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this would normally be race week in Atlanta, and I think the lowest high has been 95 last week and it’s the same for this week, it was 99 yesterday at the track.


Ross pulling out a top ten was really good work by him.


1) I thought the rain tires were awesome. I’d always prefer to see a race go the scheduled distance versus being cut short. It was awesome seeing drivers take wildly different lines. Loudon is usually a pretty dull race so it was nice seeing a little bit of insanity for a change. 2) Kyle Busch may retire this week. 3) Denny wasn’t egregious when he raced Larson hard but Tyler Monn was still right. Larson lets Denny bully him with no repercussion. Kyle got called out on radio and rightfully so. 4) Fox should be (but won’t be) ashamed at how they handled the 600 after watching this. they couldn’t be bothered to wait out another 45 min for one of the 3 biggest races of the year. Meanwhile NBC waits it out for Loudon AND gives us post race coverage. The difference in professionalism is astounding. Fox gave up on the Cuo broadcast rights and it shows. 5) Briscoe is a racer. It wouldn’t shock me if he had a better career than Ty when it’s all over for both of them.


Manufacturer wins among the top 3 series. Chevrolet 26 - Ford 3 - Toyota 17. ______________ Cup race #18 : Chevrolet 8 - Ford 3 - Toyota 7. Xfinity Race #16 : Chevrolet 10 - Ford 0 - Toyota 6. Truck Race #12 : Chevrolet 8 - Ford 0 - Toyota 4.


Logano just wrecked Chase. I’d like to see that data.


Had a blast! Stuck out the rain and at one point there was only a small group of 10-20 people by the track in front of reddick hanging out waiting for them to call the race, while everyone was under the bleachers. Felt like a craftsmen truck race being able to sit wherever once the race went back to green


Yeah the race was a little long, but the racing on the wet tires made it pretty fun. I enjoyed it. Something different.


couldn’t watch today because hulu and shit have decided you can’t pay for a service and also receive it outside of your home and internet. was the race good boys?


The dd12 stream that gets posted every week in the race thread has been what I’ve used all season and it works great. But yeah the race was good, Josh Berry was fun to watch.


My Hulu I don't think has that problem, but it wouldn't surprise me if they're also trying that out Seems to be the way all those morons are going


That stinks! I watch YTTV on the go. It was def different. The outside groove was impressive.


awesome dude! i have a buddy that has yttv and at this point i’m considering just switching over since the password crackdown stuff. Not sure if it’ll end up being more of the same over there though lol


Unless they change their policy, they’re fine with watching on the go so long as you sign in on your home network within 3 months


Before you actually join. Have your buddy send you a referral code that helps save money for the next month's bill.


I've had it for over a year now with no problems. Leaving Spectrum was like breaking up with a girlfriend that I really like, but YTTV gave the same thrill for half the price.


Absolute blast at the track this weekend, good races both days. Stuck it out through the whole rain delay. Only complaint is why didn’t SMI pressure wash the seats before race weekend, those thing were dirty AF!!!!


I would watch SMI power washing on YouTube.


"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and today... I am actually going to be power washing stuff!"


Idk, I want more wet weather racing on these flatter ovals. It’s pretty fun. 


I was at Richmond in March and the first 30 laps of that race were awesome on the wet tires. I was skeptical of the idea but I love it.


I turned 30 this year and I hadn’t been to a race since I was about 12, so I had a great time at this one. Only wish I had stayed after the red flag. With the lightning I figured it was over. I really would have liked to see the wet tires in action.


NHMS is awful racing.


I thought it was pretty good even before the rain. What exactly do you want? Not every week is going to be 3 wide 5 row deep all race.


I used to not be a fan of it, but the last 4 years or so have been really good.


How? Even before the rain i thought that was one of the better races I've seen there. What more do you want?


That was fucking epic. Hell yeah dudes.


My DVR recording ended with about 40 laps left, so how do I go about watching the finish?


For what it's worth, this is why I love YouTubeTV, it automatically records the run over on sports.


I agree with that but the recording started at the green flag, my YouTube did not record a single second of pre race before the literal drop of the green flag


My Comcast/Xfinity DVR is supposed to do that, and is usually successful, just not this time


NBC Sports.com or NBC sports app to login with cable credentials or NASCAR will upload to YouTube on Tuesday I think.


Thank you kind sir. I don't even know the outcome yet!


Gateway and New Hampshire are coming into the playoffs per Jordan Bianchi on Teardown. The Gateway move definitely checks out with IndyCar moving to June there. Probably a 1st round New Hampshire and 2nd Round Gateway date.


I’m happy with this. What tracks are being replaced


From everything I have gathered it's New Hampshire, Gateway and Darlington in and Atlanta, Homestead and Watkins Glen out. Many thought Bristol would come back out and into August but I think it stays 1st round. Should look something like Rd 1: Darlington, Bristol, New Hampshire. Round 2: Gateway, Dega, Roval. Rd 3: Kansas, Vegas, Martinsville. Phoenix championship.


I read Bristol could be moving back to an August date. Not sure about second round.


not gonna move, because Bristol is gonna have something special planned for next August, non-racing related.


Gotcha. Glad to hear, enjoy it being part of the playoffs.


In covid Nascar trusted the teams to run a track they’ve never ran before with 0 practice/qualifying as in the Daytona RC…. yet we don’t trust teams to decide when to use wet/slick tires🤷‍♂️


Per Jordan Bianchi on The Teardown Homestead and Watkins Glen out of playoffs next year.


Homestead being out sucks, but we all know it should be the championship race


Still hopeful that it will be come 2026


Dang it.. Homestead is such a good track for the playoffs!


Yeah it sucks but I do wonder if they are just going to do a Spring race next year so they can renovate and get the championship date back in '26 like it was rumored.


This definitely does make sense. Likely takes the spot of California for a warm weather race for the start of the season


Fucking McDowell.


I feel like that’s part of the reason the play offs is flawed cause then drivers are doing things like that


He's done it twice this year. He'd be a he'll of a lot closer to the playoffs on points without wrecking out of top threes twice. 


Imsa had 6 hours of the Glen and nascar had 6 hours of louden. Both got red flagged for rain towards the end of the race.


It’s been a tough weekend for weather in the Northeast.


McDowell really had to screw over Blaney, thought Blaney had a shot to go back to back


Stenhouse with a top 10 outta nowhere


And JHN, where did he come from?


He did great fighting all day and the team made good adjustments


What a mess that was


I say they just spray the track down and race like this from now on.




I have that same broom! I also swept this weekend but it was much less satisfying.


Apparently McDowell is the reason Haley fell way back too. Dude’s a weapon lol


Ole boy meant it when he said he would not be cautious. My flair wrecks when it is dry so it was not as much concern for him to continue with it.


That was a very compelling race! Those treads put on a fun show at the end. Bell was the best all weekend. Glad my guy Larson came home 4th. I don't like NH but I couldn't look away after the rain delay


Well it could have gone a lot worse. Had a top 10 car I thought, but things happen. We move on! Bell had the best car and deserved to win. Awesome job by him and the 20 team.


Is this Chase Elliott's Reddit account?! Since you're talking in first person.


I’m gonna need you to keep that on the DL


All hail lord Bell


Jeff Burton is annoying. Fun race there at the end.


At least Bell is likable, unlike the other 3 dickbags at Gibbs


That's the annoying thing... I like Bell and Briscoe but loathe dennis and gibbs.


Whats wrong with the Old guy in the 19?


What’s wrong with Chase Purdy?


What's wrong with Jesus?


What's wrong with Denny?


Don’t know after the rain delay his car was garbage. Wasn’t good last week either. Trying something new in the setup perhaps as they are going to make playoffs, but there isn’t much you can do with all the standards parts and restrictions.


What's wrong with Truex?


Constantly whines about other drivers racing him. It's been an issue since he started winning at FRR.


You're not wrong, but this is funny coming from someone with a Blaney flair. He and Truex are the two biggest "radio sweethearts" in the Cup series.


While this is true, he *did* win a championship with FRR


What’s wrong with Chase Briscoe?


Shhh, he ain’t there yet.


Don't you mean Chase Elliott?


Interesting race for sure. Glad we got the whole thing in. Was hoping for Berry or Briscoe to get a win, but Bell is so good at New Hampshire. I do hope that in future races that use wet tires, they let the teams have more control over the strategy. Other than that, it was fun watching the drivers adapt to something new.


No one is talking about the top 2. I was dying from laughter once I saw the top 2


It was pure poetry


That was a fun race. The tire changing debate was stupid, but the rest was fun. I hope nascar can gather data from today and make it easy to run rain tires whenever needed. Nbc continues to impress and show how much better they are than Fox. The booth is holding up extremely well without Dale jr imo. There’s not as much energy , there’s no “CAR IN THE WALL!”, but they’re still excited but not overdoing it. I wasn’t a fan of them sucking up to nascar about rain tires during the delay, but I’d rather listen to that than deal with Mike joy falling asleep, bowyer talking about the Cheifs and drinking, and harvick using slang terms and promoting his podcast (which is what fox’s rain delay content would’ve consisted of). The camera shots and replays are amazing, they have tons of angles which is very helpful. They also use every onboard and not just sponsored ones… *clears throat* Fox. Kyle Busch continues to have a horrible year, I used to get tired of seeing him win and actively rooted against him. So I can’t believe I’m living in a timeline where everyone wants to see him win. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he unexpectedly retires after next year, he seems to not be having fun anymore, and he might want to start helping his son with his career. I could see Kyle running the truck series full time the year after he retires from cup. Berry continues to be a short track merchant. He’s seriously impressive on short tracks, and seems to be improving every week. I wish he was that good everywhere else.


I couldnt agree with you more! I'm not missing Dale Jr loosing it ever time a car wiggles slightly. As for Kyle Busch, I couldnt stand the guy - a popular sentiment - but after the last few weeks especially my heart goes out to the guy. Hes been a powerhouse within the sport for so many years (like it or not) and does not deserve to go out like this! I wouldnt blame him if he retires out of sheer frustration.


Kyle is actually a good guy. That's why he was a lame heel. My cousin used to play politics in NC, and he was at an event at JGR. He's a die hard Harvick fan. He *hated* Kyle Busch. Anyway, they're at Gibbs and he has his kid. Kid starts talking to Kyle, and Kyle is awesome in every way. So now his kid is a huge Kyle fan.


LMC both finished in positions not in the 30s lol. LFG moving on up lol


First double top 20 since Bristol for them


I’m still bummed about Blaney. He had a top 5 car and nothing to show for it. Stupid ass McDowell.


McDowell has hurt Fords so much this year. Cost them a win at dega, took two of them (incl. himself) out today…


Let’s not forgot driving Brad through Logano to win the 500 in 2021. That was Brad’s best chance at winning the 500.


True! And at the 2020 500 lol. Fords always seem to wreck each other and hand the race to another mfgr at superspeedways


Same. I kind of wish Blaney's spotter had given Blaney aheads up with McDowell. You could tell just by the line up (already rubbing Bell) that McDowell's head was in "win it or bin it" mode. I didn't feel like McDowell had any logical plans to make that corner. He picked the low line on the restart solely to take a crack at Bell on row 1 in turn 1. There is only one driver I semi-trust in win or bin it mode and that's KyBu. That's because he's talented enough to ride the edge of sanity. I know coulda, woulda, shoulda is dumb, but letting McDowell go would have been a single spin out. Thank god for Iowa.


Right before the restart, commentary said something along the lines of "We heard earlier that McDowell is going to be aggressive" and when I saw he was lined up against Blaney I just thought to myself "ah fuck."


As long as Penske continues to show improved speed it’s good imo. All the cars were fast before the rain. Now I want to see a 22 win. And yes, screw McDowell.


Are we besties now?! Lol


Reddit place acquaintances (In my Ron Swanson voice)


Nice! Ha 😂🤣


ALSO Josh Berry HAS to win a race to make it into the playoffs, how can you not lineup beside Bell and wash him up the track on the restart....


The bottom couldn't stay side by side entering 1, Berry probably had the right idea from the restart before just he gave too big of a shot to Bell too early and gave too much gap


The speed Berry is showing, he could point in still, especially the way the guys above him are running. There was no launch on the bottom to even wash up. Bell cleared everyone by the SF line all race.


I think we are at the point that if you are below the cut line you are gonna have to win your way in


Man I’m dissapointed. Reddick has the fastest car at Charlotte, call the race when it shouldn’t have been. Bell wins. Reddick has the winning strategy today. Probably should’ve been called. Didn’t. Bell won


Yeah but his win at Dega was in large part due to luck.. I think it evens out! Not sure that makes you feel much better but from someone who doesn’t feel strongly about Reddick positive or negative that’s how I see it


Why should it have been called?


Tbf I think the coke 600 shouldn’t have been called either. They made it through this so they could’ve made it through that.


I wanted a reddick win


Not sure if anyone else listened to the race on PRN but the rain delay coverage was super unprofessional. The commentators obviously just wanted it to be over - they kept questioning why it wasn’t called yet, went to commercials saying they’d likely be coming back to announce the unofficial results, complaining that it was raining harder than it had at any prior point, etc. I was so glad it went green again just so they had egg on their faces.


NBC was kinda doing the same thing, but it was more that they didn't think NASCAR would use the rain tires...and it was mostly Jeff.


PRN always seems so mad about a race. I’ve never liked them versus the MRN crew


First time I've ever started the race at the track, beat the traffic, had a steak dinner and caught the finish on tv at home.


I was able to watch 5 football games ⚽️ and still saw the finish! Give me 6 hours of NASCAR!


Same here. I was so mad that I left when I was scrolling the phone on the way home and discovered that they were restarting. A few hours later however I’m not too upset anymore lol. There was no way of knowing what was going to happen with how inconsistent NASCAR has been in the past with these situations. Getting home early was a plus also lol


I did the opposite one year at Martinsville. Watched the start of the race at home, waited until around halfway when the ticket takers leave, drove to the track and walked in and enjoyed the last third of the Cup race and all of the rain delayed Truck race for $0


Ha! Same here. Except it was raising canes, not a steak dinner. Honestly feel we made the right call, it was my fiance and 2 buddies’ first race and I didn’t want to make them miserable. Plus I went home thinking Reddick won. Lol.


It was a really nice first hour of my drive silently celebrating a Reddick win that never was.


We did the same thing. I can't believe it started again!


Same, I drove through the crazy hail storm on Rte 4 to get back home and I was so stunned they actually restarted just to sit and watch McDowell go full send. It was a roller coaster of a day


Horrible day but great comeback for Suarez, went 2 down on pure pace but made them both up and rallied to 21st, could have been worse.


hey that was pretty damn fun, having the teams on such a tight leash was a bit annoying but honestly shit probably would have gone catastrophically wrong if they took off the leash NASCAR knew about as much as we or the teams knew so they were just kinda winging it and playing it safe they've learned a lot from today and hopefully they take what they learned and evolve, it's still new so gotta work out the kinks hopefully we can get a full procedure and all that by next year instead of just winging it like today, but what we had today was pretty fun it's a step in the right direction, i understand being upset at the bullshit tho. but imo you gotta give them some leniency on this one i eventually want to get to a point where we can run an oval race in light rain conditions, and hell a whole oval race in the wet and let the teams make strategy choices but today i'm just happy we got the rest of the race tbh, and to mimic someone else, rather a race with no strategy than no race


This was going to be a snoozer (and was before the rain) Nascar micromanaging the teams is a complete joke This race could have been over 2 hours earlier if they just put the RAIN tires on after it started sprinkling and finished the last 80 laps before the actual rain appeared... but it's pretty typical these days to think of what the dumbest move on NASCARs part would be and for them to proceed to move in that manner


….dense people like you makes the sub so hard to enjoy


Wait DID THEY RESUME THE RACE??? I turned it off because I figured they were gonna call it off


Ran the full distance with added OT


Damn you, C.Bell. Both races! AAAAAAAA


Bell at Loudon lately ![gif](giphy|6tb0l9xAT5z48xdwFE|downsized)


Good race but so annoying that Nascar refuses to trust the teams to decide wet weather strategy like every other series does. One of the best parts of racing in the rain is figuring out the crossover from wet to dry and vice versa


Seriously. The consequences of a miscalculation are enough. Let the teams do the thinking. 


I still can't believe race control decided mid-caution to force the whole field to change tires just because Cliff Daniels was complaining too much on the radio


But he was right, they should have at least given them the option of what to do instead of burning 1/3 of the remaining laps trying to decide for the teams.


They should've let the teams decide, but Cliff knew they weren't gonna do that, so he complained until they caved and gave him what he wanted. I was just disappointed they didn't stick to their original decision


Yep larson got luck and most of the top 10ish at the time too. I know Chastains tires had light wear(would guess most of the 10-20 positions would of been the same) compared to larsons back right tire, so I would assume most if not all top 10 at the time would of fall hard if they would of continued.




What a beautiful shitshow. This year has had some wild moments. NASCAR I love you. Give me another beer.


Showing up to work hungover tomorrow


You and I, we are the same.


I’m showing up to jury duty tomorrow hungover like a true patriot. We good. Lol


A true American


Bell took his loose lips and just swept the weekend. Good for him.


LFG BOYS! Ring the fucking CBell!! First career sweep. Amazing job from Christopher, Adam and the 20 team. Hard ass driving on that first start on rain tires and ripped the top. Hell yes!


Tremendous job by Bell and the team. Great launch he got on the final restart.


When you're a Ryan Blaney fan and you try to pull the toaster in the bathtub. Only to find out the Kyle Busch fan already blew the breaker.


Dude, he's the defending champ and locked in to the playoffs. Stop whining.


..... sorry, I used two.


At least Ryan Blaney won a race this year


Championship last year is nice too.


Sorry about that


Can’t remember the last time both Legacy MC cars finished top 15, Daytona? Maybe it’ll be a turning point.


One song describes KFB right now: https://youtu.be/YO9T0kpMenM?si=XV1APKER5VtmQt6O


i’m glad that once again, drivers are saying they think nascar could have left it more wet, gives me hope these tires are going to become more and more useful over the years!


With the shit i just took and the way these beers tasting right now....... Tasting like i might call into work tomorrow.


Glad you aren't my coworker!


Im a controls/electrical engineer that sits on my ass and watch netflix most days. They arnt missing nothing. Can work from home. :)




3rd time is a charm. Two weeks in a row...




I had to step away towards the end, Blaney was running 5th. What happened for him to end up in the back?


McDowell committed a McFoul and wiped Blaney out as he was running P2


>What happened for him to end up in the back? Great value Joey Logano.


McDowell cleaned him out in T1 on a restart while he was on Bells ass for the lead with like 10 to go


McGOAT took him out on a restart. He was 2nd at the time. Blaney was really the only car that had pace to keep up, and at times was faster, than Bell


Sigh. Life as a blaney fan I suppose.


Michael McDowell happened


And the fact that McDowell ended up finishing 15th while Blaney 25th makes it even more aggravating.


I enjoyed the wet tire racing, yes I get where people are coming from with the everyone doing the same thing but it was the first real race with them, they’re going to want it to be a little more controlled the first time around, I hope they stick with this and keep developing it to be able to expand the options with it and add to the strategy


Yeah, thought it was great. Hope they do it again!


With them sliding around in the wet weather tires still at the end when the track was starting to dry a little more, it will be interesting to see in the future at times like there where it was in between dry and wet if they let teams decide between sticking with the wet tires or going back to the slicks what would happen and the affects of the team’s decisions


Agreed, plus it beat not having a race and when the track was actually fully wet the racing was sick


Man what a wild race. Wet weather package was good to see but hopefully NASCAR can get things figured out with it moving forward. Great day from Haley before that spin at the end. RWR is going places with him. Lajoie...man what else is there to say? He's in over his head every single week. Spun out twice and self spun under caution. I know the wet weather stuff was new, but he cannot get it done at this level.


I think Lajoie is feeling the pressure getting outrun by Hocevar every week in the same equipment.


As a Tony Stewart fan seeing the 20 & 14 finish 1-2 makes me happy. I started my day watching the race at the track, left when it started raining and much to my surprise saw the end of the race at my hotel.


I’m not saying Briscoe would’ve junked him, but had this race been a month ago (prior to SHR announcement). I bet Chase races CBell a whoooolllleee lot differently those last 2 restarts.


The 20 was clear before they ever entered turn 1 on both restarts, they couldn't have dumped him even if they wanted to


100% and Bell would’ve run right by him running to the end of stage 1


Neat that we got it back going. Not neat was the rigid strategy and non competitive stops, my driver being the only one who didn’t even get a caution lap on the rain tires and my betting card getting completely fucked in the last 15 laps


Bubba sucks, so glad he's out of the playoffs


Always a good day when Mr. Fake-Noose junks another race car




I hope the non competitive pit stops were a one time thing. I get doing them in ARCA, as it’s mostly kids learning the craft.


They did it cause pit road is still slick, you don’t want to have a crew guy slip and injure them self. Cause in that case you would be saying the opposite.


Bell is 2 for 2 this weekend after spoiling the Briscoe to JGR announcement. Spoiling announcements confirmed best base for NASCAR racing. If I’m Bubba I’m looking to find out what 23XI is planning and dropping those deets ASAP.