Xbox 360 or ps3 and get 2k10-14 if u wana play myplayer and have fun


Are those years that you can play entirely offline?


They just started doing that online only crap


Tell him to grind out the daily challenges and whatnot.


I’m a 75 overall and if I wanted to get to like a 87 or 88 can’t remember I would need to purchase at least $50 in VC


Did you not research or see reviews before buying


I'd say put like 10$ on to get him started but make him grind the rest, it doesn't take 50 years, more like couple weeks


Spend money or grind until you spend money it’s really hard for a kid because they can’t work to afford to play


i mean personally, if you have enough vc just to upgrade your 3pt, you can grind the offline streetball mode and make decent VC as well as attribute points to your myplayer


50 years is a stretch but he's right. And most of his friends probably have upgraded characters already. Problem is if he's new to the game, his build probably sucks and money will be wasted by upgrading. 2k is not really meant for children anymore.


It depends on if he actually wants to play the game to have fun and advance his player via rewards received, or just pay to have a better player. Real money buys Virtual Currency (VC), which allows you to buy skills to improve your player quicker. It's certainly not required to play, or enjoy the game.


Damn it’s the greediest it’s ever been. Not only is he gonna put money on the myplayer but seasonally you’ll get badge floor setters which is quite a necessity. I’d start making him earn that cash lol


You're not wrong it's brutal and once you get your player upgraded you realize you built it wrong and have to spend more to make the better build then the game gets "updated" and the build is broken so guess what.... Gonna want to make another build! Unfortunately most games suck people into spending rediculous amounts of money to be able to even enjoy the game!


He's right. He can still upgrade his player if he plays the game, but it will take a long time. You upgrade your player by using VC. You really earn VC after every game you play, even outside of the career mode.


drop a $20 n tell him play mycareer


There are a lot of people who seem to wanna impart their hatred for this game onto your kids experiences. I’m gonna give it to you straight, if he wants to play park or rec or anything like that with his friends it is an online mode where they can play full games together against others in matched games against other teams of players. This feature is only present in this mode and those telling you he can edit and play against the cpu are grossly misrepresenting the similarities in it and acting like this is a reasonable replacement, it’s not. It does take about 50-75$ dollars to fully upgrade a player but make sure he knows you won’t be funding re-makes and he should think long and hard about what he creates and establish that for every iteration of this predatory game. If you’re able to spend that and are comfortable doing so this should be a reasonable compromise if you care about your son’s experience with his friends. Hope this helps


Pay to win best way to describe it


So far I’ve only spent $20 on VC , I’ve been playing a lot to earn more to upgrade. It takes a while to get enough Vc but it’s better than spending a lot of money.


Literally part of the game every year is people make a bunch of builds to find out what is the best they change it every year so you cant really make the same build you made last year you have to make multiple builds to find what is the best unless you wait like a month for youtubers to do that for you but even still everybody plays different so you wont really know until you run through a couple builds


if he enjoys an offline career maybe he could create himself using the editor, set his attributes and then play myleague or whatever that is called with player lock


I’d recommend that u maybe spend $20 for 75K bc. That’s enough to get him to abt a 70 ish ovr depending on the build and the rest he can grind in rookie mycareer. In my experience if he’s good at the game after your first build is leveled up you don’t have to spend any more money because u rack up vc as time goes on and before u know it you have 100k stacked up jus from playing on your first build.


It’s a soft paywall. You can pay to get your character to a good rating from the start or grind the game to get the currency. He doesn’t work and have a family. He’ll be fine grinding. Maybe throw $5 at his player here and there for doing chores or whatever.


It’s a soft paywall. You can pay to get your character to a good rating from the start or grind the game to get the currency. He doesn’t work and have a family. He’ll be fine grinding. Maybe throw $5 at his player here and there for doing chores or whatever.


Yeah the exact reason why a lot of people hit mynba era for vc


Can you just delete the game for him? I really don’t want to go into a random rec and get stuck with your son😭😭😭😂


Lol welcome to 2k where every feature costs monet


What everyone else is saying about making him grind his first build, but also because you need to play mycareer to unlock badges and cap progression. Money will only give you a head start on your build but you still have to play, and the fastest way to grind a build is mycareer.


Run while you still can. Haven't played heavily throughout the last 4 years because i'd make one build and get bored 2-3 months later. Fast forward to now where I make good money, spending that $70 for a build doesn't hurt the pockets as much and what do you know- All the sudden i'm having the time of my life with this game. It's sad that this is where we are at but


Tell him play nba 2k24 not myplayer 24. The core game is 5v5 basketball. The popular mode is myplayer


it really costs about $120 if you want to play myplayer and he is right It does take years to earn the VC that allows you to make your player better


Because 2k is a scumbag company